The world is ever-changing

Chapter 146 Divine Meteor Seal

After repairing the array of Dinghai Island, Longyuan returned to his magic machine gate, but after returning to Qingjiufeng, he knew a bad news about the magic machine gate.

Originally, the current industry of Shenjimen is divided into two parts. One is that they make some production and living supplies. This part is aimed at secular people, so Longyuan does not want to rely on this item to make money, but can only maintain the consumption of the production itself, which is mostly handled by Caidie; and the other part There are some customization and trading of weapon products. This part is an important channel for them to make profits. Most of this part is managed by Xiong's father and son. In addition, Tao Shanxing and Fu Kuan are responsible for the safety of these transactions.

Now there is a problem on this side. The market of their weapons has suddenly narrowed, and even been unsalable. Some of the original old customers have also been lost separately. Xiong Tianba sent people to investigate the reason and found that these small businesses have been taken over by a large sect.

This matter is very strange, because these big sects did not do these small businesses, and it can also be said that they disdain to do it, because for those big sects, these profits are too small.

But now it has suddenly started these small businesses, and the price is ridiculously low. Originally, some casual and small sect businesses also wanted to find some big sects to make products for them. They have good reputation and high quality, but now the price is low, so some businesses naturally come to the hands of that sect, and Longyuan's These businesses are getting less and less.

Later, Tao Shanxing and Fu Kuan inquired about what this gate faction was. There was no wind-permeable wall. In the end, they found that this large sect was actually the first Tianjian school in the cultivation world, and another thing was that there would be this giant sword gate near the place where there was a magic machine door business. He They seem to be aimed at the magic machine door, but none of the giant sword gate has a head-on collision with the magic machine door.

So before Longyuan came back, Xiong Tianba, Fu Kuan and others also held a meeting to study, and finally thought that the Divine Machine Gate had nothing to do with this Tianjian School at present, but this Tianjian School is famous for its weapons in this cultivation world. It is the strongest sect of refining weapons among the seven sects and eight veins, and his business is all over the whole. In the world of cultivation, but what they can't figure out is that with the current small sect such as Shenjimen, the Tianjian School is like ants and elephants. Why does the Tianjian School have to fight against Shenjimen?

After Long Yuan came back, Xiong Tianba told Long Yuan about the current problem. After listening to it, Long Yuan pondered for a long time and slowly replied, "Is that so? This Tianjian School had a relationship with our divine machine door several generations ago. It was a sworn anti-e on this weapon, and the divine machine gate later declined, which also had an inseparable relationship with this Tianjian school!"

Hearing Longyuan's words, everyone panicked and realized, because they didn't know that there was such a festival between the divine machine door and the Tianjian faction, so now the giant heavenly sword gate knows that this divine machine door has the momentum to come back to life, so it is not surprising that they suppress it.

It seems that this Tianjian faction has begun to take a measure of this magic machine door. At present, it is impossible to make peace with this Tianjian faction, so the only way is to challenge him. Long Yuan thought for a moment and said to the crowd with a smile, "Ha ha! In the prosperous period of our divine gate, we can defeat this heavenly sword faction, and although we are still weak, as long as we are willing to work hard, we will be able to defeat him again!"

Hearing Tianlongyuan's words, everyone's heart eased a little from the depression, because these days, everyone knows that this Tianjian Party suppresses this magic machine door, and feels that the development of this magic machine door is hopeless. If you think of a gate party to the suppression of a small sect, it is difficult for this small sect to survive, not to mention that this is the Tianjian faction. Such a big faction.

Although everyone feels that it is not practical for Long Yuan to say so, because this Tianjian faction is after all the largest faction today, and this magic machine faction is not even a middle-class faction at this time, let alone this faction, Long Yuan's work also gives these people hope.

But Long Yuan's heart is indeed full of confidence in this divine machine door, because only he knows how much potential these intangible assets left by the divine machine door are.

