fang shi tian shu

Chapter 230 Breakthrough

The whole space is like quenched glass, suddenly crumbling!

Looking from the outside to the middle of the array, I don't know how many pieces the space in the middle has been cut, and some people even heard the sound of fragmentation.

"Don't be afraid of him! Who are you pretending to scare? Go up and kill him!"

Diao Hongwu shouted, and many soldiers of the empire and the southern barbarians actually listened to him and walked to the broken ground with their blades.

Space cracks spread outward little by little.

A soldier who walked to the edge of the large array, who was also on the edge of the broken space, clearly saw a crack, or a strange line floating in the air, slowly passing through the air in front of him. This crack does not seem to be dangerous, but because the trajectory is uncertain and the speed is extremely slow, it gives people an unpredictable beauty.

"What are you afraid of! It's all lies! Hit!"

Diao Hongwu saw with his own eyes that several practitioners who had performed spells were inexplicably chopped to death, so he naturally did not dare to do it himself. The more afraid to do it, the happier it will be to scream in the back. Hide your fear and test it with others. If others dare not go up, they will naturally add the title of cowardice to others; if others fail, it will not die; if they go up and succeed, they will not be in danger, and they can even fall into the name of command and guidance.

So, Diao Hongwu doesn't know the danger of these space cracks at all.

As a result, the soldier really believed Diao Hongwu's words and curiously stretched out his hand and touched the magic beauty.

touched it.

It's like a hard stone line, which can't be pressed.

Curiously, the soldier did not find that there were several shallow fine marks on his hands at all.

A crackling sound woke the soldier from his infatuation. And he was shocked to find that after the sound, his hand split without warning!

The fracture is extremely smooth, and he can even see his bones, bone marrow, blood vessels and skin! Everything is so clear and true.

But his hands still have consciousness. He tried to move, and the pieces that cracked and floated in the air still moved with his consciousness. If you reassemble these pieces into your own hands, there is no deviation from what you want to do.


The fine marks climbed up his body and spread.

A moment later, an extremely strange scene happened. Everyone saw with their own eyes that the soldier's body seemed to have been chopped up and floated into countless small pieces in the air. After the fragmentation, he could not see a drop of blood flow. Instead, he could clearly see all the organs and bones in his body, and even the flow of blood in his blood vessels!

The soldier did not feel any discomfort, but turned back in surprise and said, "Have you seen it? I have nothing to do! You can see inside your body!"

A person whose body has split into countless pieces, and even his mouth has cracked five pieces, but he still moves according to the rules. This sentence came from the body of such a broken person very clearly.

"Are you all right?"

"It's really okay. Look at me! This is a blindfold!" The soldier said, and then he wanted to run and make a move to prove that he was fine.

A little movement, the whole person suddenly broke into a blood fog!

Not even a little bone and meat were left, and all of them collapsed into a blood fog!

At the same time, all the soldiers who responded to Diao Hongwu's mobilization and walked to the edge of the rune array were all blown up!

"What's going on!"

But no one knows what's going on. A few people just came over and did nothing, so that even the corpse did not exist!

Dianhong Wudao: "If you are not of our race, your heart will be different, and if you are not of our race, your heart will be different! See, he has begun to harm people!"

Wang San faintly heard this sentence and sneered.

Is it necessary for non-our people to have different hearts? If you don't treat others as aliens, how can you make others have different feelings? What you and Yunduo did before was not detrimental to this team, but only fell into such an angry field? It is not that those who are not of our race must be different, but that those who can treat others as aliens must be different.

Wang San only worked hard to support in this disaster. He could hardly avoid those space cracks. The more the vitality turbulence and space distortion in the body are called, the more cracks there will be and the greater the threat will be.

This is just a prelude to this heavenly disaster to deal with the unrighteous owner.

"Around them and never let them run away!"

I don't know who said such a sentence, so all the soldiers and practitioners on the periphery surrounded this place.

If you can't take any action, you will die. So I watched.

But is it really useful to watch?

Is it really safe to watch?

Will some of the onlookers really come out at the critical moment?

Wang Sanxiao.

A space crack has unstoppably spread to him. It seems that the big limit is coming.

"If you don't want us to live, then you can also die!" Wang San shouted and directly attracted a space crack through the space crack that spread to him! In the blink of an eye, these cracks accelerated to spread, like arrows flying into the crowd on one side!

There was no room for manoeuvre. In silence, the place was broken into a blood mist!

"The monster is crazy! Back up!"

Several soldiers saw Wang San in the crack from a specific angle. Pale, decadent, spit blood, and have a pale face. So several people shouted excitedly: "The people inside are dying!" I'm dying! You can see it here!"

For a short moment, the retreating team gave a low cheer.

They dare not speak too loudly, afraid that the people inside will fight back again before they die.

The injury in Wang San's body has not recovered, and it is still difficult to use his vitality. At this time, the space crack has climbed into his body, and with a strong operation, it has almost collapsed his body. Those soldiers were right. He was pale, decadent, vomiting blood, and his face was pale, and he was about to fall down.

However, those soldiers missed a little. Wang San's face is still full of ecstasy!

With the surrounding space cracks, he actually grasped a space rule under the premise that he had caused a large number of space cracks to change at one time!

As soon as this rule appeared in his mind, it seemed to be a universal formula. All the disobedient spaces in the body were twisted almost in hand, automatically changing according to this rule, giving way for Wang San's meridians!

In a blink of an eye, Wang San's injuries all improved!

And at this moment, under the influence of these space distortions in the body, a new meridians, another river running through his body, suddenly opened!