fang shi tian shu

Chapter 204 is terrible! The last change!

The old man's face suddenly changed!

Control the space and distort the space, which is more dangerous than dancing on the sword! With his life at such an age and nearly 60 years of accumulation, he has made some progress in space magic. If it hadn't been for the changes in the world and the surge in practice in recent years, even if he had a deeper understanding of space than others, it would have been impossible to study the art of space. Even now, this large array of distorted space is his only means in the law of space. It's hard to get to the sky! If he hadn't really felt that the dozens of people opposite him were threatening him, he wouldn't have risked using his most powerful space magic.

But how old is that boy? How dare you break your own law like this? Doesn't he want to live?

As soon as this idea came out, the old man suddenly hit an excitement! I really didn't intend to leave their lives or their sense of independence. Anyway, it's all dead. Do you have to pull yourself on your back?

The old man's body suddenly began to retreat, and on the way back, the space in front of him was also distorted. Unexpectedly, he had to use space distortion to isolate the explosion.

Leave your own life, and there will always be someone to suck it!

And Wang San can't control what the other party reacts at all! All his energy is in this space now.

What the old man used was a space distortion field, and his own space turbulence actually did not have too many space attributes, which could not affect the space. But this kind of spatial distortion is actually an unstable balance. Although the vitality of ordinary objects cannot break such a balance, its own space turbulence can be done!

The rope twist still has storage power. Once the space is distorted and broken, how much energy will it release?

Wang San doesn't know.

All he knows is that the space turbulence in the body is quickly dispersing outside the body, and these turbulences leave his body, and the flesh and blood outside will tear the general pain!

All this fragmentation takes its own body as the starting point, so if the whole space collapses, it will be Wang San who is broken at the beginning!

The skin of the body is all in the strong pain of being cut, and a thin blood line has appeared on the left arm!


Now Wang San can only think of this word in his mind, and the rest of his energy is no longer to distort and destroy this space, but to prevent himself from being dismembered into pieces!

In the crisis, it seems that time has become extremely slow, and you can even feel how the diameterless thin line of the turbulence in the internal space has drilled out of your body. Without the intention to sigh at this strange state, his attention was all focused on the mode of space distortion and space turbulence.

People have rushed into the distortion of the space arranged by the old man. Once these space turbulences leave their bodies, they are like steel needles, piercing on the twisted space outside. It's like a balloon pierced by a needle.

Who can control the shape of the punctured balloon?

So you can control the direction of the distorted explosion in this space?

More importantly, even if he can control the direction of the space explosion around him, what about the turbulence that has flowed away from his body and is no longer under his control?


However, in a short moment, three or four blood lines had appeared on Wang San's body. It was felt that the soldiers in the guard battalion seemed to have begun to cut their bodies.

The broken jar is broken!

With no choice, Wang San was fierce and simply urged the space turbulence in his body more desperately!

Since I'm going to die, you can't live!

So, Wang San was originally just a stone thrown into the water, and the space was broken like ripples, slowly spreading around. Now, Wang San has really become the center of this explosion!

The whole space is like an air trembling, which is fragmented in an in an eye. It can be seen with the naked eye, those cracks like the cracked and unopened glass!

The change of the situation is too late to let the old man retreat!

"Ah!" The old man let out a sad scream that should not be made by the old man, and the vitality on his body also spewed out like crazy, and the space around him fluctuated more and more! Under his full release, this newly stimulated space distortion is like a wave, facing the broken space!

Water can extinguish the fire, but if the fire is far greater than the amount of water, the water can only turn into water vapor in an instant.

This is the only way this old man can come up with!

See who can suppress whom!

The two sides touch each other without fancy.

There is no sound.

However, the whole area seems to be suddenly falling fog, white, and nothing can be seen clearly.

The old man only felt that there were countless knives cutting on his body, which was so painful that he couldn't even open his mouth to shout. However, under such pain, the old man did not dare to relax his vitality at all.

All his strength is used to stimulate vitality and space distortion. If he doesn't have the strength to breastfeed at this time, he will immediately be reincarnated to breastfeed!

New spells have just been developed, and the world's invincible road has just begun. How can he be willing!

I only heard the old man roar again, resounding through the quiet mountains!

After a while.

After all, this is not a real fog. It came and went suddenly. The wall made of fragmentation of space suddenly disappeared, revealing the people in it.

The old man stood on the edge of the open space covered in blood, gasping for breath and losing his strength. I don't know if there is a catty of blood from these wounds on the body, but fortunately, each wound is not deep and there is no worry about life.

