The growth history of waste Taoist

Chapter 60 Two to Two!

The vest and the man stood in the same camp when they questioned me, and immediately shook their heads together and said, "Are you kidding?" How is this possible?" Only Chengying nodded slowly beside him and said lightly, "The configuration of this team is reasonable."

As soon as he finished saying this, he was anxious. He turned his head and looked at Chengying and said eagerly, "Master, I'm not familiar with the whip!"

Hey, girl, why haven't I understood it for a long time?

I said, "I didn't ask you to practice whipping, but to let you find a feeling in actual combat, and it's still early for you to practice." It is conservatively estimated that five years have gone.

Chengying also nodded, but said, "Just call me Chengying."

The vest didn't say anything. It should have been accepted, but only the old man jumped beside him: "No, no! The vest is so weak! It's impossible to practice anything."

"What's the hurry? I didn't let you fight with her." I pushed the old man and said, "You and I will form a team, and Chengying will hand it over to you."

The green eyes of the goji Lake lit up, and the green light flashed into a long gun without asking.

Chengying looked at me leisurely, and his expression was not happy or sad. I smiled slowly at his eyes and said in my heart, "Please don't hesitate to beat the pain."

He was really satisfied with the proposal, and his eyes slowly turned to the old man. I nodded to the vest, recited the spell and summoned the light sword before saying, "Get ready to start."

In an instant, a gust of wind passed by me. Looking up, the embarrassing man had attacked Chengying with a long gun. Chengying did not give in. He raised a back block in his right hand and followed the steel bar to round and was ready to pull the man away.

I rushed over to stop the two people: "Stabilize, steady, steady! What about this rooftop! Do you want to go into the bureau to drink tea when you wake people up?

The two gods finally stabilized, and one of them paid some attention to me. Chengying asked me, "Have you set up a barrier?"

I sweated: "Otherwise, do you still want to practice like this? Xiaoji, come and cooperate with me. The sound insulation barrier and isolation barrier are covered. Chengying also gave me some self-consciousness. Don't break the things on the rooftop!"

The old man said "Oh" and obediently followed me to put down the barrier on the rooftop. Chengying also came to help me with him. After finishing it, I turned around and looked at the vest and nodded to the two at the same time: "Let's start."

Chengying understood me. As soon as he heard the "begin", he flashed and rushed to the man. The two collided directly in the middle, and each took a step back and started to fight dimly. I looked at the vest and thought about it. I felt that the sudden transition from single practice to Taoism and swordsmanship was very unkind, and I gently attacked as an ordinary person.

The vest is probably depressed by the previous words. At this moment, I just want to prove that I am not weak. I turn around and rush to me like a peasant uprising. I was shocked and instinctively lift the sword to block it, and the hand movement is not a real block, but flips at the moment of touching the soft whip, still standing in the air. I was swept by the lightsaber, and I pulled the sword to my side, and the vest was immediately brought to me.

My left hand has formed a palm thunderbolt. When I saw the vest jumping in front of me, I instinctively prepared to send it out. Halfway through my left hand, I suddenly remembered that this was just practice. I quickly pulled off the palm thunder and pushed the vest away: "Too impatient! See the form clearly before attacking!"

After saying that, he released the light sword and jumped back to its original position and changed the sword to his left hand to prepare for defense and attack. The vest fainted over there. After clenching the soft whip, it finally looked at the terrain in place, then gritted its teeth, rushed to me, and finally took action when the distance was less than three meters!

Quick attack!

The vest is not a fool. Her hand holding the soft whip in the running just swings naturally. Naturally, the curvature of the hand can't be too large, because it will make it easy for the opponent to see the movement of her soft whip, so she just quickly lifts the whip from the bottom up with the curvature of her arm, and the soft whip flashes towards me like lightning. Attack.

If this speed is to be used as an ordinary person to fight against her, I'm afraid that I have actually eaten a whip, but it is still too slow to put it in front of me, so I easily hold the sword in my hands and cut it diagonally from the left to the right, and even the waistcoat was pulled down in front of me by inertia with a whip.

I smiled and said, "Come again."

"..." The vest was really depressed. The experience of two strikes and two instant seconds really hit her a little. Hearing what I said, she just bit her lips and retreated back, raised the whip across her chest and did not attack.

As soon as I saw that the vest was ready to defend, I was immediately happy: "Sister vest, sister, I will teach you that there are many ways to defend, not attacking but only defending; attacking and defending at the same time; waiting to attack in defense; abandoning attack and not defending. Each method has its own characteristics, and the results will be different after selection, and there is only one best defense in the legend.

I quietly raised my sword, and my mind moved and flashed to the vest: "Attack! It's the best defense!"

