The Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Chapter 2246 Return to Guangyuan

"Six poles, I said I haven't seen you in the years, why haven't you made any progress? It turned out that the injury during the war with me had never really healed. Now your six incarnations have been killed by me. And your body has also been trapped in the Xuantian spiritual realm. Now that you have the ability of the whole day, you can't turn over again. The sound of the treasure flower came from the shadow of the petals.

But except for the loud noise in the white fog, no one else's voice replied at all.

"You don't hesitate to spend the six incarnations, but you have been holding on, just to wait for Nirvana and Yuanhan." Baohua said another sentence carelessly, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corners of her mouth.

"What! After I took the throne of your ancestor, Nirvana and Yuanmu both agreed by themselves, and I will do my best to protect my safety. Don't forget that I am now one of the three righteous ancestors. I also knew that you would definitely take this opportunity to avenge that year, so you have communicated with the two Taoist friends for a long time. Another angry woman's voice finally came out of the fog with some sharpness.

"The validle and nirvana promised you that they would help you when you met me. But there must be a premise that they must be able to separate. Baohua seemed to smile.

"What, did you also find a helper? No, there are still people in this holy world who dare to entangle the two of Yuanqi and Nirvana. Are you looking for those strong people in the alien world? How can they offend the two ancestors of evil and nirvana for you, a lost alien Mahayana? In the six poles, there was finally a little fear.

"You're not stupid. I did pay a lot of money to ask for two rare helpers. One is probably about the same strength as the two of them, and the other, I'm afraid most of the magic power is still above them. So if you want to wait for reinforcements, I'm afraid you will be really disappointed. Baohua giggled.

"Hmm! Needless to say, one must be the old bronze crow. But who is the other one? Among those strong people in the alien world, can they still powerfully suppress the strong people who are the ancestors of our holy world? Baohua, you're not bragging about yourself, are you? The voice of the six poles regained its composure in an instant, and there were some disbelieving words.

"Am I bragging? In a little while, you should know it clearly. The current residence of Bi Yuanqi and Nirvana is not too far from you. If there is really a way to save him, it will take so long. I'm sure you can come too. But it also requires you to have the ability to hold on until that moment. Baohua replied faintly.

There was an angry hum in the six poles in the fog, and it was silent again.

Obviously, Liuji is very clear that no matter what the other party said is true or not, what she says is humiliating, so she simply doesn't say a word as before.

But when Baohua saw this, a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth. Suddenly, he said something that made Liuji feel cold all over:

"Six poles, do you think there is still a backhand, even if I destroy you now? You still have a chance to make a comeback again.

"Baohua, what do you mean by that!" Liuji couldn't calm down anymore and shouted loudly.

"It's very simple. Don't you have a seventh incarnation that has never been revealed in front of people? Although you have been carefully hiding this incarnation, you have never told anyone. But don't forget that there has never been an impervious wall in the world, and I happened to know about it. Baohua said with a smile.

"I don't believe you really know anything. You heard a rumor from somewhere, and you deliberately made a fuss about me here!" The six poles are worthy of being the great enemy of Baohua in those years, after the biggest secret in his heart was revealed. He still quickly regained his composure.

"You should be planning to use the seventh incarnation as a backhand to come back to life in case of falling behind. Although it is just a split, it should not be too difficult to restore the memory and magic of your body by your means. And if I don't investigate, maybe after many years, I will be plotted by you again. But counting the time, the place where you hide the seventh incarnation should be almost done. After a low smile, Baohua muttered a few times to herself.

"What, you really found the hiding place of the incarnation! It's impossible. Who did you send to go!" When Liuji heard the words, he couldn't help but be really angry.

"You didn't notice, the little black crocodile. Aren't you by my side?" Baohua said in a hurry.

"Black crocodile, it depends on a younger generation. It can also break the prohibition I laid!" Hearing this, Liu Ji was relieved again.

"That's right. The black crocodile alone is indeed a little short of the prohibition you set by yourself. But what if he has another Xuantian treasure in his hand that just restrains what you have banned!" Baohua said leisurely.

"The treasure of Xuantian! If you dare to lend this treasure to others, you won't be afraid that he will roll up your treasure and steal it away!" The six poles turned pale.

"I have made some hands and feet on the mysterious treasure. Why don't I dare to lend it to the black crocodile? Well, I have talked to you so much so that you can live until now, and I will be very kind to you. Next, I'll take you on the road. After Baohua said a few more words, her voice suddenly became extremely gloomy.

