fang shi tian shu

Chapter 332 Hanging (Today!)

The sun is a little west, and the Beiyi army, three miles away from the Sunyang Pass, has been launched! Regardless of food and fodder, ordnance, the wounded, all of them are pulled out and marched towards the Myang Pass! Eight thousand people, even if they just walk slowly, can lift the flying sand all over the sky!

"All cheer up! Down this broken city, take the gold and silver treasures in the empire at will! Beauty, use whatever you want!"

The immortals are practitioners who don't understand the military, but they open their voices and constantly preach the wealth of the empire to the soldiers. Speaking of the rise, not to mention their soldiers, even they themselves could not control it, blushed, and couldn't wait to kill into the territory of the empire and commit all kinds of rape and plunder.

"Look at it! Just such a small broken city, take it down and let us play!"

"Play whatever you want!"

"Play whatever you want!"

Munyang Guanzhong.

Wang San listened with his ears up and laughed more and more happily. He didn't look at Yang Hairuo, but said to her, "Yi Ren said he would break the barrier and play with you."

Although it was said to Yang Hairuo, at this time, Wang San and Yang Hairuo rode side by side, and there were dozens of barbarians behind them. And outside them, tens of thousands of imperial troops surrounded them!

Yang Hairuo said unhappily, "What nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! What do they shout about, burn, kill and loot after breaking the barrier, and play with women. Aren't you a woman?"

Wang San's joke has made the blood of these already excited imperial soldiers more boiling! After this pass, it is their wife and daughter! And in this pass, there is also a big general with a daughter!

"General! Please go back to your house to rest. I can solve these savages in a moment!"

Yang Hairuo smiled slightly, better than ten thousand peach blossoms, diluting all the killing spirit. Without saying anything, he said softly, "Are you all ready? Open the gate."

As the chain is loosened, the thick wooden door slowly declines. All the soldiers have made full strength and rushed out as soon as the gate landed! Never let the general rush into the enemy!

The gate fell more than half. Yang Hairuo took a look at Wang San and said, "Let's go."

Wang San nodded and pulled out a huge yellow paper, which was filled with vitality, and the yellow paper suddenly began to burn. Before the surrounding soldiers understood what was going on, Yang Hairuo, Wang San and the barbarians around them all disappeared!

"What about people? What's going on!"

The reason why all the soldiers surrounded Yang Hairuo in the center was to prevent her from rushing to the front as usual. Originally, I didn't know it was okay, but now, how can they let a woman rush before their men!

It was not until the gate fell down that they were stunned to find that Yang Hairuo and his party had already rushed out of the city!

"Kill! Protect the general!"

"Protect the general!"

I don't know who shouted, and the whole team ran out of the gate like crazy!

Wang San looked back at the imperial soldiers who shouted loudly and shook his head: "The most poisonous woman's hearts! Are you not afraid that they will die quickly if you provoke them in this way?

"I still have time to look back!" Yang Hairuo shouted, pulled out a long gun behind him, and suddenly shook it out. Two Beiyi cavalry and horses were stabbed into pieces!


"That's a woman! Catch her!"

All the Beiyi soldiers who saw Yang Hairuo and his party were extremely excited. But this excitement has become their life-threatening charm! Under the courage of Yang Hairuo and dozens of barbarians around him, there is no one enemy at all! Those soldiers who are carried away by evil thoughts, as long as they are close to them, they will not die!

Dozens of people in this area suddenly became an extremely sharp arrow, piercing into the depths of the Beiyi army!

And behind, the shout of killing suddenly rose! The imperial soldiers who poured out of the nest have also fought with the Beiyi army!

I don't know how long it took, maybe it hasn't been long. The four long guns behind Yang Hairuo have been punctured three times, and the only iron gun left in his hand is no longer sharp. It is waved by her as an iron bar, and the black scales on his body have been stained with flesh and blood, full of dark red!

It's not just Yang Hairuo, but all these barbarians have been poured with blood several times. Wang San was surrounded by them in the center and did not need to take action, but it was this clear situation that made Wang San more confused. In this short period of time, dozens of Beiyi soldiers were killed, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000! No matter who they are, even idiots should know that these dozens of people are the elite of the imperial army. However, until now, Wang Sanlian hasn't released a spell!

His role is to deal with the practitioners in the Beiyi army, but until now, no practitioner has attacked them!

What's going on?

What's more, Yang Hairuo's attack has turned this land outside the Mianyang Pass into a decisive battlefield!

