The mage is fierce

Chapter 95 Burning

However, he said that Tims listened to Jiang Bo's instructions and immediately made a loud promise. But the former Cangbao, a think tank, always smiles, and the Falcons and the people in black are extremely close to him. Therefore, he still refused to leave and handed over the broken sword in his hand with a smile:

"Your Excellency, this blood refining broken sword can still be used in a furnace. Please accept it first." But thinking about the peak of Jiang Bo's sixth-level bird for many years, he has been preparing for this good product.

Jiang Bo bird refused with a smile:

"You boy, I'm afraid that I can't break through the high level in my life. In the past two years, many of you will be above me."

Back to Zhang Jiezi and Angus politely:

"Why don't you two accept it first?"

But he deliberately put these teenagers into a high level in two years. First of all, how could Zhang Jiezi and Angus receive this sword? These two have a bold nature and have a little love for Tims, a teenager, but they didn't expect Jiang Bojiu's many curves to refuse:

"Haha, you Tims got this first. We won't want the booty you got from your child. Just keep it first."

After all, the seven tigers and wolves are only temporarily staying in the former castle. Once they break through the high level, they basically have to go back, but they will only leave a favor in the future. A blood refining weapon, although in terms of its value, it is too low to collect a high-level soldier. But this thing is priceless and has no market. It takes good luck to touch it. Jiang Bo bird is naturally fat and does not flow to other people's fields. First, it must be left in the hands of the teenager of the former Cangbao.

Tims was willing to give this to Jiang Bo Bird, but he was not happy to give it to the other two. Just now, when I heard what Jiang Boji said, I was really reluctant. Now the two of them refused, and they were overjoyed. They thanked repeatedly and put the broken sword in their scabbard. With his long sword in his hand, he arranged manpower and said goodbye to the three people.

Su Minghai drifted another six or seven miles, and the water in front of him turned, revealing five or six houses, which should be wild people living in the mountains. He immediately knew that the opportunity had come, rowed hard and got into a boundless reed next to him. After being convinced that he could never see himself outside, Fangshi found a stone and sat down by a five or six mu of water pug.

Injured people usually find a place where there is no one to secretly heal their wounds, or find people to be taken care of. In this way, even if a pursuer came, he thought for a moment whether there would be hidden people in the house. Unexpectedly, he would still hide in the reeds next to him under the circumstances of such people. And if the enemy continues to search, since there is human smoke here, there will inevitably be traces of human activity on the ground and by the water. If these people search based on these traces, they will only go astray. Relatively speaking, it is much more likely to escape.

Not long after sitting quietly, there was a rapid and light footsteps in the reeds, and the sound of the rolling reeds fell down, and the sound of reed leaves was even greater. Su Minghai's ears and eyes were still sensitive. When he listened, he knew that there were about 20 people running through the path in the reeds. After a while, in the sound of the wind, there was a faint sound of words. Obviously, these people were asking the local wild people.

Within 40 miles of this area, it is the sphere of influence of the former Cangbao. Even if it is a robber's nest, it is not too harsh on the people in the sphere of influence. Liu Mingtong usually lived as the owner of Cang County and took a lot of care of these people. Therefore, in terms of these wild people's feelings for the former Cangbao, it is much better than Su Minghai's impression of the government in his previous life. Su Minghai also faintly heard the sound of someone leaving these people for lunch. Fortunately, he was cautious and careful in everything, and his whereabouts were not discovered by these wild people. Otherwise, he would really ask them something about this question.

These black-clothed villagers said that they had not seen any movement and did not return to the incident. Jiang Bo bird let them rush the first 25 miles at full speed in order to intercept the other party in the encirclement, and then slowly turn back to search. This place is only twelve or three miles away from the site of the incident, and they still have half the way to go, so when they hear that there is no news, they don't stop, they immediately get up and chase forward.

Su Minghai's old god continued to settle down, waiting for a little Yuanli to gather, curled up his left foot with the most serious bone misalignment, and pushed it with his hand to reset the bone one by one. In this way, you can do it yourself and pull the broken bones, and the pain is more than the help of others. Even Su Minghai has been tested for a long time in Shizhuguan, and he can't help sweating coldly. There were a lot of pipes and iron rods in his tool table, so he immediately took out an iron pipe to fix his leg bones.

At this point, every cent of power should be carefully calculated. Su Minghai first stopped the internal bleeding, but did not cure the visceral injury; he received several ribs, but only asked for his hands to use strength. Up to now, 24 ribs have been counted, and there are still 37. Now that the bone of the left leg has been matched, I no longer care about it. I am ready to fit the right leg bone in the next step. In this way, the hematoma on the leg will disappear, no more bleeding, and naturally no more vitality will be lost. Then he heals the organs so that the magic power can run more freely. Then consider the external injury and the issue of combat effectiveness.

