The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1076 Ice City

"Are these people your companions? After Han Li looked at the disk in his hand, the blue light flashed away, looked at several people behind him, and asked Gu Tianqi unexpectedly.

"These Taoist friends were met by the younger generation not long ago, because they all wanted to worship under the door of the Xiaoji Palace, so they went with them. Is there anything wrong? Don't jump. Gu Tianqi was stunned and a little uneasy.

"It's not inappropriate, but one of them is inappropriate." Han Li stared at a young and beautiful woman below and sneered.

"?" Gu Tianqi is still a little inexplicable.

"Isn't it inappropriate for a monster to mix among you?" Han Li's mouth warped and said lightly.

"Monster?" Hearing this, Gu Tianqi's face changed greatly and he hurriedly looked at the nun.

The rest of the monks were also scared. Jumping, subconsciously hurriedly away from this woman a few steps, all with a surprised face.

"The senior laughed, and the younger generation is the younger brother of the Ning family in Shuangjun. Son, how can it be a monster? The young woman's eyes widened, and she was also shocked by the words. She hurriedly stammered and explained.

"Yes, senior! Did you do it? Ning. Taoist friends are indeed from the Ning family, and I have seen them several times. The young man who had previously taken the elixir couldn't help distinguishing it when he saw that the young nun looked pale.

The rest of the people couldn't help but show hesitation.

Han Li snorted as if he hadn't heard:

"A little distraction, dare to be confused in front of me! Come out!"

As this sound fell, Han Li grabbed the void with one hand and stopped the young female nun. The light flashed at the top, and a big blue hand emerged, and then grabbed it down.

The nun, who originally looked aggrieved, appeared at the first sight of her big hand, and her figure was one. The shock disappeared under the trembling, turned into a gloomy and resentful color, and then his body suddenly shook and turned into a rainbow shot out, = instantly appeared in the air more than 20 feet away.

This is not the cultivation of the gas refining period. Even the elixir monk can't do it. There is such an amazing speed of escape.

The corners of Han Li's mouth rose. A trace of sneer, brushed the sleeve robe, and suddenly a yellow light shot out. After disappearing in a flash, it strangely appeared on the top of the woman's head and turned into a long wand.

This treasure was urged by the Korean legislative decision. With a slight shake, the body shape soared in an instant, transforming into several feet of virtual shadows, and smashed it down at the same time.

The young nun was shocked at first sight. Before she could dodge, she could only have one mouth, spewing out a black demonic spirit to resist for a moment.

But with a loud "boom", the yellow light flashed, and the black gas was scattered by a blow, and it could not stay in the magic wand for a moment. The shadow of the magic wand hit the female spirit cover.

The young nun screamed, and her body immediately turned over and fell down. But almost at the same time, a faint shadow flew out of the woman, and after circling, she was about to drill underground.

At this time, the thunder was loud, and a golden power grid somehow floated above the shadow's head. Before it could react, it fell like lightning.

Suddenly, the crackling sound sounded one after another, and the black demon shadow did not even hum, which was completely extinguished by the golden light.

These lightning scenes stunned everyone, including middle-aged people.

Han Li raised his hand, and the magic wand shivered gently and shrank as before. He flew back into the cuff.

After all this, Han Li threw out a light blue bottle with his backhand and shot at Gu Tianqi.

The middle-aged monk naturally subconsciously catches it.

"The elixir in the bottle may help you pass here smoothly. Count me here in exchange for your fixed yuan plate." After saying this with a blank face, Han Li immediately turned into a dazzling rainbow and disappeared. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared in the snow all over the sky.

Only then did the middle-aged man wake up and grasped the small bottle in his hand, with surprise on his face.

There were also other people's exclamations next to it, and it was the young nun who slowly woke up. With the blow just now, it didn't really cause damage to the woman's body.

At this time, Han Li followed the guidance of the disk in his hand and went straight to the Little Pole Palace, but when he remembered the previous things in his heart, he still smiled.

Just now, the young woman's body was lurking in the distraction of a high-level monster, which is at least the idea of an eight-level monster.

This monster is also smart. I don't know what kind of magic scripture is used to quietly attach the divine mind to the nun's body, and the woman is still unaware of it.

If it goes on like this, when they really go out of this area, it is really possible for the monk of the Little Pole Palace to let the demon sneak into the Little Pole Palace with the help of the woman's body.

Since it happened, and it was a matter of effort, Han Li naturally took action to destroy the demon soul. Save the other party from making waves during the period of Beiming Island.

But is it because of the cold marrow that the monster is so deliberate to get into it?

After all, he has inquired about it, and there has been no news of the loss of cold marrow in the Xiaoji Palace. For such a long time, it is impossible that Xiaoji Palace has not noticed the loss of cold marrow. It seems that this matter has been covered up for special reasons.

