The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1700 Purple Power

As soon as Han Li saw this door, his expression moved, but his body did not hesitate to move, turning into a vague shadow and disappeared in place.

The next moment, the blue shadow in front of the door flashed, and Han Li had already sank into it. The giant ape puppet shook its body and followed closely.

Almost at the moment when the puppet disappeared in the light gate, the black and blue light ball floating in the void in place buzzed, and the surface of light flowed and turned into a dazzling light bursting.

The huge wire mesh that originally enveloped the whole square broke into pieces without any signs, and turned into a little aura and scattered.

So the next moment, the white light of the tall light door flashed wildly a few times, and the nearby void twisted and blurred, and disappeared at once.

Everything in the square has been restored to the same as before.

However, Han Li and the giant ape puppet have disappeared, as if they had never been here.

At the same time, at the stone steps outside the door, Shishikun is only a hundred steps away from the top of the mountain, and the open door can be faintly seen.

And Liu Shuier has also come to hundreds of levels.

Both of them looked calm because Han Li had entered the palace.


Han Li opened his eyes again and saw the current situation clearly.

He came out of the light gate and was right in front of the Zijin Hall.

The door of the main hall seems to be ordinary, and it is also made of capital materials. There are only some rough simple pattern inscriptions on the surface, but there is a huge plaque seven or eight feet long above the gate, with several golden ancient texts written on it. Han Li stared carefully, and his heart couldn't help but move.

Although these ancient texts can't be recognized, they give them a familiar feeling similar to silver tadpoles, which should be the golden seal text.

Unfortunately, there are so few people who know the golden seal in the spiritual world that he has never been able to learn it.

Otherwise, you may be able to see some from these ancient texts.

Han Li thought so much in his heart. After looking at the closed door, he thought of the giant ape beside him.

The puppet strode forward, crossed a few steps, and arrived at the gate of the main hall. He raised his hands and pressed the door, ready to push it away like opening the palace gate before.

But this time, Han Li's plan obviously could not be achieved. It's empty.

As soon as the giant ape touched the seemingly ordinary door with both hands, a few low thunders suddenly came from the door, followed by a rumbling sound, and a destructive breath scattered from the door.


Although it was more than ten feet away from the gate, Han Li also screamed in his heart when he saw this scene. The same thunderbolt appeared on his body surface, and a layer of blue and white thunder clothes appeared to protect it.

He then twisted his upper body, and his lower body did nothing, but his feet slid out to one side in a flash.

The action is silent, just like a ghost.

Almost the same, the door of the main hall flashed with a dazzling purple light, and a strange purple arc emerged. As soon as it flashed, it turned into dozens of purple snakes and shot out of the door.

The giant ape puppet close at hand was instantly submerged by the electric light and turned into a stream of smoke and disappeared.

And these purple arcs didn't mean to stop at all. An ejection actually ran to Han Li's attack on one side. It seems to have its own spirituality.

Han Li's face has changed greatly.

If there is no air ban, he can naturally use all kinds of magical escape techniques to avoid it calmly. But now that he can't take off, no matter how sensitive his body is, he can never really avoid the strike in front of him.

Turning his mind, he hurriedly raised his hand, and a small crystal shield stood in front of him.

With a flash of light, the little shield suddenly turned into a giant.

Then a black gas rolled down Han Li's body, and a ferocious magic armor appeared in the blue and white arc, wrapping Han Li's body tightly.

It is the repaired outer magic armor.

The purple electric light was put down, and dozens of purple snakes hit the front giant shield.

This crystal shield can distort the attack. It has displayed its power in Han Li's hands several times and has made a lot of contributions.

But this time the situation is very different.

This purple arc is obviously very different from ordinary thunder and lightning. With the magic of the crystal shield, it only forcibly opened one-third of the arc from both sides of the shield.

Most of the remaining attacks are still strong on it.

Under the burst of purple electric light, a scorching terrible smell drowned the giant shield into it.

An incredible scene appeared.

The shield quickly dissolved under the purple arc, turned into transparent crystal juice in a blink of an eye, and fell to the ground and disappeared.

Han Li was shocked. He made a decision with one hand without thinking, and his thunder clothes immediately rumbled into a roll of blue and white power grid, intertwined with the purple arc.

Thunder clothes form an electric arc, which is condensed by Han Li's collection of air robbery clouds. Naturally, the power is not small, far from the power of ordinary thunder and fire.

