The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 891 Hand

With a "shh", the golden light flashed in front of the man's eyes, and the golden flame stone soared into the air without warning and shot out obliquely.

The man was shocked, and his reaction naturally slowed down without hesitation. When he grabbed the hurried backhand, but it was obviously a little late, the golden rock instantly turned into a golden light and fell into the hands of another person nearby.

At this time, both the monks of the Great Jin Dynasty and the abrupt people who were a little confused were stunned. And this person is naturally Han Li.

At this time, Han Li grabbed the stone in his hand with one hand and looked at it carefully, turning a blind eye to others.

The elixir man looked pale in an instant.

"Give it to me and cut off another arm. It can kill you." He stared at Han Li and said gloomyly word by word

After Han Li confirmed from Dayan Shenjun's mouth again that the stone was the golden flame stone, he turned over his hand and put the stone into the storage bag, raised his head and smiled at the man, and said unhurriedly:

"I also like this thing. I don't want to give it to you, and I don't want to hurt myself. How about a few Taoist friends who have never happened?

The man was furious when he heard this. He clenched his fists with a heavy face, and a long white aura suddenly appeared on his body, as if he was about to do it.

"Commander Gu, what's the matter? That's strange. What is it? If it's not important, don't make trouble. The Jiedan woman beside her faintly realized that Han was not simple. He suddenly opened his mouth.

After listening to this, Commander Gu hesitated for a moment, and his lips moved slightly.

After a moment, the woman in white robe showed shock and meditated.

"It's really this thing. It won't be done, right?" The white woman's face condensed and asked solemnly in the words of the Great Jin Dynasty.

"Absolutely not. You too. I was originally from the refinery department. I don't know how many times I've read that book. It's definitely true. If you get this wonderful treasure, it will be dedicated to the lord of the palace. Compared with the credit of catching a traitor and recovering the snow crystal beads. It doesn't count at all." The man said excitedly.

After hearing this, the woman turned her eyes slightly on Han Li. After reconfirming that the other party was indeed cultivated during the foundation period, the cold light flashed in her eyes, and the evil spirit gradually grew between her eyebrows.

"Do it! Not only this person, but all the abrupt people are left alone. There is no evidence that even the Tianlan Temple will not really turn against several low-level immortals and hundreds of mortals and our fairy palace. It's not a big deal. The price will be reduced by another 30%. The woman in white said with her eyebrows upside down. At the same time, a sandalwood mouth, a silver light spewed out, and after a flash, it came to the front of an abrupt immortals in the foundation period.

Although the abrupt man had a blue shield on his body, how could he block the full-out blow of the monk Jiedan? He immediately screamed that the rear mask was broken and cut in half. And after the silver rainbow circled, it showed its original shape, and it turned out to be a bright flying knife. It's about a long time.

The rest of the Jin monks in the foundation-building period, after hearing the order of the leading woman, immediately sacrificed magic weapons and rushed to the remaining three abrupt immortals. Those mortals who are a little farther away are not in a hurry to kill for a while, and they can't go anywhere anyway.

I saw these Jin monks do it. The three abrupt immortals were naturally furious.

But one of them was in the early stage of foundation-building, and two were in the gas refining period. How could they be the joint attack of the six foundation-building monks? Although they resisted desperately, they were hanged by these monks in a blink of an eye. Two people simply rushed to Feng Yue's carriage, ready to get rid of the hidden man together.

The Jiedan woman standing on the huge space was not surprised or happy to see this, and this result had been expected for a long time. But when she turned her eyes to the man's side. His face changed greatly.

It turned out that the man heard the woman's instructions. Li also spewed out his own flying sword and turned into a white rainbow and directly beheaded Han Li.

But Han Li sighed. As soon as the palm of his hand was turned over, a dark little flag suddenly appeared in his hand. After a gentle shake, the flag rose into a light curtain against the wind, protecting the whole body. Yinhong cut behind the scenes and was directly bounced back. It can't hurt at all.

The man was naturally shocked. In a hurry, he hurriedly urged his own sword formula. After a while of turning around, Bai Hong turned into a python several feet long. After a plate, he surrounded the black light curtain, and the blood basin was wrapped and bitten desperately.

But the inconspicuous black light curtain is like a diamond cast, and the tightness of the python is still biting, which is useless at all.

When the woman in white looked at it, she happened to see this scene, and she couldn't help sinking slightly.

If the other party dares to snatch the elixir, it really has something to rely on. Thinking of this, the woman did not hesitate to use her hand to fly a knife in the distance. After the magic weapon trembled slightly, it suddenly turned into a silver rainbow and shot out, and the next moment she also cut off the black light curtain to lie.

As a result, after Yinhong cut several times around the light curtain, the light curtain was safe and unswayed.

After the woman in white and the man looked at each other, they saw the appared from each other's eyes at the same time.

