fang shi tian shu

Chapter 73 Meridian and Realm, is it like this?

Yang Hairuo said, "But in this way, isn't the penetration of Yuantian religion too strong? What if I can't control it?"

Madam said, "The prime minister is not a fool. He understands what your majesty means. What's more, on the military side, only your father and those uncles have real power, while on the civilian side, there are too many high and powerful people. Yuan Tianjiao came in to attract power, and most of them also started from the prime minister. As for the balance, Your Majesty and the Prime Minister have their own proportions.

If ordinary people were nearby, they would be surprised that the mother and daughter talked about the government like this! The two women who live in a simple life are not close to the court, but they infer the direction of the government according to the trivial things they can get. If you are found by powerful ministers, you will definitely be ashamed of this.

This is the reason why although Yang Hairuo does not follow Yang Pojun's two brothers to study and practice martial arts, his reputation is unmatched by his peers! Good teacher, one is enough!

Yang Hairuo sat next to his wife with a smile, took her arm and said, "Mom, why are you so smart!"

Madam smiled, clicked Yang Hairuo's forehead and said, "Happy to my mother again!"

Yang Hairuo swung up to his wife and smiled secretly.

However, speaking of this, the lady smiled and said carelessly, "Your father understands things better than your mother, but he just doesn't care about anything and only cares about fighting and guarding the border. He went to the distant mountains to stay in order to avoid suspicion, but how can you avoid this suspicion if you want to avoid it? Put our mother and son here. If something happens, can't we really let your father run back from afar and run back?

Yang Hairuo said, "That's not because my mother is smart. Dad can rest assured to give everything to my mother!"

Madam said, "Who knows whether it is good or bad that you are never smart? If I were a little stupid, your father would look down on me. I would marry someone casually. I don't have to worry about anything, and I don't have to worry so much now.

"That won't work!" Yang Hairuo said, "Then I won't be able to talk to my mother."

The lady looked lovingly at the daughter who was snuggled beside her. Yang Hairuo's understanding is extremely high. If there is anything, he will know it as soon as he teaches him. Not only the way she taught her to think about things, including the martial arts that Lao Yang and others practiced, which seemed particularly difficult to practice, but also made great progress. However, this Xiaohai has really been excellent to a certain extent. Looking around, the children of the right-age officials have all been compared with their own girl. How can they get married like this? Can you really only marry in the palace to be a mother? That's too bitter!

Yang Hairuo doesn't know what his wife is thinking. Read and practice martial arts every day, talk to my mother, and help my mother share some family affairs. How good this life is!

However, Yang Hairuo's mind must not be completed. Because the next day, the Yuantian Taoist priest who was sent by the emperor to teach the children of the general's mansion pointed out that Yang Hairuo must also be present. He is responsible for the general's family and teaches, and all the children in the general's family should be taught.

How can Yang Hai not know that this Taoist priest can definitely marry into a family of heavy ministers, which is convenient for him to get close now? I didn't care. With Yunduoduo, I went to class with my two brothers for the first time.

So there were five people in the study, plus Wang San and Yun Duoduo.

So, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became very delicate.

While the two young masters told their little sister that they didn't study hard, they frowned at Wang San and kept signaling in the direction of Yun Duoduo. Yang Hairuo was on guard against Wang San. His eyes were not good, and he stared at Wang San like a trafficker. At the same time, he protected Yun Duoduo tightly behind him and saw the rich expressions of his two brothers. And Yun Duoduo looked like an injured little fox curled up behind the young lady, so ashamed that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Needles can be heard in the study, but the number of messages from the silence is huge. Every action made by everyone can cause countless thoughts to rise and fall in the hearts of the people present. The brain tonic is more bizarre than strange!

Wang San is helpless. I'm not a young master. Anyway, the silent fight seems to revolve around me!

Mr., come on! I really want to hear you talk about the principles of practice! I can't stand this depressing air!

So, the gentleman finally walked into the study.

Wang San was relieved.

And the gentleman didn't talk nonsense and said, "Madam said that the young master didn't listen to the class at the same time. I don't know the reason for this, but I can't. I was sent by the Holy Decree to teach the young master to practice in the general's mansion. I must teach you as soon as possible, so as not to let the young master fall behind on this point. Starting from today, I will come every day, either in the morning or afternoon, and I must let you catch up with those who have taken a step forward on the way of practice.

