The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 1895 Magic Array

The blue venerable was being bombarded more than a dozen times by Han Li with two hills. He was hit with sweat on his back, and his body was trembling and able to fight and retreat. Now as soon as he heard the words of the bald man, he immediately cheered up and answered without thinking. Then his eyes moved randomly and immediately wanted to find a way to escape and lure the enemy.

Opposite Han Li's giant ape, his pupils flashed blue, and he saw the strange color of the demon's face clearly. He immediately snorted coldly. Suddenly, after the two peaks in his hand shouted twice, he threw them out hard.

The two peaks were black and blue, and the two colors were shining. After leaving their hands, they rose several times, turning into a mountain more than a hundred feet high, and smashed the blue-sprint venerable at an incredible speed.

Before it was really hit, the two hurricanes roared first, and the nearby void was distorted and loud.

When the blue master witnessed this scene, his face changed, but then the fierce light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and suddenly clicked the two treasures hovering in front of him. Then he shook his body and shot back with the rest of the treasures.

The two treasures pointed out did not retreat, but directly faced the two peaks, and at the moment of contact, they burst at the same time as a wailing.

After two loud noises, two huge halos emerged under the two peaks, and the flame rolled down to resist the falling trend of the two peaks for a moment, making the two pause in the air.

But the next moment, the two peaks themselves were sank, and the two haloes were crushed and scattered.

Then the golden light flashed, and the giant ape transformed by Han Li appeared under the peak like a ghost. The two Pu fans raised their big hands casually, and easily held the two peaks firmly again.

The giant ape's eyes condensed coldly and stared at the void hundreds of feet away.

There, the blue-striped demon clan took advantage of the moment of the self-exploding magic weapon just now to finally escape from Han Li's continuous pursuit, and then rushed to the hill below.

At the same time, the thirteen real demons flying all over the sky chased by more than a dozen purple beetles suddenly rose several times and turned into thirteen black light balls and fled in the same direction.

The dozen purple beetles, buzzing together, also turned into a little purple light and chased down.

As for those blue flying snakes, under the intersection of those swords, there are only a few left in a blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, even if these flying snakes are also a rare foreign beast in the demon world, in the face of these extremely sharp and can easily blur the sword body of the green bamboo bee cloud sword, they have been cut to pieces.

Originally, this kind of flying snake could not be just this strength, but after the blue-striped demon clan itself was unexpectedly entangled by Han Li, almost even a 30% of its power was shown.

Even if the blue-striped demon clan was very saddened by this, in order to lead Han Li away, they could only go down the hill without looking back.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's golden-haired ape roared and roared. With only a few flashes, it collapsed hundreds of feet and reached the top of the hill.

With two hands turned over, the two peaks were thrown down again, and the giant ape itself clenched its fist with both hands, turning into a hurricane.

Seeing such an amazing attack, it came out of the head. The blue venerable below did not show panic on his face. Instead, a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, his sleeves trembled, and a dark magic plate flew out of it, and one flashed and turned into a dark cloud to make The body is completely covered.

Under the two loud noises, the two peaks fell, and the dark clouds immediately turned into a little inspiration and scattered, but the blue venerable below disappeared.

In addition, with this hill as the center, several nearby peaks roared, and suddenly a pillar of no black light spewed out. In a flash, it turned into a huge magic flag as thick as a water tank.

Each shot has a water tank thick and thin, black, straight into the clouds, like a giant pillar.

With these peaks as the eyes, a magic array of several miles of size rumbled out of the ground.

The sky changed color, the void trembled, and a dark magic spirit rolled out of the eyes everywhere.

Han Li's giant ape only felt that the black runes flashed around him. The air was tight, and his body stopped in mid-air and could not move.

Then the black rune slipped around, and the "bamp" and "bamp" burst one after another and turned into a mass of black filaments.

These filaments flashed wildly. Under the condensation, they turned into dark chains one by one. Under the interaction, the giant ape was tied to a solid in an instant.

At the same time, the black magic below rolled down, turning into huge tentacles, and also rolled straight to the giant ape.

The blue light in the eyes of the giant ape flowed for a while, and there was no fear at all, but there was a sudden roar in his mouth, and the protective hair stood up straight up, and at the same time, his body also swelled.

The black chains trembled wildly, tightened and straightened, and there was a buzzing sound.

There was a random noise, and the chain broke apart inch by inch.

The ape's face flashed ferociously, and his arms followed a few thick circles, and he held it high, and his hair turned into countless golden shots.

