The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1880 The turbulent tide

Some other people who have not yet been transformed, as soon as they saw these companions like this, most of them were swept away with contemptuous eyes.

Although some other people looked calm, they glanced at everything around them, and there was an unconcealed excitement on their faces.

One of them, an old man with red hair and an eagle hook nose, looked at the green scenery in the distance for a while with a complicated look, and muttered to himself in an inaudible voice:

"I didn't expect that I could see these again in my lifetime. In this case, even if you die in this world, there will be no regrets.

"Brother Sha, why are you so depressed? The Holy Ancestor has already given us an order. This time is no different from the previous holy sacrifices. If possible, the holy clan has the opportunity to completely occupy part of the spiritual world. If we can make great contributions in the holy sacrifice, we can apply to stay in the spiritual world. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us who soar to the demon world.

Although the red-haired old man's voice was extremely low, he was heard by another majestic old man nearby in a black hemp robe and a golden ribbon around his waist. He immediately said with a smile.

"Brother Sanyang's words are very much for me to fly to the real demon world, that is, a member of the holy clan. But if you can really stay in the spiritual world after the war, it will naturally be a great blessing. The red-haired old man nodded with a moving look.

The same words are whispering among other people.

At this time, there was a sudden rumbling sound from the silver gate of the giant tower, followed by heavy footsteps coming out one after another.

The runes around the silver gate flashed, and a team of monsters that had never been seen before suddenly came out of it.

The skin of these monsters is gray and dry, and the hair is not growing. It seems that they are monsters made of rocks. They can barely see the outline of a human figure, but they have four thick arms on their shoulders. When they walk around, the nearby ground trembles, and they sinks one by one.

These stone demons are more than ten feet high. They have come out of thousands of each huge tower, and they are honestly arranged in several rows in front of the tower, and they are motionless. They are unexpectedly docile.

But under the low roar of the leading monster, the gray light flashed on the surface of these stone demons. The body, which originally seemed to be extremely hard, turned into yellow mud-like softness and disappeared into the soil one after another.

After a moment, the earth around thousands of miles suddenly shook, and then on the edge of somewhere, the earth cracked out of thin air.

The yellow light flashed and shrilled, and an earth wall came out of the ground out of thin air. It was just a cup of tea, and a huge wall about a hundred miles long rose up from the ground.

However, even if the wall is as high as a hundred feet, it is just a prototype. The surface is abnormally rough, and the sand keeps falling down, looking like it is shaky.

But at this moment, the spiritual light flashed on the ground in front of the earth wall, and the gray-white stone demons came out of the ground again and waved their arms against the earth wall.

Amazing scene appeared

Under the stone demon's four arms dance, the thick beams of the mouth of the bowls spewed out and hit all over the earth wall.

In an instant, the sound of "ci la" as if it was frozen

Where the light pillar hits, a mass of gray and white light flowers bloom and spreads in all directions. Where the gray light rolled over, the soft sand suddenly turned into a gray-white rock.

These stone demons actually have the magic power to turn earth into stone.

In this way, under the arms of many stone demons dancing wildly, the hundred-mile-long earth wall turned into a seamless wall in an instant.

In the other directions, there was also a continuous roar, and another group of stone demons also used the same method to easily pile up the other stone wall.

In this way, in just one hour, everything with a radius of tens of thousands of miles is surrounded by the stone wall.

At this time, a group of vague ghosts wrapped in black gas flew out of the triangular tower.

These ghosts are extremely light, as if they were invisible, but as soon as they flew to the wall, they rushed to the wall, and arrays of different sizes emerged on the wall out of thin air. Their styles are of the same size, as if they were printed by the same person.

After doing all this, these ghosts came out of the wall again, ignoring other demons, and a swarm of bees returned to the huge tower again.

In this way, with a little bit, a huge city transformed into a solid stone stood up under the sea of demons out of thin air.

With the above hundred giant towers as the center, some other buildings with strange styles have also rose up one by one under the tireless work of the stone demon.

There are some high-level demons who personally arranged some mysterious prohibitions in every corner of the city in a hurry. The layers of prohibition fluctuations soon enveloped the whole huge city.

Suddenly, the top of a triangular tower in the center of the giant city flashed, and it was strangely opened.

The rumble rose loudly, and a huge altar that seemed to be stained red with blood slowly rose from it.

The altar is surrounded by inscriptions of incomparable ancient words, which makes people feel a strong sense of blood rushing towards their faces.

But what's more strange is that in the center of the altar, a tall figure covered in a layer of blood stood there.

