The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1527 Jiao Chi and Sea King

The silver light flashed on the surface of the mirror, and the blood mist of the mahjong was inhaled into the mirror.

The original silver mirror became extremely red in an instant.

Then the silver light curtain spewed out and disappeared without a trace, and a five-color glow erupted again.

An incredible scene appeared.

The five-color glow re-formed the light curtain for a moment, and a milky white fog appeared on the surface.

These fogs rolled down and turned into a clear and abnormal picture.

Everything in this painting is transformed by fog! Except for the size that has been reduced by several times, everything else is lifelike and true.

Han Li looked at the picture in the fog, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

The scene in the painting is very familiar, and it is near a hill on the edge of the black mist sea. On the top of the mountain, there are two dozen different aliens standing side by side.

At a glance, the two aliens are a little similar to the human race. One is tall, handsome, and has a silvery single horn, like a young man in his thirties. The other person, with long red hair up to his waist, dead fish eyes, light scales like fish scales on his cheeks, wearing green animal skin.

At this moment, the two are facing the direction of the black mist sea, talking in a low voice.

The picture of white fog has no transmission sound effect, and no sound can be heard at all.

Han Li looked at these two aliens who were not of the Feiling clan, and his heart was slightly heavy.

If he is a flying spirit man, he will come forward as the son of the Tianpeng clan, and nothing will happen. But since it is the terrible existence of other alien races, everything is hard to say.

Most of these old monsters are moody, in case they are poisoned by the other party in vain. Isn't it wrong to die? But leave here immediately and dodge for the time being. Will it anger the other party if it disturbs these two people? Han's facade thought hesitantly.

At this moment, the mutation suddenly occurred.

The one-horned young man in a white robe who was talking turned his head and looked at Han Li in the picture, and then his eyes burst into a dazzling silver light.

Han Li only felt a tingling pain in his eyes. He hurriedly stepped back two steps and closed his eyes in a daring way.

is at the same time. The originally clear and abnormal picture was blurred. After a buzz, it burst in the silver light flash.

After a " bang", it turned into a mass of white fog and disappeared.

Han Li stood still in a stun, with his eyes in dis astonishment.

What he just saw was a magic effect that he did not hesitate to spare his vitality and forcibly stimulate the magic effect of Longzhu.

You can borrow several beads buried nearby to temporarily transmit the scene nearby quietly, and hide it abnormally.

But I never expected that the one-horned alien young man's consciousness was so powerful. After a few glances, he was recognized by the other party, and then the prohibition was broken by casting the spell.

These two people are definitely at the same level, and they may even be super-level in the middle stage.

Now that the other party has moved, do you want to leave immediately? Han Li still hesitated in his heart.

This is not his chance, but his fear of rash action, which leads to a big disaster.

Just when Han Li was extremely nervous, thousands of miles away, there was a scene that was the same as the picture. The dull-horned alien young man's eyes were slowly dispersing.

"Min Daoyou, how are you?" The alien with dead fish eyes asked.

"no, someone just quietly observed us with a kind of prohibition. But it has been broken by me, and these prohibitions are a little interesting. The one-horned young man smiled and grabbed the void in a nearby direction with one hand!

With a "pup", a white bead buried deep in the mountain was sucked up and fell directly into the hands of the one-horned young man.

This beautiful alien caught the pearl in the palm of his hand, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it twice, and then made a surprised voice in his mouth:

"I didn't expect that there would be such an exquisite monitoring device here. Although the order is extremely low, it is very practical, that is, there are few such dexterous similar magic weapons in both of you and me.

"Brother Min has such a high opinion of this! There should be more than one buried here. The fish-eyed alien was stunned, and the mind swept away nearby. The blue light on his body flashed, and suddenly disappeared in place.

The next moment, the person appeared far away and also grabbed the ground gently.

another "Wanlong beads" shot out and fell into the hands of this person,

The fish-eyed aliens shook their bodies again, disappeared again, and silently returned to the same place.

"Although it's a little unique, it doesn't count for you and me. It's not that there is no better monitoring device in our family. After the fish-eye alien looked at it, it sneered. The blue light in his hand flashed, and Wanlong beads condensed into ice in an instant.

Then with a " bang", the beads burst into a pile of ice dregs and disappeared.

"Brother Jane's words are bad! Although there is no similarity in our clan, and there are still various defects, it is enough to show that the refinery of the Flying Spirit Man seems to be much better than the rumored. It seems that the original estimate of the Feiling clan in the clan seems to be a little biased!" The one-horned alien young man said lightly.

"Oh, since the Taoist friend said so, we might as well go back and arrest this man and torture him carefully." The fish-eyed man's eyes turned, and the corners of his mouth suddenly showed a grim smile.

