fang shi tian shu

Chapter 59 Go away [6000 words]

"Lord Zhao is not in a hurry!" Wang San grabbed the road, but his expression was still smiling, "Lord Zhao, I have only opened five meridians now. I don't know how many meridians you have opened, but your cultivation must be higher than me, right? Isn't it a matter of raising your hand to clean up me?"

Zhao Gaoyang doesn't care, reaching out is a magic. Fortunately, Zhao Gaoyang cast a spell to protect that half of his body just now, but now he is a little weak, so Wang San did not touch it directly and could avoid it.

"Lord Zhao, if you really want to kill me, I will really run away! Even if you kill me, you won't have the strength to go back, will you?"

Another spell was avoided by Wang San. However, he did not dodge this time. Wang San hit this powerful pressure spell on his left shoulder, and his whole body staggered and almost fell.

"slow down!" Seeing this, Wang San stretched out his hand that had been behind his back to him. Wang San saw a big ball in his hand that he didn't know where it came from. Shaking off the dust on the ball, it turned out to be a rune ball pasted on countless runes.

Zhao Gaoyang felt the fluctuation in the ball and was so afraid that he didn't dare to move. He could only stare at Wang San fiercely to see what tricks he could do.

Seeing that Zhao Gaoyang was bushed, Wang San said, "Lord Zhao, you should know that the power of this sacrifice array is not so great at all. My cultivation is too low, and it is impossible to make such a big movement. But the final power of the explosion is so amazing. Lord Zhao is not curious about why?

Zhao Gaoyang narrowed his eyes and said no. However, he also knew that even if the boy in front of him tampered with him, it should not be like this. There should still be some reasons in it.

Wang San continued: "In my opinion, it's mainly because this vitality is too complicated. Not only the heavenly spirit absorbed by the array, but also the souls of the people in the array. It is also mixed with the psychic thing of the sword and jade tripod, the murderous spirit of the Beiyi sergeant, the fierce ghosts in the array, the evil things of the opposite practitioner, and all kinds of physical objects on the ground. All these add up to be too complicated, and the final changes make Unexpected. I think we can study this situation. If it is studied, it may be an improvement to the practice world!"

Zhao Gaoyang said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Wang San said, "Look at my ball, it contains the purest part of the breath before the explosion. If we take it back and study it carefully, maybe there will be great results! At that time, Lord Zhao will take this achievement and definitely make great progress and the ship will rise. At that time, Lord Zhao just needs to help me a little, hehe.

Zhao Gaoyang was unmoved and said, "Why do I believe you?"

Wang San said, "Lord Zhao knows that my charm works well. That's because my teacher specializes in art. Although I don't know anything but symbols, my tricks are really not weak. For example, this ball uses all the charms on me to seal this point of heaven and earth. This trick is called chaotic ancient numbers, that is, to block things with countless symbols with various functions. Although it's a little wasteful, it works well. You see, as long as my ball is still under my control, he won't explode.

In these few words, Wang San said true and false tricks. Zhao Gaoyang can naturally hear something wrong, but Wang San's meaning is here. If you want to kill me, the ball will have to explode. Do you want me to try? Did you forget the explosion just now?

Zhao Gaoyang said, "I didn't think that you had a lot of tricks at a young age. In order to survive, you emptied your family at the most dangerous time, just to save this little life?"

Wang San said, "You are thinking about studying the mysteries of heaven and earth, aren't you? If you have a chance, you should find a way to study it.

Zhao Gaoyang sneered and said, "I don't need research, I just need to be strong!"

Wang San's hippie smile: "Isn't it possible to study this to become stronger?"

Zhao Gaoyang nodded. Just after a click, Zhao Gaoyang recovered a little and pinched his hands behind him. A spell formed and directly fixed Wang San in place! After doing this, Zhao Gaoyang walked forward with a big gun and looked at Wang San and said, "Kid, you are still young. Give me time to breathe. What's the use of your little trick before my great skill?