But after the two color arcs were intertwined and flashed a few times, the blue and white color immediately became smaller and disappeared, and it was swallowed up by the purple thunder arc, which made the purple light flourish.

Han's facade turned white, and he hurriedly waved his sleeves forward again. The thunder rose again, and the thick golden arc was about to bounce out.

But this move was obviously a little late. Those purple arcs suddenly condensed into several bowls, and in a flash, they hit Han Li's outer magic armor fiercely.

With a shocking loud noise, Han Li staggered, and his whole body was wrapped in purple thunder.

But he immediately shouted in anger, and the magic armor on his body swelled up, and the black pattern on the surface appeared vividly, turning into a dense black rune, colliding with the purple arc.

These seemingly inconspicuous runes are far beyond imagination. When they came into contact with the purple arc, they burst apart, and then turned into a black-purple scorching wind, and danced around Han Li.

When Han Li's feet stabilized again and stood upright, not only the purple arc disappeared out of thin air, but the strange wind suddenly disappeared.

Han Lichang took a breath and looked at the extraterrestial magic armor on his body. He couldn't help calling for a fluke in his heart.

If he hadn't repaired this magic armor before, even if the unexpected attack just now could not really kill it, it would have been really inevitable to be seriously injured.

But even so, he looked gray-headed and really embarrassed.

Han Li sighed and looked at the crystal ** on the ground, which was even more regrettable.

The crystal shield was destroyed like this, and naturally there is no possibility of repairing it.

Looking at the gate of the main hall that returned to calm, Han Li's eyes flashed a few times, showing hesitation.

There is such a powerful prohibition at the gate of the main hall, and there must be something important to the ancient immortals in it. But the messenger's prohibition is so terrible that even if he can really break it, it can't be done in a moment. And after such a long delay here, when Shi Kun and the other two also came, I'm afraid they made wedding clothes for others. The gains outweigh the losses.

In his mind, Han Li no longer hesitated. He immediately turned around and walked along a nearby stone road to the nearest side hall.

Even if there is a ban there, it will never be as terrible as here. There should be a chance to enter it.

Of course, while he was marching fast, his sleeves trembled, and a blue light flew out, unexpectedly releasing another giant ape puppet,

Because of the lesson from the previous car, the puppet was almost released close to the ground, but fell firmly on the ground.

At the urging of Han Li, the second puppet also strode to one side of the hall.

Han's facade followed without expression.

He walked along the stone road, but no more accidents happened. Han Li came to the front of the side hall smoothly.

It seems that the area of this partial hall is only one-third of that of the main hall, but the style and materials used are the same as the main hall. Even the door of the partial hall has only been reduced a little, and there is also a plaque written in gold seal on it.

Looking at the seemingly simple door of the side hall, Han Li couldn't help beating the corners of his eyes a few times. After thinking about it for a while, he pulled out of a distance and stopped for forty feet away from the side hall.

Then he raised it with one hand, and several strange charms appeared in his hand and quickly patted his body.

Several layers of shields of different colors immediately emerge one after another.

Han Li's hands in his sleeves then secretly pinched the formula, and the low roar came out, and the golden arc suddenly loomed.

In case of preparation, Han Li urged the puppet with a solemn look.

The giant ape immediately moved forward, raised its two thick arms, and pressed directly on the door with both hands.

Han Li couldn't help holding his breath.

With a "squeak", the two doors slowly opened. This door is not forbidden at all.

Seeing this situation, Han Li was naturally overjoyed. However, for the sake of this, he did not act immediately, but still manipulated the puppet to walk in by himself.

After the giant ape puppet entered the hall and was still unharmed, he was really relieved.

Immediately, the spirit flashed on his body, and the shields transformed by the rune disappeared in an instant. At the same time, after clenching their fists quickly, the golden arc in the sleeve robe also disappeared silently.

He walked forward quickly and went straight to the gate of the temple.

When Han Lizhen walked into the side hall, the giant ape puppet stood on the side of the door, waiting there motionlessly.

His eyes quickly swept into the hall. He almost looked at everything here, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

There is a huge table as white as jade in front of the hall.

A purple shining shrine was erected on the table, with the light flashing inside, and there was a faintly blurred statue on the face.

Facing the direction of the statue, there are hundreds of milky yellow futons, and at the same time, there is a cyan incense burner in each of the four corners of the hall.

A faint smell of sandalwood filled the whole hall.

(second update)


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