The mage is fierce

Chapter 146 Red Robe First Banquet

There is also a long way from Xie Pengze's mansion to this Juying Building. Su Minghai listened to Xie Pengze talk a lot about Kou Kang's deeds on the road. After all, he also has a juvenile heart and can't help but be a little curious about this person. He followed into the back hall and saw an old man, with a pair of bloody blisters, lazily leaning against the back of the chair and squeaking tea, and there were three or four plates of pastries and fruits on the table.

When the old man saw Xie Pengze enter the door, he did not get up. He casually took a piece of cake and threw it into his mouth and chewed it. Then he raised his face to look at people. He turned his eyes to Su Minghai, squinted slightly, and lazily leaned back to the back of the chair.

Xie Pengze was also extremely casual and arched his hand and said, "Mr. Kou is well!" After saying that, he pulled Su Minghai to find a chair and sit down.

"What's good? My old man doesn't want to hit the iron. He came here to open a restaurant. Isn't it just a comfortable day to drink tea and eat?"

Kokang's voice was extremely hoarse, but the sound was extremely loud. Su Minghai saw others curled up on the back of the chair, which seemed to be completely non-existent. As soon as he opened his mouth, even the windows in the room buzzed. However, Xie Pengze was still calm, as if he should speak like this, and he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

The old man opened his eyes again, glanced at Su Minghai, and said:

"But thank you for bringing guests here today. I'm afraid my old man will be bad again..."

Xie Pengze laughed and said, "Haha, Mr. Kou, let me introduce you. This is Su Minghai, who has been famous in Yongping these days, the magician of Su!"

Kou Kang actually saw Su Minghai's identity - who can make Lord Shizhuguan personally accompany the young master who comes to the door, except Su Minghai, the magician?

But three months ago, a man died in the Yinglou, and Lin Laosan, the second child in the store, died in a fight. Kokang himself is also an eighth-level figure. Naturally, you can see the strangeness of Lin Laosan's death at that time - how could there be such a coincidence in the world that a person was inserted into his heart by a broken chopstick? And looking at this situation of force, it is clear that he committed suicide by himself (see Chapter 42 of Volume 1 "The Attack" for details).

But there was a fight in the store. Although there was compensation, it always took a lot of effort to clean up. And there was another human death. You Kokang can see that he committed suicide, but the soldiers who came to do business did not have this ability - even if you can see it, what is the motive for suicide? Did your boss ask you to drill a dog hole in the way to and from work? Although Kou Kang is very familiar with Xie Pengce, he has also spent a lot of trouble with these money-eyed officers and soldiers.

As a result, things also roughly figured out for him later - his gathering in Yinglou is a tool for others to frame Su Minghai! Jiang Bo bird killed many people in order to annoy Xie Guang and leave a backhand for the assassination of Su Minghai!

The old man was a little stingy - otherwise he would not rely on Zhao to ask for 200 gold coins when he retired. Therefore, the loss was still a small matter, and the person who wanted to compensate also compensated him, but when he thought about it, he was not happy. So just now he clearly saw that the teenager in front of him was Su Minghai, and he still ignored him and lay on the chair drinking his tea. He was very sure that there were only 12 masters in the 16 provinces of the Juhua Empire, but the magician could take out at least two or three in any province. In terms of identity, he is not much different from Kokang and Su Minghai. At that time, I will open the words, and I don't expect you, Su Minghai, to do anything to me!

But now Xie Pengze introduced someone, and he can't sit down again. The old man, who has been a hotel owner for nine years, also learned the smoothness of a businessman. He immediately jumped up and laughed:

"It turned out that Lord Su came to see me as an old man. Haha, forgive me. Lord Su also asked me to forgive me for being dizzy and couldn't recognize such a young hero, hahaha..." He turned his head and blamed Xie Pengze and said, "Lord Xie, why didn't you say hello in advance and brought people with such silence. But do you want to watch my old man's jokes?"