"Forget it, we are only here to negotiate with the Feiling clan this time, but we are not going to write a letter of war. How about the alchemy of the Flying Spirit Man? As soon as we enter their hinterland, we can see it at a glance. There is no need to do it many times. This man's cultivation is not weak. In case he is related to those old monsters of the Feiling clan, he may miss our big things. Besides, don't we have an unexpected gain now? Don't skip words. The one-horned young man said, staring at the black fog in the distance, with a trace of greed.

"Hey hey, what Brother Min said makes sense. These flying spirits are really tyrannical things. Such a rare real spirit yin qi is put here and no one to deal with it. It's just cheaper for you and me." When the fish-eyed man heard his companions say this, he was also excited.

"It's hard to say that ordinary flying spirits, but those old monsters in the flying spirits can't be used without this fog. You'd better order it! To be honest, if it hadn't been for the need now, I really didn't want to have a branch in the Feilingren area. The one-horned young man closed his eyes and showed a trace of hesitation.

"Haha, Brother Min is still afraid that the flying spirit dares to take action against the two of us? The two of us are here this time, but on behalf of our two ethnic groups. Unless the old monsters of the Flying Spirit Man are crazy, they want their family to be erased in the spiritual world. Otherwise, even if we take away these yin qi, we will never dare to be like us. The fish-eyed man laughed carelessly.

"Maybe. However, the two of us came across the ocean this time, which was not lucky or unlucky. In the area where the Xuantian Killing Sword appeared, which was originally detected, it could not summon this Xuantian treasure after the blood sacrifice. If it hadn't been for another prediction made by the high priest of the clan, we would have been taken to the place where the flying spirits lived. It's a little strange. Did the Xuantian beheading sword fall into the hands of the flying spirit man in advance? The one-horned young man sighed.

"It should be like this. Otherwise, those small clans deliberately sent people to take this Xuantian treasure away from the place of birth and run to the flying spirit man. But what's the difference between this for us? The fish-eyed man said with a sneer

"There is indeed no difference. This time, our two tribes jointly spent an amazing spiritual stone to transmit us across the ocean to this continent. We must not let the Xuantian Zhanling Sword fall into the hands of other clans. If it is the ordinary treasure of Xuantian, it will be fine, but as soon as the Xuantian sword appears in the world, it will rank third. Such a powerful Xuantian treasure must not fall into the hands of those clans. No matter which clan in Tianyuan mainland dares to refuse to hand over this sword, it will be wiped out by you and me. This Feiling clan has some strength in the Tianyuan mainland, but it is vulnerable to the face of our two clans. It's just that it's really troublesome to send people across the ocean. Otherwise, why be so polite to them!" The cold light flashed in the eyes of the one-horned young man and said in a murderous way.

"Indeed, although as long as you and one-tenth of the strength of your Jiaochi clan and our sea king clan, you can easily destroy the Feiling clan, the long-distance expedition is likely to bring opportunities to those tribes. It's better for the Feiling clan to be obedient!" The fish-eyed alien smiled gloomily.

"All right! Since you and I don't want to give up these real spirits, let's do it quickly. Then hurry up and visit the old monsters of the Feiling clan. The one-horned young man took a long breath and finally made up his mind to say.

"Haha, Brother Min is right." The fish-eyed man laughed wildly all his life, with two hands, and suddenly his body bloomed with layers of blue ripples, which expanded to the size of hundreds of acres in a blink of an eye, almost occupying most of the sky.

Then the inspiration flashed, and the blue pattern instantly turned into a blue wave.

Then the fish-eyed man's mouth spewed out a crystal-clear tower-high gourd, holding it with one hand and shaking gently in the waves.

The rumble sounded continuously, and the surrounding waves instantly rotated crazily with the gourd as the center. The waves around them were higher than the waves, and finally lifted dozens of feet high, completely wrapping the fish-eyed man in it.

The one-horned young man next to

saw this, smiled, and suddenly patted the Tianling cover with one hand.

The roar is loud!

A green hurricane rolled out of the young spirit cover, and then the volume soared. After a few flashes, it turned into a huge object with a diameter of several feet and rushed straight out of the sky.

A long roar that penetrated for nine days came from the hurricane, the wind suddenly stopped, and suddenly collapsed the paper paste. A hundred feet tall, blue and shining horned monster appeared in mid-air.

This monster has long silver horns, wide mouth and fangs, wearing cyan copper armor, slender upper limbs, thick and short lower limbs, holding a black strange blade in one hand and a cyan jade bottle in the other.

(Update one chapter first, and the next chapter will be updated during the day!)


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