The mage is fierce

Chapter 18 Plain Hand Sprink

After a while, a figure flashed at the door and walked into a beautiful maid, took a small steamer, lowered her head, and walked gracefully to Su Minghai.

Su Minghai saw that the woman's face was a little distressingly pale, and his expression seemed to be reluctant to come to serve Su Minghai. I couldn't help but feel narrow-minded and stared deeply at the woman, seemingly smiling and never leaving.

This beautiful maid experienced a lot of scenes, but she couldn't help blushing when she looked at Su Minghai all the way to his eyes. He lowered his head, knelt down on the teenager's side, put the steamer on the case, and whispered:

"Please use it slowly." He gave birth to a small hand like bamboo shoots and opened the lid of the pot.

Ji Xingfei, who had an injured leg, sat on Su Minghai's upper right head. At this time, his men suddenly shouted "ah" and broke off the corner of the long case.

The three or five people in black around also exclaimed and their faces changed greatly. One of them suddenly sat up straight, and two of them slipped their hands, but knocked over the bowls on the case. The seat is full of fat clothes, and the juice and vegetable soup fly together. It was a mess for a while.

is the three people opposite, Gavin, Jiang Bo Bird and Gu Cheng, who also look slightly changed, and their eyes flashed.

Su Minghai looked down and couldn't help but be secretly shocked. In the steamer, a pair of beautiful plain hands were put!

The cardamom on the nails is strong, and the color has not returned.

Because of a large amount of blood loss, the skin on the back of the hand is pale and thrilling. The blue veins under the skin are hidden, and the more these hands are as crystal clear as gel.

The pot is steaming, and after a moment in the room, there is a kind of deliciousness that goes deep into the bone marrow.


A teenager in the middle of sitting smelled the fragrance and couldn't help taking a deep breath, but immediately frowned and quickly stuck his hand in his throat, almost vomiting.

The people at the top, whether they are grateful or majestic, are like thunder and dew, and God's will is natural, pointing directly to people's hearts. Grace is like rain and dew, and everyone is stained, among which there are priorities; the power is like thunder, and the ears are full of thunder. Although there is only one person, everyone is shocked.

Liu Mingtong just cooked the BMW, although everyone has their own points. However, only a few people in the seat vaguely knew that such a heroic move was specially made for Su Minghai. Of course, the beneficiaries are well-known, and the rest of the black people are also grateful;

This time, I cooked a beautiful plain hand and specially brought it to the Sixteen Lang seat, but it was public among the people. As soon as the lid of the pot opened, the seat was full of shock.

If an ordinary person is in Su Minghai's position, I'm afraid that the count is more valued, which is to give him power. During this period, the behavior was natural. Neither Su Minghai nor the people present were cold. As far as Liu Mingtong was concerned, he was not suspected of being upside down and his hot face was cold.

Liu Mingtong laughed:

"I have a good agreement with 16 Lang, but 16 Lang is young and has a bright future. How can he have a good time because of a woman? Since I like this pair of slender hands, I will take them for you, so that sixteen Lang can leave a thought. In the future, the sky and the earth will still be dominated by Sixteen Lang. Why do you make such a fuss? I won the name of Cangshan.

Su Minghai's body is motionless. He has also worked at the deputy bureau level for more than ten years in his previous life. Although he is relatively clean, there are always eight, nine and ten breasts. I have seen a lot of candy sticks tricks of the powerful in the officialdom, even if they can use a few sets.

But when I saw such a beautiful person at this moment, I was smashed in front of my eyes, and the dark center jump was inevitably aggravated. Turn around and arch your hand to Liu Mingtong:

"Sixteen people are weak, young and knowledgeable. How can they be loved by adults so much?"

At this time, another figure flashed at the door, and there was a humane voice: "Sixteen Lang."

However, Guan Tianxu finished his meal in the next room, took a big sword in one hand, and looked into his head to see if the banquet was over here, and wanted to ask Su Minghai to go out to learn martial arts. At this time, he saw a pair of thrilling delicate hands in Su Minghai's case from the door, and his eyes widened and couldn't speak.

Su Minghai nodded to Guan Tianxu and smiled as a greeting, taking the opportunity to calm down. He turned his head and arched his hand again and said to Liu Mingtong with a light smile:

"In fact, Sixteen Lang has long admired adults for a long time. Do you remember the Urgent Arrow Gorge* more than two years ago?

When Liu Mingtong saw that he was really soft, he did not dare to relax a little. At this moment, after hearing what he said, he was stunned, raised his eyebrows and said:

"That was the year before last. Why, at that time, you were only 14 years old, and you had already entered the Fog Forest to practice?"

When he first heard it, he thought that the sixteen Lang was also practicing in the Fog Forest at that time. At that time, he shot and killed several fierce beasts. The teenager may have seen it from afar at that time. But it's impossible to think about it. Su Shili obviously doesn't have much experience, so how could he have gone out at that time? Could it be that this teenager has hidden something else? I can't help frowning again.

Su Minghai withdrew his hand, touched the smooth chin with one hand, stretched out diagonally with the other, supported the right corner of the long case, and replied:

"At that time, my martial arts skills were low, but I was just a little child. How dare I go to the depths of Fog Forest to find the misfortune of fierce beasts. It's just that I have seen the demeanor of adults.