-So I don't need to say much about the result of the vest. In the case that I didn't contribute and tell the truth at all, the vest was abused by me that it was worse than death and died. In the end, I almost didn't fall the soft whip to the ground and slam the door.

I didn't play easily, because the girl in the vest had a high self-esteem. After being praised by Chengying and her brother, she was self-proved as a master. She thought that she could naturally break out in the small universe with a soft whip and beat me half-death - she probably didn't think that what her brother and Chengying said were all compliments, that The two male chauvinist guys never thought of seriously letting the vest go into battle. Teaching her whipping and Taoism is also boring. I hope she can learn a half-and-way self-defense. Seeing that she basically learned to praise her for her cleverness, I am different.

I really want the vest to learn whip and Taoism, instead of this seemingly fancy trick that has no effect. At this moment, I saw that she was a little flustered and naturally wanted to bring her back to reality, so I was fast, fierce and accurate, and I didn't show her any mercy at all, but in the middle of the fight, I was shocked to see that the vest was obviously decadent and depressed. I feel that this girl is actually quite narcisistic. If the development of the incident is not expected, she will retreat. She quickly changes the way of attack, half attack and half release water, and let her occasionally attack almost rub against me several times, so that she will not lose the soft whip in the middle of the fight and be completely desperate.

However, it was still easy to fight, so I also paid a little attention to Chengying and the old man. This look almost scared me half crazy. The two fought like a life-and-death duel. I couldn't help thinking about whether to remind them, but I saw all kinds of items on the rooftop. There is no damage to set up doors, walls and protective nets, so I let them fight, and only occasionally pay attention to those two messy guys in the process of cleaning up their vests.

Chengying obviously has the upper hand.

The old man used to use a long gun, and Chengying simulated the long gun attack method before the demonstration. Naturally, he wanted to use it vividly against Chengying in actual combat, but he ignored a very serious thing: he was different from the weapon used by Chengying.

Chengying is simulating the attack of a long gun, but the weapon in his hand is a steel bar, which is only 70 or 80 centimeters long, far less than a two-meter long in his hand. Therefore, Chengying uses more close thrusts to make up for the lack of steel bar length in the attack. The distance to the enemy is naturally closer than the old man, plus the length of the steel bar. Limited, the curvature of the gun body is not large when flipping, and the long gun in the hand is twice as long as the steel bar. The thrust can pierce the enemy's body without rushing too close. When flipping, the curvature drawn by the gun body is also large. When the old man attacks, he will naturally feel that the action is not as smooth as the shadow.

The film also did not release water.

When he demonstrated with me before, he used the steel bar as a long gun, but used the steel bar as a long sword in the battle with the elder. He was also a sword spirit, so he really didn't have to worry about drawing the sword. I saw that the elder was beaten and retreated, and I couldn't help but make trouble.

Help the old man a little... I think if you just throw a fireball to interfere with Chengying, it should not be a cheating... This is also two-to-two!

Thinking of me silently chanting the spell, my left hand pinched a spell in the place where the vest was not seen, and then threw a fireball with a flick of Chengying and the wrong finger.

Chengying and my heart are connected. As early as I recited the spell, I knew that my restless little toe was moving, and my head turned to the left side without looking back. The fireball rubbed the hollow belt between Chengying and the old man.

I was really a little depressed, and suddenly understood the feeling that the vest wanted to spit blood before. It's okay if you said you could avoid my attack, but you still hide so elegantly; it doesn't matter if you hide so elegantly, you still hide so disdainful... Sister, am I so weak that I don't even need to look at it?

I didn't swallow it in one breath, followed the spell and chanted a series of fireballs, and this time with Chengying as the center, a radius, several fireballs were thrown on the upper, lower, left and right, and back. Coincidentally, a long gun stabbed, with a distance between two positions. In order to avoid the attack of the man and the attack of the fireball, Chengying had to rotate sideways.

Only this one.

The long gun that stabbed half of the old man suddenly shifted horizontally. The curvature seemed small but really pointed to Chengying's throat. Chengying quickly raised the steel bar and wiped the steel bar to the right. Unexpectedly, the steel bar waving outward had not been withdrawn. The old man held the gun back and pulled back the steel bar back. The blocking distance moved back to its original position and stabbed forward!

It's too late.

I watched the long gun shrink and stab Chengying again. In an instant, I was so shocked that I forgot my vest and rushed to Chengying and was ready to push him away.


What appeared in front of me was an illusion-like scene - Chengying suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes. Only the looming dust in the bright yellow sunlight flew in the twisted fantasy. In front of me was the gradually bright sky, and the sun was pouring warm light through the treetops...

Chengying disappeared in front of our eyes.