fang shi tian shu

Chapter 188 Unbeasonable Truth

Sun Yi twisted his waist and cut it out with a knife!

There is no sign or preparation for this knife. Whether from Sun Yi's own mood or the atmosphere during this time, there is no reason for this knife. However, such an unreasonable knife makes people unable to judge at all! Don't say that the "eagle", even Sun is not fully prepared, and the knife has arrived!

The "eagle" in front of him didn't even have time to react and was directly hit by a knife!

The whole audience suddenly became cold. At this moment, everyone knows that Sun Yi's mood has completely changed. The sense of powerlessness in the face of the enemy, the sense of powerlessness of losing the lives of his soldiers, and the sense of powerlessness of losing the prestige of the past almost freed Sun Yi's whole body. And people in such a state of mind often anger on the soldiers who betrayed him behind them. But how did he think that under such circumstances, Sun Yi could completely suppress his emotions against the enemy with all his strength?

However, the broken "eagle" has not disappeared. After being cut with two knives, the body of the "eagle" suddenly turned into a pile of vines and quickly collapsed and spread on the ground. However, with the broken vines falling to the ground, the new vines gushed out crazily again. In just a few breaths, another one-height vine pile was piled up. The next moment, it turned into the shape of an eagle again!

"General Sun, it's not kind of you to do this! What does it have to do with the disobedient soldiers behind you? When it was reshaped, the "eagle" became more and more poor.

The people present were stunned. Although Sun Yi's knife seemed unreasonable, it accumulated all his negative emotions this night. Those powerlessness, anger, sadness, loss, all these were integrated into this knife by him. All these emotions are mixed, which almost makes this knife to the extreme and powerful to my extreme!

However, such a powerful knife has no impact on the other party? Will it change again after dissipating?

After seeing this scene, the soldiers who kept searching for the ground were cold and worked harder to search for clues on the ground. If even General Sun can't do anything about that thing, what's more, these ordinary soldiers whose combat strength is not a little worse than General Sun's?

However, Sun Yi was not surprised. Looking at the "eagle" standing opposite, Sun Yi said, "Sure enough, your strength is not strong, but the form is relatively strange, and conventional attacks are not good for you. If you compete head-on, you may not be able to beat my men.

"Little Eagle" heard the words and said unexpectedly, "General, what are you kidding? I am your subordinate! Why don't you know me? I just changed my appearance, and I'm still me!"

No one spoke. The "eagle" just killed two guards battalion soldiers with his own hands. The scene just passed, and everyone remembered clearly. How could he still be the original scout in his team? Coupled with his current form, it is clearly a monster, a monster composed of vines!

As if he knew what these people were thinking, "Little Eagle" said, "General, I was really arrested and transformed. When I was arrested, several people were already here, but they didn't survive in the end, and I persisted. Didn't you hear the practitioner shouting before? If you come earlier, maybe he won't become such a vine. I saved my consciousness because I was caught the latest! I'm the little eagle!"

Hearing this, Sun Yi still stood with a knife, as if he were standing between all the soldiers and the "Little Eagle" like a door god. However, the body did not move, but the face changed slightly involuntarily. Is it really your own men?

"General, don't get me wrong. I didn't kill those comrades-in-arms just now, but these vines killed them myself! At that time, I had just been transformed, and I didn't know how to empty these things. Of course, I couldn't stop these things from killing instinctively! But now I almost understand how to control these things, and there is really no threat to you! I'm from the Guard Camp! How can I give it back to everyone!"

This kind of saying is too strange. Can anyone really change the life form but still maintain consciousness? Don't say that even Sun Yi, who has seen countless storms and waves, is in a trance. A soldier couldn't help asking, "Are you really a little eagle?"

"Who am I! Have you ever seen a monster that can speak so fluently? I've been standing here and saying such a long time, why don't you believe it!" The "eagle" looked aggrieved.

This sentence moved Sun Yi's heart. If it's really a monster, how can a monster speak so fluently? And on the whole, the mentality of this thing is no worse than that of human beings, and even in terms of latent sneak attacks, there is a faint sense of tactics. If it is a monster that relies on its hunting instinct, it can't think of such a complicated idea.

However, there is still something strange in this matter, which always makes Sun Yi feel uneasy. After thinking about it, Sun Yi asked, "You said you are a little eagle and mean no harm to us. Then tell me about the dangers we encountered along the way and lost so many people. What's going on?"

Hearing the question, "Little Eagle" sighed and said, "General, I want you to say that the big guy died unjustly! Just like what you see now, this is the base camp of these vines. This kind of vine is not the growth method of plants, but like ants and bees, which is equivalent to a gregarious animal. A trunk is responsible for growing, and all the vines fall off through the roots or branches and leaves of this trunk. After falling, these vines can act in any state, just like the form of legion ants.

"Then, the spontaneous individuals of these vines actually have no connection with each other. The only thing that is the same thing is that their subconscious acts for the survival and reproduction of this vine. What we met on the mountain road before was this kind of individual composed of vines. Like me, the biological power of these vines is similar to that of the ordinary soldiers in the guard camp. It may be better than one-on-one, but the vines on the mountain road can be easily gone. Home vs. away, it's not our fault that we can't resist.

"I am still the original eagle in the soul because you came early and did not disperse your original consciousness. But in fact, I'm also an individual in the middle. I can't control the monsters on the mountain road behind. All I can control is some vines around the flat ground.

(If you don't want to stay up late, you have to change your work and rest time from today! Go to bed early every night, and then get up early! I want to be healthy! Just like this chapter!)