The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 149 Miscellaneous

(I just saw the congratulatory messages of so many book friends as soon as I went online, hehe! Thank you in advance!)

After listening to these words, Han Li naturally remembered them in his heart.

"[img=/sss/dongxi.jpg] Now that you have finished receiving it, now come with me to see the disciples!" After Uncle Wang finished speaking, he took Han Li's driving machine again.

This time, the distance of flying is even closer, and it fell down at the foot of a nearby mountain in the blink of an eye. There is a huge stone building built on the mountain, and the three golden characters "Chan Gong Pavilion" are written on the stone tablet in front of the building. And there are some young disciples nearby, going in and out, which is quite lively,

Uncle Wang didn't say anything this time [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], but went in first, followed by Han Li. Some disciples obviously knew Uncle Wang and kept asking him, and Uncle Wang also nodded with a smile. It seems that he is really popular in Huangfeng Valley [img=/sss/cuow.jpg].

Entering the stone tower, Han Licai was surprised [img=/sss/faxian.jpg]. The second half of the Chuangong Pavilion actually extended into the belly of the mountain, which was extremely wide. And as soon as he entered, a row of stone doors were lined up in front of him, and his disciples were going in and out of these doors.

Han Li was about to take a closer look, but Uncle Wang pushed open the third door of his right hand and walked in by himself. This made Han Li a little hesitant and didn't know whether he should follow closely.

"Come in!" Uncle Wang didn't let Han Lijiu wait. After a while, he appeared at the door again and asked Han Li to go in.

There are not many people in the room. There is only one disciple in Tsing Yi, who is in his thirties, standing respectfully beside Uncle Wang. After seeing Han Li come in, he smiled at him kindly.

"This is Wu Feng, who is specially responsible for the new disciple's skills. If you have questions about [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] in the future, you can ask him. In the mastery of primary skills, Wu Fengzu can be ranked in the top ten of the younger generation!" In Uncle Wang's words, he appreciates this person very much.

"Brother Wu, please give me more advice in the future!" Han Li said respectfully. He knows very well that this is the master of [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] in the future [img=/sss/sjian.jpg]. Can you neglect it?

"Hehe! Uncle is flattered. In fact, I'm just rough with low-level skills. I can learn from it with Brother Han!" Brother Wu said politely.

"Nephew Wu, I know very well how your skills are. Don't be too modest! It's up to you to deal with this Han's nephew's skills. I'm just taking him to get to know the two of you now, and then I'm going to take him to other places to say hello, so I won't stay with you anymore!"

Uncle Wang was also very straightforward. After saying these words, he and Han Li left the room in the respect of Brother Wu.

In the next paragraph [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], Uncle Wang conscientiously took Han Li to several other necessary places, introduced several deacons' disciples to him, and told him some daily precautions. Then he was taken back to the stone houses where the old man in gray was located, and asked him to choose the stone room as his residence at will, leaving him alone [img=/sss/huiqub.jpg].

Han Li stood in front of the stone house selected by [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] and looked at the humble house with a wry smile.

At this time, he has [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. As long as he practices the basic skills to the tenth floor, he can leave here and move to a place called Xuankun Mountain. There, the disciples in the door are much freer! Not only can you build [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] on the mountain at will, but there is no limit on the type and size of the house, which makes Han Li can't help but yearning for it.

However, although the skill is not yet ten floors, Han Li does not really intend to live in this stone house for a long time.

He suddenly smiled and took out the Qingye magic weapon for flying from the storage bag. Then after injecting spiritual power into the magic weapon, he threw it into the air and jumped up.

At the beginning, Han Li was not familiar with this thing, so he flew crookedly, low and high, extremely unstable. But soon after, he got started easily, and he could fly around with his hands upside down like Uncle Wang.

Although this magic weapon is easy to use and easy to operate, it is obvious that its speed is not very fast, and it is just a little faster than an ordinary steed. It's no wonder that the disciples in the valley can have one hand. Although the Qingye magic weapon was a little short, after all, it was Han Li's first time flying in the air, so he still played with great interest for a long time.