The sound of sneer was loud, and where the golden light flashed, the waves in the void rose up, and a layer of invisible prohibition was broken.

Then he grabbed it in the void with one hand, and a huge silver ruler appeared in his hand.

After sweeping around rudely.

A silver beam of light roared like a silver dragon outside the sky. Wherever it passed, the tentacles transformed by the magic gas fell down one after another.

At this time, a figure flashed over another mountain, and the blue-striped demon clan silently emerged. Seeing the giant ape showing its divine power, his face was not heavy, but he snorted coldly. Suddenly, the sleeve robe shook, and a black oil shiny gourd flew out of it. One turned down, and the The green light flashed out and disappeared into the nearby magic air

As soon as the other hand of the demon was turned over, the dark array appeared again. With one mouth, a ball of blood spewed out, turning into a ball of blood fog into it.

The next moment, the huge tentacles that had been cut shook violently, and the connection was as before, and the fierce roll came again.

Only this time, before the tentacle reached the front of the giant ape, it suddenly shrilled, and several bone forks shot out of it.

Each handle of these bone forks is only a foot long, but the tip is green and smelly, which is obviously extremely poisonous.

As soon as the giant ape saw this scene, as soon as his big nose moved, he clenched his fist and patted his chest.

A thunderbolt

Gold wire rushed out of his body one by one, flashing, turning into golden arcs, intertwined into a net to cover the huge body of the giant ape.

The sound of thunder continued.

Those backbone forks flashed on the golden arc, and under the trembling, they couldn't help but pause.

And taking this opportunity, the giant ape suddenly raised its head and shouted majestically

The roar was earth-shaking, and when the golden arc lit up, it turned into a thick bowl and swept around.

Those bone forks were hit by more than a dozen thick electric arcs almost at the same time. Even if this thing has been specially refined by the devil's secret skills, how can it withstand the violent blow of so many evil gods and thunders, and then turned into a stream of smoke.

As for those huge tentacles, as soon as they touched the thick gold arc at the mouth of the bowl, they turned into a mass of fog and were swept away.

When the blue-striped demon clan in the distance saw this scene, they were stunned at first, but immediately suddenly realized and lost their voice:

"This is the evil god thunder, you actually have this thunder to protect yourself"

The blue venerable was shocked and angry, and his voice was full of anger.

Those bone forks seem to be inconspicuous, but in fact, they are objects that even ordinary demons are quite afraid of. There are not many things in the world that can overcome it, but the evil god thunder is one of them.

How can't this demon's anger add up

Han Li's giant ape laughed wildly, clenched his fist with both hands, and punched the mountain where the demon was located.

A burst of space fluctuated, and a golden fist about the size of a mu flashed over the hill and hit it down fiercely.

The blue Venerable's face changed, and he clapped with one hand and the other hand without saying anything.

With a "pup", a magic gas came out of his standing place and sank into it.

A loud noise from the collapse of the sky and the earth!

The huge golden fist rudely hit the place where the blue-striped demon clan stood, and the whole hill trembled violently. After a roar, it turned into the collapse of countless rubble.

On another mountain nearby, a magic spirit emerged out of thin air, and the blue-striped demon clan flashed out.

He quickly looked back at the collapse of the hill in the distance, and his face became more and more ugly.

At this time, the golden-haired giant ape did not stop at all. With both hands grasping the void, the two blue and black peaks strangely reappeared in their hands, and did not hesitate to rush to the other two peaks and threw away fiercely.

After two more roars, the two hills collapsed and disappeared.

At this time, the rolling magic gas under the magic array faded a little, and it became a little sparse.

"If you want to break the battle, go and dream. I will never let you go." When Master Lan witnessed this scene, his pupils in his eyes shrank, and a fierce look suddenly appeared on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly gritted his teeth, pinched the formula in one hand, shook his sleeve suddenly, and more than a dozen blood-red pills flew out.

The black gas rolled down nearby, and thirteen white bones flashed out strangely. After swallowing the blood pills with open, the black flames in both eyes flashed and danced around the blue venerable.

And the blue-striped demon also suddenly slapped the heavenly cover with one hand. Under the flash of blood, the flesh and blood on his body fell down piece by piece.

In an instant, an equally terrible White Sen skeleton appeared in the middle of the thirteen skeletons.

(The update is a little late, I hope you can forgive me. It's only a few days before the wedding date. There are too many things to be busy with, and I have tried my best to guarantee the update. Ha ha, when we finish this life event, we can also breathe a sigh of relief)


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