The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1282 Girl

Under the joint attack of four monsters, Anyuan City was completely turned into ruins.

Except for a small number of mortals who rushed out of the herd to escape under the cover of some refiners, most of the mortals were buried in the herd.

However, the herd only ravaged Anyuan City for three or four days, and they retreated one after another.

The beast tide is officially over.

Although it was only a small city that was destroyed, it was not a common event after the establishment of the Three Realm. In the end, it shocked the high-level monks of Tianyuan City and sent a large number of people to check the specific reason why the city was broken by the herd.

Of course, this is the last word.

Two days after the evacuation of the herd, the spiritual light in the sky flashed, and several monks came from high altitude. Soon after, they arrived at the huge gap where the city of Anyuan was broken through the city.

As soon as the light restrained, three male and female monks appeared in the air, who were the three monks of Jin Yuzong. It's for the man in a brocade robe surnamed Qin.

The three people glanced directly below, as if they were looking for it.

"That person has mostly died. Those leopards and beasts joined hands to hit the power. On that day, the brother clearly saw it with his own eyes. Why did he think that this man still had a chance to survive? After looking at the young man and woman a few times, the man in the brocade robe couldn't help asking.

"My brother doesn't know that the King Kong formula is very different from ordinary alchemy. The three-layer diamond formula is enough to make mortals wash the marrow and change the scriptures. After running the ten successful methods, the body can resist the full-power blow of the low-level spiritual weapon. Even if the attack of the leopard and beasts is amazingly powerful, if this person has enough skills in advance, serious injury is inevitable, but the probability of survive is still very high. And what we are about to do must be assisted by such a rough and fleshy mortal. If we hadn't been too far apart that day, we wouldn't have had time to help. I will definitely save this person. The man in the brocade robe shook his head, and his face was gloomy.

Hearing his brother's words, even though the young male Xiu was a little suspicious, it was not easy to say any more. It was the beautiful woman, but her eyes flashed:

"Even if the man still exists, he has been ravaged by the herd for so long, I'm afraid he will be buried in the mouth of the beast again. How can I save my life?

"This is also possible! Didn't you come here with the hope of a chance? It's really hard to find the right person. I'd better spend some time. Let's search nearby. When the man in the brocade heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, I don't know if I need Han to do something, which makes Qin Xianshi miss me so much."

A faint voice came from the pile of rocks below, and then there was a loud "boom", and the stones flew around, and a tall and short celebrity figure suddenly appeared in the dust fog.

"Han Li!" The three people in the sky were first shocked, and the man in the brocade robe shouted happily.

The taller figure below is Han Li, who has been missing for a few days, and the shorter one is indeed a four- or five-year-old girl. Although her clothes are a little dirty, you can still see the original gorgeous and exquisiteness.

The female barbarian's face was white and tender, extremely cute, but her big black eyes looked a little frightened. A pair of small hands grabbed Han Li's back of her clothes and looked inseparable.

"Han has nothing to do, Qin can rest assured. I have always been worried about Han's safety and came here to rescue him. But who is this little guy? The man surnamed Qin said with a smile on his face. At the same time, he greeted the other two and slowly fell down.

"I'm not sure who she is. When the city broke down, she and several refiners fled nearby and were surrounded by a group of wolf beasts. Everyone else was killed. Only this little girl is really young. I couldn't bear to save her for a moment. Han Li looked back at the girl who was like a fart worm and said helplessly.

On that day, although he took the blow of the atomized demon bird, because he smashed the wall in advance and fell down first, the attack he suffered was only part of it. And under his protection with the fourth layer of diamond formula, as expected, he only suffered a slight injury.

However, because of the huge pressure of this attack, he originally stayed at the bottleneck of the fourth floor and made an unexpected breakthrough.

When he was in the human world, the reason why he could not advance to the fourth level was because of the emergence of this bottleneck.

Now as long as you practice quietly for half a year, you can really advance to the fifth level.

So he simply hid under the stone pile and secretly consolidated the current unexpected breakthrough. As a result, I met the little girl and her group, so I couldn't bear to save the girl.

But the following thing is not as simple as he said.

At that time, in order not to expose his hiding place, he killed more than 100 beasts nearby in one breath, and then safely took the girl back to the stone pile. This is quite a lot of work.

And if it hadn't been for this little girl's burden, he could have gone a few days ago. After all, he has some confidence to hide his words from the beasts, but with such a small one, it will be a big trouble.

