The mage is fierce

Chapter 10 Data and Reality

27 days after two months, the seventeenth day of the first month.

Su Minghai (from now on, not Liu Xinchen, but only Su Minghai) held a piece of glasses cloth and gently wiped the sword in his hand. For weapons to exert their greatest power, they need careful warmth to familiarize themselves with the structure and texture of the sword. This is a habit he has developed for nearly three years.

The blade has a good luster, and the fine cloud patterns are stacked layer by layer, which is extremely evenly distributed on the sword body.

The iron sand is found from the rush arrow stream, mixed with some emery, which makes the dark clouds occasionally shine amazingly. These emery will make the sword a little crisp, but it also ensures that the blade can be called superior sharpness.

This sword took five or six people to build it day and night. The harvest of using the Su family's entry into the mountain to look for trophy - the blood quenching of the two sabre-toothed beasts was forged.

It is specially forged for Su Minghai, which is a kind of advance - the Su family did not know that Su Minghai had stepped into the field of high-level warriors a few months ago, and now he is a quasi-magician. And the sixth-order warrior cannot fully exert the power of this weapon.

The sword is completely made according to Su Minghai's preferences, with a single blade, 9 mm back thickness and 3 mm blade thickness: in the world where most people are armored warriors, chopping, cutting and stabbing are the most important and fatal means, so a single blade is the only choice.

The sword is 102 cm long, the handle is 24 cm long, 76 cm long, and 4.1 cm wide.

The blade flashed with a dark cold light, 36 cm long, followed by an unopened blade, followed by a 6 mm deep anti-serration, with the saw blade open on the back of the teeth. There are three purposes:

One is to prevent the piercing too deep. When the sting is deep, the anti-aliasing can pull the wound into a ball of rotten meat, and it does not affect the smooth pulling out of the sword.

The second is to facilitate blocking and prevent the other party from using washing, sliding and other means to hit the handshake.

The third is to adjust the center of gravity. The 6mm deep serration shortens the width of the sword body in the second half by an average of 3.2 mm. The result of moving the center of gravity forward is more conducive to chopping.

There is a 6cm reverse blade at the tip of the back of the sword. Su Minghai's Wudang sword is being learned. This is a completely national swordsmanship and requires the use of a double-edged long sword. The 6cm reverse blade can meet the use of this oriental swordsmanship, and it is also enough to cut off the main blood vessel in most areas of the other party.

Behind the back of the blade, a blood tank with a depth of 4 mm was grinded on the back of the sword, which is almost the standard of the domestic Type 54 military thorn, and the other two blood tanks are traditional: 12 mm below the back of the sword. In the face of the body of a muscular warrior wearing leather armor in the alien world, piercing 12 cm is the minimum standard.

Only this depth can cut enough cracks in the heart and make the other party lose strength in an instant. And this 4mm deep blood tank can play its due role when it pierces 12 centimeters.

The sword weighs five catties and nine taels. Whether it is the length or weight of the sword, it is slightly beyond the limit of Su Minghai's current one-handed use.

In the past three months, Su Minghai has repeatedly compared the data with reality and reached some conclusions:

The strength is expressed in the explosive power and the weight of the weapon used. The data of an ordinary person is about 10. After training and mastering the correct way of power, you can hit 40% to 50% of your own weight with a jab, 80% to 90% of your straight fist, and 200% of your full swing can hit 200% of your strength. Quantity.

Su Minghai now weighs only 108 jin and has a strength of 21 points, so his jab is about 100 jin, his straight fist is more than 190 jin, and swinging can kill more than 450 jin. Because he was too light, he was in power in the pub three months ago when he faced the burly teenager weighing 150 pounds.

The own data of strength is the weight of a slow-speed weapon with one hand, while one-fifth, and one-half of the power data is the upper limit of the weight of one-handed fast, fast and medium-speed weapons.

