The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 656 Broken Soul Gate

"[img=/sss/zenme.jpg], do you know me?" Han Li's eyes flashed, looking at the old man in black and asked faintly.

"No, I'm recognizing [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] people. The younger generation [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] may recognize the senior!" The old man in black was cold-warted by Han Libing's cold eyes, stammered and hurriedly denied it.

"Recognize [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] people!" Han Li touched his chin without hesitation and looked away from the old man. Instead, he glanced at other people, as if he really believed what the old man said.

The man in gray looked at the old man with a little puzzlement. Although he was also surprised, he was now in danger and didn't care about anything else. He just wanted to say some nice words to Han Li again, so he took the opportunity to slip away.

Han Li said slowly before he could speak again:

"Since you are ghost monks, and you also [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] the trace of Han, then think you are unlucky. I'm going to take your lives!" As soon as he said this, Han Li's expression suddenly turned cold, and his big sleeves gushed out more than a dozen cyan sword lights from the cuffs. As soon as these sword lights came out of the cuffs and swayed in the wind, they turned into more than thirty or forty ways, sweeping the other party's people.

When the monk in gray heard Han Li's voice, it was already [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] Things were not good. Seeing the amazing momentum of Han Li's action, his face was pale and bloodless.

Naturally, he would not wait to die. His body turned around unexpectedly, and countless black gas suddenly came out, protecting his body in it. Then a gold, one silver and two forks rushed out of the black gas and turned into two gold and silver strange pythons, blocking the black gas. At the same time, the monks in gray desperately urged the escape method and turned into a black smoke. He fled backwards, regardless of the death of several monks in black-shirted old men.

Those ghost monks were shocked. Except for the old man, the rest of the people were invincible with the blue sword spirit, and they were in different places one after another, with no power to resist. When the old man was terrified, Han Li then shot, and a slender green silk was sandwiched in the sword spirit. It shot into the old man's body in an instant, and the other party immediately turned over and fell to the ground.

Han Li saw this. No longer paying attention to the old man, he turned his eyes and looked at the gray-clothed monk who had fled to more than a hundred feet away, with a sneer on the corners of his mouth.

He pointed at those swords calmly, and suddenly more than a hundred blue lights gathered together, condensing into a huge blue sword in a blink of an eye, and then Han Li gently spit out a "go" in his mouth.

The giant sword made a low buzzing sound. Under the shaking, it turned into a ten-foot-long green rainbow. With an incredible speed of escape, it instantly chased after the black smoke, and the dazzling blue light burst out.

The monk in gray screamed. Whether it was the gold and silver monster python transformed by the flying fork or the protective black gas transformed by the skill, it was under the blow of the giant sword. The ashes and smoke went out. Even the monk in gray himself turned into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Han Li recalled the magic weapon with an unchanged look, and his eyes sank, and he returned to the unconscious old man.

After thinking about it for a moment, Han Li raised his hand without thinking, and the old man's thin body snorted. When he was sucked into his hand, the blue light flashed, and the other hand was rudely pressed on the old man's head.

After a cup of tea, the fire in Han Li's hand turned into a ball of ashes in the flames and disappeared out of thin air.

"It turned out to be an abandoned disciple of Hehuanzong. Dong Xuan'er! I didn't expect that she also got married, but why did she send someone to find me? It's really a little strange. Han Li floated in the air with his hands upside down, with a trace of surprise on his face.

The origin of the old man in black shirt is really a little complicated. He used to be a disciple of the Hehuan Sect. Because the big [img=/sss/cuow.jpg] violated the rules. Afraid of being refined by the soul, he changed his name and fled into the ghost door. It has been hidden until now.

Han Li naturally won't care about these things. To Han Li's surprise, the old man had played for a period of [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] under Dong Xuaner before. At that time, Dong Xuaner had formed a golden elixir and sent him and other Hehuan disciples to look for Han Li's [img=/sss/sjian. Jpg]. They even did not hesitate to let the old man and others venture into the Nine Nations League and secretly searched for Han Li's traces.

At that time, Han Li arrived at the chaotic sea of stars early, and the matter naturally came to an end.

At that time, the old man had seen Han Li's portrait, so now he recognizes him in astonishment.

Now Han Li is puzzled. He is not narcissistic. Dong Xuan'er will like [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], so he can't forget to send people to find him, and most of them [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] are strange in it.

Unfortunately, the status of the old man in black shirts is not high, and there is no news about it at all.

After thinking for a while, Han Li still couldn't figure out the reason why Dong Xuaner was looking for [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], so he shook his head and put it behind his head.

