The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1597 Glass Sky Fire Liquid

Han Li has been sitting for an hour. During this period, a large number of aliens kept pouring into the hall.

The seemingly wide three-storey hall is full of dense figures.

Even in those rooms on the top floor, there are people flying directly into the escape light.

For the aliens who participated in this auction, the lowest cultivation also have Yuanying-level cultivation, and the high-end cultivation is the combination level.

There are as many as four or five people in the top level of the combination that Han Li noticed.

Duan Tianjian and Qianjizi are all in it. As for the rest of the people, they are also high-ranking elders of all ethnic groups.

In the room on the third floor, at least sixty or seventy people have entered it.

And none of these people are more than combined. As for the colorful appaque, there was no sign of it. I don't know whether I entered the house early or didn't want to participate in the auction at all.

This made Han Li look at it in amazement and sighed secretly.

Although Yuncheng is the place where the thirteen ethnic groups coexist, and there are some aliens who do not belong to the thirteen ethnic groups, one Yuncheng can gather so many body-level existence. And Tianyuan City, even if the combination of the two races of shemales is combined, there are only a dozen people. And this city is also the elite of the two races of shemales.

After waiting for a while, the hall was almost full.

The three melodious and crisp bells of "Dangdang" came, and in the flash of the five colors, the original open door of the hall slowly closed.

When the door of the palace is completely closed, the auction conference is finally about to begin.

At the front of the hall, like the ordinary auction hall, a high platform of more than ten feet was set up.

The only difference is. On the four corners of the high platform stood four golden humanoid puppets, several feet high, holding a silver giant.

The style is simple, but it's cold!

Although these puppets are motionless, they give people an amazing and terrible feeling, which is not small at a glance.

In the center of the high platform, a blue magic circle is engraved, and a light red table is placed inside. The surface of the table is also engraved with dense runes, which is mysterious and strange, and I don't know what it is for.

When the door of the hall was closed, the blue magic array flashed and made a low buzzing sound.

Between the flashes of runes in the magic circle, a figure flashed behind the table.

This magic array turned out to be a transmission ban.

As soon as the figure condenses, it becomes clear and abnormal.

is a gentle middle-aged man, dressed in a brocade robe, with a white face, just like an ordinary person.

But after Han Li's mind was far away, his heart was in a fortwent.

This middle-aged man is a medium-term existence, and not only that, but also faintly feels an extremely terrible breath from him.

This breath is gloomy and abnormal, but it complements the middle-aged people, which is extremely dangerous and terrible.

The middle-aged man seemed to be well-known in Yuncheng. At the sight of his appearance, there was a hustle and bustle in the hall, which suddenly calmed down.

Han Li noticed that many people looked at the men on the stage, showing a trace of fear.

And the middle-aged man's eyes swept down the stage. He smiled and said:

"In Xiao Buyi, I think many of them can be recognized in the same way, and there are even some people who have been in contact with me. In this case, Xiao will not introduce himself much and go straight to the point. This four-ethnic auction, because of the sand clan where I am, this auction will be hosted by me. The rules of the auction are no different from ordinary auctions. It is naturally impossible for those who can participate in this auction here not to follow the rules. In addition, I can first reveal some information about the final auction. This final auction is definitely not inferior to the four-ethnic auction in the previous world. Even for some Taoist friends, the value of this final treasure is far better than the holy medicine 'Creation Elixir' that appeared at the highest price at the last auction. Well, let's announce that the auction of the four races has begun!'

Xiao Buyi's voice was not loud, but under the influence of spiritual power, any corner of the hall could be heard clearly, and a few simple words aroused the interest of tens of thousands of people present, and then the auction began.

At the moment when the middle-aged man spoke, the blue magic circle below buzzed again. More than a dozen miniature light arrays appeared side by side on the empty desktop.

Then the light flashed, and more than a dozen boxes of different sizes and a palm-sized jade card appeared on the table.

Seeing this situation, most of the people in the hall didn't speak a word, and their eyes were all focused on the table.

Xiao Buyi came forward, picked up the jade card and took a look. His mind was immersed in it in an instant, and the information inside was clear at a glance. Then he quietly took one of the jade boxes in his hand and opened the lid.

"It's the same as the previous auctions. The first auction is still various materials and raw materials. Let's start with this phoenix stone. Xiao Buyi shook the box in his hand with one hand, and suddenly something floated out of it.

