fang shi tian shu

Chapter 305 Change to chaos!

"How do I know! Even the ancestor's notes record that he can't tell the difference between divine consciousness and heaven, but there is such a possibility.


"Don't think about it. I always feel that if the little gentleman can't figure it out, we won't spend time."

Wang San didn't know the small dialogue between the four women outside. He now wants a professional to come into his mind and deduce with him! But impossible!

Imperial City, Royal Study.

Jiang Kexiong, the son of heaven, sat behind the desk and leisurely looked at Mo Zhizhi, who lowered his eyebrows: "The national teacher is very idle!"

Mo Zhizhi didn't even raise his eyelids: "I shouldn't care about it."

Jiang Kexiong gave a "hey" sound, closed the book in his hand, and looked at him playfully: "So, some people from the Earth Fairy Gate have sneaked into our empire and want to attack the important members of our empire, and they are not under your jurisdiction? By the way, in recent years, the information of Dixianmen has been found by the military, doesn't it seem that my state religion pays attention to this paganism?

"It should have been managed, but it can't be managed now."

"Haha? Are you playing a riddle with me? It's okay to say something directly."

Mo Zhizhi looked up and took a look at Mu Xiaoyu, the general manager beside Tianzi. Mu Xiaoyu did not squint and focused on preparing applications for the emperor. With a sigh, Mo Gao knew, "Your Majesty, after all, we are just a religious sect. We just need to teach the world, and the struggle for power should be avoided."

"It seems that you have a lot of complaints about me!"

How dare Mo Kochi look up! Hearing the words, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Jiang Kexiong's voice came: "National Master, as a practitioner of ten meridians, you are strong and kneel down to me, this..."

"Your Majesty is wise and magical, and the villain dares not play with it in front of Your Majesty!"

"Then tell me everything you guessed and what you want to say. I will never offend you."

Mo Zhi couldn't care about wiping the sweat on his forehead and said respectfully, "Your Majesty wants to cultivate all forces in the court, so he has always wanted civilian, military and practitioners to wangle. This idea is in a good direction, but the actual application is wrong.

"What did you say?"

"Your Majesty, the villain is brave, there is no balance of power in this division of power! No matter how high the wrist of the civilian department is and how stable the operation is, they don't have the world's military power and no strong force. No matter how powerful they are, they can't fight with the military practitioners!"

"So what?"

"So if your majesty really hopes that the court can supervise and control each other, you can't let the military and Taoist sects participate! These forces must be under the control of His Majesty, and then let the ministers of the court compete with each other for power and the perfection of the system and law. This is the right way to create a faction from civilian officials!"

silent. Jiang Kexiong thought silently and said for a long time, "You mean, if according to my intention, the power of the three parties of civil servants, generals and practitioners is not balanced enough?"

"Yes. According to this division, the civil servants headed by the prime minister will soon be defeated because they do not have enough power in their hands, and then they will take control of the government with our Yuan Tianjiao as the leader. If the military is dissatisfied with the status quo and directly mutiny, the country will not be a country. Your Majesty, all the battles are about the strength in your hands. If you don't have strength, you can't play with power no matter how high the means are!"

Jiang Kexiong meditated again. Mo Zhizhi continued: "So it's not that I don't participate in it. It's really too complicated. The destruction of one of our sects is small..."

Jiang Kexiong took a deep breath and asked, "But if this situation continues to develop, Yuan Tianjiao must benefit the most. Why don't you take this opportunity to develop vigorously?"

"Your Majesty, this is not good for the country, and it is not good for the country!"

It's night, abandoning all outsiders in the imperial study, and the lights are bright.

On the second day, three edicts were issued.

In the first article, from now on, all the seven stars of the empire will be removed, and all the tiger charms will be transferred to the emperor. From now on, all troop deployments must have an order composed of tiger charms and corresponding imperial decrees. The imperial army adopts the general rotation system. The commander rotates within the legion every two years, the captain rotates in the defense zone every three years, and the captain to the general, and the whole army rotates every five years. Regardless of the official rank, the rotation of positions shall not bring any directly subordinate troops and adjutants to take office, and violators shall be punished as treason.

The second chapter, the identity registration system for practitioners will begin from now on. Practitioners must go to the government of the place of identity registration to confirm their identity every season, and add an additional confirmation when the cultivation increases. If you migrate, you must go to the registered local government to apply for a migration certificate. If you do not confirm your identity for no reason, you will be punished as treason.

The third article will add a state hall from now on, with more than 50 people, and the rest will be responsible for the management of the treasury and major policy judgments in the form of voting. Reorganize the court into a legal department, a household department, and an official department, respectively responsible for criminal law, people's livelihood tax collection, * enforcement. The three divisions and the State Hall are independent of each other and report separately. During this period, they shall not interfere with each other. Violators shall be punished as treason.

Three sacred edicts were sprinkled, with a total of no less than 10,000 words. As soon as they were issued, the whole dynasty was shocked! This is a change of the vitality of the empire. If it is not implemented properly, it is very easy to make the extremely stable empire become stormy! You should know that changes are rising in troubled times and is a way to save the world, but now the empire is still prosperous, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and at least a hundred years of great career can be maintained. Doesn't such a great reform mean that there are problems within the empire?

On the first day of the court, the civil and military officials could not afford to kneel down and begged the emperor to take back his life.

The next day.

The third day!

Until the fourth day, more and more officials came to the parliament hall to obstruct the issuance of the new law. At the same time, on the front, five generals jointly wrote that the surrounding four countries have recently changed. In order to protect the safety of the country, personnel rotation is not allowed at this time. If the new general is not familiar with the local garrison, the fighter will inevitably delay and the defense line will be broken.

On the fifth day, a new imperial edict was issued, and the seven-star generals of the empire established by the former emperor had a great record and meritorious service. However, these seven people are self-recommitted and self-respecting the imperial edict, which is a crime of great rebellion. From now on, the seven former generals of the empire, Yang Yuanshan, Wang Shitou, Murong Chi, Qian Gui, Li Su, Chu Wendu and Cheng De, were arrested for treason and taken to the imperial capital prison waiting to be released. If you dare to resist the order, you will be one of the nine clans together with the coverers!

At this time, not only the empire, but also the world! Even if it is a barbarian people, how can they not hear about the prestige of the seven-star generals of the empire? These seven people are claimed to be the most brave in history, and their leading battles and layout planning are rare in ancient and modern times. The empire fought endlessly with the four sides, but the local people of the empire did not even know that there was a war, all of which were the achievements of these seven people. Today, it is not peaceful. The king of the four parties is also the wise king. The national strength is not weak, and there are fairy gates in it. Although the empire is stable, it is not worry-free. If these generals are punished...

Is this the determination of the emperor of the empire to change?

(Facquaint yourself with what code words are, and you should soon return to the rhythm of 2 more)