He thought a little puzzledly, but the escape light was driven, as fast as lightning. It didn't take long to escape into the strange area full of fists and hail everywhere in the air.

These haillooms were sandwiched in the wind and snow, and they were crystal clear. They hit the shield and made a low "bamp" sound, as if they were boulders hitting each other.

But with Han Li's cultivation, he naturally disdained these giant hail.

After flying for half an hour, Han Li's eyes lit up, hail, wind and snow disappeared, and finally flew out of this area.

There is an ice city built on a mountain not far ahead.

The city looks crystallry from afar, emitting colorful light in the sun. In addition, there are some faint white air surrounding the city nearby, which makes the ice city look like a fairyland in the sky, which is really not like a human world building.

Han's facade showed a trace of surprise.

However, his eyes soon fell on the huge mountain behind the Ice City.

This mountain is already very huge and high for secular people, but compared with the giants such as Kunwu Mountain that I have seen before, it naturally doesn't count.

But what really surprised Han Li was that the mountain was as straight as a giant pillar, and the surface of the mountain was also shining, covered with an unknown layer of ice.

If the occasional emerald green on the mountain is not dotted with this mountain, Han Li will suspect that the whole mountain is an ice mountain.

Although there are spiritual eyes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Han Li is so far away that he can't see the specific situation on the mountain clearly. He can only faintly see a colorful building complex at the top of the ice. It seems that it is the so-called small palace.

Han Li looked at the ice city mountain in the distance and did not fly away immediately.

Because in the glacier area between the ice city and him, it seems ordinary, but there are all kinds of invisible prohibitions hidden in secret, so that Han Li, who is proficient in the way of formation, can clearly feel the horror. As long as people rush in, I'm afraid they will immediately stimulate the power of it.

And just as he walked out of the previous area, there had already been several escape lights in the Ice City, flying towards where he was, as if he had arrived long ago.

Han Li raised his eyebrows and suddenly remembered. He looked down at the fixed yuan plate in his hand, and a sudden look appeared on his face.

It seems that this fixed yuan plate not only has the effect of leading the way, but also allows the monks of the Little Pole Palace to know the whereabouts of the monks who hold this magic weapon at any time.

As soon as he figured it out, several escapes arrived in front of him in a blink of an eye.

One man, two women, three white-shirted monks, of which the men are the Jiedan period monks, and two women are from the foundation period.

The man was about thirty years old, with a beautiful face. He glanced at Han Li and hurriedly bowed and saluted with a frightened face:

"Shi Yun, the deacon of the younger palace. May I ask your senior's name? What can I do in this palace?

This Arctic Palace monk saw Han Li flying out of the wind and snow from afar. Although the other party was not an ordinary monk, he was really sure that the other party was indeed a Yuanying monk, and he was also a strange middle-term monk, which made him nervous.

"I don't need to say, I'm visiting friends in your palace. An elder in your palace has some friendship with me. Han Li said calmly.

"The elder of this palace? I don't know which elder the senior wants to find, and the junior immediately sent a message to the senior. Hearing Han Li say this, the man looked relaxed and quickly said in a flattering tone.

"Bai Yaoyi Fairy and I had several friends in the past. I don't know if she is in the palace." Han Li said slowly.

"It turned out to be Uncle Bai! The uncle did not go out, but now it seems to be closed. The younger generation immediately sent out a note to inform the uncle, please wait a moment or two. Shi Yun was more relieved after hearing Han Li accurately say Bai Yaoyi's name, and then immediately released a note in front of Han Li.

During this period, Han Li stood in place leisurely without moving, but his eyes began to look carefully at the situation in the distance.

Seeing this, the young man blinked his eyes and said something with a smile on his face. But at this moment, a dazzling red rainbow flew out of the snowy area behind Han Li, and they were only more than a hundred feet away from Han Li.

As a result, a soft cry came out of the light. When he got the red rainbow, the light turned and went straight to Han Li and several people shot.

As a result, before Chihong arrived, a loud laugh came out of it first.

"This Taoist friend went to this palace to visit his friends. I don't know your name. Can Ren know one or two?"

As soon as the light recededed, a fair-faced young man appeared in front of Han Li, but his hair was a little gray, and his eyes flashed with a sense of vicissitudes.

Han Li narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the person in front of him. His mind glanced at him and showed that this person was also a middle-stage monk of Yuanying.

This surprised him a little.

Before Han Li opened his mouth, Shi Yun next to him took a step forward with a surprised face and said respectfully with his hands:

"Disciple's visit Uncle Bi. I don't know if Uncle's trip is smooth!"

(second update!)


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