The concubine doesn't sleep, and the tyrant rolls away

Chapter 21 Mysterious Wen

Cheng Zifei did not answer, and the black eagle stood still.

The princess's momentum is so powerful that he really can't find a breakthrough for a while. Lubei Wenshi, old legend, is the person in charge of the water system. However, in today's Wen's family, there is no superior disciple. Even Wen Zhishu, the eldest son of the Wen family, is just a middle and upper cultivation, only reaching the realm of blue.

However, Lubei Wen's water magic skill has always been a secret of the family. How did the princess get it? Although women are more suitable for practicing this kind of internal strength, how can the princess Cheng's family get together with Wen? Do you have any doubts about the life of the princess? Or is this princess fake at all?

Cheng Zifei at this time is completely different from his data during the investigation in Zhongzhou. Except for the charming appearance, there is no similarity. But this beauty can't be pretended by anyone. Even the smartest change of hands can't dress up such a smart beauty.

Black Hawk stood quietly five steps away and dared not ask again. Cheng Zifei's momentum has become more and more obvious, gradually revealing a kind of death pressure. The water system was originally moistened silently, but on Cheng Zifei, it seemed to be mixed with other things.

For a moment, Black Hawk almost suspected that Cheng Zifei was possessed by her practice last night, otherwise how could she have such a terrible atmosphere? A young lady raised in a boudoir can't have this kind of breath!

"Princess, have you gone through your practice? As long as the princess says which person is under the Wen family, her subordinates will help the princess ask for medicine. In the royal palace, there happens to be a restraint to deal with the evil of the water system. Black Hawk said tentatively, staring at Cheng Zifei's face.

Go crazy? Things to restrain? Cheng Zifei was stunned for a moment. This is a good thing! After all, she doesn't know much about her internal breath. If she suddenly practices one day, she may go crazy. If she gets this medicine of restraint, it is also a precaution for her.

How can there be such a thing in the royal palace? Is there anyone practicing this kind of internal power in the royal palace?

After a moment of hesitation, Cheng Zifei has decided to take this elixir before leaving. Yes, there was something wrong with me when I practiced last night. Am I crazy? How can you see it? Where is this medicine? Hurry up and get it for me."

Black Eagle breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the princess really had something wrong with her practice. No wonder her breath was wrong. If the concubine hasn't answered him, he obviously won't get the medicine first.

"Princess, please tell your subordinates which master of the Wen family is? I think the princess should know that this yard is built according to the gossip nine palaces. Strangers who don't know the path can't go out at all. The princess should think about it. Even if there is a strict order to respect the teacher, but if you listen to it with your subordinates and the prince, we are only members of our own family, and we should not go against the will to respect the teacher, right?

Black Hawk said a long speech, which was almost his usual speech throughout the day. In order to make Cheng Zifei speak her teacher as soon as possible, and also to appease Murong Xiuyuan, he had to try his best to persuade Cheng Zifei.

Cheng Zifei didn't know his temperament. She thought he deliberately threatened him, and her face suddenly turned cold again: "I've made it clear that I don't know who he is!" As for whether you believe it or not, it's all up to you! I don't want that kind of medicine!"

After saying that, he had turned around to leave. Black Hawk was anxious and hurried to drag her, but was slapped on the arm by Cheng Zifei's backhand. In an instant, a feminine internal force came.

From fingers to wrists, it was cold and stiff for a moment. Black Hawk was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Cheng Zifei's internal strength had recovered so quickly in a short time! Wen's water magic power really lives up to its reputation!

He didn't dare to fight with Cheng Zifei. He was not afraid of being defeated, but that he was afraid of accidentally hurting Cheng Zifei and going to Murong Xiuyuan. There are traps everywhere in this yard. Even if he has lived in the royal palace for more than ten years, he may not be able to fully control the organs here, not to mention Cheng Zifei who is completely ignorant?

"Princess, please stay. Don't break through here! It doesn't matter if the princess doesn't want to say it, please ask her subordinates to lead the way for you. One day when the princess is willing, it's okay to talk to Xiaolian directly.

In a hurry, Black Hawk had to speak again and stop Cheng Zifei's footsteps.

Cheng Zifei turned around disdainfully and stopped. If it's hard, will it be soft? Do you want to put her under house arrest here? It doesn't matter. She doesn't believe that she can't get out of this yard!

The so-called gossip nine palaces is just a mystery of the predecessors! She believes that this is just like walking through the Mysterious Palace when she was a child. As long as she walks along a line, she can always go out!

But since Black Hawk is willing to lead the way, she doesn't mind remembering one more way!

Black Hawk looked at her waiting there calmly, looking natural, as if he had just turned around. Now, she stood there, taking away her compelling breath, and looking at the bamboo forest beauty from afar, with a beautiful scenery!

