The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 191 Alien and Loneliness

(hehe! It will be on the shelves on August 1st tomorrow. Readers who like this book, don't forget to subscribe and vote for the monthly ticket! After being put on the shelves, Wangyu will try its best to ensure a large chapter of 6,000 words a day. If there is any spare power, it may also explode for everyone. I hope everyone will continue to support this book!)

To the west of the central area, in a depression that produces rare herbs. Three immortals were struggling with a three-eyed fire wolf. A middle-aged man dressed in a giant sword door drove a cyan sword to block most of the fire wolf's attack, while another yellow-shirted old man and a young man in a gray robe assisted the attack from the side.

Not long after the disciple of the giant sword gate fought hard to receive a big fireball, he cut off the wolf's head of the monster with a sword, then withdrew the giant sword and looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Brother Meng is really powerful. Even these three-eyed fire wolves can be killed with one sword! It's worthy of being a high disciple of the Giant Sword Gate..." Seeing this scene, the old man in yellow clothes immediately ran away [img=/sss/guolair.jpg]. The flattery continued, and his face was not red at all.

If Han Li was here, he would recognize that the old man was the one who strongly invited him to form the [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] weak alliance, but the fellow teenager who was with him was not here. It seemed that he was separated during the transmission.

"Hey hey! If it hadn't been for the assistance of Brother Xiang and Taoist Minister Li, how could I have made it so easily!" The middle-aged man in black with a huge sword is also very modest.

"Brother Meng, why are you welcome! It is understandable that Brother Meng has made the greatest achievements in addition to this monster!" Another young Taoist priest, although he is young, is neither humble nor arrogant, and he is really experienced.

When the middle-aged man in black heard the words, a smile flashed on his face, but immediately said a few words of modesty.

"Speaking of which, those other guys who are still fighting and killing are really stupid! If [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] I and three people from different sects can work together to eliminate demons and collect medicine, I don't know if they will be shocked to lose their chins!" The topic of man in black suddenly changed and said such a sentence.

"Isn't it! This all depends on my brother's efforts! If it hadn't been for my brother's thorough analysis, I'm afraid Brother Meng and I would still be fighting to death!" The Taoist priest also nodded repeatedly and said yes.

"Dare, dare not! Both of them are extremely smart people. I'm just telling the truth! Everyone didn't need it in the first place. In order to make it impossible to fall into our hands [img=/sss/dongxi.jpg], they lost their [img=/sss/ziji.jpg] for nothing. With this [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], it's good for everyone to sweep away all the rare medicinal materials outside the central area! And everyone works together. It's not a piece of cake to deal with these monsters!" Xiang Zhi smiled and refused in a slippery voice.

As soon as the other two heard this, they praised each other enthusiastically.

"Okay, I'll pick the "fire dragon grass" as soon as possible! Everyone divided them equally one by one!" It was the man in black who couldn't help saying at first, and his voice revealed his eagerness. After saying that, the man walked to the red grass behind the body of the fire wolf.

As soon as Xiang Zhili and the Taoist priest heard it, they looked at each other with a deep smile, and they all agreed to leave [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg].

And both of them did not [img=/sss/faxian.jpg], the man in black turned his back to their faces, and suddenly showed a dark look, but then disappeared.


In the south of the central area, in a place full of yellow sand, there is a man, a woman and two disciples of the Moon Sect. They are constantly poking the sand with ice cones in a small place, as if they are looking for [img=/sss/shenme.jpg].

However, after half a day, I still got nothing.

"This bitch has gone to hide there! After finding her, I will definitely dig out her eyes!" The female disciple was charming and beautiful as a flower, but her mouth was extremely vicious, which made the man feel cold behind his back.

"Sister, forget it! The [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] agreed to leave the teacher is almost done. If you don't leave, it will be too late!" The male disciple said cowardly, looking at the situation, he seemed to be very afraid of the junior sister.

"Hmm! It's all your fault, a loser. Even a little girl with ten levels of skills can't stand it, and she let her slip away under our eyes! If it spreads out, it won't make people laugh to death. I and [img=/sss/jiejiev.jpg] hide the reputation of Yue Shuangjiao! Really, Shimen [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] will make you such a loser and be my practicing Taoist couple!" It's okay that the woman didn't listen to the man. After hearing it, she immediately pointed to the male disciple's nose angrily and scolded him. The male disciple said was red, but helpless.

However, after all, the female disciple looked at the light and shade of the sky and did not dare to look for it again. After all, it delayed the major events of the teacher. Even if her identity is special and her backer is big enough, it is not a small matter.

But leaving here in dismay, the woman was still a little unwilling. After a few hesitations, she gritted her silver teeth and took out a blue rune.

Looking at this rune, she smiled gloomily and suddenly threw the rune behind her, and then the man rushed out. It was not until she was dozens of feet away that she stopped and looked back.

When the male disciple saw this, he screamed bitterly, but did not dare to neglect to follow closely.

At this time, Fulu had turned into a huge black cloud of dozens of feet in size, covering the sky here tightly, and then the weather nearby suddenly dropped and became extremely cold.

Before long, countless shiny super-large ice cones fell from the dark clouds. In a short time, this small place was densely inserted, just like a dense thorn on the cactus.

After a cup of tea, the dark clouds gradually dissipated. At this time, the whole sand was crystal clear.

After the female disciple opened her eyes wide and glanced at the sand with almost no place to stand, there was nothing strange [img=/sss/faxian.jpg].

Her face darkened with hatred, and she shouted at the male disciple angrily, and then took the lead and left here. And his so-called cultivation partner naturally followed closely.

The woman who had left didn't notice that in the corner of a sand full of ice cones, a trace of red ** oozed out, but it was too light, so she escaped the eyes of the female disciple.

After half a quarter of an hour, when Yin Hong had a tendency to expand, the yellow sand here suddenly bulged a round small bag, and it became taller and more obvious.

In the end, the sandbag turned violently, and a woman in a green shirt rolled out of it. There was a slender ice cone on her shoulder, and the blood was flowing, and half of her body had been painted. He held a yellow silk handkerchief tightly in his hand, and the light flashed on it, which seemed to be not ordinary.

Slowly took the woman who got up, looked at the wound on her shoulder, and her eyebrows were locked.

She raised her other hand and gently grabbed the second half of the ice cone. The silver tooth bit and pulled out the ice cone. The woman snorted in pain, tears flowed out of her beautiful eyes, and the wound was bleeding out.

She didn't care to wipe the tears on her face and didn't dare to delay at all. After a period of confusion, she took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag and poured some yellow powder into the wound, and the blood immediately stopped pouring out.

After all this, the green-shirted woman bent her knees and sat on the sand motionless. After a while, she suddenly covered her face with her hands and cried. But because she was afraid of attracting others, the woman let her cry extremely low.

A meal [img=/sss/sjian.jpg][img=/sss/guoquu.jpg], the female disciple of the Spirit Beast Mountain finally stopped crying. She looked up at the empty sand and couldn't help shivering!

She bit her lip and stood up with difficulty. After hesitating for a long time, she recognized the direction and stumbled into the central area. At this time, there were faint tears on his beautiful face, but at the same time, he also had a stubborn look that did not match this.

This woman turned out to be the girl who sold Han Li's "Jinzhu Pen". It's just that after the injury, she walked alone on the quiet sand, which was even more pitiful and extremely pitiful.

After a while, the girl pressed the wound and gradually disappeared into the yellow sand.


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