Although the sun is extremely long in spring, it is fixed to heal wounds. When you open your eyes, it will be dusk. There were voices from afar in the village, and many footsteps walked around, obviously starting a detailed search.

The 46 black guard falcons drove out more than ten miles on this rugged mountain road in just half an hour to reach the scheduled end. After taking turns to have lunch, I waited to search back, but it was much slower. It was not until this evening that I returned here - in this way, there were still many people along the road, and I really couldn't find any trace.

This five or six families also has a name, called Straw Shoe Bay. The stream reaches here, and the water surface is open, but there are still many shallow areas. In this way, it will flow into the fog river for more than 70 miles.

Legend has it that Zhao Kebang led his troops here and went up. In a Tingbu crossing a stream, he found a huge straw shoe, which was placed between the two Tingbu, and immediately knew the powerful enemy of tens of thousands of people in the mountains. So he went up the stream and found Harrison, one of the 18 founding generals of the Zhao Empire. St. Danny. It is said that this man has a blind old woman, Saint. Danny's mother is filial, and Zhao Kebang has met Sheng. After Danny's mother, he was told by his mother to hide in the pile of straw in the woodshed. Soon, St. Danny came back with a white-fronted tiger and said he was lucky and hit a bocat. When peeling, he immediately smelled the smell of strangers, took out Zhao Kebang and his entourage, and was about to kill people.

Result Saint. Danny's mother came forward to stop him, saying that Zhao Kebang was his cousin and persuaded Sheng. Danny followed Zhao Ke to lead the army. St. Danny wanted to serve his mother and refused to leave, but his mother persuaded him. Danny went out to pick some vegetables and took the opportunity to burn himself to death. St. Danny then followed Zhao Kebang and defeated the great country of the Zhao Empire. Since then, this stream has been called Grass Shoe Stream. These five or six families have also gathered the limelight of celebrities and call them Grass Shoe Bay.

These black people have been searching around the straw shoe bay for a long time, but nowhere can they find any traces. It's getting dark, and it's impossible to search again. After more than 20 men dispersed the necessary surveillance people, they simply vacated a family here and lived there.

"Brother Liu, there have been many footprints by the river along the way, but none of them may be Su Sixteen?"

The speaker is a man in black, with many freckles on his face. He is thin and weak, and his bones are slender and strong. The old comets are concentrated in the mouth of the tiger, palms and fingers. He should be a person who is good at using light swords and hidden weapons.

The people in black usually train, focusing more on battle cooperation and group fighting, and jungle battles are also fought. But there are flaws in tracking, unlike the Falcons, who are good at single combat. Therefore, this journey only plays a role in cooperation with the killing, and the judgment of the three people of the Falcons is a little confused.

More than half of the six-level characters of the Falcons. Brother Liu's face is dark, with a moustache on his upper lip, which looks relatively calm. Seeing the boy asking questions, he replied patiently:

"The footprints or traces left behind, in your opinion, it seems that there is no difference except mud. However, there are still many places that can be distinguished, such as silt by the water, which often destroys traces because of the infiltration and washing of water. But because of these infiltration, you can know how long ago this footprints were left. We don't care about the many footprints you see. In fact, we see that this trace has been left for more than half a day.

"For another example, Su XVI's legs are broken now. You should know this, right?"

The freckled teenager nodded repeatedly: "Well, I know that."

"Then when he gets ashore, he can only use the tools on his hands or hands. At the same time, if he drags his feet behind him, there must be traces of dragging. Therefore, in fact, we can pay much attention to ordinary footprints.

The freckled teenager suddenly realized, "Oh, I know. No wonder we searched so fast this way!"

Brother Liu said, "This is not surprising. You should notice that we searched quickly in the first half and carefully in the second half. There is also a time judgment, which can judge the general range of the other party according to the flow rate of this stream. Then expand the distance in this range, which is why we have to rush 25 miles. In the first paragraph, it is basically impossible for the other party to arrive, so the search is more hasty.

"After all, we have to seize the time, otherwise at night like now, we can't search, and the other party will have a chance to recover. It is also easier to escape and hide. We just dispersed our hands to prevent each other from escaping.

The freckled teenager listened and looked at the reeds outside:

"This reed is so big that it can burn for a few days. Now that it's dark, we have burned the reeds, and the surroundings are bright. Isn't Su Shiliu can't escape?