"You guys, leave the guy in the car alone. Hurry up and set up a fire array to refine this person. The woman suddenly turned her head and ordered in a scream.

As soon as those foundation-building monks heard this order, they sacrificed the fiery red flags without thinking.

Suddenly, a cloud of fire floated over the light curtain and slowly pressed down.

"Good, good. It also saves Han from spending more time. In the light curtain, Han Li said a faint word at this time, and then suddenly the light on the top of the light curtain flashed, and a black and green baby appeared there with a smile, holding the black flag in his hand.

"Yuan Ying! are a Yuanying monk! Let's do it slowly. I'll leave right away. I dare not compete with my predecessors. As soon as the baby appeared, the woman looked pale like a sledgehammer hitting her heart. She had just done a stupid thing and hurriedly pleaded. At the same time, as soon as the mind moves, it is necessary to recall the flying knife magic weapon.

But at this time, Han Nii's second Yuanying sneered and threw the small flag in his hand.

It soared in an instant and turned into a giant several feet high. The black magic gas gushed out from above, and the magic cloud, which was much larger than the fire cloud, suddenly appeared over the light curtain. Whether it was a flying knife, a python, or a fire cloud, they were all submerged and swept into it.

A man, a woman and several foundation-building monks, at this time, lost contact with magic weapons and magic weapons at the same time.

"Yin Luofan! You are the law enforcement elder of Yin Luozong!" The man, who had already been stunned, immediately screamed with fear when he saw the appearance of this flag. Immediately, the light flashed all over his body and turned into a dazzling white light and flew away. I didn't even care about my own magic weapon!

When the woman in white heard that the man called out that the other party's flag was the treasure of Yinluozong Zhenzong, she also took a breath of cold air. Several methods that were not too much to think about broke into the huge body, and at the same time, the jade foot suddenly hit a little huge.

The huge figure suddenly became three points bigger, and the green light on his body was shining. After a strange cry, it turned into a green rainbow and ran away. It's exactly the opposite direction from the Jiedan man.

Under the habit of the demon sect's flaws, this woman does not hope that this old monster of Yin Luozong will really stop. At the same time, I also hated why the man was so eventful. Otherwise, if it was just now, everything would be fine soon.

Those male and female monks in the foundation-building period were so scared that their souls were scattered, and the same scattered imperial weapons fled.

The blue light flashed in the magic cloud, and Han Li's figure floated on it. Looking at the backs of these Jin monks running away, there was a chill on the corners of his mouth.

With a pat on the waist storage bag, more than a dozen white lights flew out of the bag and turned into a half-foot-long snow-white centipede, chasing the six foundation monks in pairs.

At the same time, the black light flashed on the giant flag, and a black hole several feet large appeared. A huge gold-eating insect with black gas on its body flew out of it. After a few blood flashes in his eyes, he suddenly spread his wings and turned into a golden light and went straight to the elixir man.

After the black and green Yuanying first-class gold-eating worm flew out, it jumped into the Yinluofan and drove it to plunge into the magic cloud below.

The magic luck suddenly rolled, and suddenly a stinging sound rushed into the air. After a flash, it appeared at a height of more than a hundred feet, and went straight to the fleeing giant bat to chase after it. The dark situation of covering the sky and the sun was like the birth of the demon god.

Han Li floated in the air and didn't move, looking at all this with a blank face.

Those sudden mortals in the distance have never seen such a level of war, and when they saw that several immortal masters were also killed, they were even more scared to run away.

Occasionally, a few bold people stay nearby, but seeing Han Li's power, he dares not get close at all. Han Li is also very happy.

In almost an instant, the six escaped foundation-building monks were caught up by the snow-white centipede one after another.

How can these foundation-building monks be the enemy of the six-winged frostworm? Although it was only a larva, under the cold air that the monks of the Dan were afraid of, they were turned into huge ice without any magical power, and then even the human and halal gods were torn to pieces by centipedes that were drilled into the ice.

The man who turned into a white light to escape, because he lost his original magic weapon, his escape speed was not faster than that of several subordinates in the foundation-building period. A moment later, he was also caught up by giant insects. As a result, with a desperate face, the demonized gold-eating worm easily bit through several layers of the man's shield and penetrated into his body.

Immediately, the man fell directly to the ground from the air, rolled his head in pain, and died in a short time.

Although the woman in white is not so high-level, she seems to be good at flying away, and she is extremely fast to escape under the stimulation of the magic decision. However, the magic cloud driven by Han Li's second Yuanying flew out dozens of miles one after the other, and was finally covered by the overwhelming magic cloud without pity.

From then on, this woman disappeared silently in the world.

But when the second baby drove the demon cloud back, Han Li was playing with the snow crystal bead in his hand and was looking at something thrown on the ground by the monk of the Great Jin Dynasty, and his face was full of boredom.


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