The world is ever-changing

Chapter 289 Dinghai Ding

As soon as the fire demon king heard that Wuchen let him stay, he was shocked. He had never seen this Wuchen before, but today why did Wuchen find him?

"Hmm! What are you looking for me? I don't want to stay here today!" When the fire demon king saw that this dust was specifically aimed at him, he said angrily.

"I want to go back to you to avoid too much trouble!" This Wuchen still said lightly.

"Your monk is so unreasonable. I have nothing to worry about you. Why do you find me trouble?" The fire demon king stared at Wuchen.

"That's right! You have nothing to do with me, but I know that if there were no you on this Yunhua continent, there would be much less disaster!" This dust-free master is not in a hurry.

"What if I don't go with you?" After saying this, the fire demon king flew a flame knife directly from his body and went straight to the dust-free, and then he turned into a red shadow and wanted to escape.

This Wuchen seems to have already seen the intention of the fire demon king. As soon as the flame knife flew, Wuchen waved the monk's robe gently, and a strong wind met the huge flame knife. The knife suddenly became light, like a fallen leaf, drifted into the sky, and at the same time, Wuchen The rosary in his hand flew up and went straight to the red shadow turned into by the fire demon king. The fire demon king ran fast, but the rosary flew faster and had caught up with the fire demon king in an instant. With a sw of a sound, he fell on the fire demon king. The fire demon king did not expect the rosary to be so fast. Before the speed could react, the rosary had been put on his body.

The fire demon king's body is very big, but the rosary is bigger, which can just circle him in it. At this time, the fire demon king wants to break free, but no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of the rosary. He is in a hurry to scream.

"stinky monk! You let me go, otherwise I will look good on you. Golden Devil, Nightmare, come and save me, Fuluo King, come and save me!" The fire demon king struggled while calling for help from others.

However, the golden demon king and nightmare look at the vast magic power of this Wuchen and Yuxiao. They are not opponents at all, and it is useless for them to go up, and the golden demon king is also jumping in their hearts at this time. If this Wuchen subdues the fire demon king and then attacks himself, what should he do? He just spoke rudely to Wuchen, so at this time, he already had the desire to run away, and the king of Fuluo didn't want to stay here. He knew in his heart that he was not an opponent, and he only mentioned the relationship between Wuchen and the fire demon king, and did not have too much contact. Naturally, he couldn't sacrifice his life to save him, so he also pretended not to hear and fled everywhere.

For a while, the demons fled one after another. No one paid attention to the fire demon king, and the fire demon king was even more angry and scolded. At this time, the Wuchen pointed his hand at the rosary, and the rosary kept getting smaller. As the rosary became smaller, the body of the fire demon king had to become smaller. The power of this rosary, That is, he not only bound the true body of the fire demon king, but also restrained his consciousness, making it difficult for him to break free no matter what he tried.

This Wuchen and Yuxiao did not stop the others, but just kept the fire demon king. No matter how hard the fire demon struggled and roared, Wuchen was always silent, smiling, and his heart was very peaceful. Now the rosary has become only It was the size of a plate, and the fire demon five became smaller. Wuchen took the rosary with the fire demon king and came to Wuchen's side.

"Don't shout anymore. No one will come to save you. If you call me again, I will kill you and make you immortal!" Wuchen still said lightly that although there was no evil color on his face, the fire demon king did not dare to speak any more when he heard this sentence.

"Thank you for the rescue of the two immortal masters!" Long Yuan and Zhong Ba came forward to salute the two, and then Long Yuan turned around and said to Mr. Yu Xiao, "This is the second time to save Long Yuan's life. Long Yuan remembers it!"

Because the jade flute used the sound to bring down those demons just now, Long Yuan remembered that when he was in the Yunhe waters, the huge sword almost killed him, and it was this familiar flute sound that saved him. Now it seems that there must have been this jade flute at that time.

Mr. Yu Xiao also refused, but said, "At that time, I was just passing by. In fact, what's more important is that you are a lucky person, and someone will come to save you every time!" After saying this, Mr. Yuxiao smiled at Long Yuan.

Long Yuan introduced Zhongba, Wuchen and Mr. Yu Xiao and chatted for a few words. He looked at the fire demon king and asked Master Wuchen, "Master Wuchen, what are you going to do with this fire demon king?"