Of course, the type of weapon also has a certain impact on this. The single-edged sword must be at least a fast weapon to be lethal. The upper limit of the one-handed fast weapon Su Minghai now uses is five catties and two taels, so it can only be used as a two-handed weapon to play the role of fast chopping.

The coefficients of speed, fast, medium and slow speed of two-handed weapons are one-third, three-fifth and one-fifth respectively, and the upper weight of this data should be multiplied by four. According to Su Minghai's current strength at 21 points, he can use an 84 catty axe, a 50 catties knife or a 28 catty long gun.

Agility is reflected in people's coordination ability and explosive speed - including the speed of action, the speed of continuous running and the ultimate speed of running, which also determines a person's walking speed. A 10-point agile person walks at a speed of about 10 square meters in miles. That is equivalent to 3.16 miles, that is, 5.08 kilometers per hour. This speed multiplied by five is the ultimate explosive speed of a person, and the continuous running speed is three-quarters of the explosive speed.

Physical strength determines the distribution of human body surface force, as well as the recovery and sustainability of physical strength per unit time. Like Su Minghai's 23 o'clock agility and 20 o'clock physical strength can almost support him to run for an hour at a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per hour, and the limit speed can reach almost 30* kilometers. If you slow down the running speed, you can almost travel four or five hundred miles a day.

The recovery ability of physical strength actually affects the rate of physical loss during sports and fighting. Therefore, if his physical strength is only 10 points for a normal person, it is the limit to maintain a speed of 30 kilometers for 10 minutes.

Su Minghai put away the glasses cloth, which is also his original world heritage, and also retains a pair of presbyopia glasses with a plastic frame. Then insert the sword into the scabbard. The scabbard has only one-sided thin pieces of wood, tied with a thin rope to fix the sword body.

The sword is a little too long for him to be 1.68 meters tall now. Su Minghai carefully fixed the scabbard on his back, and the hilt was obliquely exposed on his right shoulder. Then test whether the position of the hilt is appropriate and make careful adjustments.

As long as he considers whether it is convenient to grasp the position of the hilt, he does not need to consider whether he can pull out the too long sword. Once you catch the hilt and pull out half of it, as long as the wrist is slightly biased, you can cut the string with a sharp blade. With the help of the lever of the shoulder, the first blow will launch a faster than usual.

Weapons can be collected in the equipment column and hidden in non-combat situations. But not all people have space equipment, and Su Minghai has to hang weapons on his body like most people:

Super long sword: one-handed damage 4-9, durability 24/24, sword level: speed attack, required strength: 30. Su Minghai's strength has not met the requirements, so he must hold it with both hands to issue standard killing.

He walked for a day yesterday. As a samurai, he had to maintain his physical strength at all times, so he was not fast. He only rushed 110 miles and rested under this cliff where there were often teams.

In front is Qiuyang, the arrow valley, one of the eight scenes of Taoxi County. This is a straight canyon with a length of five miles, just east and west.

The rapid arrow stream twists left and right in the canyon, forming seven or eight waterfalls. At the autumn equinox, you can directly see the sunset from the west entrance on the east side of the canyon, becoming a major landscape.

Walk another five or six miles at the east entrance of the canyon. Thirty years ago, it was a small town, Luowu Town. Originally, he was a baron, and he was regarded as a fief baron.

It is said that the last Baron Barrins at that time was also a seven-level master, offending a Dilling when he was looking for fun in the county. Carlo's magic warrior killed the other party's father. Dilling was captured in revenge. Barrins was drinking in the restaurant and stood on the railing to interrogate Dilling.

The old man killed by Barnes was a wild man, and his son Dilling had military achievements when he was a teenager and was already a civilian. He is a silver family. During the interrogation, Barnes found that Dilin was famous and surnames, and the old man was a wild man with only a name, so he thought that the old man was a relative or servant of Dilin, and Dilin also gritted his teeth and did not say anything about the relationship.

