The mage is fierce

Chapter 127 Siege

At this time, there was a sudden breeze in front of Su Minghai...

In the breeze, there is a strange smell - a little fragrant... and a little smelly... It seems that the cold rice has been put for three or five nights... and it seems that the oil bowl with white hair has not been washed...

Xi Lidong floated and folded west, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at Su Minghai.

This man obviously rushed up with Gavin, and Su Minghai also saw his figure, but his mind seemed to completely ignore his existence, and even focused his whole spirit on Gavin. Until then, his greasy nausea reached Su Minghai's nostrils, and he came to his senses.

Xi Li's body was like a ghost and flashed in front of Su Minghai. Suddenly, there was a greasy one in his hand, and a few long black thorns with shreds of meat. He stabbed Su Minghai's right elbow.

Su Minghai has just finished sending three swords and is waiting to take a sword flower and then take Jiawen's sword move. But at this jux, I saw Xi Li's just right stab, and I couldn't help feeling numb on my elbow, and there was a feeling of powerlessness in my heart.

However, Xi Li's thorn was only half, three inches away from Su Minghai's elbow, so he shrank back, slipped around, and stabbed Su Minghai's right waist.

Su Minghai was just about to change his move to break Xi Li's illness just now, but he felt numb in his waist and eyes, and his hands were powerful, but this waist seemed to be unable to turn around...

And Xi Li's piercing eyes still did not stab. This time, it was farther away, and the tip pierced Su Minghai's waist and eyes were still four inches away. He shrank back, and his body slipped again...

Su Minghai almost jumped up - it's not that he can't contribute, but that he has no place to work...

Xi's martial arts skills are obviously not high, but his tricks are indescribable... obscene...

Next, Xi Li stabbed again, but this time he went to Su Minghai's left side and stabbed Su Minghai's left knee!

Su Minghai was just about to turn around, and his left knee bent so hard that he suffered such a stab. He was indescribably aggrieved - as if he opened the door in the morning, but found a lot of stinky feces on the door panel by a little hooligan! It's like in the white and clean snow, as soon as I took a step, I stepped on the black paint mud...

Why is this man's martial arts so slippery... Is his sharp thorn barbecue... or murderous...

The tip of the thorn was still five inches away from his knees. Xi Li's wrist turned over and really retreated. But this time, he didn't turn around, and even retreated far away - because Gavin above had rushed again, stabbing Su Minghai's forehead!

Su Minghai was harassed by Xi Li and was disgusted. At this time, it was too late to return the sword immediately and had to take a step back. Only then can he put out his sword and jingle to resolve Gavin's round of offensive.

Gavin is worthy of being the head of the four geese in Cangshan Mountain. This body is really as light as a goose. He took Su Minghai's six swords, and his body was two feet high, and his wrist was vibrating, but this time it was a "buzzing--" sound in half a day, lighting up nine sword flowers.

Su Minghai curled his lips - you, when I pick you up again, you can still conjure up twelve flowers with a sword - even if Su Minghai himself is light and agile, his swordsmanship has reached a very wonderful level among magicians, and he can only barely use the tricks of twelve flowers with a sword. However, he didn't realize it at this moment - he had just been beaten by Liu Mingtong and disgusted by Xi Lituan, but his heart was already angry. Just now, his thoughts had been taken with swear words.

Just now, the smell of the meal has not dissipated, but it suddenly became stronger again - Xi Li saw that Gavin's blow was useless, his body was blurred, and the cat's waist was pricked, and Su Minghai's left knee was stabbed!

Su Minghai frowned depressedly, his eyes narrowed into a line, only one mouth, and grined lazily, as if he had a smile. He was extremely disgusted with this Xi Li. Seeing that he was about to go forward and nausea, he simply withdrew his left foot and took a step back.

This retreat, he found a person in the distance, like clouds and flowing water, approaching him quickly - but Wu Xingliang hurriedly looked at his brother's injury and saw that it was okay. He got up and forced Su Minghai.

Although this man was wearing leather armor and had just left his injured brother, his expression was still peaceful. Three rays of long beard fluttering in the wind, and there was an indescribable literary elegance. Even in the rapid approach, his body is still straight, and his whole body muscles seem to be lazy and leisurely.

But as soon as he moved, even the starlight suddenly became brilliant. In the slender grass swaying at the bottom of the cliff in the distance, the chirring of summer insects suddenly stopped. The originally noisy frog sang like being stuck in the throat by someone at the same time at the same time. The sparrow was silent, and even in the gully The sobs of the flowing water are much lighter...