Wuchen also looked at the fire demon king and said lightly, "I have now calculated that the world has been quite uneasy in recent years, and there are many demons in chaos, and I have counted that this fire demon king is also one of the key figures, so I will capture him first to reduce these demons in the cultivation world in the future. Threat!"

"I don't think that the Golden Devil is a small role. Why didn't the master arrest him too!"

"Hmm! I also wanted to catch him, but I could only imprison a demon king in the boundless sea over there, so I chose this fire demon king between the fire demon king and the golden demon king!" It seems that Wuchen always has his reason, and Long Yuan can't ask in detail.

"You guys go back! I have to take this fire demon king back to the boundless sea. See you later!"

Master Wuchen did not talk much with Long Yuan and others, but flew north with the fire demon king with Mr. Yu Xiao.

At this time, Long Yuan turned around to thank this kind of domineering, but this kind of hegemony also said politely, "Long Yuan helped me a lot a hundred years ago. I haven't repaid it. Let's give you a reward today, hehe! I have to go back to Xianyezong, so I'll leave first!" After saying that, he also turned around and left.

For a while, Longyuan felt that the world was much calmer, so he also drove a colorful cloud to his sect.

To the south of Yunhua mainland, east of the Ruth mainland is a vast ocean called Pingding Ocean. At this time, on the shore of the flat ocean, an island on one side of the Ruth mainland gathered several demon kings, among which the Golden Devil, the Wood Demon King, the Water Demon King, and the Fire Demon King were captured by this dust. The Earth Demon King has not yet Yes, and this nightmare is also in it.

At this time, these demons looked at the rock wall of a stone opposite them at the same time, and a gray shadow suddenly appeared on the rock wall. The shadow became clearer and clearer. Finally, it appeared as a human form and finally became a stone man. This person did not have anything. His expression, in which his eyes were deep and empty, and he was looking at these demons.

And as soon as these demons and nightmares saw this person appear, they each saluted deeply and shouted, "Master!"

"Golden Devil, I asked you to kill the dragon yuan. Don't give him any chance, but you didn't kill the dragon yuan, but also let them trapped the fire demon king. It seems that you are too disappointing!"

"Master! It's not that we are incompetent, but that three masters were killed halfway. Among them, Mr. Yu Xiao and Wuchen are the most powerful. We are no match for them now!"

The owner did not continue to blame the golden demon king, but said coldly, "That Wuchen is the reincarnation of Wuchen Buddha. You are not opponents and it is normal. There are only four of your five demon kings left, but it doesn't matter. I also have a new task. This task doesn't need a fire demon!"

"Do you still want the master to order?" The golden devil took the lead in asking.

"Do you know why I gathered you all here?" The owner asked, and several demons also shook their heads.

"Because in the depths of the Pingding Ocean over there, there is a Dinghai tripod. Your purpose is to destroy this Dinghai tripod. Although this task was the earth demon king before, I want to complete it in advance, so I need your assistance to the earth demon king, and this earth demon king will arrive soon."

"Yes!" These demons don't seem to have any difference.

At this time, a smell of earth came from above the sea, and an earthy dot flew over from the flat ocean. In a blink of an eye, it came to the island and stood among these demon kings in the blink of an eye.

This is naturally the earth demon king, the earthy breath of the earth demon king. His shape is much worse than that of other demon kings. The earthy true vitality of his body is also very clear, and he seems to be not weak.

"Master! I'm late!" The earth demon king bowed to his master.

"It's not too late! Have you found out the situation of that tripod now? Can his current position be basically determined?

"It's certain that his movement is not fast!"

"Very good! Why don't you follow the Earth Demon King? Be sure to destroy that Dinghai Ding!" After saying this, the owner slowly disappeared, leaving only a little star in the air.

This calming ocean is the largest sea area in the planet Yiqu. In the depths of this ocean, it seems to be different. On thousands of miles of water, it is quietly driven by a huge vortex, which is like a transparent shallow bottom bowl in this ocean, and The area in the center of this huge vortex is extremely calm, which is the reason why it is extremely quiet.

At this time, under eight kilometers of this water, there is a huge divine tripod floating, which is dark and covered with complicated runes.