Wang San's body trembled, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted, "You can't kill me!" Kill me and the ball will explode! You can't live either!"

Zhao Gaoyang sneered: "It's strange that you have penetrated everything. Since you can't do anything but rune, and your cultivation is much lower than me, I can't control you by opening up nine meridians? It will imprison your whole body and kill you slowly. There is no fluctuation at all.

Wang San's eyes were full of unwillingness. He pulled his neck and shouted, "But if I die, this ball will really explode!" You can't kill me!"

Zhao Gaoyang laughed and said, "Do you think I can't see it? The power of this ball is decreasing little by little. It must be that your magic is not at home, and the vitality inside is gradually losing. So I said, I'll kill you little by little."

"But what I said is true! Studying the vitality in it can improve your cultivation!" Wang San was almost desperate and helplessly repeated what he had just said, but the original word "possible" was omitted by him.

Zhao Gaoyang had come to Wang San at this time, looking at Wang San's sad and ferocious face because of despair, with endless joy in his heart. After patting Wang San on the shoulder, Zhao Gaoyang said, "Kid, you killed my brother, so I'm sure I won't let you die. But you still have some skills. I can ask you to leave a message. I will try my best to bring it to you when I go back. I will never break my promise.

However, when Wang San heard this, he changed his distorted expression in an instant and said with an extremely sunny smile, "Your Excellency, this ball is not intended to preserve vitality for research."

When Zhao Gaoyang saw such a change, his mind suddenly buzzed!

This boy is crazy to see that he is not alive! To die together!

Thinking of this, the bullet legs suddenly dodged back.

Wang San smiled and squeezed his eyes at Zhao Gaoyang, who fled in panic.

Another explosion!

Although the momentum is not as big as before, it will also stop the footsteps of the Beiyi soldiers who want to gather around to watch the bustle! Although the scope of this explosion is not large, it looks as powerful as the big explosion just now! The dust splashed again, shocking everyone's hearts.

Lin Qiufeng's eyes are cracking in the wall! Those practitioners who can play a major role on the battlefield are gone after two explosions!

Soon, the dust settled. A figure was covered with dust, all dyed dark gray, and it was useless to shake off the dust. In desperation, this figure tore the last charm left on his body.

General Lin, come and save me. I'm out of strength. This pit is almost 20 meters..."

Lin Qiufeng was stunned when he heard the sound and couldn't believe it was true.

"General Lin, don't believe it, I'm really not dead. But if you come later than the Yi people, I will definitely die."

Lin Qiufeng was thrilled to hear this! Wang San's voice! Looking at General Tiger King next to him, Lin Qiufeng rushed out with a gun.

Wang Sanqiang held his eyelids and saw Lin Qiufeng appear. A smile appeared on his gray face and fell to the ground directly.


It seems to be illusory.

Wang San only felt as if he was wandering in various spaces, as if he was experiencing different civilizations in different worlds. Everything seemed to be not true, but he seemed to have seen it somewhere. While wandering, Wang San knew that he was in a coma. It seems that if you really wander to the underworld in a coma, you will never have to wake up again.

"Xiao Wang San, remember, don't use Yangshou to stimulate the magic like a master, remember?"

The voice is in a trance. However, the master...

"Master, I don't want to! If you have a cultivation method that doesn't give me space, I will die without Shouyuan's urging! Master, you are so irresponsible!" Wang San responded while wandering.

No one answered.

"Master! Master! Isn't it you? Master, I don't know if you have any other apprentices in your life, but I must be the most talented! Why don't you leave me anything more? Master!"

An old man's face full of traces of wind and frost appeared in front of Wang San, but it was getting farther and farther away...

"No, master! You can't be irresponsible! Can you take out anything from the back of your bag? Master, please give me a letter!"

Wang San shouted and chased in the direction of the old man's face, but it was getting farther and farther away.

"Master! Master!" Wang San was thrilled and sat up from **!

"Little Sir, you're awake!" Zhao Yushi said incredulously.

