The mage is fierce

Chapter 228 is no longer what it used to be

Brother Six was hit by a lightning net, although he was powerful and could resist some damage. But this 3.6-second lightning winding time can't escape. It was easy to hold on. As soon as I looked up, I saw Su Minghai's smiling face, which was sweet and strange, which was three feet away. In a hurry, he pinched his left hand and flicked his finger, and his right stick jumped on his shoulder. He took a step forward. The spell and stick hit Su Minghai's shoulder and chest together.

Between this pinch, Su Minghai suddenly felt that his heart beat vigorously, and a force disappeared like mercury - poison! This mage is actually full of poison anytime and anywhere within three feet!

This time, it actually consumed six points of Su Minghai's blood! But now, how can he retreat? The second big jump of his heart has not yet begun, and Su Minghai has crossed the distance of three feet. With a gloomy smile, his wrist was raised, revealing his golden and blue murder weapon with two sharp hooks at the root of the blade. The two wrist blades were staggered, almost blocking this powerful spell in front of the sixth brother. His left shoulder sank and unexpectedly took him a stick!


Brother Jiu's fourth shot has hit Su Minghai's side back, tearing most of his whole coat. The violent waves stirred up the surrounding sand and stones three feet high.


The heart beat violently again and took away six points of blood for the second time. The violent explosion of this spell has eliminated as many as twelve points! However, Su Minghai took advantage of his strength and became a little faster. He immediately bumped into the arms of the sixth brother and inserted the golden wrist blade straight into the other party's stomach bag!

Brother Jiu's spell suddenly slowed down, but his eyes were wide. He watched a stream of dark blood suddenly emerge between Brother Six's chest and abdomen. Then the robe on his chest suddenly bulged, and the crack in his wrist blade became bigger and bigger, gradually revealing a dazzling and bloody white.

Su Minghai pierced his edge, and even half of his palm penetrated between the other party's chest and abdomen. He clasped his three fingers under the chest ribs of the sixth brother and pulled it fiercely. Unexpectedly, he pulled out one of his sternum and 18 ribs, leaving only six upper ribs in his body.

Although Brother Jiu is extremely cruel to kill people with magic, he has never seen such a bloody scene of such short soldiers. He was almost stunned. It was not until Su Minghai held a pair of white ribs with many tendons and lung fibers hanging on it that he barely released a spell in his hand. At this time, Su Mingjie was also close to seven feet, and he shook his hand. With a "woo", he actually used the whole chest bone as a hidden weapon and threw it directly to Brother Jiu.

This sternum roared in the air, hovering, sprinkling out waves of blood and meat, shining brightly under the rising sun.

At this moment, Brother Jiu's psychology finally couldn't bear it. He took a step and immediately avoided this white thing. He also threw the short stick in his hand at Su Minghai, touched his hands around his waist, and then patted his legs, and two jade charms were pasted.


"But I have these two magic charms in my hand, and no matter what, I can run out of this magician's poisonous hand!"

These two things are life-saving things that he spent almost all his savings to exchange for the elders of the sect. Once launched, he can double his speed.

"If you meet such an opponent, it is not a crime of war, return to the sect, and have your own way to revenge!" With these two runes attached to his leg, Fang turned around, and his whole speed increased. As soon as he jumped, he jumped nearly eight feet away. He chose the direction of escape on the flat ground just now, in order to accelerate quickly. In the second step, the distance reached ten feet. In another step, the span was actually ten feet and three feet away, and his clothes were pulled straight in the sound of the wind and clung tightly to him. In this way, I still feel that there is still a lot of strength under my feet.

He had just seen Su Minghai's speed like a ghost. He knew that although his body was fast, he only ran out at about 1.3 feet in one step. And his two jade charms are enough to double his original speed and last for an hour. Now that my speed has just been mentioned, and between the steps, it has been comparable to this arrogant young magician. When the speed really reaches the peak, won't the villains behind him not even catch up with the horse?

Brother Jiu's mind changed, but in an instant, he worked hard under his feet and ran out one step. The wind around his ears made a sharp roar, and the airflow seemed to produce countless claws at such a speed, tearing his face a little painfully. This step, in the wild shout of the ninth brother, unexpectedly jumped out of one foot and five feet away!

But when he fell at this step, his body suddenly staggered, and the next step was only to jump out.

"What's the matter, why can't I work hard..."

The ninth brother continued to run forward and took another step out, but pulled a blow on his forefoot and fell to the ground. In a panic, he supported his right hand and broke his right arm. At this time, he found that his figure was a little unrotating, as if it was a burden, and his chest was a little itchy. Looking down, he found that a sharp blade protruded outside the front corset.

- He didn't know that Su Minghai could be equipped with two sets of weapons at the same time. As a mage, he had 'long-range attack protection' on his body at any time, and he was not afraid of the attack of hidden weapons. He didn't want to get Su Minghai's old trick again. He switched in an instant and would throw a long sword of four catties and two eight yuan.

Originally, if the two sides were face to face, although Su Minghai had a few steps closer at that time, the distance between the two sides was still more than three feet away. Although his strength reached 35 o'clock, he could not throw a five-pound sword like a hidden weapon like lightning, so a low-level warrior could escape. But the ninth brother just ran wildly, extremely fast, leaving the wind and rain behind him. This huge weapon flew out. In Su Minghai's eyes, the wind was strong and loud, but in his ears, there was no movement and silence. Moreover, his clothes and robes were pulled straight by the wind, hunting loudly, and the sword was approaching. Even if the divine consciousness was aware of it, it was suddenly pierced through his heart by a sword. Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that he has not yet become a mage and the application of divine consciousness has not been practical.

Su Minghai threw out his sword and couldn't stop. He continued to run a few steps, and then stopped. Seeing that the man under his feet still had a weak breath, he had no time to ask more. He kicked the other party's waist and abdomen casually, and the power of magic attacked him together, and immediately took away more than a hundred points of experience.

He was hit four times by this man just now, and only went to have a total of 44 points of blood. In addition, the poison damage went to 18 points. The other mage's stroke of 7 points did not pass 69 points in total. He calculated in his heart - even if there is a direct attack, as long as there is a small bottle of small healing medicine to make up for it, he is fully sure to kill this. Two mages. It was completely different from when he met Ge Longhe at that time. He thought that the real mage could come and fight with each other, and most of his heart suddenly put down.

With this foot, he almost kicked the man's body into two halves, and even squeezed out the shit and urine; the sixth brother's chest and abdomen were fully open, and most of his internal organs fell outside. The scene was dripping with blood, emitting a hot and disgusting smell. Su Minghai couldn't clean it up even if he wanted to. But he is a person who is used to searching. He still doesn't avoid the filth. He peeled the two of them clean - although these things are stained with blood and dirt, can they still be used for washing?

As for the two bodies with only trousers left, they were really a little messy. Su Minghai couldn't bear to clean them up and left them in place, waiting to feed the wild wolf hyenas on the mountain tonight.


Jin Xiaozhu lay weakly on the ground, looking at the running figure in the distance, and shouting, but now she has no magic power, but this cry is a weak mosquito fly.

In an instant, Su Minghai ran to his eyes, helped Jin Xiaozhu half of his body from the ground and hugged him in his arms: "Xiaozhu, how are you now?"