The girl's breath is like the open fire of the night, which can't be hidden.

It's better to continue to stay under the rocks and wait for the herd to leave. After all, the mortal atmosphere in this human city is so strong that it is enough to cover up all the girl's deeds.

Today, he was about to feel almost the same. When he was thinking about it, he happened to meet the arrival of the three people of Jin Yuzong and heard the three of them clearly with extraordinary eyes and ears.

As soon as he moved his heart, he immediately broke the stone and scared the three men in brocade.

After all, Han Li looks like normal from his appearance, and he doesn't look like he was injured as they expected. With such a pull, the man surnamed Qin was overjoyed, but he was secretly shocked, and his tone was not very polite, and regarded it as the same existence.

"I didn't expect that Han was still a warm-hearted person in the ancient road. However, since this girl is escorted by a chemist, she doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. Brother Han asked carefully if he didn't skip words. The man in brocade robe stood on the ground, looked at the girl a few times, and looked a little interested.

"In addition to calling myself Dale", I will also say it." Han Li sighed and seemed to have a headache.

"Haha, that's the case. That must have been told by her family. That's not true. As long as you find those high-rise people who escaped from Anyuan City, someone should recognize them. It's really surprising that Brother Han has been safe and sound in the tide of beasts. The man surnamed Qin's eyes flashed and said in a praiseworthy tone.

"Never, it's just a fluke. Qin Xianshi hasn't solved the puzzle for me. I don't know the danger. Do you need such a rough and thick-skinned person like this? Han Li saw that Shi Fang had been dodging from the problems he had started, showing a smiling expression.

"Sor later, this matter will be told to Han. But this is not a place. I'll talk about it in detail after I leave.

Your host and others are now placed in a safe place far away from here. How about I take Han to get together? There are other mortals who have escaped from Anyuan City.

After a little meditation, the man in the brocade robe said solemnly.

"It's also good. Maybe there happens to be this little girl's relatives there. Han Li replied with a moving expression.

"That's the best. Let's go quickly. I'll take Han with me. Sister, take this little girl with you. The man surnamed Qin was overjoyed and asked.

The young nun answered and walked a few steps. She kindly stretched out her hand to pull the girl named "Delah".

Seeing the girl's cute baby-fat face, this woman couldn't help but like it a little.

However, when the girl saw the young woman's behavior, there was a look of fear on her face. She suddenly shrank and walked around the other side behind Han Li, looking like the woman could not avoid it.

This made the young woman look a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Han Li's head wrinkled slightly.

"Forget it. I'll use the magic to take the two of them away. The little girl seemed to be over-shocked and only trusted Han. The man surnamed Qin was also stunned, but then Han Li nodded in a cage.

He grabbed the girl and easily put her on his shoulder.

Seeing this, the man in a brocade robe released a small sword, and his body soared several feet and suspended in the low air.

He shook his body and floated to the top. When he was about to say hello to Han Li, he suddenly heard the words behind him:

"Do you have a protective function of this magic weapon? If so, turn it on a little. This little girl is too young to withstand the strong wind of flying.

The voice came close to him, and the man in the brocade robe turned around in a hurry.

Han Li stood in the back!

I didn't know how to use the flying sword, so that he didn't notice any sign.

"Is it true that Taoist friends are still proficient in restraint secrets? It's really disrespectful." After a moment of uncertainty, the man in the brocade robe barely smiled.

"The little skill of carving insects made Qin Xianshi laugh." Han Li looked pale.

After taking a deep look at Han Li, the brocade robe turned around. With one pinch of his hands, the yellow light flashed suddenly flashed under the flying sword. A layer of light curtain protected all three people in it, and then turned into a yellow light into a distant sky and shot out.

At another time, the young men also followed closely.

It didn't take long for the three escapes to disappear from the nearby air.

Half a day later, over a high and low hilly land, three escape lights emerged again, and then flew down directly.

Below, there is a large tent cabin and other temporary buildings, stretching for miles.

"Brother Qin, it's you. Well, Han really found it. Those escape lights had just fallen in front of a wooden house, and after several shadows appeared, a young man in a blue robe standing in front of the wooden house hurriedly greeted him and said in surprise.

"Yes, this trip is finally not in vain. Is it still in the middle of the house?" The man in the brocade smiled and asked casually.


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