"At present, our Shenjimen really can't compare with the Tianjian School in terms of weapons, and there is no way to compete with it. However, our Shenjimen is not only for manufacturing this weapon, but also the technology that the Tianjian School does not have in other aspects. At least we still have the manufacturing of production tools and daily necessities. In addition, we are not comparable to them in terms of machine arithmetic and array. In addition, our magic machine door also has some other skills, which can also be developed at critical times, so now we have to avoid its edge first, not to be entangled with this sword faction in weapons, but to make up in other aspects. Inadequacy in this regard!"

When Long Yuan said this, Xiong Tianba and others's hearts lit up, because they also read confidence from Long Yuan's words.

"Recently, we have temporarily abandoned the business of weapons, and then I will teach some new production and living supplies, some of which are high-end consumer goods for rich people such as rich people, such as rocking chairs, high-end sedan chairs, power cars, etc. You don't have to sell like those sold to the poor, you can raise the price higher and make more profits.

"In addition, I can accept some small sect defense arrays and other businesses, so that we can overcome the current crisis. After the first year, after we participate in the Taoism Conference, we will have some qualifications to have some businesses of larger sects in the cultivation world. At that time, it will be his heavenly sword. It's not so easy for Pai to overwhelm us!"

After saying that, Longyuan handed down his plans. He asked Xiong Tianba to start the business of weapons first, and then work with Caidie to operate some new products in production and life. Caidie is mainly engaged in the business of those secular people. The prices of the products sold remain unchanged, while Xiong Tianba is mainly He is responsible for the production and sales of new products, mainly for some rich people, and he asked Xiong Wu to take over some small door defense businesses.

In this way, the whole magic machine door has settled down. Although there may not be any major development, at least it is more than enough to maintain the livelihood of the magic machine door.

Next, Longyuan is really busy. First of all, he will seize the time to design some new products with reference to the Divine Machine Theory. Secondly, there will occasionally be some business that designs defense arrays. Longyuan intends to maintain this state until the beginning of this discussion conference.

After more than two months, Longyuan finally completed the design of more than a dozen new products, and their business gradually improved. Longyuan took a breath and was finally able to relax for a period of time. After that, Longyuan remembered one thing, that was something he had always wanted to do but had not thought about. That is, there is still some Xuanjin in his hand. This weapon added to Xuanjin can kill masters in different realms. Even if the level is higher than Longyuan, Longyuan can be killed with his chain knife, and the remaining Xuanjin Longyuan in Longyuan's hand has never been willing to use it. Today, he thinks of an excellent soldier. qi.

Long Yuan came up with this weapon when he repaired the island. Normally, although the level of the third level of this alien realm of a sect is not too low, it is definitely not a big sect. If he hadn't been able to turn into nearly 10,000 kinds of animals and his own divine mind Other powerful, it is likely that a character in the fourth level of the realm of life in the alien realm can destroy Longyuan, so now Longyuan also needs to improve his strength so that he can try his best to kill the character in the fourth level of the alien realm. Even a person who is reborn in the fifth level of the alien realm can fight, and even fight. Hurt the other party, but if you want to do this, it is not enough to put forward this realm alone. He should have a powerful weapon that can be used at a critical time.

The weapon designed by Longyuan is not big. It is a flat-shaped box-like thing on it, and there is a handle behind it. There are 108 star-shaped darts in this box. Each of these darts is not big, but each dart is made of black gold, which is extremely sharp, even if He is a figure in the fifth level of metaphysical realm, and he can't resist the cutting of this darts. Although these are not big, if they pass through, they will be injured if they die.

The mechanism of this weapon is only moved by the mechanism in the handle, and the round box is opened, and these darts are fired in one direction. Unlike ordinary darts, ordinary darts mostly fly in one direction, and the other party is very easy to dodge or use. What tools block it, but these darts are different. He also flew out according to a regularity. He did not fly in one direction, but formed a formation, instantly locking the opponent's various positions, making the opponent unable to escape, and if these darts do not encounter obstacles or obstacles after flying out, the resistance is very small. , they all flew back one after another.

Long Yuan himself gave him a name for this weapon, called the divine machine meteor seal, because such a weapon looked like a seal at the beginning. Long Yuan did not tell anyone when it was made this weapon. This is his last killer, and he will not take it out and use it until the critical time.