The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1356 Purple Shadow, Holy Emperor

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], the siege that originally appeared tens of thousands of years later, and even the rumored Hundred Clans War may break out, which is why it started." The old monk muttered.

"Brother Jin Yue, why do you go around the bush? I have done all these things [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]. But what does it have to do with what we just discussed? All ethnic groups are fighting so tremblingly now. Aren't they afraid of being involved in this matter? The Taoist priest is still a little puzzled.

"Afraid of being involved? Hey hey, since this happened, which group can avoid it? According to the previous practice of the birth of Xuantian Treasure, every time it will cause a bloody storm, and then it will really be born. In the end, the races that get this treasure can rely on the worship of this treasure to recruit a true spirit-level existence as the guardian of their own clan, so as to become a powerful race in the spiritual world. These true spiritual beings exist, but they can compete with the immortals in the real fairyland. Of course, before the appearance of the powerful spirit, the race that gets this treasure should also have the ability to keep it. Otherwise, you will only make wedding clothes for others out of thin air. If the race that took the lead in getting this treasure is too weak, sometimes it rushes to give this treasure to other powerful races for protection, or directly abandons it far away in the wilderness to avoid the extermination of the clan. The old monk said slowly, taking care of himself.

The Taoist priest still didn't understand, but he didn't say anything at this time, interrupting the old monk's words.

The monk just paused for a moment and immediately said:

"It is reasonable to say that the treasure of Xuantian was born in He clan, and it was difficult to predict with the strength of our two ethnic groups. However, this time, one of the demons has a little prophetic talent and magical power. Because he knew that he had no hope of going through this great disaster, he simply stimulated the potential and used his life's mana to divine the approximate whereabouts of this treasure. As a result, the hexagram shows that this Xuantian sword is in the northwest corner of Fengyuan Continent, where we and other races are located. Although Fengyuan Continent is the smallest of the three continents known, it has far more races than other continents. The so-called northwest corner includes six or seven races, including our human race, demon race, spirit race, wood race, night fork race, shadow race, etc. That is to say, this new Xuantian treasure may also appear in our human race. Now the news is only between the two races of shemales and demons [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], but it can't be hidden for a long time. After all, there must be other alien spies in our two races, and there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Once it is done by other aliens [img=/sss/zhido.jpg], the consequences will be [img=/sss/zenme.jpg]. You should be very clear about it.

When the old monk said the last sentence, his face smiled bitterly.

"[img=/sss/shenme.jpg], there is such a thing. Doesn't it mean that our human race is likely to be really exterminated? The Taoist priest's face turned pale.

"According to ancient legends, as long as a large number of powerful creatures are destroyed in a certain area of [img=/sss/sjian.jpg], you can forcibly summon the Xuantian treasure in this area through a mysterious blood sacrifice method [img=/sss/guoquu.jpg ]. With the strength of several ethnic groups such as us, those powerful races will never mind erasing all of our ethnic groups to hold the summoning blood sacrifice. In the last Hundred Clans War, it was not the fourth-ranked 'Huatian Shield', which was taken by its original owner to flee on three continents for ten thousand years, and almost involved almost seven or eight of the races on the mainland, and those weakened races that were destroyed had almost become the objects of blood sacrifice. Moreover, no matter what kind of nationality this treasure is in the hands of, as long as we [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] this treasure is in this area. In order to escape the fate of being sacrificed by blood, a war will break out immediately, so as to make other races be the object of blood sacrificed. The monk said with a sigh.

"So it is... Is it doubt that you let those new soaring monks suddenly leave Tianyuan City and go to the alien land..." The Taoist priest suddenly suddenly became a little surprised.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg]! What kind of thing is this Xuantian treasure? It is an anti-sky treasure that can reverse the power of the law of the world, but it is not necessarily the thing of our spiritual world, but also the thing of Xuantian brought from the lower world. Although this possibility is negligible, all the soaring monks who have been slightly suspicious in the past hundred years have been sent to Tianyuan City by me to carry out the most dangerous tasks of aliens. Regardless of whether the task is completed or not, they will eventually [img=/sss/faxian.jpg][img=/sss/ziji.jpg] short [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] and can no longer return to Tianyuan City. Of course, the slightly suspicious local monks were also transferred outside Tianyuan City and would be forcibly exiled to the wild world for various reasons. In addition to this group of people, a group of people with outstanding qualifications and amazing potential will also be dismissed into the wild world. The advantage of this is that they really have a person with Xuantian's sword, and the disaster can be moved eastward. If the two races are really defeated in the following war, this group of people can still be the hope of our two races to continue and rise again. The monk said in awe.

"Why is it so troublesome? If we want to find out whether the mysterious treasure is really in the hands of these people, we can..."

"You can completely use the mysterious control technique to search for the divine consciousness one by one. But what's the benefit of the Tianxuan sword in the hands of our clan? This thing is a hot potato! You can guarantee that there will be no alien changes in the executioner or even in the Presbyterian Association. Once this news is leaked, not only will our human race [img=/sss/sjian.jpg] will soon become the target of public criticism, but even the demon clan may withdraw from our alliance in order to protect themselves. At that time, our human race will undoubtedly be destroyed.

