The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1697 Mountains, Palaces, Stone Steps

"Then Han would like to thank the two Taoist friends for giving way to each other." Han Li Chong hugged the two of them and said with a smile.

"It's just a small matter. Now that the ban has been broken, it's important for me to go in and find the treasure as soon as possible. As long as I can find those things, it will naturally be of great benefit after I go out. Liu Shuier said with a condensed look.

Then as soon as she closed the gray flag, it turned into a blue light and shot into the hole below.

Seeing this, Shi Kun did not dare to neglect to turn into a yellow light followed.

Han Li seemed to be unhurried. He raised his head and glanced around slightly. After making sure that there was no problem, he slowly floated down.

At this time, Liu Shuier and Shi Kun had already empted and entered the hole first.

Han Li quietly flew into the huge milky white hole, and a gorgeous glow suddenly appeared around him and rolled over his body.

He was shocked, the blue light flashed on his body, and a layer of crystal light mask protected it.

But under those gorgeous glows, they immediately condensed into runes of great size, and then circled around Han Li, forming a small five-color light array.

He is right in the center of this light array.

With the buzzing sound of the light array, the spatial fluctuations of the array emerge.

Seeing this situation, Han Li's expression on his face turned upside down, and his hands fell down on his back. He did not mean to attack this light array.

Sure enough, the next moment, the light array suddenly burst into five colors.

Han Li only felt that the surrounding scenery was slightly blurred, his head was slightly dizzy, and disappeared from the light array.

The next moment, Han Li opened his eyes with his eyelids and was on a strange high platform.

The whole high platform is made of huge bluestone, with some patterns on the surface, but it is not exquisite, giving people a rough and primitive feeling.

And under his feet is a transmission array with a diameter of only two feet, and there is an inclined step not far to the bottom of the stage.

Han Li only glanced at the transmission array and the stone platform, and immediately looked around carefully.

He seems to be in another space at this moment. The sky is not only high in the sun, there are no clouds, and it is extremely blue. The ground is full of all kinds of strange flowers and plants. From time to time, a light wind blows, bringing the fragrance of flowers and plants.

But all of this is not as eye-catching as a hill hundreds of feet high near the high platform

Although this mountain is not high, it is more than ten miles wide, and the mountain is strange and abnormal. From the top to the bottom, the whole mountain is as steep as a knife. The mountain is pale and strange, but from the top of the mountain, there is a huge purple palace, almost occupying the top of the whole mountain.

Han Li's eyes condensed and looked up and down at the palace for a long time before he closed his eyes and returned to the grass under the stone steps.

There, Liu Shuier and Shi Kun remained motionless, as if they were also looking carefully at the purple palace on the peak.

Han Li's expression moved down, his figure shook down, and he was about to fly directly out of the stone platform.

But as soon as he was a few feet away from the ground, his body suddenly fell back to the ground. As soon as his feet fell into the magic array, he actually made a dull loud noise, which made the whole stone platform shake a few times.

His body seemed to become extremely heavy.

Han Li raised his arm and waved a few times to the void, but it was light and didn't feel anything different.

A trace of surprise flashed on his face, but he immediately remembered that his body was blue, and his body was slowly suspended.

But just as his feet were just a foot away from the ground, a huge force suddenly overwhelmed his body without any warning.

Han Li shook his body slightly and immediately looked as if nothing had happened, but his face couldn't help but change.

It's not. With a strong body, the body continues to fly slowly into the air. When the feet are more than two feet from the ground, the body trembles again, and the blue light on the body surface also flashes violently

Although the color of Han's facade has not changed this time, he couldn't help frowning, and then the blue light flashed in his eyes and stared at his body.

Under the spiritual power, his body was somehow wrapped around a light yellow glow. With the power of his body protection, he could not stop these glows at all.

At this time, Shi Kun, who was under the stone platform, turned around and said to Han Li with a wry smile:

"Brother Han, you too. The air ban here seems to be different from the ordinary ban. Every foot away from the ground, the power of the ban will be doubled. I can only fly seven or eight feet high, and I can't afford it anymore.

"Each foot's height doubles the power of the prohibition. This prohibition is really domineering. If it takes off more than a few feet from the ground, I'm afraid that even the existence of the Holy Family can't withstand such a huge force. Han Li said slowly, and then the blue light flashed on his body and fell back to the ground.

The yellow glow wrapped around his body disappeared strangely at the moment when his feet stepped back on the ground.

