fang shi tian shu

Chapter 146 The Third Battle! Origin! 5

The black and white impermanent soul flag hits the defense shield like thunder!

In terms of the swing speed of the soul flag, after the secondary acceleration of Qi Jingduan and black and white impermanence, even the fierce general Murong Chi and others beside him are moved! With such a blow, even some ordinary sergeants who practice strong gymnastics can't do it! What's more frightening is that such an attack did not cause a trace of air fluctuation because black and white impermanence is vitality! Such an attack speed and silence are simply the only way to sneak up and assassinate!

Such a blow hit Xiao Sheng's rebellious earth and stone shield, and then rolled up a huge fog of sand and stone! A heavy fog burst out, covering up Qi Jingduan and Xiao Sheng, as well as all the situation inside!

Li Su walked behind Murong Chi and whispered, "Three Generals, will these people be restrained by us?"

The voice was extremely low, just a whisper, and he didn't want the people next to him, especially Mo Zhizhi, to hear it. Mo Zhichi shrugged his shoulders indifferently and turned away from his seat to arrange other things.

Murong Chi shook his head and said, "Did you not hear the imperial edict just now? The emperor has clearly expressed his meaning in the past few days, that is, to train the three forces of the general and political sect to perform their respective duties. You should have understood this long ago, otherwise Yuan Tianjiao's behavior against your family would have made you start tor for a long time.

"But Wang San's will just now is too outrageous. It is simply maliciously suppressing the status of Yuan Tianjiao. The title of great worship is only given to a seven-grade general in the military department. Won't the Yuantian Sect people rebound? With that, Li Su glanced at the dust that had not yet dissipated on the stage and continued, "They may not be convinced."

Murong Chi shook his head gently and said, "What if you don't accept it? At that time, Yuan Tianjiao did nothing and put all the problems in your house. Did you rebound?

Li Su said, "But this is unreasonable! After all, there are only a few people in my Yuanshan General's mansion. Even if he takes the responsibility on the seven generals' house, we people who understand the reason can still explain things clearly. But what about Yuantian Religion? Their followers are thousands of times more than us. How can a few people who understand make the truth clear? It is impossible to improve the wisdom of the group.

"You don't have to worry about this. The emperor has his own emperor's skills. You and I just need to maintain a good balance. For example, will you come to the next game?

Li Su pointed to herself incredulously: "Me?"

"Well," said the iron calculation general, "you should know what it means to test with that little Taoist priest in the morning. Going to power to publicize the strength of our military is also a means to establish balance.

Li Su thought for a moment: "Yes, but what's the reason? In addition, is the emperor so eager to establish the situation of the three powers in the DPRK now? Is it..."

Murong Chi immediately said, "Don't speculate about the holy intention, let alone the reason for the holy intention. Remember this when you stand by your side.

Li Su Yilin stopped talking and turned over countless thoughts in her mind.

Turning his head and seeing Li Su's continuous calculating appearance, Iron General said, "There are some things that you don't need to think too much, just like you don't need to think about the reasons you need to fight on stage. Someone will help you think about these. If you can give something to others like you kill people and don't do it yourself, it will be easier for you.

"Listen to the general's teachings."

While talking, the dust on the field has gradually fallen.

But it was shocking to the ground, the dust fell, and the black and white impermanence still maintained the beating posture just now! And Xiao Sheng's rebellious earth and stone shield showed no sign of collapse at all! It's just that in terms of size, it was hit by the blow just now, which was obviously smaller.

"How can it be!" A Yuantian Taoist priest in the backcourt exclaimed. He is very clear about this blow of Qi Jingduan. The power comes not only from the horrible swing speed achieved by the second acceleration of black and white impermanence, but also from the strange soul prayer flag! When the soul flag is fully stimulated, ordinary people will be disturbed so that they can't move. And even if it is only used as an ordinary blade, it will automatically absorb the surrounding atmosphere of heaven and earth. Before this soul prayer flag, ordinary magic charms are simply useless. The terrible method of attack is the definition of Qi Jingduan's soul prayer. However, Xiao Sheng's rebellion completely prevented such a blow!

The Taoist priest who knows the inside story is also incredible! Qi Jingduan is also a master in teaching, but such a full blow did not have any impact on the people of the fairy gate?! What kind of Xiao Sheng's rebellion is? How strong is it!

No one knows how strong it is, but the next moment, Xiao Sheng's counterattack made everyone know!

I don't know when the ground under this platform rose silently, and only at Xiao Sheng's feet, the land five meters below has resisted the platform! In an instant, countless fine earth and stones appeared on the floor that had already broken countless large and small holes! These earth and rocks turned into earth arrows in an instant, wrapped the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and shot out from the surroundings of Qijing section to the middle!

Range and undifferentiated attack! The whole range is all shrouded by these earth arrows!