Wang San only felt that it was dark in front of him again, weak all over, and then fell straight down**.

Zhao Yushi was so scared that he quickly touched Wang San's breath. It seems that there is still anger, not a fraudulent corpse!

"zhou..." Wang Sanqiang endured weakness and couldn't react to such a word.

After feeding for two days, Wang San finally had enough energy and opened his eyes to look around.

"Zhao Yushi, get me more porridge such as ginseng, red dates, turtle shells, brown sugar and coix seed. I need to make up for it."

Zhao Yushi was excited and looked at Wang San incredulously and said, "Why did you wake up?"

Wang San said, "I'm hungry."

Zhao Yushi can't laugh or cry. Wang San, when did you not forget to joke? Seeing that there seemed to be no problem with Wang San, he really found medicinal porridge and chatted while feeding Wang San.

The war has basically stabilized in the past few days. After three days of fighting, both sides are desperate, and this point is basically almost finished. However, Beiyi practitioners and Zhang Shun died together, and nothing strange has happened in the past few days. Those barbarians who have rested are already the most powerful on the whole battlefield. The troops lurking underground before Beiyi, because Wang San found it early, and the explosion killed a lot, so it did not play the role of strange soldiers. Look at the excavation and was found by Lin Qiufeng. Those Beiyi soldiers who had finally dug up were dug out to fight on the edge of the wall. During this period, various siege methods of Beiyi came out, which really caused a lot of threats to Huyaguan, but it was not dangerous and could be defended. The key is that thousands of reinforcements have arrived! Moreover, it is said that there are good records of soldiers and horses arriving after them. As long as Huyaguan supports it for a period of time, the crisis will be resolved.

Wang San joked, "It's a pity that I went up and came back in a coma twice and missed the siege war."

Zhao Yushi said, "Mr. Xiao is brave on the battlefield! Go up twice, once to destroy the most disturbing ghosts on the opposite side, and once to destroy all the practitioners on the opposite side! General Tiger King said that this battle can give the little gentleman a head record!"

Wang San smiled and said no.

Another day passed, and Wang San also took a rest. Originally, it was weak caused by excessive magic. Although it caused a little physical damage, it was not a hindrance, and Wang San was young and had enough energy to withstand it. However, on this day, when Wang San was about to get out of bed and go out for a walk, General Hu Wang gave an order that no one except General Lin Qiufeng and Zhao Yushi were allowed to enter Wang San's yard. Violators were killed for stealing military aircraft!

What's going on?

Wang San slowly wandered around the room for a day and finally saw Lin Qiufeng and Zhao Yushi coming here as companions.

"General Lin, Lord Zhao, what's wrong? Don't even let me out?" Wang San couldn't wait to ask when he saw the two.

Lin Qiufeng said gloomly, "Our reinforcements have arrived, and the Yi people have retreated."

Wang San said, "This is a good thing. Why don't you let me go out?"

Zhao Yushi said, "The key is that there are also people from Yuantian Religion. They say that you are a traitor and want to kill you!"

Only then did Wang San remember that his meridians dried up and he was lying to Zhao Gaoyang not to attack immediately. At the same time, he took the yuan balloon and recovered with the vitality inside. At that time, Zhao Gaoyang took a communication symbol and said something about himself.

"That has..."

Zhao Yushi said anxiously, "They not only told you, but also took out your portrait. The painting is exactly the same! Now I'm looking for General Tiger King to plead guilty! That's why we don't let people in and out of this yard, but we can't let them find you.

Wang San understands. It seems that Zhao Gaoyang's realm is high enough that he can only speak with a summoner, and he can even pass back his appearance. If it hadn't been for the fact that the disorder and explosive power was extremely strong, and there was still the space in his meridians to block the space to prevent him from being affected by the explosion, Wang San's cultivation realm would have been killed many times. But thinking about it, Wang San still asked, "What should you do if you delay like this? They may be holding me to harm General Tiger King!"