No matter why Dong Xuaner sent someone to look for [img=/sss/ziji.jpg], there was an attempt to [img=/sss/shenme.jpg], but now after many years, most of them have no [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] relationship. As his current Yuanying monk, there is no need to take it seriously.

Thinking of this, Han slightly disposed of the bodies of these ghost monks, looked in the direction of the original sect of Huangfeng Valley, and left the Taiyue Mountains

Han Li didn't know that at the same time as he killed Yu Hong, in a secret closed room where he covered the old site of Yuezong, a sapon robe monk with a thin and strange face and was closing his eyes to practice. Suddenly, he frowned and sighed. After groping in his arms, he took out a dark dodoll

The monk in soap robe played with the dominoes. After a moment, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint gloomy color flashed on his face.

After a while, he stood up and walked out of the retreat.

Through a long corridor, the soap robe monk came to a hall and sat on the stone chair in the middle of the hall with a blank face. Then the white light in his hand flashed. I don't know when an extra bronze bell came out.

With a loud noise, the soap robe monk shook the bell at will, and the buzzing bell was low and melodious. I don't know how far it was.

Then the man closed the little clock and sat in the chair in silence.

But a moment later, from several side doors of the hall, three elixir monks hurriedly came out, two men and one woman, with an awe-inspiring look at the old man, all in awe.

"Just now, the aura on your sixth brother's life card was extinguished. It seems that it has been poisoned by [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]. Although it's not [img=/sss/zhido.jpg][img=/sss/zenme.jpg], my disciples under the broken soul, [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] can't die. It's unclear. You guys find out the murderer and live Come in front of me. Let me see who is sacred!" The monk in the soap robe said quietly, as if he were ordering a trivial matter.

"Oyes, the three disciples will do it immediately." The three male and female monks were shocked at first, but then answered in unison.

"Hmm! I hope that the next time I summon you, the murderer will have been imprisoned in the fairy prison. The soap robe monk, that is, the real soul of the ghost gate, nodded and got up and walked out of the hall without saying a word.

There are only three soul-broken people left in the hall.

"Five sister, immediately send notes to the people of the Taiyue branch to see if it is [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]; something happened to the sixth brother. If they don't know, let them send someone to track down the whereabouts of the murderer immediately. Brother Que!! You have nothing to do with other altar owners [img=/sss/cuow.jpg]. Let's see if they can send someone to find out if there are any strange high-level monks in Yue recently. As for the few of us, we also sent the right disciples to track down the place where the sixth brother finally appeared to see if there is any clue [img=/sss/shenme.jpg]? As soon as the news came back, the three of us came out together to take the man down. After all, the other party can kill the sixth brother. The cultivation should not be low, and it's better to click [img=/sss/xiaoxinyy.jpg]. The tough monk in black among the three just thought for a while and said in a clear way.

The other two, one is a 30-year-old woman who is still charming, and the other is a scholar in brocade full of yin.

When the woman heard this, she replied with a faint smile. The scholar in brocade frowned slightly, slightly divided into difficulties, and nodded reluctantly after a while.

"Brother Que, I [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] You have an average relationship with the sixth brother, and even some discord. However, this matter was ordered by the master himself. If you can't do this, you don't have to say that you are also [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. Don't forget the punishment that the second brother and the seventh brother did unfavorably. The man in black seemed to be a little worried. He stared at the brocade scholar and said coldly.

[img=/sss/zenme.jpg] Yes! Although my sixth brother and I are at peace. But he is now dead, and it's what the master has to do. I [img=/sss/zenme.jpg] will also do my best. Third brother, don't worry." When the scholar surnamed Que heard this, his face changed greatly, and he laughed with a strong smile.

"Brother [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] is good. Let's split up." The man in black said slowly.

So the two men and one woman also left the hall and acted separately.

A few days later, the monks of Ghost Gate really found the place where Han Li killed several people along the traces of those people disappeared. After some investigation, Han Li's original cave was exposed.

When the three soul-smashing people heard the letter, they personally brought a group of disciples to the Taiyue Mountains. The three of them appeared in Han Li's old cave and stood in front of the big pit left by Han Li's migration to the spiritual spring. The three of them looked at each other in constergru.

At the same time, in another faraway place.

Han Yunzhi and the woman surnamed Liu also took those disciples of the Royal Spirit Sect and appeared on a section of mountains. They hurried through this area and entered the territory of Vietnam.

(The high fever has finally subsided, and now I feel much better. It seems that you really need to stay up less night. Otherwise, the body will really be unyable.)


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