Barnes is still reasonable. The nobleman accidentally killed the wild man. According to the law, he only needs to compensate for the burial expenses and a certain compensation expenses. About four gold coins can be used for a family of five civilians to live a more comfortable life for a year. Barnes doubled the compensation and lost eight gold coins - which is close to a year's salary of a knight.

This various ethnic groups in Eshi continent is called the gold family, the silver family and the bronze family, which is equivalent to the yellow, white people and colored people in Su Minghai's previous life. The people are divided into wild people and civilians due to war, destruction of the country, crime and other reasons, and civilians are divided into people and city people.

The gold family has 18 families, the silver family has 9 families, and the bronze family has 7 families, known as copper seven silver nine gold eighteen.

The common people of the golden clan have a famous surname, while the wild can continue their surname, and the name can only be taken according to the date of birth, family ranking or nickname.

For example, Su Minghai's current identity can only be regarded as a wild man, so he can't call himself Minghai on formal occasions. He can only be called Su Sansi by birthday, or Su 16 according to the ranking. Of course, it's okay to call it a nickname, such as dog egg, big hair, Laifu and so on.

And the wild people of the silver and bronze clan cannot have surnames, but can only take names.

Wild people do not need to perform military service. If they are innocent, they can also join the army. After military merit, they can become civilians. The tax is 15 tax one, but most of the wild people are based in the wild, so most of them do not have to pay taxes.

Civilians are taxable and need to perform military service. Among them, the city people can move freely, and the people can only live in the main territory, but after being promoted to middle-level soldiers, they will naturally become civilians.

Above the common people is the title, which is divided into seven levels: king, prince, marquis, uncle, son, male, knight (samurai). The title is divided into two types: title and fiefdom, and you must have combat merit or great merit to be awarded the title. Among them, the fiefdom must have the merit of land expansion to be rewarded.

As far as Dilin is concerned, the hatred of killing his father is irrecontinent, and naturally he will not give up.

And there is also a common law in the Esh continent: even the wild people, who avenge the country, kill their parents, and inherit the three major ungible feuds, as long as the other party is not above the duke of duchy, the murderer is innocent.

But a little baron in Barnes did not dare to kill an eighth-level demon warrior at will. I only taught my men to beat him and rushed out. Dilling pretended to stagger when he went out and slapped the railing. Barnes was secretly put into the body, but he didn't know it at all. After returning home, his lungs were rotten and he died on the bed after a month.

Magic warriors are one of the objects that people are most reluctant to provoke. Compared with ordinary warriors, in addition to Yuanli, they also have mysterious real power skills. It is extremely weird to plot people, and often they will be tricked unconsciously. And most of them are genealogical inheritance and kill one. I don't know which brother will come out to plot against you. Therefore, there was also a reason why Barnes did not dare to offend him to death at that time.

After Dilling learned of Barnes' death, he still refused to give up and rushed to Luowu Town to destroy more than 60 barons. Together with three fief knights, two knights, and 80 territorial warriors, they were killed by him by various means. He also moved his father's grave to the mountain next to Luowu Town and sacrificed the 150 people.

This sacrifice turned out to be a problem. He communicated with the underworld inexplicably.

Dilin didn't see it right, but he ran to the county and was found by the official three days later. These things were leaked out. As a result, Di Lin was sentenced to death by fire and all the priests were purified along the way. However, the climate of more than 40 miles in Luowu Town has become, and more than 2,500 people in six villages in a town have basically been demonized or transformed into undead creatures. Churches can only be blocked and cannot be expelled.

There are many such dirty places on the mainland. The area of Xiangluowu Town is relatively small, so as long as the sun passes between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., the monsters will not come out.

Su Minghai was not in a hurry yesterday and rested at the campground outside the gorge for one night, which was the reason. And in some places with a large range and heavy disasters, even during the day, it can only weaken the activities of undead creatures, so ordinary people have no possibility of entering at all.