The world is ever-changing

Chapter 101 Golden-winged Locust

About the third round, the bigroc bird grabbed the back of the mantis with one claw, and then the other claw grabbed the head of the triangle. The head of the mantis was immediately crushed. In an instant, the head of the mantis slowly disappeared and turned into shadowless, and the remnants of the remaining part of the mantis flew back to his body. , and how can the lord of this world let go? He chased all the way and grabbed his claws, and there were few left for the magical mantis to fly back to the body.

What depressed the world at this time was that although he killed a magical mantis of Ximen's extreme evil, the Ximen's extreme evil had pulled down the third big ball and was about to fall down.

At this time, the extreme evil of Ximen turned back to its original appearance. At this time, his face was pale and his body looked very weak. Even the first mantis that had turned out fell behind. Obviously, one of the transformed mantis that the world had just killed him had caused him a great damage, and Zhenyuan also lost most of it. The Lord of the world is trying to take this opportunity to kill the extremely evil of Ximen, but this Ximen is extremely evil and cunning. He just saw that his first phantom was not actually falling behind, but waiting for the opportunity to escape. The Lord of the world did not pay attention for a moment, and the first illusion mantis turned back to the extremely evil body of Ximen, so that the world did not have There is time to stop the robbery.

At this time, it is not so easy for the world to intend to kill his body. First, the Ximen extremely evil took back the first transformed mantis, so the true spirit of the body has also recovered a little. In addition, the main reason is that the third big ball has fallen in front of the Ximen extreme evil body, blocked there, and flew out of it. But it shocked the world owner.

Thousands of locusts flew out of this third ball. This locust is different from ordinary locusts. Ordinary locusts are gray, but this locusts are golden, with golden wings, flying very fast, and there are six disciples in black. Everyone sees it. They all come to the third level of spiritual awakening.

The world's face changed when he saw these locusts, "Golden-winged locusts!" The face of the lord of this world has changed. This golden-winged locust is an ancient alien species, hard as iron, especially his sharp mouth, which is even more difficult to chew iron. Some people in a different realm can't resist it.

This animal rarely exists in today's world, and why are there so many golden-winged locusts today?

"Hahaha! These golden-winged locusts were occasionally obtained by me in an ancient tomb. Now I have bred so much, and I have trained so many masters to control these locusts. Let's see how you can resist our attack. This is the main force of my attack!"

The Lord of the world saw these golden-winged locusts and heard what Ximen's extremely evil said, his heart sank. Now he still looks like this roc bird. If he restores his human form, his face is not as evil than that Ximen, because the Lord of the world never thought that Ximen's extreme evil would have such means, so he has now I didn't expect the means to compete with it. If only the previous centipede world lords still had the power, and now how many golden-winged locusts the other party have no chance of winning, so when I think of the world's master's body, the transformed Dapeng bird trembles, and the transformed Dapeng flew back to the body, and then his wings moved. Fly back.

At this time, Ximen saw this situation and laughed loudly, letting the disciple of the different realm command the golden-winged locusts to chase them, and he followed him.

Longyuan just turned into a rooster and crowed, which made the advantages of Fang Fang, and the centipede appeared to be defeated. Suddenly, they saw a big roc bird flying over. Everyone knew that this was the return of the world, but at this time, when they saw the back of the world, all the people couldn't help but be shocked, because they saw the back of the world. Countless locusts are densely followed.

Just as these people were stunned, the voice of the Lord of the world came down.

"E Elder Gu, you lead everyone to the southwest, and the other three elders will follow me to stop the enemy!"

Everyone heard the harassment said by the Lord of the world. At this time, the matter was urgent, and the Lord had no time to explain, because everyone also saw that the enemy's means caught them off guard, and some unprepared people did not come to pack up. With Elder Gu's order again, these people went to the southwest. To escape, at this time, each shows their ability to escape as fast as they can. Some people turn into the fastest birds, and some people turn into the fastest animals if they can't turn into birds.

