The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1296 Strange Snake, Water Arrow, Silver Hand

Look at the little beast more than 30 feet away. Han Li took a deep breath, breathed a little confusedly, and calmed down in an instant.

But his eyes didn't dare to leave the opposite side for a moment.

This head seems to have shrunk several times. It is only a leopard the size of a cat. It is so fast that it is really appalling.

Even if he shows his smoke steps, he is still inferior to this beast.

As a result of the previous battle, the cyan gown on his body was caught and rotten, revealing a gray armor and pale golden red luo skin.

This beast is not only amazingly fast, but also the four claws are incredibly sharp.

The scratches on the armor are different, not to mention the strong body he has cultivated to this day. Once he is caught by the opponent's claws, he is also cut through the blood marks.

Fortunately, under the training of spiritual fruit elixirs such as celes corpse beads and dragon scale fruit, every muscle on his body is as tough as an ordinary magic weapon, and his recovery ability is also amazing. In a moment, these skin and flesh wounds healed as before.

Even so, Han Li is also very depressed.

When I met the little leopard of an unknown beast, the beast was sleeping sweetly on a nearby tree trunk, which looked harmless.

At that time, Han Li was also a ghost and a childlike childlike heart. He respected the tree trunk and reached out to touch a few little beasts.

But I never thought of it. The beast, which was awakened, was so powerful in rage.

The jump flashed, as if more than a dozen leopards were attacking around him at the same time.

In the case that the mind could not be put out of the body, Han immediately made a pair of spiritual eyes, but he also suffered a lot when the mana could not be injected.

1, he was forced to retreat by the little beast, and the scars covered his whole body in an instant.

In desperation, Han Li could only run Luo Yan to the extreme. At the same time, he operated his arms with magic power and danced the long spear in his hand into a black light.

The roar in the shadow of the gun made the beast feel a little afraid, and the offensive slowed down slightly.

However, under such a wild dance, even if Han Li's magic power is amazing, it can't last forever.

Just now, the long gun in his hand slowed down slightly, and the little leopard inserted a pair of claws into the gun wind and gently brushed its throat.

Han Li was naturally shocked. In a hurry, the long gun in his hand played three points faster than before. Under the sharp turn of the barrel, he also wiped one of the other party's arms.

The little beast was also shocked and jumped several feet away, and then stared at a pair of turquoise eyes, looking at Han Li with great vigilance.

In this way, Han Li and the beast suddenly stalled, forming the current confrontation.

It is estimated that when encountering such a powerful and invulnerable monster as Han Li, this beast is also extremely depressed.

At this moment, Han Li was in front of him with a gun. Taking this opportunity, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the beast carefully.

After a while. Han Li sighed softly.

Except that the body is really small, it is obviously a leopard, and there is no abnormality at all. He looked through all kinds of information collected in the sunset city, and did not mention at all what kind of powerful ancient beasts looked like this.

As for monsters, it is even more impossible.

This little beast is obviously like him. It fights completely by physical ability, and there is no demon power on its body.

may be a mutant animal!

Han Li thought about it for a long time and could only come to a conclusion that was not even very good.

The little beast on the opposite side finally became impatient after the confrontation with Han Lichang. Under the fierce light flashed, he lay down slightly and launched the attack again.

Han Li was stunned in his heart, grasping the five fingers of the long gun tightly, and also put on a defensive posture. But the white light flashed on the other hand, and a spirit beast bag appeared in his hand.

There are tens of thousands of gold-eating insects in the bag!

Han Li had a decision. As soon as the little beast rushed up, he immediately used the spiritual ring to open the mouth of the bag.

Although he has no magic power now, he can't cast spells to command the worm at all. But with the instinct of this insect, it will naturally solve the problem of the little beast. The only trouble is to release the worm and then collect it together. In the case that the mind can't leave the body, it will take a lot of effort.

But Han Li can't care much at the time.

There was a low roar in the mouth of the little beast, and his body shook. Suddenly one turns into two, two turns into four...

In a blink of an eye, more than 30 ordinary little beasts appeared on the trunk of the opposite tree at the same time. Under the cracked mouth, they were about to pounce.

Han Li was shocked to know that the beast had not done its best just now. When the spirit beast bag behind him was taken in front of him, it was about to be thrown out.

At this critical moment, a strange cry suddenly came from the distance, like a crow, but it was much sharp.

As soon as he heard this, the faces of dozens of small beasts opposite were stunned at the same time, and the shadow suddenly disappeared, leaving only one small beast in a blink of an eye.

The beast took a deep look at Han Li, then turned his head and shot into the depths of the dense forest.

In a moment, there was no trace.

Han Li was relieved and put away the spirit beast bag again.

Although it's not a matter, Han Li is not interested in chasing himself. And you need to find a place immediately to understand the insights you just got.