Xie Pengze smiled on his face, but secretly said to himself, "Who doesn't know that you are stingy? If you want to know that I came here with Su Minghai, why don't you immediately know that you will trouble you to strike iron again? What's wrong if you don't run away in advance?"

Su Minghai also saw that the old man didn't like him, but he didn't know why. He had to be sweet-skinned, bitter-hearted, piled with smiles, and pretended to be a junior and polite.

"A Niu, make tea for the guests..." Kokang invited the two to sit down again, and then turned around and asked someone to make tea. Just sitting down, I suddenly heard the wrong sound behind me, and quickly shouted:

"A Niu! Today is a distinguished guest. You put on my little red robe!"

Xiao Hongpao is a famous product of Wendy's Shangmeng Cangshan Province. It is said that it is only 200 catties a year. Xie Pengze is a Confucian general of a generation. Naturally, he is also an elegant man. Hearing the words, he couldn't help jumping up and cursing:

"Good old Kou Kangko! I will come to you in three or five days. Why have I never drunk your tea?"

Ko Kang turned his eyes and said lightly, "I'm half a catty. You run to my house in three or five days. Do you think I'm a plague pig? Can you also afford to support your tea gluttony?" After saying that, he looked at the tea cup in front of Xie Pengce: "Look, I can't afford to drink it myself. Today is the first time to take it out to treat guests!"

One sentence made Xie Pengce turn his eyes white, fell up and sat back in the chair.

Kokang laughed when he saw that his words had the upper hand. Suddenly, his stingy temperament surged into his heart again, glanced at Su Minghai, and said half jokingly:

"Oh, Lord Su, you have made me suffer so much..."

Su Minghai was very strange and said to Kou Kang, "Master Kou, it's the first time for the boy and the master to be masked. I don't know where he is guilty. Please make it clear. It's also good to have a chance to make amends."

Ko Kang was even happier when he saw Su Minghai fall into the trap and sighed:

"Haha, you can't blame Lord Su. At the end of February, the Jiang Bo bird who took Cangshan to assassinate Lord Su and made a lot of cases in our Shizhuguan... Hey hey, unfortunately, my small shop was also selected by others and smashed me to pieces... That's miserable... It's exhausting my old man afterwards. ......”

Su Minghai's uncut understanding of Kokang's temperament, so he was still confused for a moment. Seeing that he really caused trouble to people, he was ready to apologize. Xie Pengze knew that this old man was purely a commodity in the eyes of money. As long as there was a chance, it was an article or two, and he also wanted it. He immediately said angrily:

"You old man, you don't know. Yun Jingang's stupid embryo has already lost your broken family, and you have made a lot of money from it! Are you an old man blackmailing at people's sight?

The old man Kou Kang once came to the Yinglou for dinner and gave him a lot of tips when he checked out. But when he went out, he accidentally broke a coarse porcelain bowl fed to the dog. As a result, although the tip alone could buy dozens of coarse porcelain bowls, the old man still chased him to the county guard and asked Xie Pengce for two penny compensation - because in the old man's opinion, the tip is a tip and compensation is compensation, which is completely two different things.

Although he is stingy and stingy, he has never made any money in his life. Why? Because this old man is usually very principled, he will never earn money that he thinks is unreasonable. As one of the twelve craftsmen of Juhua, he usually creates countless famous sharp weapons for people, and he really hasn't received a penny. But if he grasps the truth, he really needs a penny or two.

Therefore, as soon as Kou Kang heard Xie Pengce speak like this, he suddenly became furious. But he was also afraid that he would really lose the name of blackmail, so he just rolled his eyes and explained:

"Thank you, my lord, for being high, how can I know the suffering of ordinary people! My little two, Lin Laosan, died. I buried him in the glory of his funeral alone, and I turned into nearly five gold coins. Who will compensate me? Not to mention that there are other expenses.

The second child of this store died in his store, and the recognized compensation does require four gold coins - this is still the compensation of wild people. This old man is really principled when he said this. He really didn't say one more about the five gold coins.