Qi Jingduan was alert, and the soul rope in his hand quickly rotated to protect his body tightly. At the same time, black and white impermanence directly bypassed the shield and attacked from the gap behind. This is completely equivalent to Qi Jingduan's opponent always being one against three!

However, only those behind Xiao Sheng's rebellion will notice that the gap behind Xiao Sheng's rebellion has long been filled, and now it is completely unclear what Xiao Sheng is doing in it.

However, Qi Jingduan didn't know.

However, Qi Jingduan doesn't know more than that! He believes that black and white impermanence is a vitality transformation, and he is not afraid of these physical attacks made by Xiao Sheng. However, the black and white impermanence has just moved a short distance, and the first earth arrow has hit the white impermanence body!

Unlike Qi Jingduan's expectation, the earth arrow had just come into contact with the impermanent body, and an inexplicable fluctuation suddenly appeared! The whole impermanent body was unstable for a moment, as if there was a danger of dispersing!

The vitality attached to these earth arrows is horrible! Xiao Sheng is a heavenly master! How can the manipulation of heaven and earth be as rough as ordinary people?

Fee the power of this earth arrow, Qi Jingduan knew that neither the black and white impermanence nor the soul rope around him could resist these attacks!

In an instant, the soul rope of rotating defense seemed to stop as the air solidified! And the white and impermanent earth arrow suddenly penetrated through its body. Then, countless earth arrows came one after another. Qi Jingduan seemed to have no defense or even any movement, but earth arrows penetrated him and black and white impermanence!

"It's over! Dead!"

"The Taoist priest of the Yuantian religion was stabbed into a hedgehog!"

"I'm going to die! Lost two games in a row!"

The people off the stage exclaimed with different emotions. Some timid even closed their eyes and turned around, not wanting to see the next moment of blood and blood.

However, something wrong was immediately discovered by everyone. Why is there no blood on those earth arrows passed through Qi Jingduan? After being pierced by so many earth arrows, why was he still fine and not injured at all?

I only saw Qi Jingduan and the black and white impermanent body become a little unreal, as if they had turned into a virtual shadow!

"Damn! The body is blurred! Why is it so against the sky!" Wang San saw it and exclaimed incredibly! Turn yourself and your own metamorphosis into virtual bodies, such magic...

Only several elders of Yuantian Sect and several people familiar with Qi Jingduan know that Qi Jingduan is really in trouble!

That blur is not all blur, but has strict launch conditions. During this period, the distance between the black and white impermanence cannot exceed three meters, and the black and white impermanence and the Qi Jing section must be connected by a soul rope. During this period, Qi Jingduan and Black and White impermanence can't make any other action and must try their best to implement this spell.

And the biggest limitation is that Qi Jingduan and black and white are impermanent, and only two of them can be blurred! That is to say, when driving this spell, there must always be a physical state!

However, after the whole arrow rain, none of Qi Jingduan and black and white impermanence were attacked!

It is impossible for Qi Jingduan to improve the spell. One of the three is the foundation of this spell.

So, there is only one explanation:

Qi Jingduan sensed the order in which all the earth arrows hit him and the black and white impermanence, and then quickly converted them into physical units to avoid all the earth arrows!

However, what a strong control and insight this requires!

The arrow rain passed, and in the incredible of everyone, Qi Jingduan did not stagnate, and the black and white impermanence suddenly merged into one! Two soul flags also turned into one at the same time, as a long gun to stab the earth shield!

No three points!

The earth shield made by Xiao Sheng is only more than one meter in diameter. And the soul flag that pierced into this full moon-like defense is as full of one meter!

How do the people in it live?

However, under this blow, Xiao Sheng's counterattack did not stop! A large array suddenly took shape at this time!

The whole platform seems to suddenly become distorted! With the same distortion as space! It seems that the air is burning! The people outside the field looked at it, and the two of them gradually became distorted and blurred. Qi Jingduan, who was in it, felt that his body was constantly pulled by countless chaotic forces, as if to pull himself into pieces!

Xiao Sheng is suitable for the layout of a complete array!

No one knows, so no one is not incredible.

Qi Jingduan's body stepped into the white impermanent body that was re-diparted and avoided this strange formation.

Everyone understood Qi Jingduan's intention. Although the array has been completed, Xiao Sheng has been hit by a combination of impermanence, and he is immortal and disabled! How can the dying body maintain the formation for a long time? Next is only one word.


(Don't blame me for writing too many scenes that have nothing to do with the protagonist, because these scenes are an evaluation of the whole power system of this story. Anyway, I don't care about the results~ Then, today's chapter was written in the coffee shop next to me, and the Internet in the house may not be able to count on it for half a month... I can only guarantee 20K weekly update again, and I can't make any other guarantees...)