The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 848 Black Blade

When the demon soul heard this, he was surprised that Han Li was not angry, but a pair of silver-white eyes suddenly narrowed. His eyes glanced at the sword shadow, the purple firebird, and the blood magic sword in front of Han Li several times before it gradually became cold.

Han Lize looked at each other coldly without saying a word, and the wind and thunder wings behind him slowly emerged, and the mana began to flow rapidly in his body.

Just then, a huge bursting sound came from a distance, and Han Li and the demon soul couldn't help looking at it.

I saw the light flashing there, and several light masses of different colors were breaking out of the black mask. The light mask scattered in a blink of an eye, reappearing the original shape of the three magic treasures of the ring, the small sword and the magic flag, but the magic light on it was dim and seemed to be damaged.

Just when the demon soul was wholeheartedly dealing with Han Lizhi, he accidentally underestimated the three silver-haired old men.

Although these three people were only the early monks of Yuanying, they all fought for a long time and did not know how to use their secret skills. In a short time, they worked together to break the prohibition of trapping their treasures.

However, they also saw the strange body method of the demon soul god just now. In shock, they naturally will not take the initiative to get closer to Han Li's side. They just command a few magic weapons to attack the demon soul far away, hoping to play some role in the production.

These three people are very clear that Han Li is the main force against this monster. If Han Li falls, the three of them will never be good.

These three people could help at this time, and Han Li was naturally overjoyed. It would be even better if they could give him a chance to fight for the sword array.

Han Li thought so. I couldn't help looking at the demon soul opposite.

The demon soul looked at the flying treasure and took another look at Han Li. Under the slight movement of the evil ghost's eyes, he suddenly smiled gloomyly and moved his body.

After a shadow, the demon suddenly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Han Li's heart moved and hurriedly swept away with his eyes. As a result, he was immediately shocked.

"It's not good. You guys!" Han Li shouted loudly, and then he couldn't say more about the divine consciousness. The neck of the scattered giant turtle puppet was raised, and blue beams of light spewed out one after another, targeting the surroundings of the silver-haired old man.

How experienced the silver-haired old man and Tianjing Zhenren are. Han Li just a brief reminder, coupled with the strange escape method of the demon soul just now, they naturally immediately understood that the monster suddenly abandoned Han Li and rushed to them.

These three people were shocked. I can only cry bitterly in my heart.

The demon soul used many means in Han Li, especially after taking out the blood magic sword, he felt that he could not take down the other party in a moment. Now there are three more silver-haired old people harassing from the side, which is even more troublesome. Therefore, the devil changed his mind and was ready to remove other people who were in the way first, and finally clean up Han Li alone.

More than a dozen thick beams of light burst one by one around the three Yuanying monks, and a piece of cold air was scattered.

The shadow shakes. The demon soul appears somewhere. It's only a dozen feet away from the three of Jingzhen people that day.

Even if the silver-haired old man and others were prepared, they were still shocked by the speed of the demon soul.

Fortunately, the three of them also seemed to cooperate with each other very skillfully. Immediately, Brother Cheng and another old man raised their hands together, one shot a large rune in one's hand, and the other flew out of his sleeve and a fireflies. Tianjing Zhenren pinched the formula with both hands. The two evil ghost puppets standing behind him shook their bodies at the same time, and the Firefox rushed out of the shield at the same time under the cover of the rune.

As soon as the rune flew out of the shield, it turned into a large fire cloud, and the Firefox jumped and integrated into the fire field in the air, disappearing in an instant.

This is actually a rare spirit beast that is proficient in fire escape.

The demon soul saw two extraordinary evil ghost puppets rushing towards him, but the four hands with no expression on their palms were rubbed.

A harsh shrill sound burst out from the palm of the hand, and then the sound of breaking the sky rose, and two piercing black eyes floated between the palms.

Knot four palms and five fingers. Unexpectedly, the two black mango balls were divided into four parts out of thin air. Each of the four palms grabbed a ball and shook his arms.

Black light, four strange black light blades. It appeared in the palm of the hand.

This light blade is not too long, only about two feet, a little curved from tip to thick, like a bull's tip knife. But strangely, the whole blade of the blade kept vibrating slightly all the time, and even the nearby space was distorted and deformed, and the sound of tingling was endless. It's incredible!

But what I didn't notice was that at the moment when the black strange blade was formed, the face of the person behind the demon soul was filled with pain, and then his face was extremely pale. It seems that half of the blood has been extracted all over the body. The devil's head in front of him became more and more fierce, and the four strange light blades trembled, and his body shot at a pale blue demon puppet like a strong crossbow.