Liu Mingtong is breathing in--



There seems to be something in the air, quietly oppressing and oppressing the nerves of the people. The nearly 500 chaotic soldiers around them are just shouting, the sound of human body collision, the sound of blade impact, and the muffled humming accidentally poked by their companions, but under the pressure of this power, everyone is quiet. Standing still, he stayed there like a clay sculpture.

-Liu Mingtong saw that Su Minghai was forced into a downwind by Jiawen and Xi Li for a moment and began to prepare for a shocking blow!

At this time, Xi Li stabbed into the air and suddenly jumped like a disgusting toad. Although he jumped up less than two feet, he stabbed in his hand and stabbed at Su Minghai's right knee!

Su Minghai retreated with his left foot at this time and still did not fall to the ground. Obviously, he knew that it would be better to stab him in this place, but this sharp blow made him feel unexpected.

His right-hand dagger should be prepared to pick up Gavin's sword and nine flowers, and the rest that can cope with Xi Li's attack are only the small round shield of his left hand and the change of body method. But Xi Li first bent his right elbow, then his right waist eye, then bent his left knee, left knee, and now it's his turn to the right knee - every landing point of the thorn, he aimed at the place where Su Minghai's round shield could not reach, and then Su Minghai's left hand was completely useless.

Su Minghai only felt a burst of heart - damn it! If you don't let me block it, I will block it! Zuo Dun suddenly closed, turned over his shoulder, and faintly aimed at Jiawen's sword. As soon as his body turned away, the dagger in his right hand suddenly lit up, and the golden light was dazzling, and the sword pointed at Xi Li's forehead - he also saw through it. This sloppy man, to put it bluntly, was a mouse, was obviously timid, but he would steal oil every time he had a chance.

He is a magician, and his knee is stabbed by such a seven-level warrior, which is nothing more than damaging some power, but Xi Li was pierced by him, and he will die immediately!

Xi Li really didn't want to, and the thin thorn in his hand jumped up, "Ding--" and fought with the flashing dagger once. Su Minghai took the opportunity to send countless demons over fiercely. Xi Li couldn't stop his strength, like a lazy cat being hit by a blow. "Oh," he shouted and jumped back a little. He also changed the long thorns back and forth in his hands. Xue Xue was painful, as if she had been burned by the flame damage on Su Minghai's dagger.

As soon as Su Minghai and the other party made friends with real strength, he immediately knew that this man was actually a magic warrior. No wonder the magic power in his body had a skill. His hidden attack did not cause much damage to him. But when he saw this man make such a fuss, he was even more afraid.

At this time, Gavin jumped down again, with a sword and nine flowers, and it turned out to be Su Minghai's head. Su Minghai raised his left shield and went straight up!

"Capture! Grab it! Grab it! Grab it! Grab it!"

The sword shield hit each other, and five times in a row, almost into a sound. The other four cold stars were scattered and opened. One took Su Minghai's eyebrows, the artery behind the ear, and the throat was sunken. The last bit of sword flower actually stabbed into the air, preventing Su Minghai's dagger from fighting back.

Su Minghai's left foot has settled at this time, and he suddenly inhales!

He inhaled and leaned back; he leaned back on his upper body, and his right foot suddenly moved!

Just as Gavin was about to continue stabbing, he saw Su Minghai's shoulder moving, and he couldn't help but be a little confused - when the master's shoulder moved, he often had some unexpected tricks. But Su Minghai's dagger is still on the periphery, and the left shield is still stagnant. Is there anything else that can attack him - is it possible that his shoulder is raised two feet higher to block my sword?

Just thinking like this, I suddenly saw a growing sole of my foot in the corners of my eyes, and came to my face with a "woo" sound!

This foot obviously kicks up from the bottom, but it gives Gavin a feeling of overwhelming pressure from the top.


This wind is so loud!

The strength of this foot, from the bottom up, actually snored and rolled out a whirlpool. Gavin only felt that his body suddenly lost his strength, and was immediately pressed two feet, as if he couldn't help but use his body to meet this earth-shaking foot.


Gvin Hengjian! Block! The four flying sword flowers suddenly converberate!

This foot came from the bottom, but suddenly turned into a flat kick. In the strong wind, it kicked on the body of Gavin's just fallen sword! He was immediately kicked out in the air!

At this time, Su Minghai leaned back and couldn't stand such strength. He also retreated like a bat that suddenly took off. Seeing that he was about to hit the cliff behind him, his waist was folded, he returned to the root of the cliff and clicked his foot, and his body changed from backward to sideways. At this time, he was not yet upright, and his right hand dagger sparked a dazzling spark on the rock, and suddenly lit up in the darkness.

At this time, even many soldiers who stood can see that Su Minghai stretched out his foot and tried his best to support him on the cliff. His body suddenly ran eastward like a bird and disappeared.