The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 75 The combination of law and martial arts

Since Han Li learned the "Yu Feng Jue", he has become more interested in the other two spells "Den Shen Fu" and "Exorcism". He has spent a lot of [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] and energy on them, hoping that one day he can suddenly understand it thoroughly like "Yu Feng Jue", The Maosai suddenly opened.

But after studying again and again, Han Li's unexpected [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] was unable to cast these two spells, which may not be because of himself, but may only have the external conditions for casting.

"Determine charm" is a kind of charm as the book says, and you must use the pre-prepared charm. Therefore, Han Li used to use yellow paper bought from nearby towns, and then used a brush to describe the so-called magic symbols according to the symbols and patterns on the book.

Although the book does not say that [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] paint is needed to draw the pattern, he recalled the magic symbol of Dr. Mo's silver symbol, and naturally used silver powder, a precious luxury. Whether this kind of paint works or not, Han Li is not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], but at least from the appearance, these homemade symbols are exactly the same as the examples in the book.

Unfortunately, just the appearance is the same, but it still doesn't work.

When Han Li used spells to urge these magic symbols, the symbols on the magic symbols did not emit dazzling silver light like when Dr. Mo used them, and there were no other strange signs. It can be said that his spells completely failed and put him in a dilemma of progress and retreat. Because he didn't know whether the failure of casting spells was due to the error of [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] of the spell or the gesture, or the failure of the magic spell.

But after this study, it is different.

Through in-depth inquiry of various relevant materials and books such as spell legends, Han Li finally [img=/sss/faxian.jpg], the magic symbols used by immortals are definitely not randomly drawn by ordinary paper and pigments that they know as mortals, but among immortals. It is made of some unique materials, and maybe a special method is needed to make it. Therefore, even if he is impeccable in spell gestures, it is impossible to cast spells.

The same is true for "exorcism".

Han Li used to think that "exorcism" can be cast as a target by finding [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg], so the objects driven by the spell are common things such as furniture or swords. Of course, there is no effect at all.

But now, as soon as he was reminded by the matter of rune paper, he realized that [img=/sss/guolair.jpg], this "exorcism" is definitely not an ordinary object, but a specific item used by immortals.

So Han Li took the strange [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] he got from Dr. Mo, including the "soul bell" and the seven silver blades used to use the "seven ghost devouring method" as the object of "exorcism" and tried them, but unfortunately there was no There is one [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] that can be cast successfully. This disappointed Han Li. It seems that the "repellent" is not driven by these magic weapons. It should be something else [img=/sss/s/shenme.jpg][img=/sss/dongxi.jpg].

Since the general root of the problem is [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], it is understood that it is impossible to perform "determine charms" and "exorcism" without corresponding items, Han Li moved his attention from above, and instead started to use the combination of martial arts secrets and several spells. I intend to quickly improve my strength and take [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] to a higher level in the short [img=/sss/sjian.jpg].

After having this whimsical idea, Han Li began another arduous journey of self-improvement, and soon became a little success.

After some attempts, he finally integrated "Luo Yanbu" and "Yu Feng Jue".

is said to be integration. In fact, it's just to use the "Yu Feng Jue" spell first, and then use "Luo Yanbu" later. It's just that the coordination and collocation between the two must be controlled well, otherwise it is very easy to [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], which

But in this way, the shortcomings of "Yufengjue" who were not good at tossing and moving around and "Luo Yanbu" were gradually improved, and made him disappear like lightning and thunder and fire between moving and transpositions, and he was even more magical in his body.

Soon after that, Han Li also had an original move of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] in the use of "fireball".

After the small fireball of the original "fireball" appeared, the caster should rely on his own mana to push the fireball to the target to kill the enemy. This is the original use of this skill, but Han Li doesn't think so.

Han Li believes that the speed of the small fireball flying by mana is too slow, and it can be easily avoided by a light kung fu master, which makes it suffers a lot of restrictions in the fight in the world, which seems a little flashy. Therefore, he simply casts only half of the spell when using "fireball". When the fireball appears, he no longer shoots it out. Instead, he uses its indestructible characteristics to control it as a short magic blade in his hand and use it.

In this way, with his improved extreme body and the high-temperature fireball in his hand, Han Li is now confident that he can easily kill any master.

With these dependegies, Han Li can finally breathe a sigh of relief and don't have to worry about his lack of strength. Now he can finally go to Lanzhou to detoxify with full confidence.

At this time, Han Li's "Changchun Gong" also took the elixir as a snack every day, and quietly entered the eighth floor, which made his mana grow again.

In terms of the depth and shallow mana, Han Li at this time has exceeded Yu Zitong when his original body was still alive, but to say how much he has mastered and the actual fighting skills, he still can't catch up with the previous Yu Zitong. After all, when Yu Zitong is practicing spells in the family, there are elders who give advice to him, and there are peers to compete with each other, which is much better than Han Li's half-bottle vinegar.

Han Libu [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] In all this situation, even [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] did not care. He was not so arrogant that he thought that learning one or two shallow spells could compete with the real immortals. His current enemy People are still dominated by secular people.

Therefore, Han Li was in a bad mood [img=/sss/cuow.jpg]. Just as he was full of ambition and was ready to find an excuse to leave Qixuanmen down the mountain, the Wild Wolf Gang suddenly asked for peace talks with Qixuanmen.

As soon as the news came, there was an uproar on the side of Qixuanmen. The latest [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] was that the Wild Wolf Gang had the upper hand in the conflict and had been suppressing Qixuanmen to fight in such a Besides, the other party [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] will suddenly have peace talks? Will there be [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] tricks in it? This has aroused many doubts.

For a while, the voices of agreement and disagreement of peace talks in Qixuanmen sounded one after another, and all senior management also had different views of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg]. Li Feiyu was the one who firmly opposed it.

Because the voices of those who agree and oppose are similar, they can't argue. In the end, the king's master decided to talk to the other party first. If the conditions are not too excessive, shake hands and make peace. If it is too harsh, continue to fight.

Although this mud-smuded scheme can't satisfy both groups of people, it is also the only way to compromise, and that's the only way.


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