fang shi tian shu

Chapter 111 Unparaly Lucky Escape

It's shocking all day! He has clearly sealed the flow of vitality in Wang San's body. How can the boy still issue spells? In a panic, he hurriedly gathered the vitality around him and rushed to the virtual image.

However, this is just a virtual image! A moment of panic and the habits developed over the years made the Japanese side make this completely wrong choice. A magnificent spirit of heaven and earth was actually most of the virtual image that rushed through the exposed without causing any impact. A small part of the spirit of heaven and earth was even absorbed by Wang San's virtual image!

This change was in an instant. Except for Wang Sanyun Duoduo and Cheng Rifang, the other disciples in the room did not have time to react! If you have good eyes, you just see a blue shadow, and you don't even have time to react to what it is. And they didn't have time to react, and the heavenly atmosphere that rushed through the virtual shadow rushed to the two disciples! The two disciples' minds were blank, and they didn't even figure out what was going on. They were directly stunned by this heavenly spirit and earth, and were slapped on the wall two meters away, and they even had to fall!

Seeing this, Cheng Rifang cried in his heart, and then turned his mind to deal with Wang San lying on the ground. But how could Wang San leave him such an opportunity! Just now, I couldn't help asking questions in order to leave time for me to crack the prohibition in my body! Taking advantage of the wrong judgment of the Japanese side, Wang San, who had slightly recovered some mobility, pulled Yun Duoduo, regardless of any posture, and hurriedly rolled in the direction of the window. When Cheng Nifang found that Wang San rolled to the window, the second spell was ready.

To open up nine meridians, although the cultivation is high, no matter how simple the technique is, it cannot achieve instantaneous! The bully is that you can't send it instantaneously!

At this time, the huge consciousness passed by Yun Duoduo to Wang San has begun to weaken. Wang San's mind moved and did not hesitate to flash in the virtual image judged by the Japanese side as no light and shadow, as if the space turbulence in Wang San's meridians. As soon as the light appeared, it burst out!

From the appearance of Wang San's virtual shadow to the current virtual shadow explosion, it can't be a single finger! At this time, the disciples of the immortals still did not realize what was going on, and the magic prepared by the Japanese side was directly held in their hands!

The inn is on the street, and there are still many people standing on the street. The scene of Wang San shaking the horse just now is really thrilling. Even now, they don't believe how such a thin young man can still live after the collision of the horse! The young man was carried to the inn for treatment. The matter seemed to be over, but this discussion, as a topic after dinner, has just begun. Shopping, stalls, shopkeepers, all the passers-by who saw the scene just now did not leave a few people, gathered around the casting site one after another, conjecturing the whole process of what had just happened with different emotions. And at this moment, a huge explosion immediately removed all the unbearable thoughts in their minds!


How can it explode!

Everyone hugged their heads and fled and looked at the source of the explosion. There was no fire, but the soft and clearly visible huge air wave spewed out from the second floor facing the street!

Some people familiar with the inn suddenly thought that this was the room where the young man was carried into just now!

And with the explosion, there were two figures!

What the hell is going on!

Wang San's mind can't figure out what's going on now. Even if all this is done by himself, he can't figure it out! Yunduo's divine transmission this time is too fierce, and it feels like it's going to explode Wang San's head directly! Even Yunduo was directly unconscious this time because there were too many divine consciousness spread in a hurry! But Wang San can't be in a coma! If he loses consciousness at this time, not only will the soul that was almost materialized with vitality explode in vain, but also they will be caught and executed again by the hidden disciples of the later Dixianmen after landing! Withlerating the sharp pain in his head and the almost clueless chaos in his thoughts, Wang San squeezed out the last bit of vitality in his meridians to strengthen his muscles and bones, and once again kept Yun Duoduo turned over and fell directly to the ground!

If Wang San jumps from three floors at ordinary times, he has dozens of ways to protect himself from any harm. But at this time, Wang San was almost exhausted, and this fall was not fancy. It made Wang San fall into seven meat and eight elements. If it hadn't been for the strength of the willpower group, it would have been enough to make Wang San faint dozens of times! With the great pain of body and spirit, Wang San raised all his strength and shouted in a weak voice, "Send me to the general's mansion!" General's mansion!"

Almost all the onlookers were dumbfounded! Just knocked over by a horse, why was it blown down from upstairs?


