The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 979 Five Concentric Demons

In Bai Yaoyi's surprised eyes, the golden arc burst on the mummified corpse.

This body, which was unknown many years ago, instantly collapsed and disintegrated in the golden light and turned into a pile of white ashes.

"Let's go. It seems that I'm really worried." Han Li's eyes frowned silently for a moment and said faintly.

Then he strode out of the place.

Bai Yaoyi shook her head with a smile and followed out inadvertently.

Soon after, the two reappeared in the passage and continued to fly forward.

When the two figures went away and a touch of purple light was finally submerged by the black wind, a human-shaped shadow suddenly rose from the ground under the stone pillar in the cave.

This shadow is dark all over, and the face is blurred, as if it were a pure shadow. Only the eyes flash the strange green light

It first looked at the evil ape that turned into ice at the entrance, then looked down at the ashes in front of the stone pillar, and suddenly fell to the ground.

A strange scene appeared!

After the shadow rolled, the ashes immediately. Flying to the shadow, his whole body was full and did not fall off at all.

Then there was a low sound in the dark shadow's mouth and put it on his body. The black air wrapped the whole body in it.

After a while, after a burst of black gas rolling, one. The same mummified corpse came out of it.

This time, the mummified corpse is no longer lifeless dead. It's the head. After turning his skull, he suddenly pointed at a mouth at the entrance, and a black and cloudy wind spewed out, directly sweeping the ice wreckage of the evil ape.

In the black wind, the ice melts and disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a "shh", a complete evil ape jumped out of the wind.

It raised its head and siped its teeth a few times, and immediately fell behind to the corpse. Down, the body climbed onto the leg of the mummified corpse, just like a pet.

The mummified corpse stretched out a black claw and pressed the evil ape at will. His head was twice, but his eyes were staring at the exit, and the green light flashed.

This mummified corpse is like. Ordinary people are thinking about it, and they look like they are completely intelligent.

Just as Han Li and others were acting separately, on the top of a huge mountain in southern Xinjiang, there was a burst of shouting and killing in a manor. Nearly a hundred black-robed monks attacked a light yellow light curtain with various magic weapons, and this light curtain covered most of the village, but there were only a dozen yellow monks dancing desperately one Flags of different colors to strengthen the light curtain prohibition.

Just because the number of people was too small, everyone looked panicked when they saw the curtain shaking.

Hundreds of feet above the manor, there is a majestic middle-aged monk, also dressed in a yellow robe, but his face is pale.

Around his center, there are five gray-white figures standing far away, each of which is extremely indifferent, like light smoke.

But these figures are round, just surrounding the middle-aged monks in the middle.

"Brother Zong, you really can't let the family go? I also have a close relationship with the ghost suzerain. As long as the Taoist friend is willing to show mercy, I am willing to lead the He family out of the immortal world from now on and never be born again. And this is southern Xinjiang. Taoist friends are so unscrupulous that they are not afraid of causing trouble. Although the middle-aged monk was at a loss, he still looked up to the sky with the last trace of hope.

"Your family has promised to return to our Yinluozong, but when the matter comes, they want to repent. Think of us as Yin Luozong! Don't think that if you move to southern Xinjiang, I won't be able to find you. For the sake of the reputation of this sect, we can only let the He family disappear. And Zong also wanted to use the head of his Taoist friend to deter the dandruff. Did the Taoist friend break up, or let me do it myself? If the five sons of the same-hearted demon take action, there will be no bones left. Obviously, there was no one nearby, but suddenly there were leisurely words around, and the voice was erratic, but it made it impossible to distinguish between men and women.

Hearing this, the yellow-robed monk's heart sank.

At this moment, there was an earth-shaking loud noise below, and the yellow-robed monk's face changed greatly and quickly swept down. The light curtain protecting the manor was finally smashed into pieces and turned into a little light and disappeared.

On the yellow-robed monk's face, there was no trace of blood.

The Yinluo monk outside the manor cheered, and then the overwhelming light pressed down, and in an instant, more than a dozen monks in the village in the light curtain were drowned in it.

"How dare you..."

The yellow-robed monk could no longer help patting the spirit beast bag on his waist. A yellow light spewed out of the bag, and then turned into a yellow python several feet long and shot down.

"Why do Taoist friends have the same experience as the younger generation below? Let Zong learn about the Tiantian bricks of Taoist friends. The mysterious figure said a faint word, and a sudden movement in the white shadow around him, and then suddenly appeared under the yellow python.

The speed of escape is almost teleportation.

The yellow python flashed fiercely, and the blood basin was a big mouth, so it went to the white shadow fiercely.

Bai Ying shook his body without saying a word, and suddenly turned into a giant skull, about ten feet in size, and his whole body was snow-white. When the yellow python was shocked, it was about to stop its body. But it's too late.

After a few strange smiles of the skull, a mouth, a fluffy white silk spewed out of the mouth, wrapped the python's head, and wrapped it tightly in an instant.

The yellow python was shocked and naturally struggled desperately, and a huge tail like a steel whip fell on the skull under a sweep.

But the skull did not shake at all. Instead, a gray light suddenly appeared in his mouth, and it spread directly to the yellow python along the white silk.

