The concubine doesn't sleep, and the tyrant rolls away

Chapter 25 Qu Waner's Thought

"In the water?" Cheng Zifei's first impression was that she thought of the lotus pond, a huge lotus pond, surrounded by many barriers built according to the gossip of the nine palaces. Is it because of the water beads hidden in it? However, she is not sure, because she has not figured out the yard. But if it's really in the lotus pond, will it go into the water to touch the beads?

Sima Tu grabbed Cheng Zifei's sleeve excitedly and kept shaking: "Yes, the water beads may be hidden in the water. Cheng Cheng, this place is called Heyuan. Is there a pond or something? Let's look for it quickly!"

Cheng Zifei looked at his excited expression and couldn't bear to pour cold water, but she was really not sure to walk to the lotus pond smoothly: "There is a lotus pond here, with a large beautiful lotus leaf, but the building here is so strange that I may not be able to find the pond."

What does it mean to build strangely?" When Sima Tu heard that there was really a pond, he was even more excited and insisted on looking for it immediately: "No matter what's strange, let's look for it quickly!"

"Okay." Cheng Zifei was shaken helplessly by him. She stood up and took him to try to walk in the morning.

I remember that in the morning, Xiaolian took her through just an ordinary calculus path, with ordinary flower and wood rockery on both sides. Now she took Sima Tu out and found that there were three of the same calculus path after coming out of the Golden House, and it was obvious that the three paths were tortuous.

Cheng Zifei frowned and thought for a while. In her previous life, she was the best tracking hunter, but at this time, she had to think about it carefully. In the morning, she didn't feel the mystery around her, so she didn't leave a sign. Now it seems that every step of their actions in this small courtyard in the future must bemarked.

Sima Tu didn't know what she was embarrassed about. Seeing that she stopped, he began to shake her sleeves again: "Cheng Cheng, what's wrong? Don't you know how to get there? Don't you know your yard?"

Didn't you say that? I'm also a prisoner!" Cheng Zifei stared at him and decided to try a path on the far left. In my impression, it should be the closest to this one.

Sima Tu made a grima face and followed Cheng Zifei, "Cheng, don't be sad. When we find the water pearl, we will leave this broken palace together! When you get to my territory, no one will be able to imprison you!"

Cheng Zifei smiled and said nothing. Sima Tu's words, she only regarded it as childish words. In fact, she was only 18 years old in her previous life. It is said that she has just turned 16 years old this year, but in the face of Sima Tu, she always feels like a younger brother.

The two walked for a while, and after bypassing a rockery, they actually turned to the Golden House!

Cheng Zifei silently looked at the back eaves of the golden house in front of her. Sima Tu may not have noticed it, but she already knew that they circled and came back!

At the beginning, they started from the path at the front door of the Golden House, and now they just turn back to the back of the house.

Watching her stop, Sima Tu also stopped, but wondered why she didn't leave: "Cheng Cheng, aren't we going to the lotus pond? Why did you get to the same yard again?"

"It's not another yard. We went back to the golden house." Cheng Zifei looked solemn and took the initiative to take his hand and go back in the direction just marked. Sure enough, this time she came to the starting point.

Now, even Sima Tu can see the mystery. He let go of Cheng Zifei's hand, pointed to the curtain of the golden house and shouted, "Cheng Cheng, we are back again!" Is there a mystery palace here?

"It can be regarded as a mystery palace." Cheng Zifei frowned at the flowers and trees on both sides of the path and answered in a low voice. Maybe she underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. These seemingly randomly planted flowers and plants are also mysterious, right? In the faint fragrance of flowers and plants, is there any fragrance that disturbs people's hearts and minds? Just like what she smelled last night, similar to the aroma of gardenia, which helps to practice?

I picked a small yellow flower and put it on the tip of my nose. It was light and almost smelled, with only a little astringent fragrance. According to the experience of her previous life, only plants with rich aroma can have great poison or amazing power. Such small petals and a faint fragrance should not be lethal.

Sima Tu picked a flower with a smile and inserted it between Cheng Zifei's temples. He clapped his hands and smiled, "Sure enough, people are more beautiful than flowers, and my Cheng Cheng is much more beautiful than this flower!"

Cheng Zifei took off the little flower and threw it down on his head. She said unhappily, "Stop it. It's so difficult for us to find a pond. What else can we mention? If you can't find a way out, you can only be hungry in the afternoon!"

"What does it matter?" Sima Tu still looked careless. He clapped his hands and picked another flower, sniffed and threw it away: "Cheng Cheng, have you forgotten that I can do martial arts? We can fly to the roof to have a look. I don't believe how difficult this road is to find!"

"Good." Cheng Zifei's heart moved and her face also smiled. Yeah, why are you so stupid? Didn't the ancients know how to do light work? Although she doesn't know it yet, Sima Tu can. Standing on the roof and looking out, the lotus pond can't be transferred again, right?