At the sight of this figure, no matter the alert around or all the middle and high-level demons at work, they all half knelt down with awe-in.

Other demons farther away, even if nothing happened before, seeing other people nearby like this, they naturally suddenly knelt down and bowed down.

"See the ancestor of blood light"

A moment later, a vast voice that rushed straight out of the sky echoed over the huge city.

The figure in the blood light on the altar was indifferent to all this. After sweeping around with a faint look, he narrowed his head and looked up at the sea of demons in the sky.

The eyes are dazzling, like a pair of moons in the silent air, which is unforgettable.

Suddenly, one arm was raised, and a crystal palm poked out, rushing up with one hand with one hand, which seemed to be a casual move.

"Rumble" with an earth-shaking loud noise.

The high-altitude demon sea seemed to be fiercely grasped by an invisible giant hand. The small half of the magic gas surged violently, and under a roll, these magic gas rolled together crazily, and the light flashed down, turning into a huge dark black stick, ghost head, full of strange patterns, directly from the height to the altar. Go.

The blood shadow's eyes flashed, grabbed the crystal palm, and the five fingers moved slightly.

More than a hundred feet long black staff, with a burst of runes flowing all over the body, shrunk on the way down, turned into two feet long, and was caught by the blood-light ancestor.

He put the black stick in front of him with one hand, and a low spell sound came from the blood shadow's mouth. This spell is obscure and difficult to understand, and then read it with the local words of the demon clan, which gives people a strange and mysterious feeling.

The ghost head at the top of the black stick opened the silver ghost's eye in the sound of the spell, and then under one mouth, it spewed out pieces of black and bright runes. In the wind, it turned into black giant flowers and floated all over the giant city.

After a while, the giant flowers spread all over the corners of the city.

At this time, the blood light ancestor paused with the spell in his mouth, and his hands suddenly rubbed the black stick in his hand, which turned into a black halo and burst.

Under a few ripples of the halo, it turned into a circle of invisible spiritual waves and swept away in all directions.

Those huge black flowers flashed by this wave, and suddenly bursting and bursting into pieces of dark magic gas.

The whole giant city was shrouded in boundless magic in an instant.

Those big and small demons who originally knelt down suddenly boosted their spirits at the moment of magic, and their mana and physical strength recovered almost half faster than usual.

"In three days, another three holy cities will be built separately, and after another seven days of rectification, when everyone is ready, they will immediately set off for the largest human monk stronghold nearby." The blood light ancestor put his hands back, and after the blood light on his face shook, he said solemnly.

"Abiding by the law"

In the huge city shrouded in magic, countless high-level demons cheered in dissonance.

The same scene is almost staged in the magic spots of the two races of the shemales.

In the largest magic spot, a huge human city built on a towering giant tree, several monks of the same level stood above an attic at the waist of the giant tree, looking condescending at the endless rolling sea of demons in the distance, and their faces were gloomy.


Tens of miles away from the Holy City of Tianyuan, a monk and two monks, each urged a bronze mirror and a round bowl, releasing a group of snake-headed and horse-like monsters to kill people wantonly.

But suddenly a furious shrill from the sky came in the distance, and a magic wind rolled in at an incredible speed.

"Go, the high-level demon clan is coming." The Taoist priest witnessed this scene and immediately shouted harshly.

Then he did not hesitate to flash with the spirit of the monk's body, and each of them turned into a shot of more than ten feet of shocking rainbows. The direction of escape was the direction of Tianyuan Imperial City.


On the withered and desolate plain of the demon clan, several armies are fighting desperately.

One side is a group of hundreds of hundreds of thousands of gray wolves, and the other side is a group of tens of thousands of light blue magic lions.

On the side of the wolves are all giant wolves with a body length of several feet. The green light flashes in each eye, which is obviously a low-level monster with some demonic power.

The blue lion on the other side is bigger than a giant wolf, with several inches of black horns on its head, and from time to time spit out attacks such as fireballs and ice cones.

In the air of the beast** battle, thousands of snow-white giant eagles and a group of double-headed flying snakes also fought fiercely.

Under the wave of a pair of white eagle's steel claws, the silver arc was entangled, and there was a thunder, and the two-headed flying snakes spewed out, and a mass of venom splashed everywhere, which was abnormally poisonous.

The two fell from the air from time to time, but once they fell into the battle group on the ground, the bones were naturally lost in an instant.

(Recommend my friend Huanyu's "Hundreds to Immortals")

The fairy road is rugged, and all kinds of training will eventually come to fruit

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