fang shi tian shu

Chapter 293 Murderer, simply


Two soft sounds.

No one notices this non-obvious sound, and even the sound cannot be heard by ordinary people.

But Wang San's heart jumped!

This is clearly the sound of earth mobilization!

The people of Dixianmen took action!

The famous hexagramist's feet gently shook twice behind the curtain with two strange sounds.

Wang San came forward and directly held down the gossip master. Before everyone could react, he inserted two fingers directly into the gossip master's eyes, turned a circle and pulled it out directly.

It was not until he saw the red and white mucus dripping from Wang San's hands that Liba, the onlookers, reacted.


As soon as the responsive person called out three words, everyone was like a clay sculpture, frozen in place and could not move.

Don't say anything, just end someone else's life in the fastest and simplest way. Few people use this method. The main point is not that they don't know, but that they are covered by their orbits and eyelids, which often cannot be hit. On the contrary, there are more people who bruise their fingers than those whose eyes are dug out. However, at this moment, Wang San's muscles and bones can be strengthened, and the method is fast and accurate. The most important thing is that this method can save your vitality and kill quickly, which is the best way.

Don't explain how to kill. It is the best way to kill a murderer. Do you still need Wang San to explain the national situation and his identity for these workers?

Destroy is much easier than maintenance. Wang San thought that his previous arrangement could delay the enemy for a little time, but Wang San was surprised to find that the terrain of the general's mansion had begun to change!

Why so fast!

At this time, it was not yet time for dinner in the general's mansion, and everyone was still busy, and a young lady led by Yang Hairuo was still talking.

Chu Wen felt a shock on the ground.

Li Su felt a shock on the ground.

Yang Hairuo felt a shock on the ground.

After a while, everyone in the general's mansion felt a tremor.

It's just that everyone is sober. Everyone feels that this weak shock is an accidental phenomenon, or their own illusion. The so-called calmness of the public is delayed.

At this time, Wang San has killed six people. The fate map was drawn by himself, and of course he was clear about the problems above. In such a short time, it can be done to cast spells so accurately, which only shows that the caster has found several nodes in the terrain extremely accurately. Then, if you only need to get rid of the people at the node, the spell may naturally be solved.

Different from the first gossip master who only used his eyes to solve his life. After that, every time he killed a person, he had to spend more time. When it came to the sixth person, Wang San sent four runes to solve the feng shui master. That is, starting from the sixth feng shui master, Wang San's magic fluctuations were inevitably exposed.

The seventh place.

In a private house.

The private house looks clean, and there is nothing to put things. Except for the rare fire kang attached to the stove, there are only two wooden stools, two wooden boxes, and a table. It is hard to imagine that there are people who are so poor that the distance between the stove and the fire kang is extremely clear in the capital. What's more, the capital is not close to the north. Ordinary people may not have heard of the word "kang".

Poor people are everywhere. The more they whitewash the peace and the more prosperous they are, the more difficult the poor people here will live.

And this family can no longer live. A young couple and a dry old woman were tied together and thrown in the corner of the fire.

Zhang Xiazi is sitting on the edge of the kang, holding a tea bowl and drinking tea from nowhere.

Wang San kicked in.

In front of him is Zhang blind man who is swallowing under the tea.

The charm in the hand is directly stimulated and flies away.

There is no need to pay attention to that charm, because that charm is not fully stimulated after all. Just pour the remaining tea roots forward and pour Wang San's charm to the ground.

The second one.

The twenty-seventh.

Wang San's hands are rapid, and the 27 chapters of Taoist charms are almost stimulated at the same time.

At this time, he is less than two meters away from Zhang blind. According to Wang San's combat theory, it is most straightforward to punch him.

But since Wang San stepped into this hut, he can no longer lift it.

The blind man has locked the atmosphere of this hut and materialized all the atmosphere.

As for the more common heaven and earth...

As soon as Wang San's charm was stimulated, Zhang blind man casually picked up the only tool of the family. The rotten hemp rope accompanied the small broom made of the withered straw pole and waved it twice, and Wang San's charms were all hit to the ground.

Zhang blind man took a look, and the door opened by Wang San automatically closed!

The cabin is less than ten square meters, and five people are not crowded. Because no one moved.

Zhang blind man looked at the tea spilled on the ground with regret, and his eyes looked extremely regretful.

Zhang blind man looked at Wang San, who was fixed in place by himself, with regret, and his eyes looked extremely regretful.

Extremely regret, and this regret is the same.

At this time, Wang San is just half a bowl of tea root. Not even better.

The blind man sat back, clung to the wooden box next to him as a table, looked back and forth and said, "It's okay. It's really a little capable. Find out where I am so quickly. Do you think I'm praising you or not?

Wang San couldn't move. He looked back and said, "Is this all to catch me?"

"Young people are young people, and I just found out now?" Zhang Xiazi said, "If you prepare outside for a long time, I can't guarantee that you have much experience in breaking the situation. What if you are really prepared and don't go out? Just do it quickly so that you don't have time to prepare in the house to provoke you to come out. You have to get into this little trick. Is it possible that there is something hidden?"

Wang San didn't talk and continued to ask, "I just had seven meridians. For me, I dispatched your boss to kill the chicken with a cow knife."

Zhang Xiazi said, "I don't like to talk nonsense with you, and it's useless to delay time. Let me ask you, what is your magic to make barbarian beasts lose their fighting power? I said I would give you a good time."

"If you kill General Chu inside, it is much better than dealing with me. Why don't you fuck him? You have locked your vitality so thoroughly that you are more than enough to deal with a general! It seems that you also have companions coming?"

Zhang Xiazi stood up and said, "Forget it. Let the old devil figure it out."

This is the real murderer. No nonsense, no procrastination, the situation is in control without any delay, and it will take people's lives as soon as possible. Those who caught the enemy with a lot of nonsense and didn't do it immediately have long been stupid to death, and they can't live to the age of a blind man. Ask a few more questions. If you don't open your mouth, don't open your mouth.

The vitality in the hut suddenly began to rotate violently to crush Wang Sansheng.

At this moment, Zhang Jianzi saw Wang San's white teeth.