Sima Tu pulled her hand with a smile, and the injury was about to take her to the eaves of her body. Cheng Zifei quickly grabbed him and said, "Wait, it's noon. Isn't it strange that we two big people ran to the roof and were seen? And you are still wearing men's clothes, which is not suitable. Let's wait until the evening. It's okay.

"Oh, do you have to wait until the evening?" Sima Tu frowned a little reluctantly: "Then can I dress up as Xiaolian again?" Master has given me a time limit on the task. Within three days, if I can't find the water beads, I can only wait until next year.

"Three days, it doesn't matter if you wait for an afternoon!" Cheng Zifei dragged him back to the house. In fact, she doesn't want to look for it now. There is another reason. The weather in June is so hot that she really can't stand hanging outside the house all the time!

At this time, Murong Xiuyuan was having lunch with Qu Waner in the goblet courtyard and coaxed her gently: "Wan'er, your body is important. Don't lose your temper and don't eat anymore! Only when you have recovered can I continue to love you.

Qu Waner's face turned red with shame and pretended to be powerless to lean against Murong Xiuyuan's arms. She said angrily, "The prince is good or bad. I know that my concubine can't serve the prince now, and she also said these seductive words, which won't make the girls laugh. If it reaches the ears of other sisters, wouldn't you say that I, a sister, am too domineering and don't forget to dominate the prince in illness? At that time, my sisters will blame me again.

Murong Xiuyuan sat by the bed, gently held her hand, and laughed, "Are you not domineering enough? Baba sent the green pearls, didn't he just want to dominate me? When you get well, I will dominate you, okay?"

Qu Waner's heart is sweet and regretful. If she had known that Murong Xiuyuan was so easy to talk today, she would not pretend to be a miscarriage! Now it's fine. Murong Xiu sent it to her, and she didn't dare to catch it. However, she knew in her heart that Murong Xiuyuan promised her so easily, but it was because she was injured and could not serve!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but hate it again, and my tone became more delicate: "How dare my concubine really dominate the prince? The prince also said that there was also a sister Cheng above him. After this, how dares my concubine not understand? Naturally, Sister Cheng should be the first in this royal palace. Otherwise, if I fall inexplicably, I will suffer by myself.

"Didn't you say that you fell down and had nothing to do with her?" Murong Xiuyuan's voice also cooled down. He was most annoyed by these backyard fights, but he was distressed that she lost her child and stayed with her for a while. Do you want to show off those backyard tricks with him now?

Qu Waner's face stiffened and dared not look up at Murong Xiuyuan's face. She only snuggled her head tightly in his arms and said aggrievedly, "When did my concubine speak ill of my sister in the process? What the prince taught, my concubine kept it in mind. A few days ago, I heard that the major general of the Cheng family had returned to Beijing, and my brother also wrote to me that I wanted to be close to my sister Duocheng. That's why my concubine went to see Sister Cheng, but I didn't expect to fall down accidentally.

Murong Xiuyuan's face condensed, pushed away her body and stood up: "Why didn't I hear this from you the day before yesterday? What else did your eldest brother say to you?

"No, there's nothing else." Qu Waner's heart trembled. I don't know why Murong Xiuyuan suddenly changed color?

"It was my sister-in-law who came to talk to me, it's just some common gossip. I only mentioned one sentence, saying that it was Sister Cheng's eldest brother, and Major General Cheng returned to Beijing from the border gate, which made me less arrogant and closer to Sister Cheng. My sister-in-law also taught me a lesson. After all, there is a difference between the eldest and the young. Sister Cheng will always be the princess of the Prince of Qi, so let me not have any thoughts. In fact, why doesn't my concubine understand these truths? It's just that occasionally I want the prince to stay in the goblet courtyard for a while.

Qu Wan'er's voice was very soft and sad. She looked at Murong Xiuyuan with frightened eyes, and with a weeping expression, she looked even more delicate and touching.

Murong Xiuyuan slowed down his face, pinched her face and smiled, "Look at you, you are like a child, and you are going to cry again!" Did I bully you? I can't bear to bully you like this. If I want to bully you, I have to wait for you to get better.

Qu Waner dodged his hand uncomily, and her face was full of red clouds.

Murong Xiuyuan was already very unhappy and no longer had the patience to accompany her. He gave up his hand and said to Lvzhu, "Take good care of the side concubine. If there is anything wrong, come back to me."

Qu Waner heard that he was leaving and wanted to retain him, but she couldn't find an excuse. She hasn't found out where Cheng Zifei is. Turning his eyes, he still asked boldly, "Your Majesty, I heard that you punished Sister Cheng yesterday. Is Sister Cheng seriously injured? My concubine couldn't get up in **, so let Lvzhu replace her concubine to see Sister Cheng, okay?