Absolutely fortunately. Wang San's landing position is next to the owner of the horse just now! The driver has been blaming himself for shocking and hurting people, feeling sorry for the young man who was hit. Although he also needed to take responsibility for his horse's shock and injury, he had a lot of evidence just now, and Liu Catcher had also determined himself, and he just attached the young man's medical expenses. But after all, this is a hurtful thing. Although it is not his fault, the driver still feels guilty. Seeing that Wang San actually fell directly at his feet with the woman in his arms, the driver felt guilty and did not retreat and watch like other passers-by, but ran to ask Wang San how he was doing!

Only luckily can explain. When everyone exclaimed for the explosion, the scene was in a mess, and the driver actually heard Wang San's words clearly! He hurriedly said to Wang San, "Hold on, I'll take you there now! Which general's mansion?"

Wang San, who was extremely dizzy, faintly heard the words "which" and "send you". He knew that this was the person who really wanted to give himself. After struggling to say "General Yuanshan", he could no longer hold on and completely fell into a coma.

General's Mansion of Yuanshan? On that day, General Yuanshan's mansion came to the imperial capital with great fanfare. Almost all women and children in the imperial capital know that Yuanshan General's mansion returned to the imperial capital for the first time in many years and visited the Iron Calculation General's mansion. At this time, when he heard the words "General Yuanshan", the driver immediately knew that this matter could not be delayed and found a unicycle to quickly push Wang San and Yunduoduo away.

In the room upstairs, Cheng Ri finally changed the spell used to kill Wang San and made a lot of protection for himself. Although it was awkward at this time, it was only damaged on the clothes. But the apprentice in the room is far from as lucky as him. Two disciples who were previously hit by his spell were directly killed by this explosion! And the remaining disciples have done some protection, but their bodies are also hung up to varying degrees.

Looking at the room that was blown up by the explosion, as well as the dead and injured disciples, Cheng Rifang's heart was even colder! I have opened up nine meridians, and I don't know how much better than this boy! What's more, I have already overestimated the boy's strength, and all the plans have been almost seamless. But even so, he let the boy escape and killed two disciples again! The probe glanced at the back of the driver who pushed Wang Sanfei and almost disappeared. Cheng Ri knew that his arrangement had completely failed this time.

But why did it fail? The previous plan was extremely smooth. From the transfer of all the hands of Yuan Tianjiao to the exposure of arrays to cater to his curiosity, as well as a series of arrangements such as later confinement, have made his body almost all the mobility. Is it because the spell he sealed the vitality in his body was broken?

But, how can it be! Xiu Wei is here, how can he touch his own seal!

It's too late to think about it. This explosion will immediately attract more onlookers and people from the Yuantian religion of the government. It is dangerous to stay for one more moment. He told him to take the bodies of the two dead disciples, and the disciples of Cheng Rifang and a group of immortals disappeared into the crowd.

When he regained consciousness again, Wang San still felt a terrible pain in his head! The feeling of dizziness and uncontrollable physical pain almost once again pulled Wang San into a coma. However, a trace of clear consciousness strongly urged him to wake up faster, because he did not know whether he had really returned to the general's mansion.

But he was so conscious that he couldn't even raise his eyelids, which made Wang San feel as if he was dreaming.

When his mind sank, he instantly reached the state of inner vision, which made Wang San understand that he was not dreaming, but because he was seriously injured and a little separated from consciousness. It's still the six meridians and those veins. The rivers that were originally intertwined have almost dried up by this time. In the inner vision, only Ren Duchong's three veins still have a little vitality, and in other veins, only those small fish that are actually turbulent in space are breathing in small blisters at the bottom of the river.

Seeing this, Wang San understood that he couldn't wake up because his body and vitality were all damaged and his body function could not come up. However, his virtual shadow just now was constructed as a ghost, which is similar to the Taoist priest who used the ghost method. Although the explosion was controlled by his soul, there was still some damage to his soul. But why did you regain your consciousness first?

Thinking of this, Wang San's headache is coming again! People are too cheap, and it's not easy to think about anything!

Hurry to divert your attention. There seems to be some changes in my meridians, but now the primary goal is to absorb the vitality quickly and then repair the body. When you concentrate, you will see that the water level in the dry river suddenly rises. I urged it, and there's really no problem! Just now, the seal placed by the Taoist priest in his body was really powerful. He tried his best to untie only a little, which could use the self-explosive ghost method. Fortunately, the seal disappeared, otherwise the time to wake up would be delayed.

But how long did it take for Wang San's five senses to finally come back? But as soon as I opened my eyes, I heard an extremely angry voice:

"Wang San, you have done a good thing! If something happens to you, I can't forgive you!"