The extraordinary performance in the battle just now made him faintly catch it. This is probably a good opportunity to break through the bottleneck.

Han Li found a cyan robe from the storage bracelet and put it on his body again, and the man swayed in the opposite direction.

For fear that the feeling of inspiration would disappear, Han Li did not go too far, but ran more than a hundred miles in one breath, casually found a small valley, and hit a rough cave on the stone wall.

He immediately entered it and sat cross-legged.

This epiphany lasted for three days and three nights.

When Han Li opened his eyes again, he looked a little disappointed.

Although this epiphany has gained some gains, it is not enough to break through the bottleneck.

But he is not too depressed.

It didn't work this time. But it shows that it is indeed helpful to break through in the life-and-death struggle. As long as you experience a few more feelings, there will always be a chance to come true.

After calming down, Han Li sorted out his body and immediately walked out of the cave.

Not at the mouth of the hole, he thought about it for a long time, but still felt that the little beast was the best opponent. If you talk a few more times, maybe you can have another epiphany.

Although there are some risks, compared with the restoration of mana, it is not enough.

Han Li finally made up his mind to take another risk to find this beast.

He immediately left Otani and went straight to the direction where the little beast disappeared that day.

But Han Li was disappointed.

He searched all the mountains hundreds of miles in one breath, and there was no trace of a small beast.

In desperation, Han Li had to leave this mountain range temporarily and find other suitable goals.

More than ten days later, on the edge of a huge lake, more than a dozen human refiners with different costumes were surrounded by a group of strange snakes with chicken crowns on their heads and red. They had to push the spiritual tools in their hands back to back to resist the attack of these strange snakes.

There are no more than two kinds of attacks of these strange snakes. One is to spit blood and red poisonous fog in their mouths, and the other is to shoot away like a strong crossbow.

The poisonous fog is not bad. These human beings all have poisonous elixir in their mouths. It will be fine for a while.

But the direct impact of those strange snakes can't be resisted.

These strange snakes are not big in size, but their volley is extremely strong. Even if the spiritual weapons in the hands of the human alchemists are not weak, if they hit them, they can only be shot down without serious injury.

In this way, after several rounds of defense, these people's refiners felt that their arms were getting heavier and heavier, and they could not wave them gradually.

In addition to these strange snakes, there is another giant strange snake that is far more than its own.

This snake seems to be the snake king of this group of strange snakes. Seeing that one side has the upper hand, he can't help screaming a few times. Full of complacency.

At this moment, suddenly there was a thunderous buzzing from the nearby lake. Before these human beings reacted with the strange snakes, a large silver light flashed on the surface of the lake, and countless crystal arrows of feet long shot out, covering all the people and snakes on the shore.

"Ah" The human refiner exclaimed directly, and there was no way to avoid it at all. In the blink of an eye, it was like those strange snakes. They were all pierced into hornet's nests and fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Only the giant snake at the end was extremely clever. Suddenly, it jumped out of more than ten feet, which could avoid the hole of the water arrow.

But before the snake's body fell to the ground, the ground below suddenly cracked, and a large silver hand shot out of the dust, grabbing seven inches under the giant snake's head.

The giant snake was shocked, and its neck was like a spring. The snake bit fiercely on the silver hand.

After the crisp sound of " Bang", the silver hand was unscathed, but the giant snake's eyes showed pain, and blood immediately flowed out of the snake's mouth.

The silver hand was extremely hard, but it broke several of the giant snake's sharp teeth.

Under the pain of this snake, I just wanted to let go, but it was too late.

The other silver hand strangely appeared nearby and grabbed the head of the giant snake. Then the two of them pulled down the huge head of the huge snake with ten fingers, and the neck of the giant snake without a head burst out several feet of blood.

The silver hand loosened one by one, and the body of the giant snake fell heavily on the ground.

At this time, the dust all over the sky finally drifted away, and a silvery man appeared in place, and he could not see clearly.

At this time, the water on the nearby lake rolled for a while, and suddenly a crystal water man about a foot tall appeared, and he could not tell the difference between men and women.

"Water charm! It's really you!" The silver figure saw the water man. A thunderous voice suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Iron Blade, didn't you come here just to find me? Chishou should also come. Tell him to come out. The water light on the sailman shook, and he replied without emotion.

"Hey, you don't need to say hello. I will also show up."

A strange suddenly appeared, and then a red flame appeared near the silver figure, turning into a fireman half a foot high.

The flames rolled all over.

"Light Armor Cyclone" (book number 1606604)

[Lu Jianfei is the end of the whole college. In his nine-year college career, he has not been able to break the last thin film and stay in the threshold of the broken period.

Just when he thought he was likely to become a construction worker and married a yellow-faced woman for the rest of his life, he actually found a mysterious box in his warehouse.

Since then, Lu's fate has changed...


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