fang shi tian shu

Chapter 128 Thoughts and Follow-up

If you really send practitioners to fight on the front line, you need the command of a real general to be efficient, and you need the command of a real practitioner to convince the public. Only when these two conditions are met at the same time can practitioners play the role of participating in the war. This is an obvious example of the insufficient auxiliary combat by the practitioners sent by Yuan Tianjiao to the front line. And who is the most suitable person for this condition?

It is here, next to the families of these generals' mansions who were forced to rest in the imperial capital! They have learned the art of physical warfare in the generals' mansion, and their understanding of combat must be far beyond ordinary people. The life of being trapped by the emperor is almost under house arrest, and they have enough time to learn one more practice! It can even be said that this sudden opportunity is prepared for the children of the general's mansion!

How can several young masters not be excited!

Noting the sudden restlessness of these young people, General Ironman knew that he could not stop talking, otherwise these hot-blooded young people would definitely be carried away. So he said, "The current world is not the previous one, so you should be more cautious. Whether it is our empire or the surrounding four countries, the military forces, civilian forces and the forces of practice are all entangled. Our empire is still good. The three parties contain each other and develop each other, and the lives of the people can still be leveled. According to intelligence, the forces of the other four countries have been unbalanced. In addition to the military power of Beiyi to govern the country by war, the forces of the other three countries have completely overwhelmed the original forces in their court. Therefore, although several parties launched an attack on our empire at the same time, this method of transferring domestic contradictions can only solve the urgent need. It won't be long before there will be greater turmoil in the country in the southern barbarians.

"So, you should always beware. The emperor means to let the three sides of the empire always stand up and stabilize the situation of the empire through the effective containment of all parties. This is indeed an effective method, but how difficult is it to maintain the balance without being destroyed? Therefore, from now on, you should be cautious in all your actions and pay attention to whether your actions will break the balance between the three empire.

"And in terms of practice, don't force it as it is. I have confirmed that people who have practiced strong gymnastics will open up the meridians more slowly than ordinary people. There may be a conflict between strong gymnastics and practicing spells. However, in terms of personal combat effectiveness, the difference between the two sides is not far away. If you work hard, Mo Gaochi, the national teacher, can't say that he must be better than me. Therefore, we military body refiners must be clear that we still focus on strong gymnastics, supplemented by the method of practice, and cannot put the cart before the horse, which misleads the strong advantage of our body method.

"And I can tell you clearly that the war in the world is coming. Up to now, Yuantian Religion and Dixianmen are almost completely contrary to the concept of practice, and the behavior of both sides accusing each other will make the world turbulent. And the relationship between our empire and the surrounding four countries is well known. The two sides take advantage of each other, and the final result will definitely lead to war. Therefore, you must tighten your nerves now and prepare for the upcoming war.

"What I just said, you must not pass it on, as long as you understand it."

After saying that, General Iron Calculated sighed and sat down straight down.

There is no sound during the banquet.

The amount of information in this sentence is too large. After careful analysis, there are too many things to think about. Not to mention the major events between countries, but ordinary people seem to have a simple practice. What kind of struggle is hidden between the two sides? What is the relationship between practice and heaven and earth? What is the conflict between practice and the existing training system of life? What kind of conflicts will lead to the practice of different methods? Will the world's choice of practice determine which countries will win the battle, and what determines the world's choice of practice?

After thinking about it, the problems that can be involved in General Tie Calculation's words have made everyone here faint for a while. Those present are all talkative figures of the General's Mansion. There is a lot of information about the court, and it is even more difficult for ordinary people to imagine the ** nature of the current situation. Yes, what will the world look like in this way?

The only easier one is Wang San. Wang San's understanding of practice is far above that of the people here. At least, in his opinion, the so-called practice concept and what method of practice will cause changes in heaven and earth are nonsense. All practices are the use of various breaths between heaven and earth, and after these breaths are used, they will be lost between heaven and earth again. What is consumed is only the life power of the practitioner. What does it have to do with heaven and earth? The source of all struggle is just the desire of various forces.

Therefore, Wang San, whose expression is frivolous and indifferent at this time, is particularly prominent among the people who are thinking hard.

General Tiesan saw Wang San at a glance, recalled what Wang San had done before, and laughed and said, "Speaking of which, the gap between our general's mansion and practitioners is not that big!" The little gentleman here has been lurking in the Yuanshan General's mansion for a long time, which has helped our general's mansion a lot!"

The atmosphere was changed by a sentence, and the people in the field naturally relaxed. However, Wang San was mentioned to the front desk again.