Yang Hairuo frowned, and the two young masters were directly surprised: "Ah? Come every day? So don't we have to practice every day and don't even have time to rest? We have to learn something else! Not enough energy, not enough, no way!"

Mr. didn't explain at all and said, "What is practice? It is to transform the body with the help of heaven and earth, and flexibly use heaven and earth to achieve what you want to achieve. Therefore, the practice of skills is also divided into internal and external skills, among which..."

Wang San has known this set for a long time. After the husband finished talking about the theory of the twelve meridians of the human body and the relationship between heaven and earth and the meridians, the second young master suddenly bent down and asked in a low voice, "Sir, can you make that more powerful if you practice?" With that, he frowned extremely frivolous and obscenely. Except for Yunduo, who doesn't understand what the second young master means? The gentleman was not annoyed and said, "Yes. Therefore, practicing this is a great gift from heaven to the world. Even if you only know a little about the skin of practice, you can also practice a little way to nourish your face and strengthen your body, which is conducive to the harmony between husband and wife and physical and mental pleasure. Therefore, the purpose of Yuantian Religion has always been to allow the world to enjoy the convenience brought by practice. If the young master is not interested in the affairs of the court, he can go to Yuantian Religion to study the skills and runes, which is also of great benefit to the world.

Wang San's heart is cold. It is indeed a great religious mission. He wants to benefit mankind, right? Then why did you want to kill me on the battlefield? What did I do wrong?

Mr. said, "If there is practice, there is a realm. How is the realm divided? Simply put, it is distinguished by the number of open meridians. Opening less than four meridians belongs to cultivation, and there is too little vitality stored in the body to have the effect of actively communicating the spirit of heaven and earth. During this period, the increase is often the perception of vitality and self- conditioning, which can also increase the strength and energy. As long as it breaks through more than five meridians, it can be described as one meridians.

"From the fifth meridians, the perception of oneself can become understanding. Because the open meridians become more and the vitality rises, we will know more about ourselves. After the fifth meridians are opened, we can clearly feel all parts of the body and control our own muscles, bones and lungs more freely. After opening the six meridians, we can look inside and understand ourselves. To the extreme.

"From the beginning of the seventh meridians, that is, the beginning of the difficulty of practice, if you want to open the seventh meridians, you need more vitality and require faster running speed. Many people are stuck in the sixth barrier and it is difficult to enter. However, as long as the seventh meridians are opened, the vitality inside the body can communicate with heaven and earth and control the magnificent power between heaven and earth.

"After the opening of the ninth meridians, the control of heaven and earth can be more pure, and the power of the power of the method can be greater. The perception obtained by opening these two meridians varies from person to person, but basically the perception of power control is to make people understand the characteristics of heaven and earth and the human body, so that the realm of magic can be improved. .

"After the tenth meridians are opened, a wonderful state of divine control can be achieved. Because before, we had to control the natural and local qi through our own vitality, and we must have an idea to go to the process of our own vitality to foreign objects or natural and local qi. Opening the tenth meridians can make the control of vitality reach its peak, which is completely driven by intention.

"It is not clear what the next two meridians will look like after they are opened. However, it is speculated that if the eleventh meridians are opened, the understanding of this heavenly mystery can be expanded by divine consciousness to reach a state of detachment. No one has reached the twelfth meridians yet, so you need to work hard to reach that profound realm and benefit the world.

This set of people present was fascinated by it. It turns out that cultivation can achieve such benefits!

"This is the summary of the Tiandao Heart Method, which has been summarized so far. And this is internal work. As for external power, it is the use of vitality. Internal and external skills complement each other, and only by practicing together can we achieve the real effect of practice. And..."

Wang San could no longer listen to what Mr. Yu said. That's not right! Although I have long known that the order of opening the meridians is completely different from that of the "Heavenly Heart Method", it can't be so different! When I opened the fifth meridians, I could see inside, and there were still a few rivers with fish! How do you explain this? As for the seventh meridians, you can communicate with your own vitality... Please! Well, when I first opened the three veins of Ren Duchong, it was already good, okay? Isn't it just that when you use the vitality in the meridians, you can put a little outside and hook some of the vitality that has not been absorbed by yourself in the world to make the magic more powerful? Why do you need to open seven meridians to learn this? If I hadn't done this earlier, how could I have survived on the battlefield at that time!

What the hell is going on? He must have said it wrong!

(The second update is delivered! If it weren't for my uncle, I would still be more fierce on holidays~)