The concubine doesn't sleep, and the tyrant rolls away

Chapter 58: First Entry into the World

At that time, it was already dawn, but there were not many pedestrians on the road. Cheng Zifei hurried overnight and went straight out of the city from the tower. She had come to a hill a few miles outside the city.

When she really came out of the Qi Palace, she found that the sky and the earth were so big that she didn't know where to go. She just ran in one direction. Fortunately, in the past few days, under the guidance of Wen Ruxue and the help of Shui Lingzhu, she has made great progress and did not take much effort to get on her way.

But all the way forward, gradually until dawn, Cheng Zifei actually didn't know where to go. She was just a lonely soul in a different world. Because of fate, she was reincarnated on Cheng Ziqi. At this time, when she really left the royal palace, she had nowhere to live.

Where should I go? Beijing is definitely not a place for her to stay. Qingzhou? It is Cheng Ziqi's hometown, which seems to be able to flee, but she escaped from the palace of Qi and can no longer contact Cheng's family.

Cheng Zifei stopped at the foot of the mountain. In the last life, she ran for the country but was abandoned by the organization. Since she was a child, she had no family. In this life, she wants to find a place that really belongs to her and build her own complete home.

There was a simple tea house in front of her. She was tired after walking in the middle of the night. Cheng Zifei decided to rest here.

Chaliao is opened by a middle-aged couple. As soon as the table was set in the morning, I saw a gorgeously dressed girl sitting at the table: "Boss, have a bowl of hot tea."

"Here it comes." The woman hurriedly brought the newly cooked hot tea and sent it to Cheng Zifei's table.

She looked at Cheng Zifei again and again. She didn't see that she had a long sword, knife and other weapons on her body, and she was dressed in clothes for nobles, so she kindly advised, "Girl, aren't you running away from home? Miss like you, let's go home quickly! Although this is on the edge of the imperial city and not far from the feet of the emperor, this area is not peaceful. I'm afraid it's dangerous for a girl to walk alone and dress so eye-catchingly!"

Cheng Zifei was stunned after taking a sip of tea and left the Prince of Qi's mansion overnight. How could she have time to prepare? What this lady said makes sense. She is indeed a little eye-catching and does not conform to the rules of her own industry. When I carried out tasks in my previous life, I never revealed myself.

She drank tea happily and threw a little silver to the woman: "Madam, it's really eye-catching to go out like this. Thank you for reminding me. If anyone comes to ask in the future, remember to say that you haven't seen me.

"Haven't you?" The woman was very strange, but when she saw her generous action, she was overjoyed and promised repeatedly, "Girl, don't worry! We will not reveal the girl's whereabouts! But looking at the girl like this, is it to escape from marriage? If your husband's family is a nobleman in the imperial city, I advise the girl to go back early to get married.

Cheng Zifei smiled and escaped from marriage? Isn't she a little escaping from marriage like this? I'm wearing bright red! However, the woman was very interesting, so she said a few words: "How do you know that I escaped from marriage? You don't know that I was forced by my second mother to marry a bad old man in his sixties. How can this be?

The woman listened with great sympathy and took the initiative to say, "The little woman also met a girl who escaped from marriage a few days ago, but the girl was like a martial artist with a knife. But you are delicate and weak, how can you escape? And even if the little woman doesn't say what you are wearing, others will say it. I have a few sets of old clothes here. If the girl doesn't mind, she can use them as a disguise. Just give a few pieces of silver."

Cheng Zifei listened to it for a while, but she didn't expect that the woman was oblique to sell her old clothes! However, her method is also excellent. Presumably the girl who escaped from marriage before changed her old clothes. She tasted the sweetness, so she came to sell it to her again.

"Okay, thank you very much!"

Cheng Zifei generously gave her a small piece of silver, which was more than two taels. These are all made by her silver jewelry. She wears a lot of silver jewelry. In fact, they are all gold jewelry, which is quite inconvenient. When she arrives at the larger market town, all of them will have to be replaced with broken silver.

The woman happily led her into the thatched hut, helped her close the door, and took out two sets of old clothes that had been washed clean.

Cheng Zifei changed into old clothes outside in front of her, asked for eyebrow pencils, thick powder and other things, simply changed her makeup for herself, and then combed her hair into an ordinary braid.

When she turned around, the woman immediately exclaimed, "Ah, girl, it's amazing!"

At this time, most of Cheng Zifei's original peerless appearance has been covered up, leaving only a pair of eyes that are still extraordinary. But her face was wiped with powder and eyebrows, which looked black, not as white and smooth as before.