And this open space has really become an open space. The vegetation and rocks here are now completely gone, and even the ground is half a meter lower. It is a hard space to tear, and I don't know where it has gone. The depression of the ground and the surrounding dividing line are extremely obvious, and you can even find a figure on the extremely flat cutting line! Not crystallization, more than crystallization.

There are also 12 guard battalion soldiers on the sunken ground here. These people are also full of blood. Under the condition of space fragmentation, the strength of the body has no effect. Although these soldiers still maintained their previous charge, they did not accumulate any strength in their bent bodies. Although they could only bear this explosion without any intervention, they only endured it and exhausted all their strength.

This is not a field that normal humans can deal with at all!

On the other side of these bloody people, Wang San lay on the ground intact! Not only is there no blood on the body, but there are not even a few wounds, but there are less than ten shallow blood lines!

But no one noticed him. The old man was completely out of strength and dark in front of him. Although he stood, it was almost no different from fainting. Naturally, he did not consciously pay attention to Wang San. Although the soldiers of the Guards led by Sun Yi were still standing, their pupils had already dispersed. Yunduo is too far away, and he can't see Wang San in the pit at this time, the continuous swelling and collapse under his skin, and his extremely struggling and twisted face!

It's really like a skin, which turns into various strange postures with the flow of injectors.


When the old man slowed down a little and looked up, there was a Wang San without a wound!

How is this possible!

He is the center of the explosion! How can it be okay!

The old man can't say a complete word in panic. The word "you" is all words.

The ups and downs of Wang San's skin continued, but when he heard the old man's voice, he actually ran up from the ground like a conditioned reflex and said, "Run!"

The voice is low, but it seems that all the strength has been exhausted. The sound was not like a human voice, as if a rusty iron sheet came out.

Wang San was extremely painful at this time, and his physical strength was constantly changing. He felt that he had become countless pieces, scattered in different spaces. This kind of pain is not just pain, but more horrible. It makes him feel that what a happy thing Ling Chi is! How simple the pain is!

He also wanted to explain, but the word "run" had exhausted all his strength. I don't know what's going on. Wang San completely subconsciously climbed to the ground outside and crawled away from the old man! It is a completely unconscious behavior.

After suffering this degree of injury, Sun Yi's consciousness was also vague. He felt that he was now at the ghost gate, crossing the threshold of the ghost gate. The pain on the body is so unreal, as if the pain felt by himself did not appear on himself, and what he felt was the feelings of others.

The senses and consciousness are extremely detached.

And the word "run" called by Wang San suddenly made Sun come to his senses! I'm dying. How can I fight down? Even myself, what about my brothers?

Sun Yi almost purely fought for his willpower and abruptly pulled back the foot that stepped into the ghost gate! Enduring the pain of completely losing his fighting power, he forcibly turned around and said, "Withdraw!"

The voice is like Wang San, weak and not as weak as human voice.

When the six soldiers heard Sun Yi's words, they turned around and retreated with difficulty.

And the bodies of five soldiers fell down!

If they dissect their bodies, they will find that their skulls are intact, but their brains have been broken into paste!

Sun Yi didn't look back, but his heart hurts! It hurts more than breaking into pieces! He heard the sound of falling to the ground. He is clear who fell. There were only six of the fifty brothers left at this time! The dead are all dead brothers! Their names, their preferences, and everything they have disappeared with their own action and the sound of falling to the ground!

But he can only run.

Living and living well is the greatest respect for the dead.

"You're not dead?" The old man twisted his face and said unbelievably, "I don't know how you survived, but I know how you will die next!" One can't run away!"

After all, the old man's cultivation is high, and his behavior of using space to distort and avoid danger is extremely correct. Just a little slowed down, he recovered some combat strength. In the face of Wang Sansun, who has no power to fight back, the retreat speed is extremely slow, and even unconscious, only needs one blow to solve their lives!

Just as the old man mobilized his vitality spell, a vine suddenly came out of thin air and wrapped around his hand!

(I can't complain... I said before writing this paragraph that this is to dig a hole for myself. I was almost cheated to death during this period... This is the last change, which is extremely difficult to write, or even can't be written at all, so I didn't update it on the weekend... The long-lost 3K removed this paragraph, tomorrow morning, no, let's see if 2K can clear this plot this morning. The side plot I wrote as a thriller script is not particularly related to the main line, alas. I want to complain and forget what I want to write. However, I think that if there is a high-level director to make this part, maybe I can make a good thriller. I can only hypnotize myself like this...)