It is a strange stone with five colors and looks like a big bird.

"Phoenix stone, a rare material that can only be bred in the place where the real phoenix was born. Both refinery and alchemy are of great value. This piece of phoenix stone is three catties and four taels. The quality is good, and there is absolutely no magazine. Starting price, the spirit stone is 2 million!" Xiao Buyi glanced at the five-colored stone and said slowly off the stage.

This phoenix stone is widely used, and the reserve price of such a large stone is five or two million, which is obviously low.

Even Han Li was a little moved when he heard it. Even if this material is useless now, it can be photographed and used later.

However, in the following situation, he immediately gave up this plan.

As soon as Xiao Buyi said the reserve price of 500,000 yuan, a series of voices such as 2 million and 2.5 million immediately came from all over the auction hall.


"Four million"


Even without middle-aged men to say inflammatory words, the price of Phoenix Stone easily exceeds four million, which is a full price than the bottom price.

But in the end, this five-color stone. However, it was auctioned down by a dark green woman at a price of more than 2.5 million yuan.

and immediately handed over the spirit stone at the scene and took the object away.

Such a big deal, even Han Li, who is used to auctioning many times, can't help but take a breath of cold breath.

Good is good, but the price is too high.

Han Li muttered in his heart, and naturally there was no intention to bid.

"Golden King Flower, 6,000 years old, the best introduction of some rare elixirs. The reserve price is three million yuan. After opening another jade box, Xiao Buyi took out a golden flower from it.

The spiritual flower is the size of a head, and every petal on the surface is made of pure gold.

The auction of this flower is very different from the phoenix stone at the beginning. When it first appeared, the whole hall was quiet, and many people frowned, and there was a cold appearance.

No wonder, for most of the people present, this so-called "golden king flower" is indeed too strange, and they have never heard of it before. But the reserve price is even higher than the previous Phoenix Stone.

Seeing this, Han Li touched his chin and turned his mind, but he also saw this strange flower for the first time.

Xiao Buyi stood on the stage with a faint smile and said no words. It seems to have confidence in this thing.

"Three million" finally one person offered.

Many people look at it, but it is a thin old man with a pair of white horns on his head and I don't know what race it is.

"4,3 million"

Immediately, another person made a bid.

"Four million"

"46.8 million"


Prices one after another came out from all over the hall.

Although the number of bids is small, only more than a dozen people, the price is no less than the former.

It seems that only these people have the real use of this flower, and what they really need.

When the old man at the beginning gritted his teeth and offered a sky-high price of seven million yuan, the others finally retreated.

That's it. Xiao Buyi took out the treasures in the box one by one, and there were many high-level practitioners in the hall. Almost as long as he briefly explained one or two, he was photographed away these rare treasures in the city one after another.

After more than a dozen jade boxes were photographed and the blue light flashed, seven or eight jade bottles appeared on the table.

This time, I'm afraid of selling several kinds of spiritual liquid and spiritual water.

These are even more rare and unusual, and almost every bottle is scrambled by countless people at the same time.

Most of the transactions of the first few bottles are three or four times higher than the reserve price, and the price that makes many people in the hall breathe cold.

No wonder, the auction conference was originally like this. In the same way, perhaps the value is different in the eyes of different people. The difference is very different!

In a blink of an eye, these spiritual liquids on the table were shot, and in the end, there was only a milky white bottle left.

Xiao Buyi looked unusually calm in the auction in front of him, but when his eyes fell on the last small bottle, a trace of fire flashed in his eyes.

After taking a breath of regret, he grabbed it with one hand, sucked it into his hand, and said slowly with a condensed look:

"Half a bottle of glazed fire liquid, the reserve price of the spirit stone is 18 million!"

, glazed sky fire liquid! Didn't you hear that there was such a treasure at the auction?

"It's only 18 million, and the glass sky fire liquid has such a reserve price! Is it true or not?

"This will not be the final item, it is one of the seven spiritual liquids in our spiritual world!"

With a "boom", the hall was **d up, and many people lost their voices on the spot, all of which looked incredible.

Many more people stared at the small bottle in Xiao Buyi's hand with their eyes, showing their extremely greedy eyes.

Even in many rooms on the third floor, there were a few soft "yu" surprises.

Han Li, who was sitting in the corner of the hall, changed his face when he heard the name of the spiritual liquid.


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