"We are not [img=/sss/shenme.jpg] powerful race. We can't hold this treasure until the true spirit-level existence comes to us. We even want to dedicate this treasure to those powerful races for shelter. It is estimated that the movie clan will not leave this opportunity at all. Instead, it's best to pretend to be confused and deal with the war that is about to break out. Without being sure that the treasure of Xuantian fell into the hands of the He clan, it is most likely that the attack on us is just a coalition of the Mu clan and the shadow clan. With the existence of our demons and Tianyuan City, we can completely resist it. The spirit clan and the black fork clan are fighting happily. [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] After this news, the fight will only be more fierce. At worst, our ethnic groups have damaged a large number of people, and we can also meet the conditions for the blood sacrifice to summon the treasure of Xuantian. No matter what kind of treasure was originally in the hands of the clan, as long as the treasure is summoned away, we will have cope with this disaster at that time. But in order to distinguish the victory or defeat before those powerful races come to us, it is estimated that this battle is different from the siege battle that has lasted for hundreds of years. Once the war starts, the results will definitely be separated within a few years. The degree of brutality is far from comparable to before.

"Hey hey, most of the controllers of other ethnic groups think about the same thing. Otherwise, you can hear that some people of this clan are really looking for this Xuantian sword. It's all actively preparing for war." The old monk said a lot in a hurry..

"When did you get these messages [img=/sss/zhido.jpg]? Why didn't I receive any messages before? Did the Presbyterian Party deliberately hide it from me? After listening to these words, the Taoist priest's eyes flashed in place for a long time before asking unhappily.

"It's very simple. I did this after [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] had a problem with your identity. I don't know whether I should continue to call you Relo Zhenren or Lord Ziying. The old monk's eyes were shining, and suddenly the sound without any signs was cold.

"[img=/sss/shenme.jpg] Purple Shadow, what does Master Jin Yue mean by this?" The Taoist priest was not different at all, but frowned.

"Hey hey, it's almost like [img=/sss/sjian.jpg]. It's time to have an attack." The old monk ignored the Taoist priest, but glanced away and landed on a small incense burner in the corner, on which was lit, and most of it had burned.

"[img=/sss/shenme.jpg][img=/sss/sjian.jpg] Have you arrived? No, this fragrance..." The Taoist priest's eyes flashed purple, and his face suddenly changed. Almost at the same time, a purple shadow suddenly shot out from the Taoist priest and rushed straight to the old monk opposite.

The old monk sat still on the opposite side and ran his sleeves to the opposite side.

With a bang, the golden light flashed, and pieces of Sanskrit emerged.

The purple shadow seemed to be shot out like a huge *, hit the wall of the secret room, and then the whole body shrank into a trembling ball, and there was no more action.

At this time, the blue light flashed on the wall, and a blue jade bowl suddenly appeared. As soon as it turned down, it spewed out a green glow, and the purple shadow was instantly included in it.

"No [img=/sss/cuow.jpg], the four gods's restraint against the shadows really lives up to its reputation, and even a purple shadow can't stand it." The white light flashed on the wall, and an elegant middle-aged Confucian was born in a white robe and moved calmly.

"Brother Tianyuan! Thanks to you, it's really hard to get rid of this evil barrier. As soon as the old monk saw the Confucian, he immediately got up and saluted his hands together.

"Master Jin Yue is very polite. Fortunately, my new cultivation has become a magic ability, so [img=/sss/faxian.jpg] Lei Luo Zhenren has been possessed by the purple shadow. It's a pity that Relo's real-life generation of Taoist wizards actually end up like this. Confucian students turned their eyes and looked at the Taoist priest who was still sitting on the old monk, and sighed.

At the moment when the purple shadow rushed out of his body, the Taoist priest seemed to be empty, and his body became abnormally dry, and there was no trace of anger.

The monk also read the Buddha's name in a low voice, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face. Then he flicked his finger and a golden flame shot out.

Suddenly, the Taoist priest's body became nothing in the golden flame.

"Consequently, although the purple shadow is as powerful as our combined monks, with the magic power of Leiluo's old friends, [img=/sss/zenme.jpg], it is impossible to fall silently. The only possibility is that my old friend was plotted during his trip to the wild world a hundred years ago. This purple shadow is also extremely cunning. There has been no fw in returning to the city for so many years. If the Holy Emperor hadn't seen through it, I'm afraid we would still be in the dark. This evil barrier has been trying to gather the soaring monks together in recent years, saying that they are sheltered, but I'm afraid they are also unkind. The old monk sighed.

The middle-aged man turned out to be the "Tianyuan Holy Emperor", the famous lord of the Tianyuan Realm in the human race.

"However, in recent years, their ancient friends have indeed been too partial to local monks. No wonder those soaring little guys are full of resentment." The Tianyuan Holy Emperor smiled warmly in the spring breeze.

"This is also Lao Kun's isolation and hard work over the years, ignoring this matter. But now the enemy is in the present. I can't take care of such a small thing for the time being. Purple Shadow has occupied the body of Lei Luo's old friend for so many years, and it doesn't [img=/sss/zhido.jpg] send back many messages. Most of the defense and prohibition of Tianyuan City must be changed. The monk's face turned gloomy.


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