fang shi tian shu

Chapter 132 preaching

"Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang are fundamental to maintaining the balance of the world. The change of heaven and earth enables me to practice, which is a gift from heaven and earth. Therefore, we should not wantonly abuse the gifts of this world to us. We practitioners cannot be ungrateful and forget the gifts of this world to us. Therefore, it is our duty to strive to maintain the balance of this world! And this method of soul transformation is the best way to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the world!"

In one night, such words appeared around the Yuantian Taoist temple all over the empire. These words have been interpreted by different Taoists in the empire and given different meanings. But the core content remains unchanged, that is, only when practitioners practice the art of soul transformation can it be regarded as beneficial to the world.

That is, those who do not practice the soul transformation of Yuantianjiao are all willing to harm heaven and earth!

After the spread of the secret method of Yuantianjiao, from this morning, all the Taoist temple of Yuantianjiao went out and began to practice and promote this method of soul transformation.

And as the imperial capital where the general view of Yuantian religion is located, this style is even more prosperous.

As soon as the sky was bright, the people up and down in the general's mansion were quarreled by the screams on the street before they said goodbye to their sleep.

General Tiesuan opened his eyes and sat up. He heard the panic and cheers mixed together, put on his clothes and walked out of the door.

And the general's wife doesn't know how many times she slandered those screaming people! My husband finally went home and was looking forward to sleeping peacefully, but he was disturbed by these shouts! He sighed and said angrily to the general who was about to go out of the door, "I'm not young. I don't know how to wear clothes when I go out? What should I do if I catch a cold? Fortunately, you are still a general. You go out in pajamas and pajamas, and you are not afraid of falling into the general's prestige!"

People in a hurry to prepare something at this time, and everyone in the house was awakened by the noise outside. Everyone cleaned up a little and went out to have a look.

As soon as the door opened, a new world surged!

The iron calculation general's mansion is located in the inner city of the imperial capital. Most of them were originally senior officials living in the imperial capital, mixed with a few giant merchants. The homes of various officials and businessmen occupy a wide area, and it is difficult to find people's residences where they gather. However, this morning, countless people poured into the inner city, which was bustling, as if the temple in the outer city had moved into the inner city. And the protagonist of this temple fair turned out to be the Taoist priest of Yuantian Sect!

These Taoists have all practiced the method of soul transformation, which is magical and unpredictable, and rarer than ordinary juggling tricks. Many people, even without breakfast, have to follow these Taoist priests to the inner city.

It happened to be such a team passing by the Iron Calculation General's Mansion.

A little Taoist priest in front of his head, about 13 or 14 years old, still looks young on his quiet face and his cultivation is not high. And there was a small squirrel lying on his shoulder! How can there be squirrels in the hinterland of the plain where the imperial capital is located? And this is actually the transformation of a little Taoist priest!

There is also a young man in his twenties beside him. While guiding hundreds of people behind him, he explained: "... So this spell is also good for everyone to live. You see, my younger brother can turn into a squirrel as soon as he can transform. If the younger brother can't get anything higher, he can use this transformed squirrel to get it. Brother!"

Hearing this, the little Taoist priest was absorbed and saw the little squirrel on his shoulder swinging a few times, as if it was a little difficult to identify the direction. After that, he only jumped to the towering ancient trees on the roadside. The little squirrel moved, climbed to the top of the tree, picked a leaf and held it in its mouth, and quickly climbed back to the shoulder of the little Taoist priest.

Everyone did not notice the sudden relaxed look of the little Taoist priest, but was shocked by the agility of the little squirrel! Just now, they clearly saw that the squirrel suddenly appeared on the shoulder of the little Taoist priest, and then did nothing. But now, this squirrel is as flexible as a living creature?

The young Taoist priest said, "Everyone saw it! With this little squirrel, the younger brother can easily get the things on the top of the tree without climbing the tree himself. It's like it's easy for people to work, take some tall items, or pick fruits and dates.

Among the surprised people, some people had many problems and said, "But it's not common to take high things. I carry bags and unload cars, and it's useless to use such a small mouse!"

The young Taoist priest laughed and said, "What is metamorphosis can be chosen by yourself. If this eldest brother does hard work, he can become my giant spirit.

With that, the young Taoist priest trembled all over, and under the gathering of vitality, a seven- or eight-meter-high giant shadow suddenly appeared behind him! Although it is not a complete entity, you can still see the scenery behind it through the giant's body, but the giant is too tall and has a great visual impact! The giant's figure first appeared. Even if the people were bold, he stepped back a few steps in a row and raised his neck in panic and laboriously to look up! And a few timid people didn't know where they ran to with a "mom" sound!

