The mage is fierce

Chapter 178 Xiao Su gently asked about swordsmanship

Su Minghai's eyebrows spread, and he already recognized that the voice seemed to be a little familiar. His consciousness was released, and he immediately knew who the person was. He turned to Fred and said, "I have an old friend here. Go and come back!" After saying that, he jumped on the bow of the other party, lifted the curtain, and saw an old man in a coarse cloth short coat, more than 50, so rustic that he was sitting alone in an elegant way.

"It turned out to be Elder Zhuang! The boy didn't know that the senior was here, so he didn't visit him. Please forgive me!"

At that time, Zhuang Jing and Su Minghai met in Taoling and killed swords all the way, which really helped Su Minghai a lot. Later, Su Minghai and Liu Mingtong fought. Some people asked about Su Minghai's situation, and the old man also praised Su Minghai, which made Liu Mingtong have a lot more scruples. It can be said that although Su Minghai only had this side with Zhuang Jing, he still received favors from others. Therefore, he made a low profile as soon as they met.

Zhuang Jing looked up and smiled and said, "Su Shilang is famous now..." One hand pointed to the opposite seat: "Please sit down!"

At this time, the door of the cabin rang and poked out a chubby round face: "Master!" I saw Su Minghai at a glance and suddenly piled up a slippery smile:

"It turned out that Lord Su arrived..." This person turned out to be Yan Zejing, the golden hook of Taoling at that time. Unexpectedly, he followed Zhuang Jing, and now somehow he has become Zhuang Jing's apprentice.

Zhuang Jing frowned and said, "Don't come here to slip! Go back to meditated!"

Yan Zejing smiled with a drooling face, and then withdrew his head and closed the door.

Su Minghai still refused to sit down and saluted Zhuang Jing: "The younger generation also wanted to thank the seniors for their guidance at that time."

"Ha ha, where have I ever pointed out to you?" Zhuang Jing was extremely strange. At that time, the two fought, which was a misunderstanding. Su Minghai was also a magician, but he could not give guidance. I clicked my hand again:

"Sixteen Lang'd better sit down and talk."

Zhuang Jing did not regard what Su Minghai said as a matter, just as if he was just a little too respectful of him. Seeing Su Minghai sit down, he said, "Get rid of evil and do what you want to do. What Sixteen Lang did in Cangshan has won the heart of the old man!" However, at the beginning, you are a little young in dealing with Wasp Village, Liyun Village and Shanxia Village. It's okay for these mountain thieves to gather together. You can't bear to do it for a while. It's poisonous..."

Seeing that he had committed the common disease of the elderly again, he quickly laughed and said, "But it's good that young people can correct it. You did a good job later!" Unlike me, an old man, some things have become habits and can't be changed.

He said that Su Minghai first entered Cangshan Mountain and refused to attack the old and weak in the Wasp Village. Su Minghai had a little idea about his method of killing chickens and dogs in the eyes of others, but now he is finally relieved to see Zhuang Jing, an old magician famous for his integrity. He bowed to Zhuang Jing and said:

"The boy has been fighting for more than ten battles in Cangshan, and he has turned the crisis several times. Speaking of which, he also wants to thank the swordsmanship he saw in his predecessors that day."

He thought about it again and again, but he still thought it would be better to say it. More than ten days ago, at the summer examination night banquet in Yongping County, Tong Bihao almost mistook him for Zhuang Jing's apprentice, and Su Minghai also faintly heard it. This was a trivial matter, but now it doesn't explain it. It's not good to wait until it becomes a misunderstanding. Moreover, he also admires Zhuang Jing's knife method and thinks it is a good move for fighting alone, so he also wants to take this opportunity to get one or two instructions from Zhuang Jing.

Zhuang Jing said strangely, "Yo? Unexpectedly, when you fought with me that day, you realized the true meaning of the sword-killing method? Hahahaha, it's really a talented teenager, different! You can use my swordsmanship to fight in Cangshan. Hey hey, it can also help me have a resentment! Let's make a comparison later. Let me see what you have learned along the way!"

