fang shi tian shu

Chapter 241 The Beginning of Unqualified Teachers

In this world, if Yang Hai is an idiot, there is only Wang San.

Princess Changhe and Yang Hairuo can get along well, and their relationship is not stopped and seriously injured by various ghost-hearted elders, because Yang Hairuo is really talented. Although she is only a few years older than Princess Changhe, she is also a teacher and friend.

Yang Hairuo is really unique to be excellent enough to judge enemies and friends without prejudice.

With such a relationship, if Yang Hairuo goes to the imperial city in person, there is not only no harm, but also can enhance friendship. Why not?

Madam couldn't figure it out and asked, "What does Mr. Xiao mean?" Let's talk about it in detail."

Wang San fiddled with the fortune-telling utensils in his hand and said seriously, "Madam, take a look. This hexagram is in the southwest, and it is not obvious, but in the east. All these surrounding pieces of armor are uncontrollably and uncontrollably. Only the main palace is a little peaceful, which can be regarded as a safe place. This hexagram belongs to the image of great evil, and the way of life is all in the main palace.

It's not Wang Sanzhuang. He said it a little more professionally, and then deliberately made some explanations to make him look professional. Professional people are credible.

Madam asked, "What does this mean? What is the main palace?

Wang San said, "The general's mansion is located in the southwest of the imperial capital, which is the main palace. It's better to close the door, or there will be a disaster.

Madam carefully looked at the hexagrams laid by Wang Sanbu. She didn't look out for a long time and asked, "I also know a little about the yin and yang gossip, but why can't I understand Mr. Xiao's hexagram?"

fortune-telling, one-point elephant, nine-point talk. One good and one bad, it's all on the mouth of the gossip master. Or in the mind of the gossip master.

Wang San said, "This is my unique algorithm. The tortoise shell of the hexagram is all available, and the light emitted also has the meaning of oracle bone cracking. The solution is quite complicated. It is difficult for ordinary hexagram masters to say that all these things are regarded as a whole, so it is difficult to understand. However, this algorithm has changed more and is relatively more accurate.

But how can you use divination to judge behavior? I think this action is very important and must go."

Wang San has used the means of fortune-telling, and it is difficult to explain it with other reasons. Moreover, Wang San also felt that it was difficult to explain the general truth, so he retreated and used this method of deception.

Wang San's idea is very brief. The imperial city is constantly looking for trouble in the general's mansion, but it just wants to reduce the power of General Yuanshan. If Yang Hai fights for it like this, it will make people feel that the general also wants to gain greater power and want to be stable. There will never be a shortage of schefiant people in the world. Once such behavior is interpreted and believed, the consequences are unimaginable.

But it can't be said anymore. Wang San looked at the gossip plate again, frowned and thought about it for a long time before saying with difficulty, "Madam, if you have made up your mind, there is still a poor way to compensate."

"What can I do?"

Wang San's hand kept drawing lines and cutting the whole hexagram, saying, "This line is a few yin, and it is easy to have problems when the yin qi collides. If the young lady goes, it's better not to bring her own. This is the only solution I can think of.

When Mrs. heard this, she was stunned for a moment and almost laughed again. He said playfully, "You mean, don't let Yun Duoduo go with you?"

Wang San said seriously, "Yes. And except for Yun Duoduo, other women's and others are not allowed. It's convenient to travel and let the young lady solve it by herself.

Seeing that this expression does not seem selfish, the wife asked, "Is the little gentleman serious?"

Wang San said, "I don't have to play this cleverness. If you want to keep Yunduo by your side, I have countless ways to hide it until you can't imagine that I did it. This time, the females really can't go with them. Madam, believe me, or I'd rather believe it."

Madam stood still and looked at Wang San for a long time. Seeing that Wang San did not waver at all, she nodded and said, "The child of Xiaohai doesn't need to be served. Just send a few bodyguards to protect him this time. I'll arrange it. Mr. Xiao, continue to teach."

Madam left the study. After a long time, Wang San finally relaxed.

Although there are ten hexagrams and nine scams, Wang San really didn't lie just now. That gossip is really unuspicious. Moreover, from the day he came back, Wang San had found that the luck of General Yuanshan's mansion was really bad. The reason why there were no major mistakes was that it was all under the protection of Yun Duoduo. If there are more clouds and more, the air in this house will be guaranteed to deteriorate to an uncontrollable situation.

Seeing Wang San suddenly relaxed, he kept silent, as if the young master of the Yang family, who had two quail, came over and said, "Wang San, you are really good! I'm convinced that I can deceive my mother! No wonder you can get Yunduo so quickly!"

Wang San couldn't smile bitterly: "Two young masters, I'm really not cheating. There are many kinds of fortune-telling. I really calculated it just now. It's not a lie!"

There are four small desks under the main case of the study. At this time, Wang San is lying behind a desk in the back, which belongs to the position of following the audience. Sitting in such a position, the two young masters actually forgot the identity change of Wang San, came over and sat on the table, constantly gagging Wang San.

Wang San listened to the two young masters' constant chatter and couldn't stand it. He said, "Two young masters, are you interested in this kind of thing? If you are interested, I can teach you.

A word "teaching" suddenly reminded them of the identities of both sides. Once again, they left the desk where they had been sitting for a long time and returned to their positions.

Wang San also felt strange when he saw the two young masters. This kind of strangeness has existed since he first came to the Yuanshan General's mansion. Speaking of which, why the heroes of General Yuanshan's family, the heroes he made, the two young masters, his parents, his own parents, his own sisters, uncles and brothers in the army, as well as the other six generals and their families who have always been extremely close, although they walk little, are all heroes. Under the influence of mediocrity, how can there really be two bears?



When Wang San saw the hexagram, his eyes narrowed slightly and frowned for a long time before he guessed a general idea.

So it's even more incredible.

After walking to the main case of the study, he cleared his throat. Wang San said, "Two young masters, my wife sent me to teach for them, which cannot be violated. I, Wang San, personally summoned the two young masters into the general's mansion. Although he stood here at this time, he was still the follower of the two young masters. Whatever you want to know, just say. But whatever Wang San knows, he will never hide his privacy.

Self-falling identity?

The two young masters looked at each other, and the young master said, "Wang San, are you telling the truth? You can teach us whatever we want to learn?

"Naturally dare not deceive the two young masters."

"Hey!" The second young master smiled and said, "Wang San, do you remember the reason why we called you into the general's mansion at that time?"

(In the afternoon, I went out to toss around, watch movies and Wu Bai's concert. Then I will accompany the school to the castrated version of Happy Valley in Shanghai tomorrow, so I guess I will only have the energy to make a chapter tomorrow. Let's talk about it first.)