The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1734 Shibi Lingwen

"It seems that I'm really too careful." The corners of the mouth of the dark Rong people twitched and said.

"Ha ha, but in this way, you and I can really feel at ease." The snow-white Rong people smiled, as if they suddenly took action against their companions, which was not surprising

The dark Rong people nodded and slowly closed their eyes.

The snow-white alien swept the front of the channel again. There was indeed no back, and he also closed his eyes with a smile.

Han Li moved his body and silently passed between the two Rong people.

The two aliens of black and white did not open their eyes at all, making them flash into the blue giant door.

Only then did Han Li really relax in his heart.

Fortunately, the Rong people just now used physical attacks, which could not affect his current virtual incarnation. If it is replaced by a spell attack, even the simplest small fireball will be hit and appear.

During the rotation of his mind, Han Li ghostly turned a few times in the passage behind the door, then disappeared at a corner and disappeared.

This secret hole can indeed be called a ghost axe

The deep road is dense, and the large and small channels are like a spider's web all over the ground, most of which are naturally formed.

In this way, it is easier for people who enter this place to fall into a maze.

Fortunately, Han Li had the map of the secret hole given by the old man Xu in his hand. There was no need to take a detour, but after a short flight, he finally arrived in front of a natural stalactal hole.

In this cave of more than 30 feet, a pale white stone wall is erected.

The surface of the stone wall is printed with rows of golden runes, flashing mysterious inspiration.

Han Li suddenly picked up in his heart, but when his eyes swept down, he saw a Rong ethnic group with a hooded hat in front of the stone wall, sitting there facing the stone wall.

The thoughtful look on his face seems to be studying the words on the stone wall.

Han Li raised his eyebrows slightly and felt a little tricky.

The stone wall is naturally the goal of his trip.

But if you want to copy the above ** with the secret technique, it is impossible not to alarm the Rong people.

Han Li stood quietly at the entrance of the cave, with a gloomy and silent face.

And the Rong people with hats raised their hands and rowed at the stone wall from time to time, looking like there was nothing outside.

Seeing the appearance of the Rong people, Han Li turned his mind and finally made a decision.

He moved and quietly floated to the Rong people. In a blink of an eye, he was only four or five feet away from him, and he was still slowly approaching.

And the Rong people still stared at the stone wall without turning their heads. Obviously, their minds were all on the stone wall.

Han Li was overjoyed. When he was only two feet away from him, he took action decisively.

The golden light on his body flashed, and his figure appeared in an instant. With one hand raised, a black hill flew out with a gray glow. At the same time, a golden body with three heads and six arms flashed behind his back, six arms were blurred, and six golden palms pressed at the void of the Rong people who were close at hand at the same time.

As soon as the Lirong people woke up, the green light on their body surface flashed in surprise, and they wanted to use the secret technique to escape out in a flash.

But almost at the same time, the glow flashed from the six golden palms behind, and each of them was covered by an invisible power.

The Rong people only felt that their shoulders sank, the air around them tightened, and they couldn't even move their fingers, and even the mana in their bodies was condensed, and they couldn't run as they were.

The black hill rose and became bigger at the top of its head, dripping, a large gray glow rolled out, and countless silver runes rushed out at the bottom.

The face of the Dou Li Rong people showed an expression of extreme anger, but after all, they were not ordinary people. After a flash of lightning, they suddenly took a deep breath, and the sound of long roar gushed out of their mouths.

He actually planned to warn other ethnic groups in the cave regardless of the consequences.

However, the sound wave transformed by the roar hit the gray glow around it, but it silently submerged into it, and it could not be transmitted outside the range of Zhang Xu at all.

The hearts of the Rong people sank in their hearts. Before they could come up with other ways, a golden wire suddenly spewed out from the six golden palms.

Under a winding, the Rong people will be tied up and solid.

At the same time, the silver rune ejected from the Yuan Magnetic Pole Mountain also turned into a silver array of light and fell down.

With a muffled sound, the light array collapsed and disappeared, while the Rong people disappeared in the distance, as if they had never appeared here.

In fact, if someone uses the divine power to see the Yuan Magnetic Pole Mountain, it is clear that the Rong people appeared in a coma in the belly of the mountain. Not only was the body tightly tied by the gold wire, but the Yuanying tube in the body was just covered with a layer of silver runes all over the body, and they were forced to

From Han Li's appearance to the use of Yuancijiji Mountain to take an alien into the mountain, it's just a few breaths. Whether it was the action of the golden body or the sacrifice of the Yuan Magnetic Pole Mountain, they were all silent and reduced the spiritual pressure fluctuation to the extreme.