On that day, Jiang Bo bird slaughtered the Meng family compound in Taoling, blamed Su Minghai, and really took advantage of Zhuang Jing. Although the old man is calm, the dignity of the magician cannot be blasphemed, and there can be no resentment in his heart. With this joy, he immediately took the initiative to point out Su Minghai's swordsmanship.

Su Minghai wondered, "Is it here?" He was supposed to discuss one or two with Zhuang Jing, but he didn't expect that others would come out in person. However, how can he move around because the ship is narrow?

Zhuang Jing saw that Su Minghai couldn't turn around and laughed, "I'm afraid that Shiliulang is not familiar with Wude County, right? Within six miles along the Wujiang River, there is a small continent in the heart of a river, which is rarely visited. We will go somewhere to compete later. Now that you are growing rapidly, young people can often be ingenious and say that I can still get some benefits from you.

Su Minghai was overjoyed when he heard the words, "It's so annoying for Elder Zhuang. Let's teach me that ship to keep up and go together."

Zhuang Jing nodded and asked the original seven apprentices and Yan Zejing, the big fat man, to row out. Su Minghai also turned around and told Fred about this. To be honest, Zhuang Jing's apprentices and Yan Zejing were better, but Fred and others had never seen each other's action in their lives. At first glance, almost all of them trembled with excitement.

When he got to Shazhou, Zhuang Jing couldn't figure out how far Su Minghai had practiced the killing array knife method now, so he said, "This knife method is aimed at the fight in the iron wall battle array. Well, I'll order a few people to come out first. You can use their attack and demonstrate it first."

After saying that, he looked at a few apprentices, called out Yan Zejing and four CET-6 apprentices, and clicked Fred a little more, "You can also count as one. You can barely count as a person." Let these six people do it with Su Minghai at the same time.

Su Ming's altitude sword was in his hand, and he arched his hand to Zhuang Jing and said, "So the younger generation will try one or two first, and ask Elder Zhuang to correct it." Zhuang Jing frowned when he saw that he had pulled out such a long sword and frowned and wondered:

"You just use this long sword to kill the array?" After ponder for a while, he said, "Well, you can practice with them first."

Su Minghai saluted Yan Zejing and others and said, "Please."

Yan Zejing has only been with Zhuang Jing for half a year. His body has been rippling and surrounded endlessly. Between a round body, it is almost as if he wants to fly at any time. Obviously, he has reached the peak of level six. However, although his martial arts skills improved quickly, his temper that he liked to sneak attacks did not change at all, and he smiled: "Lord Su, I'm blatant." Before the words fell, the ball-like body rolled and arrived at the feet of Su Minghai. In the dark night, a golden light shone and suddenly bent to Su Minghai's knees. At this time, this sentence has not been finished yet.

Although the fat man is heavy, he is really smart. Although he is good-hearted, he always likes to do some strange sneak attacks. Su Minghai was speechless when he saw it and had to flick his sword and click on Yan Zejing's golden hook.

At this time, the other two six-level masters have also rushed to the top, and the two long swords point to Su Minghai's lower abdomen. The other two rushed up from the left, using two bright steel knives. Fred behind Su Minghai was born as a knight. After many battles, he liked to fight hard. When he shouted, he collided with a sword.

These people have a minimum of five levels and have rich experience in the battle. Even if Fred is the first time to cooperate with them, he will have the right opportunity. At this time, Su Minghai is almost encircled on all sides, facing three blades at the same time, and then two long and short knives are waiting.

Su Minghai's long sword jumped suddenly, which originally meant a long sword closest to his lower abdomen, but the tip of the sword jumped, but instead "ding" on the sword that stabbed his throat, then walked back, turned around with the sword, turned back and knocked obliquely on Fred's rushing sword, and immediately stabbed this blade to The long sword of his lower abdomen was stirred together.

But Yan Zejing has circled around Su Minghai. He is extremely fast and seems to be unable to stand the style. He staggered into the man with a long knife. The man cut diagonally. Originally, he aimed at Su Minghai's right shoulder, but now he hit Yan Zejing and cut it empty with a knife, "Song!" At the sound, the sparks also hit Fred's two long swords intertwined.