The world is ever-changing

Chapter 91 Exercise

When the teenager heard Long Yuan's words, there was a trace of pride in the corners of his mouth, so he introduced himself and said, "In Qin Wenzhen, this Taoist friend is Kong Zhesong, and I don't know your name!"

"I'm going to go to Longyuan!" Long Yuan replied with a smile.

"Hmm! Long Daoyou, I heard that you used Wanrong Dan. You must have cultivated ten thousand changes, right? At this time, Qin Wenzhen couldn't wait to raise this question and looked jealous.

Long Yuan was stunned, and then shook his head with a smile and said, "Haven't there been ten thousand changes yet?"

As soon as Qin Wenzhen heard that Long Yuan had not completed these ten thousand changes, he gloated in his heart, but he still wanted to make this matter clearer, so he continued to ask, "He hasn't achieved ten thousand changes yet, is it...!" He was about to say that he was all blind.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the cry of a thin lark. This sound is familiar to people here, but Longyuan feels a little strange. This is a disciple of a messenger here, turning into a lark, wandering in the air while conveying information to everyone. Because the voice of the lark is very sharp, So what he shouted can be heard by the whole leisure garden.

"Eight Taoist friends who have newly entered a different realm, please come to the council chamber as soon as possible. The world lord will hold a registration ceremony for everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Wenzhen took a look at Long Yuan, showing a trace of contempt at the corners of his mouth, and then smiled at Kong Zhesong beside him and said, "The disciples of this perfect world said that people who have entered the realm of transformation will go to this council hall. If they have not entered the realm of transformation, they don't need to go! Brother Kong, don't you think so?

Kong Zhesong also smiled and nodded that these two were obviously for Long Yuan.

Long Yuan's face was covered with a bitter look, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly. He couldn't help thinking to himself, "Why does this person always hope that others are not good? I hope that the worse others are, the better, gloating and falling into the well."

After saying this, the two turned around and walked to the council chamber with a smile, and finally two words came into Long Yuan's ears.

"I said he couldn't do it, right? That's what I said!"

"I didn't think he could make thousands of changes! Look at him and you will know!"

Long Yuan looked at the back of these two people, shook his head and said to himself: I didn't lie. I just said that I haven't cultivated into ten thousand changes, and I didn't say that I haven't cultivated changes, but there are still ten that haven't been cultivated. How can they think so?

Because he didn't know that in the hearts of these two people, Longyuan couldn't make a change, and when Longyuan said that he had not made ten thousand changes, they used this ambiguous sentence to judge their thoughts.

Long Yuan has never been to this council chamber before. He asked a disciple to know the location of the council hall, so Long Yuan was the last to arrive here. This council hall is the main hall of the perfect world, so it looks very spacious and magnificent. Today's whole council hall looks very lively. At the middle of the main hall, there sits the Lord of the world. On top of a animal skin chair, he looks full of energy. Obviously, he is in a very good mood today, and beside him sits three elders. These three elders are in the third level of the realm of awakening. Usually, these The elder is in charge of some things under the command of the world, just like the elder Jin is in charge of the refining place.

And below are his many disciples. Today, almost all the disciples of the perfect world have come. It looks a little crowded in such a large hall. In the middle of this hall is a venue. At this time, seven people stand here. In front of the ground, it was the Taoist friends who were arrested with Long Yuan, and Long Yuan also came here at this time. Qin Wenzhen saw that Long Yuan also came, with a trace of surprise on his face, but he still said nothing in front of so many people.

Long Yuan walked to the seven people's side, and now all of them are together. When the world owner saw Long Yuan coming over, his eyes emitted some strange light, but it was fleeting and no one noticed it.

When the master of this world saw that everyone was here, he said with a smile: "Today is a good day. Our eight new Taoist friends in the perfect world have successfully entered the realm of transformation, so from today on, there are eight more members in our perfect world. Today's finalization conference is mainly divided into three steps. First, It is a registered name, the second is the exercise, and the third is settlement.

First of all! Everyone reported their names, then waved to the eight people with a smile and said, "Who will come first?"

"My name is Qin Wenzhen!" The teenager was the first to report.

"Hmm! Very good! Write it down!" The Lord said to the disciples beside him that the disciples around him had already prepared the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so now he picked up the pen and wrote it down in a booklet.