The puppet was naturally not afraid. Without hesitation, a large strand of gray yin gas spewed directly from his mouth and turned into a fog wave and swept away. At the same time, the hands were raised, the blue light flashed, and ten cold threads came out of the fingertips, fleeting into the yin qi and disappeared.

After the other red puppet spewed out the yin gas, the red light flashed in his hand, and a red light shot out of his hand.

At this time, the fire clouds above his head also rolled towards the demon soul.

First, the fierce demon soul is in the attack of the three.

And the expressionless four strange blades of the demon soul waved gently, and suddenly four crescent-shaped knives crossed out of the air, turning into two huge black crosses in the shrill sound, and cutting straight to the two puppets.

But because of this, the body of the demon soul was slightly paused. Taking this opportunity, a giant claw of a flame of several feet suddenly grabbed it quickly from the cloud, and five long nails as sharp as sickle were inserted straight into the evil spirit cover of the devil's head.

The blue cold silk and the red light also flew out of the yin gas and shot at the body of the demon soul.

As soon as the four arms of the demon soul moved, the light blade blurred in an instant, setting off layers of light waves, and then turned into a layer of black light rolling huge light ball. As soon as the green silk and the light belt touched the ball, they were immediately involved in it with a whine. In a flash, the blue and red light burst, and the cold silk and light practice were smashed alive.

As soon as this scene happened, the giant claws of the flame that had grabbed the photosphere were suddenly frightened, and then they were about to retract like lightning.

But it was obviously too late. A crescent-shaped black light flashed by, and the giant claws suddenly fell down.

A sad cry came from the fire clouds in the air.

The tyrannical color flashed on the face of the demon soul, and the long purple tongue licked a few drops of fox blood on his cheek. After a low shout, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in the center of the fire cloud.

The fire cloud rolled and turbulent, and several firefox limbs were amputated, and blood fell from the air.

The demon soul killed the scene of Firefox in an instant, and the three people were tongue-tied in the shield. The strange Yuanying old man, as a person of Firefox, has a heartache on his face.

And after the strange smile of the demon soul, the figure disappeared again.

Suddenly, there was a black light flashing in the gray yin, and two loud loud noises came one after another.

Tianjing Zhenren, who was personally manipulating the puppet, looked pale and extremely pale. Then the unthinking sleeves brushed, a gust of wind suddenly burst into the yin, and the fog was suddenly blown clean. Except for the remains of two puppets that have been cut into pieces, there is no trace of the magic soul.

With this time, even Tianjing Zhenren did not care about the destruction of the puppet. The three of them hurriedly looked around in fear and took other treasures from the storage bag one after another.

There was a space movement somewhere nearby, and a huge black peak dozens of feet high suddenly emerged, and then it was severely suppressed. It turned out that Han Li saw that the situation was critical, and directly moved the ancient treasure of Qianzhongfeng in his hand to the vicinity of the shield in an instant, temporarily helping the three people with one arm.

As a result, before the peak landed, the originally empty place suddenly flashed black light, and the demon soul appeared there with a chilly face.

Four arms were raised into the air, and the four light blades condensed in an instant and turned into a huge black blade about ten feet long. There was a loud thunderous noise from the blade.

The demon soul held the blade in both hands, aimed at the bottom of the black mountain without hesitation, and cut it off with one knife.

A dark and narrow knife light shot silently from the blade.

The dazzling luminance broke out at the bottom of the mountain, and the whole mountain shook violently. From the middle, a smooth mirror-like crack emerged. The black mountain was cut in half by this cut.

Then the two peaks fell slightly and fell straight to the ground.

The magic soul did not delay at all. He raised the huge black blade with both hands again and glanced at the five or six layers of shields of the three monks, with a malicious look on his face. With an instant wave of his hands, the same dark and demonic knife light then cut to the shield on the opposite side.

The silver-haired old man and Tianjing Zhenren suddenly turned pale.

Although they don't think that the layers of masks under the moment can really block such a powerful attack first. After the three looked at each other in horror, the spiritual light flashed almost at the same time, instantly turned into three rainbows, flew out of the mask and fled in three different directions.

Among them, the silver-haired old man was directly emptied by Han Li, while Tianjing Zhenren and another old man went to Wei Wuya.

Han Li, who was also shocked by the demon soul in the distance, screamed badly at the sight of the three people.

With such a terrible escape speed of the demon soul, the separation between the three must be more and less auspicious.

But he is now busy using this good opportunity to arrange the last few steps of the Dageng sword array, and he can't fly to save it in person.

had to make a series of magic decisions in all directions, and under the control of the divine consciousness, more than a dozen giant turtles shot out the ice cone on their backs at the same time. Now Han Li does not want this attack to hurt the other party. As long as he can slightly stop the action of the demon soul, he can let the three silver-haired old men escape their lives.

(the second update! Khan, it's the second update yesterday!)


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