"It can only be seven or eight feet away from the ground with such a strong body as a stone Taoist friend. I'm afraid that three or four feet from the ground is the peak of the boundary." Liu Shuier also said without looking back.

His eyes still did not leave the palace on the mountain in the distance

When Han Li heard these two words, his face was also a little solemn, but after thinking about it, he walked out of the magic circle, walked down the stone platform along the stairs, and came to Shi Kun and Liu Shuier.

"It seems that the palace on the mountain should be the place to store treasures. Are the two Taoist friends still waiting? Han Li asked directly.

"There are other prohibitions here. Naturally, we need to be cautious." Liu Shui'er finally turned her head, closed her eyes, and looked at Han Li and said solemnly.

"There are other prohibitions, which shows that there is really a treasure here. However, since it is a ban on air and so on, according to common sense, the danger should be small. Han Li said with a smile.

"Brother Han is just according to common sense. Since the owner of this place may be a real fairyland fairy, how can he be calculated according to common sense?" Liu Shui'er couldn't help sighing and replied.

"If the two Taoist friends don't take a risk, they can't see it here, and it's impossible to get treasure. In this case, why do we take such a big risk to come here? Han Li's eyes flashed slightly and said rudely.

"Brother Han's words make sense. There are also people wandering around, and we can't allow us to delay too much. Shi Kun didn't seem to see the danger anymore, but agreed with Han Lizhi's words.

"Since both Taoist friends have said so, the little sister has no objection. Let's go." Liu Shuier's face changed a few times, and finally the dark center fell horizontally, and she agreed.

Hearing that Liu Shuier no longer objected, Shi Kun laughed and suddenly shook his sleeves. Suddenly, a black shot out of the cuff, but as soon as Fang left the cuff, he immediately fell heavily to the ground.

It is a pure iron puppet that has always been a black giant wolf.

"The prohibition here is also effective for magic weapons," Liu Shuier shouted in a low voice, looking a little difficult.

In this case, in the face of accidental danger, she can only resist her own mana and secret skills.

Seeing this, Han Li also moved his face and felt a little more cautious.

Shi Kun laughed and suddenly strode to the mountain.

Compared with ordinary practitioners, when he can no longer use the magic weapon treasure, his strong body has naturally become a big killer, taking advantage of it.

Han Li smiled and followed with a moving step.

Liu Shuier's eyes turned and left silently.

Facing the direction of their peaks, there is a nearly straight mountain road leading to the top of the peak.

The mountain road is composed of a section of wide white stone steps. From a distance, it looks like a white python lying on the peak. It's a little shocking to watch

However, even if Han Li and the other three people dare not fly from the ground, their bodies are far stronger than ordinary beings, and they will not be afraid of the strange dangers of this mountain road.

The three of them stepped on the stairs one after another and went straight to the top of the mountain.

But as soon as Shi Kun stepped on the first step, he suddenly looked a little strange.

But in fact, his footsteps did not stop at all, and he walked to the mountain step by step, but the speed suddenly became a little slow, far from as fast as at the beginning.

Han Li noticed this scene and thought about it. Naturally, it was a little strange.

But the moment he stepped on the white stone steps, he suddenly realized.

An extra suction came out of thin air on the stone steps, making his legs weigh more than 10,000 catties at once, which was really a little difficult.

And when I took a few more steps, these stone steps immediately produced a little more suction than the first level.

Although this has increased, it is so weak that it is almost impossible between several stone steps.

But just thinking about it, the stone steps from the foot of the mountain to the top of the peak are enough to make people creepy.

Fortunately, as long as the stone steps stand still, the huge suction generated from the top will be weakened little by little, and even if it grows better, it can be scattered.

Han Li was secretly surprised, but he didn't pay attention to it.

With the strength of his body after practicing the true magic power of Brahma, I'm afraid that even the ordinary saints will not be able to do it.

Even if these stone steps were strange, he asked himself enough to walk to the peak without stopping.

As for whether Shi Kun can do this without stopping, it depends on whether he has previously shown his physical strength and whether he has concealed some strength.

As for Liu Shui's daughter, if there is no other means, she can never walk to the palace with physical strength alone.

Thinking so much in his heart, Han stepped up more than ten steps without stopping, turned around and glanced at Liu Shuier behind him.

The woman stopped motionless on the first stone steps, as if she was thinking about it, but her flashing eyes obviously revealed an extremely angry expression.

(Second update)


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