Black Hawk's heart sighed secretly: Such a princess is free to send and receive in an instant, and even her temperament is as unrestrained as a prince. The prince really met his opponent this time! Fortunately, she is the princess of the Prince of Qi, otherwise I can't imagine what it would be like if the two were really enemies.

"Princess, please come with me."

The black eagle made a gesture, but passed through the bamboo forest.

Cheng Zifei took a doubtful look at the thick bamboo forest and green leaves. Why did she wear it to the bamboo forest? Is it to make her unable to find a direction?

With a sneer, Cheng Zifei followed silently. She would like to see how big the Qi Palace is and how many mysteries it can have!

Looking at a bamboo forest that seemed to be impenetrable in the distance, it turned out that there was a hole in it. Cheng Zifei followed Black Hawk about 30 meters away, and her eyes suddenly became bright.

It turned out that after bypassing the bamboo forest and turning an arch, he really returned to the place where he got up in the morning.

Cheng Zifei looked back at the arch. It was very ordinary. There was a square frame on the door, but there was no title, only a gray earth color.

Black Hawk bowed his hand respectfully and retreated: "Princess, please rest here. If you need anything, you can find Xiaolian. One day the princess figured it out, and the prince would take the princess out.

Is it better than patience? The most important thing for her is to wait for the opportunity. In her previous life, in order to kill the head of the underworld in one fell swoop, she spent half a month in that small town!

If Murong Xiu doesn't force her far away, she doesn't mind staying in this quiet place and continuing to practice!

Cheng Zifei didn't say anything, and Black Hawk had retreated silently. There are two rooms in front of her, one is the place to wake up and the other is the place to drink tea in the morning. After two seconds of hesitation, she decided to go to the golden house!

People say that the golden house hides. I don't know what's hidden here? Cheng Zifei opened the door and officially looked at the golden house.

Before I got to the inner room, I heard a movement inside. It was a person's breath!


Cheng Zifei shouted.

A sound of gentle footsteps seems to be a woman. Her internal strength should be good, her feet are extremely light, and her breathing is long.

Bu man shook and showed a small face. It turned out to be Xiaolian!

Xiaolian saw Concubine Cheng and saluted respectfully: "Princess, you are back. Would you like something to eat? You haven't eaten anything in the morning except a few snacks. The food has been prepared in the kitchen. Do you want me to bring it to you?

Cheng Zifei looked at Xiaolian suspiciously. When I saw her in the morning, I didn't feel her internal strength. At this time, I saw that she was clearly an insider! Has anyone changed?

"Who are you? What are you doing in there?"

Hearing her question, Xiaolian smiled. The expression on her face was extremely charming, and there was an enchanting charm in her eyes. Even if Cheng Zifei was a woman, she felt a little **.

Cheng Zifei is more sure that this is definitely not Xiaolian! Xiaolian didn't have such a charming time!

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?"

There may still be hesitation in the question just now. This sound has indeed confirmed that the "Xiaolian" opposite is fake. Cheng Zifei sat on the stool easily, pinched the golden paint in the corner of the table, and waited for her answer.

"The princess has a good eye! I don't know where the princess can tell what's wrong? Even Xiaolian herself didn't see anything wrong. The "Xiaolian" opposite smiled, and his voice had turned into a male voice.

However, "she" covered her mouth and smiled secretly. If she hadn't heard his bass, even Cheng Zifei would have felt the girl's shyness!

This person is a master, and he is a master of easy-to-understand! Cheng Zifei's heart was full of alertness, but her face was calm, and she still knocked on the corner of the table leisurely: "It's not like anywhere. Xiaolian is not as ugly as you!"

"Oh? Does the princess think I'm ugly? The man was exposed, no longer pretended, tore open his clothes, and soon showed his strong upper body. He was indeed a man!

Cheng Zifei stared at him without changing her face, and there was no ups and downs in her eyes.

Sima Tu can't tear it down. He met such a woman for the first time. In the face of the man's undressing, she was indifferent! Even though he rolled up in the pile of powder, he didn't have the courage to take it off in front of Cheng Zifei.

The most hateful thing is this woman's eyes. Looking at his upper body, there is no shyness, no dodge, no interest in her eyes, only disdain and contempt?

When was he despised by women?

Sima Tu stopped his movements with hatred, tied the skirt on his waist, tied it to his legs, and sat naked opposite Cheng Zifei.

Cheng Zifei looked at it for a long time and couldn't stand it. Although the strong figure is a little thin, it is also perfect. But there is a little lotus face on that side?

The delicate girl's face is red and open to the man's body. How strange it looks!

Cheng Zifei laughed rudely. This was the first time she felt fun and happy after she came to ancient times!