At first glance, Cheng Zifei is only like a rural girl from an ordinary family. How can she look like the hostess of the Prince of Qi?

Cheng Zifei was surprised to hear her and knew that her painting was very successful. There is no mirror here. She can only simply change her makeup based on the experience of her previous life. Fortunately, judging from the woman's reaction, the effect is good.

She put up her original clothes with satisfaction and walked out of the thatched hut.

But it was only a delay for a while. There were already a few words of men dressed in green clothes in front of Chaliao, one of whom was the one who had met stew manager Cui in the palace of Qi!

The four got off the horse and immediately shouted at the boss of Chaliao: "Tea seller? Can you see a beauty in red passing by here?

The little woman standing behind Cheng Zifei trembled, but still summoned up the courage to say, "Several adults, there are no guests in this early morning? The little woman has never seen any beauty in red. Do you want to have tea before you go?

Cui Hong swept around, and his eyes slid across Cheng Zifei's face. He only stayed for a second and said, "Let's go! Don't delay here! The princess has strong martial arts skills. If she really walked along this line, she won't know where she is now! Let's chase it!"

Six people got on the horse and left again. The woman trembled and smiled flatteringly at Cheng Zifei: "Girl..."

Cheng Zifei understood what she meant, easily pinched a silver ornament and threw it into her hand: "You did a good job! If anyone asks again in the future, you just need to say so.

After saying that, she ran in the opposite direction as Cui Hong. The woman was stunned when she saw her speed. How can this girl be more powerful than the girl with a knife?

Cheng Zifei ran all the way, but her mind kept turning. She didn't expect that Murong Xiuyuan would send someone to catch up so quickly. It was Cui Hong on this way. It seemed that there was a person who knew her in every direction.

Near noon, Cheng Zifei finally saw a market town with the inscription of Qingshi: Qingshi Town.

Is the name Qingshi Town? Cheng Zifei smiled. The name is really in line with the material of the monument. She looked at her clothes again and walked into Qingshi Town.

Perhaps because of the nearest town to the capital, there are still many people on the street at noon in July.

Cheng Zifei decided to find a place to eat first. When she was thinking of shouting, she heard someone shouting in front of her: "Don't miss it when you pass by. Today, Ji's restaurant opens to welcome guests. You can get as much as you eat and get as you want for free!"

How much do you eat? I didn't expect that there was such a marketing method in ancient times. Cheng Zifei thought that she was going to eat anyway, so she might as well go to this restaurant to taste it, so she followed the flow of people to the door of the Ji family restaurant.

On the two-storey small building, there is a plaque hanging in all directions, which is the four characters of "Jijia Restaurant".

There are not many guests in the restaurant. Although there are many people watching outside, few people actually come in. It turned out that everyone didn't believe that there would be a free lunch, and they were all watching outside the restaurant. Those who really come into the building are all rich, powerful and novel.

So as soon as Cheng Zifei entered the hall, she was immediately suspected by all kinds of eyes: such a country girl will not really eat free food, will she? They "eat" as much as they want and get as much as they want, which is not completely free!

Even the second child greeted in the hall snorted from his nostrils, raised his head and asked Cheng Zifei, "Do you have any silver? We don't give free food. We have to buy it before giving it away!"

Cheng Zifei hates such things as judging people by their appearance and looking down on people. At present, he deliberately asked, "But isn't it clearly written on your sign, how much to eat and how much to send?" Why do you want to buy it?"

When the little two heard what she said, he even judged that she had no money. In the past, rogue men came to eat free food, but I didn't expect to see a woman today! Although she doesn't look good, she looks like a girl. She's really bold!

Someone around heard their conversation and deliberately laughed: "This girl is right. You clearly wrote 'how much you eat and get as much as you want'. Why do you want others to buy it first?"

In fact, those people are all bored rich men. If a man says this today, he will definitely be laughed at by them. But when they saw Cheng Zifei alone as a woman, they deliberately cheered up and watched the fun.

Cheng Zifei has been a beautiful woman since her last life. How can she not understand the psychology of these people? She smiled secretly and was worried that she didn't know where to go and what to do! These people deliberately wanted to play games with her, and she wouldn't refuse.

At that moment, she smiled and found a vacant seat to sit down easily. The second child saw her sit down in a big way and couldn't help but worry: "Hey, you're a girl, so I didn't chase you away!" Let's go. It's too bold for a girl to learn from people to eat free food!"

Cheng Zifei ignored his anxiety and directly told him, "It's your own signboard. You can get as much as you eat. How can we say that we eat free food now?"