Only then did General Tie Calculation, Li Su, and the broken son of the Yang family who joined in the fun made public the legendary experience of Wang San in the army. In Huyaguan, he assisted General Huwang's plan to defeat Marshal Ma, and deliberately changed his identity and sneaked into General Yuanshan's mansion as a subordinate. After being discovered by Li Su, he helped General Yuanshan's mansion solve a series of large and small things. Until he arrived at the imperial capital, his identity was exposed, but he completely pulled Yuan Tianjiao out of the ward, found the den of the Dixianmen in the imperial capital and assisted the masters of Yuantianjiao to retreat. The ups and downs are talked about by people, and the eyes looking at Wang San are also full of deep meaning.

But Wang San couldn't laugh or cry. The plain story of a small practitioner's tricks is thus told as a legend?

With Wang San's gimmick, the people who talked to each other slowly let go of their emotions. It didn't take long for the fundraising to be staggered and the guests were happy.

This is exactly what General Iron Calculation wants to see.

Wang San just dealt with happiness stupidly. When someone asked him, his answers were "yes", "yes", "just like that" and "nothing".

Others think that Wang San can't cope with such a scene, but how could Yang Hai have such a judgment? Looking at a table composed of servants of General Yuanshan's Mansion in the corner, Yun Duoduo was looking at Wang San intoxicatedly, and his eyes seemed to be full of small stars. Yang Hairuo was angry. Thinking of what Wang San said before, my heart is full of mixed feelings. Regardless of the atmosphere now, he asked, "Mr. Xiao, I still don't understand why such a magical power as you would want to deceive all of us into entering my Yuanshan General's mansion as a subordinate?"

This matter is really difficult to understand. For a moment, everyone stopped talking and wanted to get the exact answer from Wang San.

Wang San smiled on the surface, but scolded secretly in his heart: Xiao Niangpi's eyes are all on the black-hearted calculating people! Yang Hairuo's expression at this time clearly means that he is lucky to be happy with disaster! The inadvertent glance at Yunduo was clearly threatening her! No matter what you say, the topic will definitely be attracted to Yunduo! As long as she is negligent and is caught by Yang Hairuo, she can continue to affect Yunduo and make her doubt herself in the future.

Wang San laughed and said, "Miss, I really didn't lie. With my luck, it's true that it's better to do it for big families than to do it yourself. The bigger the people work, the smoother my path will be. That's why I want to sneak into the general's mansion. The more general the words are, the more difficult it is to find the problem.

Yang Hairuo nodded: "That's it. But even if the little gentleman wants to enter my Yuanshan General's mansion, he doesn't have to condescend to be a subordinate! Whether you show your skills or directly tell us your achievements on the front line, you can get a better identity in our house. What I don't understand is why you have to be a subordinate?"

Wang Sanhe said, "Yuan Tianjiao is bothering me. There's nothing I can do. You can't reveal your skills easily. Don't you all say so?"

"So in order to enter the general's mansion and not to reveal your identity, you made up a life and cheated us to be servants?" Yang Hairuo's tone was obviously stiff.


"But I heard that when dealing with the people of Dixianmen today, the elder of Yuantianjiao was not hostile to you at all. You and Yunduoduo have made a lot of limelight among the two masters, and it is said that the national teacher himself said that he would reward you. Yunduo said this matter. It was by your side at that time. That should be right.

What else can Wang San say? Sure enough, Yunduo pulled in without two words!

"Maybe they think I can help them deal with the people of Dixianmen, so they forgive me."

Is that right? However, it seems that every time you fight with the people of Dixianmen, you have to take Yunduoduo, and I also know that you are very powerful from Duoduo. But why is that?"

When asked about this, everyone noticed Yang Hairuo's misforation. This implies that Wang San has an improper relationship with Yun Duoduo, which leads everyone to think that Wang Sanjin Yuanshan General Mansion is because of his evil intentions against a maid!

Although he was disdainful, he still pretended to be stupid: "It's all a coincidence! In addition to going out with several young masters, I also went out twice, and the result was calculated. I have no choice but to involve innocent people.

When General Tieshan saw that Yang Hairuo's face was even worse, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Okay, it is said that Mr. Xiao's commendation will be sent later. Everyone can listen to the good news at that time. Anyway, no matter what happens these days, everyone is safe, which is the most important thing.

(I'm really out of state, and the more I hold it, the worse I feel... I'm really embarrassed to ask for collection... The transitional chapter is really hurt.)