Under Li Su's arrangement, the three border gates outside the Mianyang Pass almost poured out! All the troops were put into the central battlefield without hesitation. Even if General Qingma previously deployed nearly 20,000 cavalry to leave the protection flank of the Chinese army, he could not withstand the great pressure of 50,000 troops at three levels! Under the military disadvantage, the 20,000 riders of Beiyi were forced to press into the Chinese army!

The development of the situation has long exceeded anyone's imagination, and the battle has begun to become tactical and become a complete battle of meat grinders!

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a dog.

However, in the war, not to mention rumin dogs, human life is not even as good as leeks.

Leeks can still be cut and grow again, and once people fall down, they can only rot under the horse's hoof!

Under the scuffle, the sun is about to set!

Yang Hairuo's hands also began to tremble slightly. The four iron guns carried out on her back had long been broken. What she was holding in her hand was the "broken army" made by Wang San. And even if this short knife is held in Yang Hairuo's hand, you can see a trace of instability at the tip of the knife! As for dozens of barbarians, they are even more out of power. Wang San put an evenly divided array of injuries on them, but even so, some people still almost died here!

I don't know how many people they killed this afternoon, even Wang San can't count. However, Wang San has still done nothing so far!

Maybe three hours have passed, and there are still no practitioners attacking them, no or weapons to attack them, or even the key investment of superior forces!

Even Yang Hairuo felt something wrong and shouted, "Wang San! What's going on!"

Wang San took out his complex divination plate and calculated on the spot despite being on the battlefield. However, the bumps of the war horse always deviate from the sage copper coins on the hexagram plate. Annoyed, Wang Sanda shouted, "It's too messy! I have to sit down to calculate!"

There is no end to this. The battlefield is still stale, losing the initial physical strength and madness. At this time, the soldiers on both sides are completely fighting for physical memory, instinct, and life change! Yang Hairuo gritted his teeth, retreated to the center of the battle circle composed of barbarians, and said, "Stop here and let Wang San sit down!"

As he spoke, he looked at Wang San fiercely and said, "You'd better hurry up."

"Nonsense! If you drag it any longer, my brothers will be unable to stand it! Help me guard against the stream!"

When he put down his words, Wang San immediately settled down with the hexagram.

The whole battlefield is full of evil.

No! On this battlefield, the two sides are still fighting. How can there be yin! Is there really someone making trouble?

The divination plate shines, Wang San's hands move rapidly, various runes light up staggered, and even ordinary money lessons become unusual. Copper coins rotate and keep moving.

"Hurry up!" Seeing that these people stopped and the surrounding Beiyi soldiers became more and more dense, Yang Hairuo urged extremely anxiously.

Wang San did not listen to Yang Hairuo's urging. What he heard was a scream.

It was the scream of a Beiyi soldier. The soldier, who had already been numb, did not know what he should do, because there was no order to command him. Driven by the continuous flow of people, he was inexplicably pushed to a group of giants of empires.

He knows that this is a barbarian. But the faces of these barbarians are also full of fatigue. Maybe they can turn over one?

He was a soldier who had been sent to battle by the practitioners of Dixianmen. This stiff battle from noon to night did not make him too tired. On the contrary, with the fall of a group of soldiers, he felt a refreshing attack in his body. Although it would not increase his strength, it would always refresh him. I don't know if it's the credit of the array, but with my own state, maybe I can really kill a barbarian of the empire?

Lucky in his heart, such a Beiyi soldier summoned up his courage, shouted, raised his knife and cut it.

In front of a huge axe, the long knife in the hands of Beiyi soldiers was directly blocked!

The next moment, split in half!

The scream didn't last long, and was overwhelmed by the subsequent shouts of killing.

However, Wang San's feelings were not flooded! Just as the soldier's screams stopped abruptly, an extremely imperceptible fluctuation suddenly made him excited!

Is that... transformed soul?

Transforming the soul is to get the soul of humans and animals, eliminate all the obsessions in it, and become the most original power. This power is essentially no different from the yin qi, but in some spells that require higher requirements for breath, this pure yin qi must be used to achieve the goal. In fact, the application effect of soul transformation is not good. Why?

Wang San suddenly remembered that throughout the afternoon, the practitioners of Beiyi's Dixianmen never took action. Are they all doing this kind of soul thing?

What are they going to do to make the whole battlefield dark?

Thinking of this, the movements of Wang San's hands suddenly solidified! If it were him, in the face of such a battlefield full of yin, he could make at least 20 large-scale spells!

Do those practitioners of the Fairy Gate want to make a large array to hang all the people on the battlefield?

How can it be so crazy!

Is the previous information wrong? The purpose of the Dixianmen is not to destroy the Yuantian religion and make yourself the only practice sect in the world, but to consume the power of the five countries in the world and finally rule the world?