Lin Qiufeng said, "We said that you and Zhao Gaoyang died together, and now we are dragging. We said that there were confidential materials about barbarians in this room, and no one should dare to break into it. In a few days, General Tiger King will return to his life and can take the little gentleman away. It's just that Mr. Xiao needs to be patient."

Wang San "Oh" for a moment, but didn't mention this matter. Instead, he asked, "General Lin, I still don't understand. Even if you think I'm capable, why do you still protect me like this? There are many more capable people in the world than me, but I don't think you will do so many things for those people.

Lin Qiufeng looked at Wang San and shook his head and said, "Little man, it's not because of anything else. At that time, this Huyaguan was made smoky by Zhang Shun. Uncle Wang and I think that you may not be less capable than Zhang Shun, so we want to use you and Zhang Shun to check and balance it. However, I found that your ability can help a lot. I don't know how much better than ordinary practitioners. Of course, we will also protect you for the sake of the war.

"But this war is over!"

Lin Qiufeng smiled and said, "Who knows when there will be another war?" Maybe I still need Mr. Xiao's help at that time.

Wang San thought about it and said, "You should dispose of the bodies outside quickly. If I guess correctly, there were corpses poison in those bodies. They beat them with the intention of killing 70,000 to 80,000 people and then directly bursting the tiger's teeth. It's just that by mistake, the people who could launch the corpse explosion died, so Huyaguan was saved. In the future, you must be careful of the bodies left by each other when you fight. A body arranged in a hurry may not be very lethal, but tens of thousands of people died on the battlefield. It's not fun to chain the explosion.

When Wang San said this, Lin Qiufeng was shocked in a cold sweat and quickly went out to decorate.

Wang San grabbed him and said, "General Lin, don't worry, wait until I finish talking. Although your cultivation method does not store vitality in the meridians, it can also absorb vitality into your muscles and bones and improve strength. I don't have a charm for you now, but bringing a piece of cold jade on your body when you contact me in the future can also speed up your cultivation.

Then, Wang San turned his head and said to Zhao Yushi and said, "My brothers can take care of them. There is a method I wrote on the table over there. Zhao Yushi can basically cure their dark wounds by following that. It should be no problem to live 50 years old. Help me take good care of my miserable brothers. I'm kowtowed to you here. With that, he knelt down and kowtowed directly.

The two were so confused about how to deal with themselves by Wang San's move. They quickly helped Wang San up and asked, "What is Mr. Xiao doing?"

Wang San said, "If you guess correctly, those Taoists will not believe me and will probably order me to arrest me in the church. I can't stay here anymore. I'll leave right away.

Lin Qiufeng discouraged him and said, "Mr. Xiao, you can't go out! Dozens of Taoist priests outside have a portrait of you, and you will be found when you go out. At that time, we can't protect you!"

Wang San smiled and said, "General Lin, my barbarian brothers are not smart, right?"

Wang San's question was extremely jumping again. Lin Qiufeng and Zhao Yushi looked at each other and nodded.

"So, I haven't seen you for five years. How can these stupid brains imagine what I look like now? It only shows that I look the same as five years ago, right?

The two nodded again.

"So, how can I remain the same in the past five years? My true appearance should be like this now. With that, Wang San wiped his face with his hand, and his appearance changed greatly!

Originally, Wang San was just a round face, round chin and round eyes, and his nose was not high and his lips were thick. He didn't mean to look good at all, only giving people a little naive feeling. However, with this change of face, Wang San's face suddenly became a standard goose egg face. His lips became as thin as a knife, the corners of his eyes were obviously elongated, and his pupils became smaller, and the white eyes directly appeared. If you can't associate the current Wang San with the previous Wang San, it's really difficult to see the two faces as one person!

Looking at the surprised appearance of the two, Wang San smiled, but the cold temperament in this smile could not be hidden at all. He said to them, "My face now looks too much like a bad person, which is easy to make people alert. I have no choice but to look like that when I was young. You see, I'm doing nothing here, just being a conspirators, right?