The young Taoist priest didn't care and said, "If it turns into a shape similar to this giant spirit, it can help you move more and heavier things." So, when his mind moved, the giant's figure bent down, stretched out a huge palm, and directly picked up the upper horse stone in front of the iron calculation general's mansion!

Everyone naturally exclaimed when they saw this! Although this horse stone is not big, it costs at least a few hundred catties! The general Hercules had to work extremely hard to lift it up, and this young and somewhat thin Taoist priest actually easily picked it up with his own giant spirit! What's more incredible is that the giant seemed to care nothing. He threw a few times in the air and put the upper horse stone in place again, as if nothing had happened!

This scene happened to be seen by the iron general who went out to check the situation!

The general narrowed his eyes and said, "Kid, good ability, your cultivation is not low!"

Others don't know him, but this young Taoist priest is predestined to see the iron general. Seeing the general, the young Taoist priest hurriedly saluted and said, "See General Murong!"

Everyone was surprised by the power of the giant spirit behind the young Taoist priest. At this time, when they saw the young Taoist priest saluted others, they immediately reacted and saluted one after another: "See General Murong!"

The name of the seven-star general of the empire is really being developed. How many people in the empire and even the surrounding four countries can't tell the legendary story of the seven generals of the empire? Famous and respected in the heart. How dare you be rude when you see me?

General Tiewan raised his hand and said, "Excuse me, you are not military generals. You're welcome." With that, he turned his head and asked the young Taoist priest, "Why did so many people enter the inner city today? What's the matter?"

The young Taoist priest replied respectfully: "Report to General Murong, our Yuantian Sect will hold a conference outside the Guiyuan Gate in the inner city. At the meeting, we will tell you about our method of transformation, and then recruit apprentices to our Yuantian Sect on the spot."

Hearing these words again, more than a hundred people behind him became more excited! The current empire, political and well-known people, can find a way to survive with imperial examination knowledge; if there are continuous wars, if you are brave, you can also seek promotion in the army; there are not many taxes and fees, and you can live a good life by doing business with shrewd mind. Such an environment is really unattainable. However, this good development environment is only for a few people. May I ask, which one doesn't need to work hard to get ahead? But are all the people in the world really willing to work hard? Those who have talent, perseverance and aspirations can rely on their talents and efforts to live a better life under this system that does not hinder people's development, but what about those who have no ambition, talent and perseverance? No matter what kind of system, the majority of people are willing to live in the ordinary corner. Most people will live a plain life without complaint, and the only ideal, or only fantasy, is that they can suddenly get ahead and have power and money one day without much effort.

And now, this fantasy that can't be realized at all is about to come true! As long as you prove that you are talented, regardless of your origin, you can generally enter the state religion to practice, and I don't know how many benefits there are! And this talent does not require the day after tomorrow's efforts! This is simply the best presentation of what you get without effort. How can you not make everyone excited?

General Tiewan nodded and said, "Outside the Guiyuan Gate, is it hosted by Qingshanguan over there?"

The young Taoist priest said, "This transmission conference is a big event. Naturally, it will be presided over by Yuan Tianguan, and the leader and several elders will be present. Hold this conference in Qingshanguan. According to the elders, it was the idea of the Holy.

Indeed, outside the Guiyuan Gate of the Imperial City is the largest square in the imperial capital, which is indeed much wider than Lihuo Street and suitable for such a large-scale gathering. But next to the imperial gate, does it mean anything else?

General Tie Calculated for a moment and said, "You use that giant spirit just now to attack me again with all your strength."

When the general said this, everyone was shocked! The young Taoist priest said urgently, "General, think twice! Our admiration for the general is like a surging river. How dare we do something disrespectful to the general!"

The people around were also shocked. Just now, the giant transformed into a Taoist priest played the horse stone like a dice, and they saw it with their own eyes! Such strength can't attack a person, even an iron general!

Despite everyone's surprise and dissuasion, the general motioned the people in the house to retreat, stepped forward and said, "What, do you think you can hurt me? I just want to try your cultivation. To integrate practitioners into the army of our empire, you need to familiarize yourself with the combat effectiveness of the relevant practitioners as soon as possible, don't you?"

The young Taoist priest looked up at the general's powerful figure and asked uncertainly, "General, do you really want to fight?"

(If there is nothing to do tomorrow, you must write more and more... predict at least 2 more tomorrow, and strive for 3 more! Well, so you can collect it now! Thank you all for bowing to sleep.)