Therefore, as long as there is no third person in this cave, there can never be a purgetic period, and he was captured alive in such a silent moment.

As soon as he saw it, Han Li was also relieved.

Fortunately, there is only one person here, and his mind is all on the golden seal on the stone wall. Otherwise, it would never be so easy to get it.

If it were the other two pairs of aliens outside, he would eliminate the simple ones, and there would be no chance to capture them alive.

As long as the other party does not die, other aliens will not notice the strangeness here for a while.

And the magic power that directly ingests people in this mountain is the space magic power that Yuanci Mountain has after being refined into Jishan Mountain.

If the Wuji Mountain is completely refined, this magic power can even absorb the river and the sea, and ordinary people can't imagine it in case.

Even if it is now a single polar mountain, the power is not small. As long as the opponent is included, the opponent will also be difficult to fly.

Han Li did not hesitate any more. As soon as he took down the golden body and the black peak, he immediately shook his sleeves.

A black ring flew out, and after one circled, it emitted a cyan glow and rolled down.

The inspiration flashed, but the stone wall emitted a faint golden light. It was motionless and could not be included by the storage bracelet.

Han Li sighed in his heart, and there was no surprise on his face.

If this thing can be collected easily, it will not be put here all the time. What he did just now was just in case.

With a flash of white light, a large piece of jade slip flew out of the black ring. After hovering, it was suspended in front of the stone wall.

He pinched the formula with one hand, and one finger rushed to the storage bracelet a little.

Suddenly, the jade sliplight flashed, from which a silver light came out, covering the whole surface of the stone wall.

The next moment, the golden runes on the stone wall twisted and lived in the silver flash. Then a group of golden lights flashed out of the stone wall and sank into the jade slip one after another.

After a while, when all the golden light balls flew into Jianzhong, Han Li narrowed his eyes and suddenly closed his hand.

Suddenly, the silver light of the jade slips restrained, and it turned into a ball of white light and fell into its hands.

Han Li pinched Yu Jian with one hand and swept his mind into it, with a smile on his face.

There are indeed golden runes in the jade slips that are the same as on the stone wall.

When he was about to put the storage bracelet and jade slip back together, he turned it over with one hand, and a purple rune appeared again and patted it gently on his body.

Under a flash of purple light, Han Li's body blurred again...

In this way, Han Li searched in the secret cave, which actually made him find three other caves one after another, in which there were the same golden seal stone wall.

Except for one of them, which is also guarded, the other two places are empty.

This made Han Li very happy. After another Rong people also used the same method to sneak up on Yuanciji Mountain, he also copied the golden seal text of these three places into the same jade slip.

According to the map of the old man surnamed Xu, now there is only the last part of the golden seal text left, and the whole piece of skills can be collected.

But at this time, Han Li became more and more.

Since we haven't met the rest of the Rong people in the front of us, we must have gathered in this last cave.

According to the news eavesdropped in front of me, the ban on this last golden seal has not been broken. No wonder so many people have stayed in this last place.

Thinking about it, Han Li has come to a crossroad ** fork place, which is the only way to the last cave.

Han Li glanced around, touched his chin, and suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a dense array of flags gushed out of his sleeves, with hundreds of them.

This is the set of arrayware with the greatest power in his hand. The power of the magic array can be regarded as not weak, and it can be trapped in the group for a while.

In addition, he released a set of nine palace celestial talismans, and the huge palace shadow disappeared above the magic array.

Even though the refining materials of this rune are extremely scarce, when he was in Yuncheng, he finally gathered some more and let him refine two sets.

In this way, even if there is a shocking change in the cave, if they want to meet the rest of the people, they will be temporarily trapped by these two sets of prohibitions for a while, but they can fight for enough for him.

After doing all this, Han Li nodded with satisfaction and patted the Tianling cover with one hand. The golden light flashed, and the golden body with three heads and six arms suddenly emerged behind him.

With another mouth, a mass of black gas spewed out and sank into the golden body.


Han Li ordered without hesitation.

On the face of the golden body, the ferocious color appeared, and suddenly the figure shook, and disappeared into the nearby void, as if it were a ghost.

Then the fingers in the sleeve flicked again, and a silver flame and two silver charms shot out of it.

A few shouts turned into a silver firebird and two light silver shadows, which flashed into the ground in front of him.


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