The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2143 The Change of the Woody Clan

Volume 10 The Battle of the Demon World Chapter 2343 The Surprise of the Wood Clan

"Is it possible that the Mu people have been wiped out by the demon clan, so they can't see one..." Zhu Guoer's face changed and said worriedly.

"It is impossible to eliminate it.

The population of the Mu clan is also as many as tens of billions, and there are many powerful beings of the combined level. Even if it is defeated by the demon clan, it is impossible to be killed so easily. Moreover, the Mu clan has formed an alliance with other ethnic groups as our human race, and it is impossible for other ethnic groups to watch the Mu clan be destroyed. I think it's just that the demon forces in this area have the upper hand, and all the wooden people who originally lived here have been evacuated. Han Li pondered for a moment and slowly replied.

"The senior's words are reasonable. As long as you leave the space channel a little farther away, you may meet the Mu people." Hearing this, Zhu Guoer felt reasonable and couldn't help nodding repeatedly.

Han Li stopped talking and continued to urge the stuffy head of the flying car to hurry up.

Three days later, over an endless primitive dense forest, the flying car stopped and quietly suspended in the sky.

More than a hundred feet away in front of the flying car, there are seven or eight high-level demons blocking the front.

These demons all have a pair of green flesh on their backs, and their feather coats and red eyes are red, describing them as extremely ferocious.

And behind these demon clans, there are dense double-headed magic birds, one by one, all of which are colorful, with dark and single-horned heads, with as many as five or six hundred.

"How many batches is this?" Han Li stood at the front of the flying car and asked with a blank face.

"Senior, it's the seventh wave." Zhu Guoer replied.

"Well, it seems that the high-level demon clan in charge of this place has not received enough lessons, so let's kill them all again. Presumably after solving this batch, it should be able to really calm down for a while. Han Li narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Then he suddenly shook his sleeves, and an inch of long blue light gushed out of it. It turned out to be a mini cyan sword with as many as 72 mouths.

Han Li pinched the formula with one hand and hit these blue swords with one finger.

The dragon-like clear sound suddenly came out of the small sword, and then after one was blurred, all the small swords were turned into two, two turned into four turned into eight...

First, the sky is full of small blue swords with thousands of swords.

The high-level demons on the opposite side were shocked to see this situation, but it seemed that there was no intention to retreat and escape. Instead, the black air rolled in their hands, and each of them transformed into different kinds of magic soldiers. At the same time, they roared in their mouths, and turned into black winds and rushed straight to the flying cars

And the five or six hundred magic birds behind also immediately encouraged their wings to make an extremely noisy chirping, following several high-level demons like a swarm.


Seeing this situation, Han Li flashed his mind and said coldly.

After the cyan sword trembled at the same time, it immediately turned into a sharp shot of sword light.

In an instant, the sound of "sneer" broke through the sky and lost all over the sky. With just a flash, several high-level demons and hundreds of demon birds were all submerged into it.

Immediately, there was a loud scream!

A large amount of bloody rain and countless limbs scattered from the heights out of thin air, and those demons and birds were killed by more than a thousand swords in an instant.

Han Li's sleeve shook again. After shaking the sword light in the distance, he shot back one after another and disappeared into the sleeve.

At this time, there is no living thing in the distant air except for the thick blood.

After Han Li's eyes swept slightly, he said nothing and urged the flying car to turn into a ball of blue light and break through the air.

The journey below is indeed just as Han Li expected, and there are no more demon monsters to intercept.

But in some dense forests that the flying car passes through, those black and green giant trees still appear from time to time, as if the whole wood field is full of such magical trees.

What surprised Han Li even more was that even after flying such a long distance, he still did not meet any Mu people, as if the Mu people had really disappeared.

A month later, when the flying car was passing over a valley on the edge of a mountain range, Han Li finally became a small wooden tribe besieged by thousands of demons.

There are only more than 10,000 people in this wooden tribe, but only two or three thousand people are really capable of fighting, but the fallen flowers and water killed by more than a thousand demons are about to be completely destroyed.

Han Li was overjoyed and did not hesitate to use a Thunderbolt means to kill these demons in one fell swoop, saving these wooden people.

Then he didn't wait for the surprised expression of these wooden people to directly reveal their human identity

In this way, with the help of his identity as an ally of the Mu clan, he finally learned everything that had happened in the Mu clan's spiritual domain in recent years from the mouth of the elder of the small Mu clan, and then he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that just five or six years ago, after several decisive battles, when the allied forces and the demon army formed a stalemate, the demon side suddenly played a trick of repairing the plank road, and secretly withdrew nearly half of the main force from the territory of the two races, which was originally the main battlefield, and transferred to the wood through The clan launched a surprise attack on this side.

