The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 44 The antidote

The sun hangs high in the sun. Even if it is already early autumn, it still makes people feel a little hot.

Dr. Mo is a little restless in the room of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. Although he is very confident in [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]'s method of blackmailing Han Li, he still has some gains and losses.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from the distance of the room [img=/sss/guolair.jpg], and it was gradually approaching the room.

Hearing this familiar step, Dr. Mo was overjoyed. He hurriedly ran to the door with an arrow and reached out to push the door open.

A figure slowly came not far away, which was exactly his long-awaited goal, Han Li.

Looking at the other party slowly approaching [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], Dr. Mo suppressed the excitement in his heart and squeezed out a smile on his face.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], you are very punctual. I'm glad to see that you didn't pay attention to escape, which shows that you are wise. Let's go into the house now. We need to have a good talk.

Dr. Mo's expression at this time is kind like the elders of the neighbor's family, and his face is like a blooming flower

"Don't worry, there are no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] hands and feet in the house, not Longtan Tiger's den." Dr. Mo, seeing that Han Li looked at the room with a little alertness, hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, and took a little trick.

"Hmm! Now that I'm here, will I be afraid to enter your room? Don't jump. Han Li snorted softly, as if he was really stimulated, and said.

Then, he took the lead in walking [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg].

Dr. Mo hurriedly turned away with a smile and gave way out the passage into the house. Seeing Han Li coming in, he casually wanted to close the door, but suddenly heard Han Li say without looking back:

"If you dare to close the door, I will think you are playing the trick of catching turtles in the urn, and I won't talk to you anymore."

Dr. Mo was stunned and hesitated for a moment, but then left the door and said carelessly:

"I'm sincerely discussing things with you. It won't be bad for you. If you don't close the door, then don't close it."

Then Dr. Mo lay down on the master's chair as usual. Han Li was not polite. He pulled a stool and made it in a big way opposite him. The two had not seen each other for nearly half a year and looked at each other for a while.

Seeing Dr. Mo, Han Li is obviously much older than before. Unlike a 70-year-old man, he is completely different from [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], he can't help muttering in his heart [img=/sss/maosu.jpg] Is what the other party said before Really, I really just want [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] to restore his essence, without [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] wrong idea? Is it [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] thinking too much? Don't skip words.

Han Li glanced around, and his pupils suddenly contracted. The tall and mysterious man stood silently in the corner, silently, like a dead object. If he hadn't had the intention to look for it, he would not have been able to detect his existence.

At this time, Dr. Mo also looked at Han Li, as if he was very satisfied with his state, and said gently:

"Seeing what you look like now reminds me of the situation when you just entered the door. At that time, you were only a child of more than ten years old, and you were only so tall. Now, you are so tall. You are really old!"

The other party's casual conversation suddenly made Han Li a little confused. I don't know his intention is [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], but he immediately raised his vigilance under his heart, to [img=/sss/ G] Secretly reminded that the other party is an old fox. He has eaten more salt than [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. Don't [img=/sss/xiaoxinyy.jpg] and fall into his trap.

"Mo Lao, I have always remembered your care of me, and I dare not forget it. If there is a [img=/sss/s/shenme.jpg], please always tell me." Han Li's expression eased down, used his honorific title, and seemed to have changed back to the good apprentice he used to.

"Good! OK! With your words, I didn't put so much effort into you in vain. Come on, let me take a look at your progress in Changchun first. Dr. Mo seems to have really entered the role of the teacher, stood up and walked [img=/sss/guolair.jpg], and had to directly take Han Li's pulse.

"Old fox! It's really up to you to sell the old, and it's cheeky. Han Li cursed secretly in his heart and hurriedly avoided the other party's arrest.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mo, I can tell you very clearly that my Changchun skill has indeed been practiced to the fourth level, but did you give me the antidote of the corpse worm pill first? Let me relieve my worries, and then let you check your skills at ease. Han Li smiled and said to the other party in a very sincere tone.

"Oh! Really, look at my brain. I'm getting old, and my memory is not good. I was going to give you the antidote as soon as you entered the house. Dr. Mo suddenly realized, as if he had just remembered it.

He groped for a silver bottle from the sleeve of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], poured out a black elixir from it, and threw it at Han Li.

Han Li pretended to be in a hurry, and almost received the elixir. He put it under his nose and smelled it. A spicy smell rushed up. He looked up at Dr. Mo, and the other party was looking at him with a smile.

He hesitated a little and doubted the authenticity of the medicine.

If you don't eat it, it won't work, because the day of the corpse worm pill attack is coming. If you don't eat it, you will really die! He paid his own place where [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] was still used. It should not be a fake medicine, so he swallowed the pill with a solemn look, and then waited for the attack of the medicine.

Dr. Mo was not in a hurry at this moment, and slowly lay back in place. He chatted with him without saying a word, as if he had forgotten the ultimate purpose of looking for Han Li.

Before long, Han Li felt a moment of pain in his stomach, but immediately [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], he hurriedly checked his body, [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] The "body worm pill" had melted, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. There is also a trace on his face.

These changes naturally did not escape the attention of Dr. Mo, who had been facing him. After Han Li finished checking the drug, he said to Han Li with a smile:

"Han Li, if you want to take corpse worm pills for you, it's also a matter of a last resort. If it hadn't been for the supervision behind, I'm afraid you won't be so easy for you to get to the fourth level!"

"Thank you for Mr. Mo's beauty, but don't use this kind of beautiful thing next time." Han Li relieved a confidant and his mood improved a lot. He was a little [img=/sss/xiaxin.jpg] His sincerity was not tit-for-tat against his hypocrisy.

"Now, can I ask you to take your pulse? No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] Many words on the novel network"

Dr. Mo still said this sincere sentence that embarrassed Han Li. Who [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] Will the other party take this opportunity to control [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]?


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