fang shi tian shu

Chapter 180 Is it safe?

Sun Yi's face became extremely ugly. If it is really compared with force, there will be no ambiguity in their group, even if the enemy is much stronger than themselves. However, what I'm afraid of is this inexplicable danger that I don't know where it comes from! What people fear is never danger, but unknown danger.

Even if this danger is not fatal to the soldiers of the Guards, it will affect their minds more or less. What's more, those...

Sun Yi looked back at several practitioners. Qi Lekai was about to fall asleep at this time, and vicious words came from time to time. Although the pronunciation is vague and the tone is mild, the resentment in the words can still be faintly heard. At this moment, the six practitioners around Qi Lekai have not concealed their emotions and looked at Sun Yi and a battalion of guards camp with complicated eyes.

Depend on, they have to rely on the force of these soldiers to break out of the siege.

Resentment, if it hadn't been for these stupid soldiers, how could they have fallen to such an embarrassing and dangerous level?

Unwilling, he has the ability to stretch countless times, and even needs the protection of others to be safe for a moment.

Powerless and powerless, they have no right to speak in the team at this moment.

Lost, the feeling of changing from the absolute strong to the weak at this moment, seems to destroy the meaning of their survival.

Fear, I really met something that absolutely restrained me.


All this brewed in the hearts of these practitioners and fermented a kind of madness. Sun Yi saw the changes of these people, but there was nothing he could do. What needs to be solved most now is how to get out of this strange place! As long as there is hope, not only will the morale of their subordinates be boosted, but the bombs buried in the hearts of these practitioners will be lifted in an instant. If you can't get out?

"Change the direction and go down the mountain from the other end! They do these tricks just because they are afraid of our strength and dare not come with a real knife. And hurting Mr. Qi first shows that they are afraid of the power of practitioners. Since they are afraid of us, what are we afraid of? What if I go to the trap they set? Sun Yi said these words very loudly and a lot. I don't know whether it was to embolden himself or to cheer up the soldiers.

The team turned around, but the atmosphere became subtle. Which of these soldiers is not obvious about the breath? At this moment, the negative emotions on several practitioners are getting heavier and heavier. Even ordinary people who feel more sensitive can feel the abnormality in them, not to mention the soldiers of the guard battalion who have practiced strong gymnastics and are extremely ** of breath?

The practitioner is extremely hostile but carefully hides behind the soldiers. The soldiers on the outside are fully prepared for external sneak attacks that may occur at any time, while the soldiers close to the practitioners inside are wary of the anti-water that may occur at any time by the practitioners around them. Although Qi Lekai's blood stopped, his consciousness was not clear. Under such circumstances, he subconsciously said the words of resentment against the soldiers of the guard battalion, which made the two soldiers carrying the stretcher feel uncomfortable.

Sun's heart is like a mirror in these situations behind him. How he hoped that there would be an enemy attack around at this time! As long as there is external pressure, these people will inevitably cope with external dangers and forget their internal vigilance. Over time, the whole team became like iron.

However, this is just Sun Yi's wonderful fantasy. The next journey was safe and sound.

As a result, the atmosphere is getting more and more depressed. The road is compressed on this narrow path, and everyone's negative emotions are also compressed into this narrow space to explode!

Just as the whole team was about to reach the extreme, suddenly a sharp-eyed soldier shouted, "There is the foot of the mountain ahead!" You can see the open space!"

With this shout, everyone's attention was focused on the road ahead. Sun Yi said in time, "The other party consumed us all the way in order to give us a fatal blow when we are most slack and tired. They didn't attack before, which means that it is not safe for them to attack on the mountain. Then this last road is their only ambush! Everyone should be on high alert and ready to meet the enemy!"

With an order, it seemed that everyone could see a dawn!

It turns out that barbarians were pretending to be ghosts before! What they have made is simply a mechanism that they have done their best! That is to say, they did everything, but they only lost a few people! Then, it is the moment of decisive battle!

As long as you fight the battle in front of you, all the problems will be solved!

not only the soldiers of the Guards battalion, but also the six practitioners secretly released their vitality at this time and carefully hid beside the soldiers of the Guards battalion.

The whole team has regained its iron-blooded breath, walking like iron, and the torrent moves forward!

The path moves forward and the slope gradually slows down. At a turn, all the scenery in front of me suddenly became open! A barracks many times larger than the empty camp on the top of the snake head mountain suddenly appeared!

Yes, barracks! Only soldiers can treat the barracks so much. That pattern and breath cannot be truly experienced by ordinary people, and these soldiers who take the army as their lives feel the breath from this barracks for the first time!

It's just, why is there no one?

Everyone present was stunned. There are so many dangers and worries along the way. In the end, no one? What the hell is going on?

or a trap? But...

Although it is midnight, with the light of the torch, you can see that after the barracks, there is a flat river!

All the soldiers know that this snake-headed mountain is the traffic artery here. In the north, it is a large hill that the empire can influence, and in the south, the huge swamp is located in the west, on the east bank of the swamp, which is really a flat land! When you get to that flat land, where is there any danger to guard?

The original scout eagle in the team was gone, and Sun Yi motioned two other soldiers to visit him.

The two of them began to relax before they took a few steps. How can they not feel that there is no breath of human existence here!

Before walking to a barracks, the two of them kicked the door and watched, empty.

Next place is empty.

Looking at each other, the two soldiers clearly saw the puzzlement and confusion in each other's eyes and turned around and shouted, "There is really no one!"

Hearing this, the six practitioners sat on the ground with a flutter, showing their strength. High mental tension, fear and resentment are all more energy-consuming than exercise. After experiencing the strangeness of this journey, the sudden relaxation made their fatigue and sleepiness burst out helplessly.

The soldiers looked at their general blankly, leaving Sun standing in place absurdly.

What the hell is going on?

After thinking for a long time, I kept thinking that all his men had gradually put down the blades in their hands. When they stood up and rested, Sun Yi turned around and said uncertainly to his men behind him, "Are they all retreated? Because the things on the mountain are not controlled by them?

(Alas, this kind of thing is really unpredictable, and I won't complain.)