Under the impact of the tide-like surge of the demon army, the wooden army, which could have been difficult to fight with the demon clan, was defeated seven battles and seven times, and most of the troops were buried in it.

Because this matter was too sudden, the other ethnic groups of the alliance had no time to help for a while. In desperation, the chief of the Mu clan, who was supposed to sit in the forbidden area of the clan, had to resist the enemy in person.

But something unexpected happened to another ethnic group!

As soon as the old man of the Mu clan appeared in front of the battle between the two ethnic groups, he was surrounded by the three demon ancestors who had already been secretly ambushed.

Although the three holy ancestors of the demon clan are not horrible beings at the level of ancestors like evil and Liuji, this time they did not appear as an incarnation, but a real body came. Therefore, as soon as they took action, they hit the chief of the Mu clan into serious injuries, and almost killed him on the spot.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the elder of the Mu clan suddenly called out a psychic sacred tree that the Mu clan had worshipped for tens of thousands of years. With the help of the power of this tree, he barely escaped from the three demon ancestors, but his magic power also went to ten **, and there was no power in the Mahayana period.

Without the elder of the Mu clan as a support, the morale of the Mu clan has fallen to the extreme, and there is no resistance to the invasion of the demon clan. In just a short period of years, it has lost eight out of ten collars

At this critical moment, the reinforcements of other ethnic groups finally rushed to the land of the Mu clan.

However, under the threat of the three demon ancestors, the reinforcements and the remaining Mu clan army could only barely save the remaining territory of the Mu clan, but there was no spare power to restore the original territory.

Before that, the wooden tribes originally scattered all over the Mu clan naturally retreated to the areas protected by various ethnic groups, but there were always some tribes that received the news late or acted too slowly, so that the demon army was directly blocked in the occupied area.

In desperation, these tribes had to hide in some remote places for the time being, hoping that the troops of all ethnic groups would fight one day.

However, after repeated search and killing of the demon clan in the past few years, there are really not many tribes that can survive.

This is the reason why Han Li has not seen the Mu people since he came out of the channel.

This small tribe saved by Han Li was originally a member of a large wooden tribe. After the original tribe was exposed, they fled to zero and became what they are now.

But in this way, these Mu people were still killed by the demon people again. If they hadn't happened to meet Han Li, they would have been killed and enslaved.

"Senior, what the younger generation said is true. I hope that the senior can help us return to the current protected place for the sake of the alliance." This temporary small tribe, an old man of the refined virtual and other-level wooden tribe, began to beg for Han Li after telling everything.

After Han Li glanced at these wooden clans, he saw that women, children and children accounted for more than two-thirds of them. After a moment, he couldn't help but slowly said: "

I'm naturally indispensable to take you with me. But I want to remind you in advance that I have killed several waves of demons on the way here, and the demons should have noticed me long ago. High-level demons come to the door, it's just a matter of time. When you follow me, it will be even more dangerous. With so many of you, once you start fighting, I can't protect you all.

, there is such a thing! In this case, the younger generation will not force this. But I also hope that the seniors can tell the other seniors of the alliance about our situation, and hope that all ethnic groups can send an army as soon as possible to save us from suffering as soon as possible. If there is such a day, the younger generation and others will be very grateful. The old man of the wooden clan announced that he looked very disappointed, but after thinking about it, he said to Han Lishen with a pleading face.

"Ap, there's no problem with this matter. I'll bring it to you. But I'm not sure where the demon army is now distributed. Your tribe has information and maps in this regard. This time, Han Li readily agreed and asked a rhetorical question.

"Although the younger generation and others have been hiding in Tibet, there is still some information in this part. It's just not very careful, it's just a general idea. The head of the Mu clan replied in a hurry.

"It's probably enough." Han Li smiled and showed a satisfied expression.

Then after he got the information and related maps from the wooden patriarch, he immediately flew away.

And these wooden people naturally did not dare to stay in place again, and they also immediately moved to another spare hiding place.

More than ten days later, when Han Li was urging the flying car to pass over a green lake, suddenly there was no sign on both sides of the lake below. A green hand flashed out of it and caught the flying car in his hand.

The five fingers of the giant hand were just a little hard, and the sound of bursting was heard, and the flying car instantly turned into a green flame and broke away.


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