An incredible scene appeared.

Starting from the python, where the gray light passed, the originally oily and bulging python's body quickly dimmed and dried up. In a blink of an eye, the flesh and blood of the python disappeared and turned into a bone.

The yellow python naturally died.

But the skull has not stopped yet. With a shake of the white silk, it directly swept the whole python corpse into the big mouth, and then chewed hard, making a terrible sound of "quack" and "quack".

Seeing the python that had followed for many years and end up like this, the yellow-robed monk was furious, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

He glanced at the white shadow around him, and suddenly patted the back of his head with one hand, and something spewed out of his mouth, but there was a large brick of several inches, yellow.

The yellow-robed monk pinched the secret and pointed to the brick solemnly.

The treasure circled into the air, and then rose crazily in the light. Almost in one breath, a huge thing appeared above the head of the yellow-robed monk.

It is more than ten feet in size, with yellow eyes on it and dazzling runes flowing, which is really amazing.

"Is this a muddy brick? It's better not to see it than to be famous. It really disappointed Zong. It seems that there is no need to show up. Just let the five demons send their Taoist friends for a ride!" The hidden monk sighed, as if extremely disappointed.

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the white shadows moved and flew slowly to the yellow-robed monk, light.

The yellow-robed monk also ignored the other party's disdainful words. After sweeping close to the white shadow, he suddenly shouted loudly, and the roar shook out of the sky, and the bricks on his head immediately rotated. With this volume, a hurricane naturally blew up in an instant and covered the yellow-robed monk.

But several white shadows turned a blind eye to it. As soon as they were close to the hurricane, they immediately shot at the hurricane.

"Looking for death!"

Countless yellow rays shot out of the wind, all of which were square bricks about the size of a foot.

The rumble was loud, and in a blink of an eye, several white shadows were submerged into the light.

Taking this opportunity, a yellow rainbow suddenly came out of the hurricane and flew away to the sky in a flash, more than 20 feet away in the blink of an eye.

"Humph!" A cold and bitter hum.

Then with a few pops, the four white shadows flew out of the yellow light as if nothing had happened, and then in a flash, they all disappeared from the same place.

The next moment, there was a sudden space fluctuation in front of the Jinghong. Under the flash of gray light, four white shadows suddenly emerged and rushed to the Jinghong without saying a word.

The monk in yellow robe was shocked, his figure stopped, and his hand was raised in a hurry.

Suddenly, a huge brick of several feet hit the white shadow rudely, but several white shadows shook as if nothing had happened, and the figure directly penetrated the huge brick, and in a blink of an eye, it was in front of the monk in yellow robe.

At this time, the yellow-robed monk panicked and waved one hand to show out an ancient treasure that had long been buckled in his hand.

It turned out to be a blue token.

This treasure just shook, and a blue glow spewed out. As soon as a few white shadows entered it, it seemed to be immediately stagnant, as if it was difficult to walk.

Before the yellow-robed monk's face could show his joy, several white shadows suddenly burst into a strange smile, and his figure collapsed in the blue glow.

Seeing this, the monk in yellow robe didn't scream well. He hurriedly appeared all over his body and was about to fly away.

But suddenly there was a white breath in front of him, and several faint figures rushed out of one of them, and the protective light of the yellow-robed monk was like nothing. After directly piercing it, it disappeared into his body.

Before the yellow-robed monk reacted, he felt that Yuanying suddenly tightened in his body, his body was hot, and it seemed that his blood was boiling all over his body.

This is his last feeling in the world. The next moment, his eyes are black and he doesn't know anything.

If someone else is nearby, you can clearly see that the face of the yellow-robed monk quickly dried up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and turned into a skeleton-like mummified body in a blink of an eye.

The Yuan Ying in the mummified corpse was directly swallowed up by the white shadow attached to the body. Then the four white shadows flew out of the mummified corpse contentedly, turned into four skulls, and divided the corpse fiercely.

At this time, the other white shadow also flew slowly. Five white shadows stood side by side.

At this time, the crackling sound of fighting in the manor below had also stopped, and an old man in black was excited to escape.

"Participating in the elder! All 72 monks of the He family have been killed, and there are still direct mortals, more than 300. Please ask the elders to order more. The old man in black robe flew to the white shadow and stood respectfully.

"Kill them all." The mysterious monk said coldly.

"Yes!" The old man in black robe agreed to fly down.

"Slow down, Elder Ge wrote earlier that the monk who killed the four elders of this family and robbed a Yin Luofan may also be in the southern border. The matter has been done, and all the people below have fully tracked down the whereabouts of the person. I will sit in southern Xinjiang for a year. If there is any trace of this person, I will kill him immediately. How can the treasure of this sect fall into the hands of outsiders? The mysterious monk ordered gloomily.

"Yes, my nephew ordered me to go down immediately." The old man in black looked a look and agreed respectfully. Then it turned into a black light and flew down.

"It is much better than the waste of the He family to kill the fourth brother who holds the Yin Luofan and the pursuit of escaping from the Tianlan Temple. It should be an interesting opponent!" After the mysterious monk and other old men in black robes left, they muttered to themselves, as if they were very interested in Han Li.


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