Long Yuan did not dare to neglect at this time. He shook into an falcon and fled southwest along the crowd. In the process of escaping, Long Yuan suddenly remembered the girl in white, but when he looked around, there was no girl. In fact, even if the girl was in it, she had already Jing turned into an animal and was running away. How could he see that Long Yuan secretly laughed at himself and fled forward with all his strength. At the speed of Long Yuan, he was relatively fast among these people, basically comparable to the speed of the second level of the alien realm. Moreover, the animals he turned into were also relatively fast. So although his realm was low, he fled to the front.

At this time, the world lord and the three elders were in trouble, because so many golden-winged locusts were too difficult to deal with. Although they were small, they were

The quantity is too large to prevent.

At this time, I saw the world owner's arms shaken, transformed into the roc bird and stood in front of him, and then his body continued to tremble and shouted. Dapeng spreads its wings!" I heard the phantom roc bird sing, and then I saw the bird's wings dancing repeatedly. With his dancing movements, countless wings appeared on both sides of his wings. These wings were arranged on both sides, centering on the transformed roc bird, and there were countless specifics for a while. How many wings, but at this time they are blocked in front like a wall, hundreds of feet in radius.

At this time, the golden-winged locusts had caught up, and many of them hit these wings. They were hit back by the wings. Some were injured and fell to the ground. Some were knocked unconscious and ran back and forth, but after only a while, most of the locusts retreated. They knew the power of the wings. , he didn't rush forward and stopped there to observe. At this time, he saw the six men in black, who seemed to be thinking about some countermeasures behind these locusts.

After a while, these locusts seemed to have received orders from their owners and did not rush towards the wings, but walked separately from other places.

Seeing this situation, the world's mind moved, and the roc bird drove these wings to the golden-winged locusts that still had time to wind up in the future. At this time, many locusts were fanned to the ground, but more locusts rushed over.

Seeing this situation, the world lord knew that his roc would not spread its wings for long, so he said to the three elders, "You can quickly try to control these golden-winged locusts." The reason why the world said so is that he knew that the pudan used by the three elders may contain the locust or the blood of its kind, so that there is hope to control the locust, which is why he left the three people behind.

As soon as the three elders heard the words of the world, they released their thoughts to the locusts, but what disappointed them was that none of them could control the golden-winged locusts, and everyone's thoughts returned in failure.

At this time, many locusts flew over. The world's master was disappointed to see that no one could control the golden-winged locust, but now there is nothing he can do.

At this time, the Ximen was extremely vicious but also rushed up and laughed, "Hahaha! You can't control my golden-winged locusts. Get ready to die!"

With that, many locusts have flew around the roc bird. The three elders did not dare to be careless when they saw that they could not control the golden-winged locusts with their gods. Everyone also showed their ability to turn into three eagles, circled in the air and blocked these locusts with their wings and claws. They did not dare to let these things come near. Because they know that the sharp mouth of these golden-winged locusts is amazing. If they are bitten, they will be slow to move, and they will be eaten by so many locusts together.

The Lord of the world now sees that it is impossible to control these locusts. He knows that he will not be able to resist them for a long time. After a long time, he and the three elders have to die here, so as soon as the world's body moved, the roc chirped several times, flapped its wings sharply, forced most of the locusts back, and then turned around here. The roc bird quickly withdrew to the body, but the body turned into the body at the same time. The speed of change was fast. At the same time, he answered the order to retreat to the three elders, and the three elders did not hesitate to fly back quickly when the roc bird repelled the locusts.

At this time, Long Yuan and others have reached the southwest direction of this perfect world. At this time, Elder Gu quickly flew to a position in the stone forest, where Elder Gu pushed several boulders according to certain rules. In this moment, the stone forest squeaked and moved with the movement of the stone forest. , slowly gave up a channel in front of him to lead to the outside world. Obviously, Elder Gu had been told by the world's lord and knew how to open the Stone Forest Array. When he saw these Longyuan, he thought that the world lord had already planned to escape. The reason why he did not tell everyone first was for fear of affecting everyone's momentum, and at this time But he couldn't run away. Just because Elder Gu opened the stone forest array and used it for a while, many disciples of the perfect world had gathered here, and those flying centipede followed. Long Yuan had no choice but to turn into the big rooster and sing in the air, which scared the centipede not to approach for a moment. .