"Haha!" In the laughter, Han Li, who was addicted to flying, finally drove the magic weapon to somewhere.

Along the way, several other disciples in the same flight passed by. Maybe it was because Han Li's face was too strange, so most of these people looked at Han Li curiously, but when they saw that he was only a nine-level realm of skills, they disdained to go away.

Han Li saw all the actions of these people. There was no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] expression on his face, but he couldn't help sneering a few times in his heart. It seems that there is no difference between these so-called immortal disciples and secular mortals [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], the same snobbish!

Han Li was thinking that he had come to a large group of buildings, and then fell down in front of a hall with a "Baiji Hall" and strode in.

A middle-aged deacon in the hall was a little surprised to see Han Li coming in. He couldn't help asking [img=/sss/maosu.jpg] Brother Han, you [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] so fast and [img=/sss/huilaim .Jpg], where's Uncle Wang?"

This is the place that Uncle Wang hurriedly visited with Han Li. The deacon had just met Han Li, so he was very surprised to see him return here.

"Brother Yu, when I came here just now, I heard that this is the place to collect chores, right? Han Li did not immediately answer the other party's inquiry, but asked with a smile.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], it's true! Does the younger brother want to receive the task so soon? Brother Han is a new entry-level disciple. According to the regulations, he can be familiar with the situation in the door for a month, and then it's not too late to get a job? Don't be in such a hurry!" The deacon said in surprise.

"Hehe, it's okay! I want to find something to do now. I don't know if there is still a shortage of people for planting work. Han Li smiled.

"Isn't this easy to do? All disciples who come to receive tasks are assigned to [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], and they have to do [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. Don't pick! Unless you can prove that [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] really have some expertise, you can take care of it!" The deacon said in embarrassment.

Han Li frowned when he heard this. Do he really have to go to Uncle Ye?

"It doesn't matter. Let this Han's nephew choose the planting work at will!" A familiar voice of Han Li came from behind, which surprised Han Li. Looking back, it turned out that the old man surnamed Ye was standing behind him for some time. He looked at Han Li with a smile on his face.

"Master, [img=/sss/huilaim.jpg]!" As soon as the middle-aged deacon saw the old man, he immediately saluted forward respectfully.

"Well, [img=/sss/huilaim.jpg]!" The old man said without knowing whether he could or not.

"Uncle Ye!" Han Li also hurriedly saluted.

"Ha ha, Master Han's nephew came so fast! I'm also going to come back here and explain it to my subordinates and let my nephew choose a job at will!" Uncle Ye seemed to be in a bad mood [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] and said half jokingly.

"Uncle is worried about it! I'm also [img=/sss/guolair.jpg] Take a look at it casually to see if I can find the right task without bothering my uncle. Han Li seemed to be very shy and said.

"Here's my final say. It's troublesome [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]! Deacon Yu, take out all the planting work and let Han's nephew pick it until he is satisfied!" The old man waved his hand generously and motioned the subordinate to follow the order.

The deacon surnamed Yu was stunned by these words. After a deep look at Han Li, he quickly went to find the bamboo slips that recorded the chores. In my heart, I can't help guessing the relationship between Han Li and his boss [img=/sss/ziji.jpg].

"The planting work handed over above is all here. Brother Han, take a good look!" Deacon Yu held a bundle of jade bamboo slips and soon [img=/sss/huilaim.jpg].

Han Li thanked him and took Zhu Jian and looked at it carefully.

"Look after thirteen five-flower trees and hand in 200 fruits every year."

"Take good care of a three-year-old fire cloud ginseng to ensure its spirituality."

"Plant one mu of plum grass, and hand in 100 catties of hay every season."

"Take care of the topaz bamboo forest,..."


There are a lot of work to grow on bamboo slips! But some of the previous ones have not been included in Han Li's eyes. When the bamboo slip was turned into the middle, a job that satisfied Han Lida appeared.

(If you think it's good, please don't forget to collect this book)


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