Wang San's smile is really sinister.

Regardless of their reaction, Wang San said, "General Lin, give me a military uniform. I'll go and say goodbye to General Tiger King, and then tell the brothers to let them recognize my face. I should go."

Lin Qiufeng stopped: "But Mr. Xiao, you can't change your face! There were sporadic fights later. Uncle Wang said that those battle castles were mostly unusable and could not hold troops. There may not be a need for this tiger's tooth barrier. Now you can't go back by yourself!"

Wang San said, "General Lin, you don't know how much ability I have? My face has changed. Go back, it's a small matter. Please arrange it for me. I'll say goodbye to you."

However, Lin Qiufeng had to arrange it according to Wang San's wishes.

Those barbarians didn't recognize Wang San's true appearance at all and explained it for a long time. Then he said goodbye for a long time, and finally Wang Sanlian drank more than half of the jar of wine before he came out with the help of Lin Qiufeng holding down those barbarians. When General Hu Wang saw Wang San, he also joked, saying that at first glance, Wang San's appearance must have regarded him as a Zhang Shun-like person and ignored him. After saying goodbye, General Tiger King gave Wang San a batch of fast horses, asking Wang San to pretend to be a messenger and go in the direction of the empire.

"Uncle Wang, what did he say to you?" Lin Qiufeng stood at the wall and looked at Wang Sanyuan and asked General Hu Wang beside him.

"The problems of all practitioners related to the war are said to help me learn more about practitioners so that they can make combat plans in the future."

"Then what did you tell him?"

"Tell him about the current war situation of the empire and the surrounding four countries, as well as the problems in various court."

"How can I tell him this? Isn't that what some of the court shouldn't have said..."

"Xiao Lin, do you think with Wang San's ability, he can hide in the folk world all his life?"

Lin Qiufeng thought about it and nodded.

Seeing that Wang San's figure had gone, General Hu Wang patted Lin Qiufeng on the shoulder and led him to the general's mansion and said, "Come on, I learned from you what Wang San told me. What an eye-opener! Otherwise, he didn't know that there were so many things hidden in this battle. The Ma Marshal's arrangement is definitely not as simple as the ground and underground troops. We may not be able to keep it without Wang San, such as those..."

On this day, the battle of Huyaguan, which attracted countless eyes in the world, suddenly stopped on the fourth day after the sudden outbreak. The arrangement of the general of Beiyima can be said to be deliberate and secretly mobilized more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, which is extremely exquisite. However, the prediction of the imperial general was accurate, and he had begun to dispatch troops and generals before the beginning of the battle, which can be said to be as expected. General Tiger King, who was at the forefront of the war, was calm and commanding like a god, and his Beiyi soldiers who dragged seven or eight times did not take any advantage. This war can be said to have a far-reaching impact.

But what does this have to do with the faraway Wang San?

In front, accompany the capital.

(After writing so many words, I finally ended the beginning of the story... Are you surprised? Yes, I also feel embarrassed, but the new book makes such a mistake... Cough! After writing this beginning, I felt that I really didn't know how to write. The most important thing is that the writing is not good enough. Yes, it's not cool enough, which makes people reluctant to watch it. I will change this. Secondly, the plot is too much, and some things are written in detail to make trouble for themselves. This point has also been changed. Again, the writing is not calm enough. I have always felt that some things have not been written, and many things actually need to be explained clearly, otherwise only I can understand this story. This has been changed. Finally, the update is unstable! I tried my best to change this. After all, I'm a working person. Please forgive me.

Then I want to say that the future story is absolutely different from the story at the beginning! The protagonist has changed his face. How can the story change his face? Leisure ambition and a little freshness, which is the original idea style of my book. Just in order to write the whole story system, we have to put out the heavy at the beginning and now the talkative beginning. Since there are comrades who can put up with the previous paragraph, there is no reason to put down this book in the future. Please witness my change! In addition, I'm going to sign the contract on Monday! All kinds of thanks!)