"My name is Chu Junguo, my name is Zhu Xin!" The young man and woman also reported, and the world's master's instructions were also recorded. One after another, these people reported their names, and Long Yuan also reported their names.

This step is relatively simple. Just say your name. Soon, the names of the eight people were registered on the book. The disciple gave the book to the world. The world lord took the roster and looked at the names on it, and then said loudly, "Now take the second step, exercise! That is, let's practice the achievements you have made now. First, let everyone open your eyes. The other point is that in order for everyone to live a happy life in my perfect world, we also need to settle down for you according to the types of animals you have cultivated, so this second and third steps need to be carried out at the same time. There is a certain relationship, do you know it?"

"Hmm! It's clear! These people look very confident!"

"Good! Then follow the order in this volume! Qin Wenzhen, come and practice first!"

"Good!" The teenager answered, walked to the middle of the hall, arched his hand to the world and the people around him, and said, "I'm ugly! Then practiced!"

The teenager took Qianrongdan before, and he could change a thousand kinds of animals. These people in a different realm are already envious of him. The teenager practiced more than a dozen animals, including those flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, and even one that can be put into the earth. This teenager After these exercises, he said to the world Lord with a little dissatisfaction, "Now I can control a thousand kinds of animals with my own divine knowledge. If the world Lord had been able to use ten thousand kinds of elixir for me, I might have changed into thousands of animals!" In fact, it has always been an unevent in the heart of this teenager. He has been holding this word for a long time. Today, he finally said it. Although he knew that this might cause the dissatisfaction of the world, it was better than holding it in his heart, so he dared to say it.

To the teenager's surprise, the lord of the world was not angry, but smiled and said, "Qin Wenzhen! It's not bad that you can successfully change into these thousands of animals, so don't pursue more. In fact, you should know whether you can become these thousands of animals, and you don't need me to point it out!"

When the world said this, the teenager's face suddenly turned white, because his heart was already very clear that it was the limit for him to practice these thousand changes. This can still be refined so quickly with the help of many spiritual stones on his body. It is impossible to take Wanrong Dan. After ten thousand changes, the teenager was stunned when he thought of this.

"You step back!" The world lord shook his hand at Qin Wenzhen, and Qin Wenzhen retreated. Then the world lord continued to call Chu Junguo and others. The world lord ordered according to the names on this book. Most of these people tried their best to demonstrate their skills to the world lord. The world lord looked very satisfied, and none of them existed. The type of blind elixir, that is, the type of Putan assigned to everyone by the world owner is still relatively accurate. How many kinds of blood they take, how many kinds of changes they take, and with this Thai real question, no one is bored, because how many kinds of animals can be cultivated into, their own hearts are It's not clear.

After a while, the Lord of the world shouted the last one, Long Yuan!

Long Yuan quickly walked to the middle of the hall. The world owner looked up and down at Long Yuan, as if he was appreciating a work of art, and said for a long time, "Long Yuan! Can you repair these tens of thousands of changes now?

When Long Yuan heard this question, he shook his head and said, "Lord, the younger generation has not cultivated ten thousand kinds of animals!"

"What? You didn't fix it? How can it be!" As soon as the owner of the world heard that Longyuan said that he had not repaired ten thousand kinds of animals, he stood up directly with a clear look on his face, because the most important thing today is to look at Longyuan, otherwise he would not have postponed the so-called registration conference for three months in order to wait for him alone, and it would not cause so many people to Full.

"It hasn't been repaired? Isn't this a waste?"

"Can Wan Rong Dan be the only one here?"

"Yes! Thanks to the Lord who still took care of him so much and helped him practice in person!"

At this time, some people whispered, some people covered their mouths behind their backs and laughed secretly, and some others were silent. Because everyone could see the importance the world's attention to this Longyuan, so many people's jealousy was strange.

Long Yuan saw that the world owner was also so calm. He reacted so strongly without waiting for himself to finish his words, but Long Yuan can't be like talking to Qin Wenzhen now. His words have been misunderstood by the other party and he doesn't want to explain them. After all, this world is the owner of this perfect world, and he is not offended now. When he got up, Long Yuan hurriedly explained, "Lord! Although I haven't been able to repair these 10,000 changes, now I can change 9,90 kinds of animals!"