Liu Mingtong heard that the sixteen Lang was a * person at that time, and he did not doubt his words. Although he usually goes out, he is very stingy and disturbing the people. It is even more common to fight with people and kill people. But as an aristocrat, there is still a temperament as a superior. Every time you come into contact with a humble person, you are often pleasant and even more subsidized. * As far as he knows, they are all wild people, and he has also ordered his men to distribute some small money to the children who followed him. Su 16 had seen him at that time, may have received his food and charity, or even be grateful.

But when he saw that Su Minghai was so martial arts at a young age and surnamed Su, he immediately thought of Su Lingnan and Jesslow, who had fled without a trace.

The gold coins of the Esch continent, regardless of country, are commonly stipulated to be cast into a square, one inch thick, and weigh just one tael, which is called one gold, including ten silver coins, silver horns or green coins, or 10,000 small coins, that is, ten pieces. Generally, a small rich family has 200 mu of land and produces no more than 4050 yuan a year.

After Jesslow's theft of the stacking Dan, Wendy's business alliance was rich and offered a reward of 800 Jesslot and 500 Su Lingnan, a total of 1,300 gold coins. He is already a prospective magician, and Dielang Dan is useless to him, so he is not very eager.

But this 1,300 gold coins is not a small amount: a fief baron's annual income is only 50 or 60 gold, generally only 20 or 30 gold, and the balance is probably not even one-fifth; the fief viscounts often control a city, only 300 gold a year; that is, the fief The count is nothing more than a daughter.

Although Liu Mingtong is a title count, he occupies the Cangshan area and collects protection fees from passers-by merchants. His annual income is even higher than many feudal countes. But he raised many masters, and some subdued fortresses are more profitable, and naturally spend more. Up to now, the total number in the warehouse has been in operation for seven or eight years.

Therefore, he immediately thought about whether to continue to attract Su Shilang, or kill him directly to the door, or seize the secret situation. I don't pay attention to talking for a while.

Su Minghai didn't think so much, but he didn't have any feelings for *. After four years of slavery in Jesslow's family, although he did not suffer much in the eyes of the villagers, his previous life was born in an era when only children were prevalent, but he had never had such an experience, and he was inevitably worried. It was nothing more than this result when they went outside. The villagers looked closely at the servant and couldn't run out, let alone follow him into the city to sell goods. They had no choice but to stay in the village.

Now he has left a history on Su's genealogy, and he only wants to be equal to these four years. I have long thought about the innocence of my life, so that the sea can be vast and the fish can leap, and the sky is high and the birds can fly, achieving a free body. If it hadn't been for the leakage of Su Lingnan and Jesslow, how could he do this if he had to worry about the world's evaluation of his own morality.

Therefore, when he went out to talk to people, he still claimed to be surnamed Su, and the ranking was also according to the genealogy. Gain proved his innocence and asked him to change his name. Unless he got another identity, it is impossible now. He didn't care about the Su family. What he wanted was the identity of the Su family. When the sky fell, he didn't support it. Therefore, such detailed loopholes are naturally unexpected, and they don't even want to think about it.

Seeing that Liu Mingtong didn't come to talk for a while, Su Minghai didn't think so. He still smiled warmly and said to the count:

"At that time, I led a horse for the adult and accidentally stained the adult's clothes. The adult said to me, 'How about you dirty my clothes, and I also dirty your clothes'? As soon as I mentioned it, I flew 120 feet and fell in the pigsty.

When Gavin, Jiang Bo Bird and Gu Cheng saw that he was gradually wrong, they all raised their guard and secretly put their hands on the handle of the weapon. However, seeing Su Minghai's smile and Xi, he seemed to be full of longing and had no hostility. He suppressed his nature and did not jump out.

Su Minghai's tone was slightly paused, and then said:

"It's just that the count's hands are full of strength. I'm just like walking into the pigsty step by step, and I didn't even kick my foot. It's really just a pig's shit on his face.

When the three Gavin heard this, they couldn't help laughing. He was slightly relaxed, but his palm was still on the weapon.

It is also common for masters to encounter such things. An apprentice in black received like Gavin once threw him in the air for more than ten feet at that time. In the winter, he was half frozen to death in the river and obeyed the methods of his predecessors before he listened to your advice honestly. Usually, when they meet their descendants and are not well, they are also asked to see the superior methods of their predecessors.

The same is true for some contemptuous wild people, but it can't be said that there is malice. Many descendants and subordinates are often proud of this fall. Not to mention that this sixteen Lang was still a child at that time, even today's seven-level figure, if he met the magician so attentively, he would be proud.

However, these three people did not expect that Su Minghai was actually a magician, and his martial arts skills were still above Liu Mingtong.

And Su Minghai comes from his previous life, and his psychological age is higher than the three of them combined. Although they were slaves at that time, these people from other world were just like pigs and dogs. How could they tolerate such behavior? It doesn't matter if the people in the village bumped a little, but the insults and bullying suffered by these strangers are remembered in his heart.