At the prenatal examination, the pink petals that were originally fluttering in the white fog suddenly flashed and began to dance quickly in the gust of wind and thunder.

Each petal becomes crystal clear and sharp in flight and becomes huge.!

For a moment, in the center of the valley, countless pink blades stirred crazily in the white fog.

A crashing sound like the sky and cracking!

Whether it is petals or fog, it suddenly disappears in a huge light mass with a diameter.

I don't know how long after all the light and fluctuations disappeared, there was only a faint figure left over the original valley. After a sigh, the body disappeared vaguely.


At the top of the giant peak on the other side, Han Li and Yuan Ye are talking to you like friends.

Yuanqi deserves to be one of the three ancestors of the demon world. Han Li's experience in cultivation is also refreshing and admirable in his heart.

As for the original harp, although there is no expression on the face, a trace of strangeness in his eyes reveals that he is obviously interested in some of what Han Li said. Han Li, who was talking about a secret skill, suddenly stopped talking, and looked up in a direction in the distance, and stood up with a smile:

"Brother Yuan, it seems that Baohua Taoist friend has succeeded in revenge. In this case, Han will stop bothering and should leave.

Han Li didn't wait for the answer of the barbish, but the blue light flashed and turned into a blue rainbow and left.

Yuan Yan sat on the boulder without moving, but looking at the escape from the edge of the sky, his face no longer hides a trace of helplessness.

Soon after, Han Li Dunguang closed and slowly landed on another hill not far away.

There, Silver Moon is waiting there with some anxiety.

Next to it, there is also an old man and a handsome young man with silver hair and a shawl. It is the two famous Mahayanas, Mo Jianli and Yin Yue Laozu.

As soon as the three of them saw Han Li who appeared in the air, they all smiled.

Silver Moon greeted directly with a happy face.


Three months later, over the famous Blue Falls Lake of the demon clan, a white spaceship with crystal clear surface and runes on the surface are very different from ordinary flying boats in the demon world. It is flying over the lake at an incredible speed, and the huge air ban covering the whole lake is like nothing.

Some demons on the lake below showed surprise when they saw this situation, but after thinking about it, they changed into expressions of awe.

Some demons even bowed down on the ship with great respect.

Those who dare to ignore the ban in such a big way are, of course, only those other ancestors of the same level as the Blue Falls.

This naturally makes these ordinary demons see it, either surprise, or fight with trembling!

On this white jade boat, it started from the land of the first demon, passed through the magic array of more than a dozen demon cities, and then rushed to Han Li in the nearby area.

And his purpose here is to come here for the purple spirit.

In those years, he promised this woman that once she had the ability to get rid of the control of the six poles, he would try to help her restore her original human body and take her back to the spiritual world together.

Now that the six poles have fallen into the hands of Baohua, there is no one in the demon world who can threaten him. Naturally, he intends to fulfill his promise to pick up the purple spirit.

As for the Blue Falls ancestor here, he was also a member trapped in the ancient seal at the beginning. Although he has returned to this place, he must have heard of his name for a long time.

So even if the ancestor of the demon clan knew that he was a human race, he would never come out to stop him.

While Han Li was thinking silently, the white spacecraft had arrived at the edge of the giant island where the Blue Falls City was located. After hovering in the air for a few times, it suddenly fell towards a dense forest shrouded in pale white light.

A few "puffs"!

The prohibition of several layers of white light, forced by the power of Han Lipang's great god, actually broke into a huge hole more than ten feet in diameter.

Before the spacecraft resumed these prohibitions, it flashed into it.

And under the prohibition, a huge several-storey attic stands quietly on the ground, and at the top of the attic gate, the three big ancient texts of "Guangyuanzhai" are shining.

At the same time, in a secret room on the fourth floor of the attic, a girl in sackcloth, who was reading lazily, suddenly stood up from the chair in surprise, and then her fingers quickly pinched the fire a few times, and a surprised expression appeared on her face.

"Miss, it's not good! Someone forcibly broke the ban and broke in. A woman's angry voice came from downstairs.'s place.

"Auntie Zhu, don't worry, it's not the enemy's invasion, but a distinguished guest." The girl in sackcloth smiled and seemed to reply with great excitement. To be continued)

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